  • Report:  #385630

Complaint Review: Governor Ted Strickland - Columbus Ohio

Reported By:
- Mayfield Heights, Ohio,

Governor Ted Strickland
Governor's Office, Riffe Center, 30th Floor, 77 South High Street Columbus, 43215-6108 Ohio, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Governor Strickland expects that the State Medical Board of Ohio will review and self-correct, like the Attorney General's Office was supposedly doing under Marc Dann, and it doesn't happen. MISTAKES go on for years, even decades, with the Medical Board trying to prove the non-case, or any case, after they acted irresponsibly on an unverified confidential' complaint after dinner drinks = the problem with the CONFIDENTIAL COMPLAINT SYSTEM = the system that no other state has = that it is CONFIDENTIAL, WASTEFUL, and ILLEGAL in most other states where the name has to be attached to the complaint.

The Ohio Court of Appeals can't do anything in Ohio BUT remand the case back to the Ohio Board - where another round of lies and misinformation goes on - as the Ohio Court of Appeals can't get the 'confidential' file to determine what is going on. You can keep appealing to the Ohio Court of Appeals forever, and they strike down every case where they can't get the 'confidential' file and the rest of the case is hocus. BUT IMPAIRMENT of the physicians are voted on & published, when the physician IS NOT IMPAIRED, and no one can fix anything without the 'confidential' file of what started the problem. With the publication of IMPAIRED, the physician is already condemned.

The 'confidential' file can come from jealous colleagues, ex-lovers or boy/girlfriends, ex-wives or husbands, patients who don't want to pay, etc. = anything goes with the 'confidential' physician file in Columbus = a sewer of a complaint system as only the worst types will complain in this way and only the worst states look into these kind of 'complaints.' Rhode Island Medical Board won't investigate a complaint that is 'confidential' - for liability.

Then the Board handles these 'situations' by ordering that women physicians get continual psychiatric fishing expedition' evaluations by Board-designated right' psychiatrists (and only certain psychiatrists get the Board nod for these jobs/monies). These 'right' psychiatrists give the Ohio Board the verbal assurance that they will give them the diagnosis that the Board wants = Dr. Phillip Resnick = not what the physician has, if the physician has any diagnosis, except that the WOMAN physician had to SAY NO. These evaluations are not indicated except that the woman physician disagreed with another male physician about a care issue, or didn't understand' the male physician or do personal things/referrals as requested.

The purpose/focus of these serial evaluations becomes to find SOMETHING WRONG with the personality of the woman physician; find a case for one or two male egos and a corrupt Board = a diagnosis that the Board can discipline for = COMMERCIAL FISHING FOR PHYSICIAN DISCIPLINES. It gets to be pretty low-bottom stuff to make discipline statistics that the Board can't meet as physician behaviors and care has gotten better overall. So the Ohio Board strikes out at ANY physician who complains about problems of harassment, medical records, care, etc. instead of solving the problems (=too hard and doesn't make state statistics). AND The Ohio Medical Board has to back improvements in MEDICAL CARE for those IMPROVEMENTS to happen, ie for male orthopedic physicians to check vitamin D levels in women patients with fractures. So to summarize, since the institution of these MEDICAL BOARDS OF DISCIPLINE in the 1990s, the supply of the 'bad physician' has been used up, leading the Boards to go after anything that 'bites' = an innocent complaint about medical records is often hauled in like a 'bystander' undersize fish. But with STATE MEDICAL BOARDS there are no GAME LAWS; physicians falsely accused are not tossed back - they are EATEN FOR A FISH STORY.

Other states have non-punitive pathways for dispute resolution as medical licenses shouldn't be taken except for serious well-documented patient complaints not for colleagues not going along' with the latest hospital fad/regulation or requirement of patient referrals, or refusing to cover up a colleague's mistakes. Most states have MEDICAL MISTAKE LAWS for this, so that problems get solved early on by admitting the mistake non-punitively and referring the patient. In Ohio the cover-up and lying starts as soon as the mistake is recognized often the first week or second visit but then everything is done to discredit and further impair the patient so the damages compound by the time that things are reported to the State Medical Board of Ohio or the Court system. Pennsylvania has some of the most strict, and yet functional, MEDICAL MISTAKE LAWS in the country, maybe Governor Strickland should speak to his fellow-Democrat Governor - Ed Rendell?

Governor Strickland needs to investigate and improve the problems at the State Medical Board of Ohio. False cases/disciplines ruin careers, families, the general state of medicine in Ohio, and the physician can't work and pay Federal or State taxes in any physician sense = what the state economy depends on. If physicians are out-of-work, then their staff and office building guys are out-of-work, and the physician can't just LIE to ADMIT A FALSE CASE as then they can't get malpractice insurance. It has a trickle-down effect on unemployment, with the bigger pyramid at the bottom; it's not just the physician that made no MEDICAL mistakes out of work. My situation put a lot of people out of work in Ohio, and it wasn't about my medical care.

This is the situation that faces me; where I've been told I'm brilliant,' but I can't return to medical practice unless I admit a pile of lies, and diagnoses that I don't have to make out that the Board did the right' thing to me (which they didn't and which is obvious at this point: I had a rare endocrine BONE PROBLEM) - so that I can then care for patients in a less brilliant way with a career mess on my CV, no credibility, and unable to refuse male colleagues for personal things.

Brilliance for physicians in medicine depends on being able to disagree, make the difficult diagnosis, and get colleagues to go along by DISCUSSION POINTS and lab results. The State Medical Board of Ohio doesn't believe in lab work as the reason that a woman physician might have persistent bone pains, e.g. vitamin D deficiency (= the reason that Sarah Palin bought a UVB tanning bed in Alaska was to try to daily replete her vitamin D - not as a luxury item). So if the competition, or male colleagues, are too stupid, or too powerful with their Board 'friends,' then they can't be convinced, or there is NO DISCUSSION, and the patient or physician-patient is in trouble with iatrogenic medical and career problems.

When the number of psychiatric evaluations on a woman physician starts over 5, then you know the case against the physician is in trouble, but the Board has no path to correct mistakes or even admit them - except to order another, and yet another GO at the woman. GO after GO after GO after GO after GO then becomes an expensive waste for administrative self-righteousness. The taxpayer, and Ohio Legislature, gets no oversight report - because there literally is no oversight, just some glossy statistics. And statistics can be literally manufactured to prove any point, depending on who pays the statistician's salary.

The confidential' complaint system is a bad out' for grudges and gripes against colleagues, and only further inflates state malpractice fees as ANY physician complained about becomes ceiling uninsurable unless the confidential' file is opened - and the group of physicians pays the AVERAGE malpractice. Ohio has laws that NO OTHER STATE HAS because of the out-of-touch chief executive management, ie Governor Strickland and Lt. Governor Fisher are just too behind other states - including Alaska. When a Sarah Palin administration trumps a Democratic administration, then you gotta ask what's going on? And by the way, they need Internal Medicine physicians in Fairbanks Alaska - where my degrees and certifications could be put to IMMEDIATE USE. Ohio is just wasting its resource of physicians with spurious and expensive 'commercial fishing' expeditions = A FISH STORY.


Mayfield Heights, Ohio


71 Updates & Rebuttals


Near Roswell,
New Mexico,
My opinion

#2Consumer Comment

Thu, July 16, 2009

All of the following is my own personal opinion only. John - Califon, New Jersey Intersted Person - Shelby Ohio,Ohio Interested Person and/or John definition of TROLL; Anyone who does not agree with me in 'MY' territory, or wants to 'balance' the discussions! It's not good to ATTACK SOMEONE ELSE as part of discussion, but some folks clearly have other ground rules... Interested Person and/or John claims he didn't harass Rita, he was just getting 'the other side out! Look at his comments below and ask yourself if the following quotes are the 'other side' or just plain harassment. It is very clearly ONLY HARASSMENT! Everyone check out some of the fine WRITTEN INSULTS from one, the other or both of these two nut-jobs. I don't guarantee the accuracy of these quotes, so please check them for yourself. Interested Person and/or John is miserable and uses his WRITTEN INSULTS quoted BELOW, to make himself feel good about himself...but reality settles in. Deep down, he hates himself, so he hates others. Others don't want to be around him because he ultimately brings everyone down with him. It's just about his need for SELF GRATIFICATION" that is causing unnecessary harassment of a very mentally person! This is just a sample of the WRITTEN INSULTS. You will be SO GLAD they JUST HAD TO write this stuff for all of you, just because you evidently DESPERATLY needed to know FOR SOME REASON. Are you GLAD you know the following? ------------------------------ "Could you be one of Case Western's biggest mistakes?" "Is it possible that the biggest Case Western Medical School mistake was YOU?" "Andromeda and Rita are in ways sisters of a feathers. Their lives are in the toilet." "Rita is every type of ist" there is: Racisit, Sexist, Antisemetic, etc, etc. and chooses to blast that to the world. She's also probably Bi-Polar and I think she's on the low end of her cycle...she'll come back in blazes when she goes manic again." "Their lives are in the toilet(Rita and Andromeda), but yet they started off life(they assumed) so well." "I'm sure of little intertest at this point...just time to sit around and wait for Rita to get back on her high horse and start typing. "Don't even start your bullshit trolling with me. Edgeman has beaten you silly. Do you really want more?" "You are not your mommy as much as you like to be a fraud and pretend to be her." "You are not your mommy which makes you a fraud and liar." "Your ignornace is what's hilarious on this whole site." "When are you finally going to leave like you promised in your fraudulent schneider report?" "Fraud was stopped and your ability to butcher people was rightfully taken away." "It's a free site and I am within my right to post in your fraudulent garbage complaints and expose you just as you are allowed to post garbage like you know what is going on in life in general. "Did you cry 'sexist' everytime someone pointed out problems with your behavior, attitude or other problem?" "Did you make everyone's life so miserable they just 'passed you on?'" "After reading all this, think deep to yourself. If you were in deep medical doo-doo, would you want this person to be your only physician?" "of course, your postings are so incoherent I can understand anyone reading them failing to understand just how ill you really are." "Please keep posting more of your hilarious rantings.. "And luckily no innocent people will become victims of your butchery." "For those of you checking in, crying tears, ready to come to Rita's aid and march on wherever she wants you to march on..." "Holy Molys, this person can type, and type, and type "Here's a bit more folks, read and enjoy" "And for those of you out there who think 'oh, poor Rita' read the full report and post if you don't think she's a few fries short of a Happy Meal." "There is sooo much more" "It is SOOO scary that this woman every received a license to practice medicine." "Now they allegedly tried to kill you? Ha ha ha ha." "Rita is not the victim, she's the attacker." It's amazing how many 'REPORTS' this person has typed up. However for a coherent report call this up: Your jaw will drop." "Before you wonder what this poster is talking about, you might want to take a gander at the following:" "She's off her Medication again...Mainic Phase gone wild" "It's pretty funny watching a meltdown first hand." "They're not Afraid Just bored by your rants. As I'm sure every DATE YOU EVER HAD was. Might explain a lot." "The original fraud finally shows up. He must be jealous you are getting more attention than he is." "The question is what are you doing out of the psych ward and how did you gain access to a computer, then the internet. Someone is going to get fired for not supervising you as they should." "Still haven't found anyone to cave to your attempts at extortion yet eh?" "Why did you need to file another inane babble report?" "So reports can't be deleted here but posts can? That's pretty funny. And even funnier, now they allegedly tried to 'kill' you?" "They have already wasted enough of their time. Where have you benn these 17 years? A psych ward?" "Hi Friends. Reading this trying to figure things out....Well here's what my buddy John put together....Read the medical report first...then you'll get the REAL idea of what's going on her. And be glad when you're mom is sick and you get placed in the hospital, this person will not be 'assigned' to her. The Delta Report below will have you laughing in the street." "I realized Sunday morning that you are proven a liar every week on Discovery Channel." "It's just so silly you got to laugh. And then she spends time talking about broken bones in Lassie. (get it, a COLLIE'S FRACTURE...Look it up Colle's /Collies, it's a joke son get it?)" "'Oh look, Rita has a high TSH...no wonder she acted like such a dunce. Here, give her a license and Synthroid and she's good to go...'" "It's moronic knee jerk self righteous do gooders such as yourself(Andromeda) who can't see past the obvious who eliminate reasonable argument and discussion from these issues (darn, let me climb out of your gutter again)." "Giving this self centered, egotistical, vindicitive, psychopathic, lying, misrerpesenting, mentally unstable EX-physician a bullet and flames protected platform to throw down her vile hatred is not in ANYONEs best interest." "This was built with help of: JOHN Califon, New Jersey for anyone interested." ------------------------------ You two nut-jobs have NEVER been able to come up with ANY answer telling us WHY you appear to ENJOY attacking MENTALLY ILL PEOPLE, specifically Rita. ------------------------------ 3. Does the board need you to justify their decision for them? NO! 4. Does the public need to know how to justify the boards decision for them? NO! 5. Is the public in grave danger if they don't know how to justify the boards decision for them? NO 6. Is the public in grave danger if they don't have YOU to point out everything about Rita that justifies the boards decision FOR THEM? NO! 7. Do the writings of Rita need to be 'balanced', because everyone thinks she is telling the truth NO! 8. Do the other people Rita 'slandered' need these two nut-jobs to exonerate them because the board did not NO! ------------------------------ If you two nut-jobs HAD A SISTER OR ANY OTHER FAMILY MEMBER, who was mentally ill posting here, YOU WOULD 'RIP' HIM/HER TO SHREDS, is that right? If you WOULDN'T 'rip' a family member, then I see NO JUSTIFIABLE reason to 'rip' ANY OTHER mentally ill person to shreds either. DO YOU? If you two nut-jobs can not answer YES to 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 or 8 above, and you can't 'dream up' any other valid reasons, then there some OTHER motive. The only possibilities are that you two nut-jobs are mentally ill, or that you are receiving a lot of PLEASURE kicking someone who is down. What is it? I think we all kn! Don't look at your buddies for support. They tried, but had nothing to help you with. After all, they were never able to figure out that the problem has ALWAYS BEEN 'WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS', NOT 'Rita IS ILL', OR 'THE BOARD WAS WRONG'. In all fairness however, 'WHY' was only presented EVERY TIME I posted on these threads. ------------------------------ Let me ask about YOUR OWN statements from RipOffReport 384765: 'COULD YOU BE ONE OF CASE WESTERN'S BIGGEST MISTAKES?' 'IS IT POSSIBLE THAT THE BIGGEST CASE WESTERN MEDICAL SCHOOL MISTAKE WAS YOU?' Since YOU wrote that Rita could be their 'BIGGEST' mistake, then where did the REST of their alleged(by you) mistakes go? Are they also practicing Medicine somewhere? Why don't you post THEIR information also? You need to be fair. You need to name and attack the other alleged(by you) 'mistakes' also, because you have only been harassing Rita so far! It looks to me like you very badly need to be sued! Anyone can look up the following: "LIBEL is the communication of a statement that makes a claim, expressly stated or IMPLIED to be factual, that may give an individual, business, product, group, government or nation a negative image. It is usually, but NOT ALWAYS,[1] a requirement that this claim be false and that the publication is communicated to someone OTHER THAN the person defamed (the claimant). I also think that relying on third party information(from the board) to make alleged(by you) 'factual' statements about someone else(Rita) is very risky at best. YOU MAY be liable YOURSELF for the TRUTH of the third party information(from the board) that YOU USED to discredit Rita. You have provided a mountain of statements to choose from. Good work! ------------------------------ Look at all your WRITTEN INSULTS above. You really need to "SHUT UP", GO AWAY". To quote you! "You are a few fries short of a happy meal"! All of the above is my own personal opinion only.


Near Roswell,
New Mexico,

#3Consumer Comment

Sat, July 11, 2009

Tell them what you think of them! Interested person and/or John love to rip on you and other people, for no reason!

Intersted Person

Shelby Ohio,
Hopefully we can get back on topic

#4Consumer Comment

Sat, July 11, 2009

From Andromeda Interested person! So what? Nothing you can write changes anything written. What it is is what it is! To Interested Person Congratulations! You seem to have left Andromeda speechless :-) Now, any chance you can do the same for Karl, Chuckie, and Rita? I notice that Rita stops posting once we get into these arguments with Andromeda. She hasn't posted here for a while, nor on her rant about Budish. Interesting.... Jeanski: Thanks for the support!...I assume from Andromeda's reply that I got an A+. I wish I wasn't driven to that...but both Andromeda and Rita are in ways sisters of a feathers. Their lives are in the toilet, but yet they started off life(they assumed) so well. The only reason I started responding on this site is that RITA was attacking so many people and her posts were 180 degrees from reality that I needed to give a balance to the posts, and oh no, real facts as officially posted. I guess if I was as bored as Andromeda, I could go through and find just how many people she has attacked under the guise of some conspiracy. Rita is every type of ist there is: Racisit, Sexist, Antisemetic, etc, etc. and chooses to blast that to the world. She's also probably Bi-Polar and I think she's on the low end of her cycle...she'll come back in blazes when she goes manic again. Andromeda is miserable and uses the insults, etc to make herself feel good about herself...but reality settles in. Deep down, she hates herself, so she hates others. Others don't want to be around her cause she ultimately brings everyone down. It's just her TROLL behavior was hurting some of my effort to balance Rita's reports. Andromeda wants every post to be about her and her comments..not the OP. So all this diversion of resources actually makes her feel good about herself, because she feels she's now driving the conversation, even in a bad way. She contributed little to nothing about the base issue...just wants to attack people who are trying to be part of a DISCUSSION. You hate to tell someone to SHUT UP, GO AWAY, etc. And it's not good to attack someone else as part of discussion, but some folks clearly have other ground rules...and sometimes you have to use their rules. Hopefully we can get back on topic, though the original post is long burried and I'm sure of little intertest at this point...just time to sit around and wait for Rita to get back on her high horse and start typing.


Phenix City,
To Jeanski

#5Consumer Comment

Sat, July 11, 2009

What do you have agaisnt me now. I will not back down when I know I am right!. And what gives you the right or anyone else, to treat me like I am nothing. I have every right to post just like you do. But you are like patrick & everyone else, who don't want people to get justice. The old saying Is you screw me I screw you.


New York,
To Interested Person

#6Consumer Comment

Sat, July 11, 2009

Congratulations! You seem to have left Andromeda speechless :-) Now, any chance you can do the same for Karl, Chuckie, and Rita? I notice that Rita stops posting once we get into these arguments with Andromeda. She hasn't posted here for a while, nor on her rant about Budish. Interesting....


Near Roswell,
New Mexico,
Interested person!

#7Consumer Comment

Sat, July 11, 2009

So what? Nothing you can write changes anything written. What it is is what it is!

Intersted Person

Shelby Ohio,
Why should one defend if it's not a PERSONAL ATTACK

#8Consumer Comment

Fri, July 10, 2009

Andromeda Defend?....are you therefore doing PERSONAL ATTACKS? Hmm I wonder what type of person would do something like that?... Let's see if we can play YOUR game of Jr. Cybernet Psychologist Here...tell me where I'm wrong...this is just derived by your posts, but I be it's pretty close: 1)You're a female...if I miss that point everything else is way off. 2)While you are educated with 2 + years of college...no one would know it by how you live right now. You're in the upper lower class. You're on disability, or at best working a job of a high school graduate instead of the education on your resume 3)Your on at least two depression/anxiety/chronic pain medications. 4)You have at least one of the following: Chronic Back Pain, Type II diabetes due to your weight, Migraines, and/or Fibromyalgia 5)I'm betting you smoke less then a pack of day though you really smoke more. If you don't smoke...it's because you want to feel superior to those around you who do. 6)You are single/divorce. 7)You hate men. 8)Your overweight by a decent amount...but it's not your fault. However the word Babe, Hot, Milf would never be used to describe you in any serious matter. 9)You frequent your doctor's office/clinic/emergency department to the point they know you on site by your first name. 10)Your always having financial problems (due to #2 above). You blame it on a government charity not giving you enough of other peoples money. 11)Despite all the above you consider yourself superior to others, when it fact your crawling on the bottom of society. This is because of your long ago education/accomplishments How did I do? A, B, C-. Sorry everyone for feeding the troll.


New York,
To Andromeda

#9Consumer Comment

Thu, July 09, 2009

Andromeda, your posts continue to intrigue me. You have yet to defend Rita with any substantial support. Rather, you aggressively go after John and IP and the statements they make in order to challenge Rita's perspective and inform other readers. In one of your initial posts you asked why they felt the need to "humiliate" her with their "sadistic" behavior. One migh ask the same of you and your posts. I don't find them sadistic, just curious in the sense that they are doing nothing to you, and you don't respond with support for Rita. Since the ROR is a place for us to offer support to other consumers, why not stick to that and eliminate these personal attacks on responders?


Near Roswell,
New Mexico,
Good job of defending yourself. Here is some more!

#10Consumer Comment

Wed, July 08, 2009

All of the following is my own personal opinion only. John - Califon, New Jersey Intersted Person - Shelby Ohio,Ohio Everyone check out some of the fine HARASSMENT work from one, the other or both of these two nut-jobs. I don't guarantee the accuracy of these quotes, so please check them for yourself. Here is just a sample. You will be SO GLAD they JUST HAD TO write this stuff for all of you, just because you evidently DESPERATLY needed to know for some reason: ------------------------------ "Don't even start your bullshit trolling with me. Edgeman has beaten you silly. Do you really want more?" "You are not your mommy as much as you like to be a fraud and pretend to be her." "You are not your mommy which makes you a fraud and liar." "Your ignornace is what's hilarious on this whole site." "When are you finally going to leave like you promised in your fraudulent schneider report?" "Fraud was stopped and your ability to butcher people was rightfully taken away." "It's a free site and I am within my right to post in your fraudulent garbage complaints and expose you just as you are allowed to post garbage like you know what is going on in life in general. "Could you be one of Case Western's biggest mistakes?" "Is it possible that the biggest Case Western Medical School mistake was YOU?" "Did you cry 'sexist' everytime someone pointed out problems with your behavior, attitude or other problem?" "Did you make everyone's life so miserable they just 'passed you on?'" "After reading all this, think deep to yourself. If you were in deep medical doo-doo, would you want this person to be your only physician?" "of course, your postings are so incoherent I can understand anyone reading them failing to understand just how ill you really are." "Please keep posting more of your hilarious rantings.. "And luckily no innocent people will become victims of your butchery." "For those of you checking in, crying tears, ready to come to Rita's aid and march on wherever she wants you to march on..." "Holy Molys, this person can type, and type, and type "Here's a bit more folks, read and enjoy" "And for those of you out there who think 'oh, poor Rita' read the full report and post if you don't think she's a few fries short of a Happy Meal." "There is sooo much more" "It is SOOO scary that this woman every received a license to practice medicine." "Now they allegedly tried to kill you? Ha ha ha ha." "Rita is not the victim, she's the attacker." It's amazing how many 'REPORTS' this person has typed up. However for a coherent report call this up: Your jaw will drop." "Before you wonder what this poster is talking about, you might want to take a gander at the following:" "She's off her Medication again...Mainic Phase gone wild" "It's pretty funny watching a meltdown first hand." "They're not Afraid Just bored by your rants. As I'm sure every DATE YOU EVER HAD was. Might explain a lot." "The original fraud finally shows up. He must be jealous you are getting more attention than he is." "The question is what are you doing out of the psych ward and how did you gain access to a computer, then the internet. Someone is going to get fired for not supervising you as they should." "Still haven't found anyone to cave to your attempts at extortion yet eh?" "Why did you need to file another inane babble report?" "So reports can't be deleted here but posts can? That's pretty funny. And even funnier, now they allegedly tried to 'kill' you?" "They have already wasted enough of their time. Where have you benn these 17 years? A psych ward?" "Hi Friends. Reading this trying to figure things out....Well here's what my buddy John put together....Read the medical report first...then you'll get the REAL idea of what's going on her. And be glad when you're mom is sick and you get placed in the hospital, this person will not be 'assigned' to her. The Delta Report below will have you laughing in the street." "I realized Sunday morning that you are proven a liar every week on Discovery Channel." "It's just so silly you got to laugh. And then she spends time talking about broken bones in Lassie. (get it, a COLLIE'S FRACTURE...Look it up Colle's /Collies, it's a joke son get it?)" "'Oh look, Rita has a high TSH...no wonder she acted like such a dunce. Here, give her a license and Synthroid and she's good to go...'" "It's moronic knee jerk self righteous do gooders such as yourself(Andromeda) who can't see past the obvious who eliminate reasonable argument and discussion from these issues (darn, let me climb out of your gutter again)." "Giving this self centered, egotistical, vindicitive, psychopathic, lying, misrerpesenting, mentally unstable EX-physician a bullet and flames protected platform to throw down her vile hatred is not in ANYONEs best interest." "This was built with help of: JOHN Califon, New Jersey for anyone interested." ------------------------------ You two nut-jobs have NEVER been able to come up with ANY answer telling us WHY you appear to ENJOY attacking mentally ill people, specifically Rita. ------------------------------ 3. Does the board need you to justify their decision for them? NO! 4. Does the public need to know how to justify the boards decision for them? NO! 5. Is the public in grave danger if they don't know how to justify the boards decision for them? NO 6. Is the public in grave danger if they don't have YOU to point out everything about Rita that justifies the boards decision FOR THEM? NO! ------------------------------ If you two nut-jobs HAD A SISTER OR ANY OTHER FAMILY MEMBER, who was mentally ill posting here, YOU WOULD 'RIP' HIM/HER TO SHREDS, is that right? If you WOULDN'T 'rip' a family member, then I see NO JUSTIFIABLE reason to 'rip' ANY OTHER mentally ill person to shreds either. Do you? If you two nut-jobs can not answer YES to 3, 4, 5 or 6 above, and you can't 'dream up' any other valid reasons, then there some OTHER motive. What is it? Don't look at your buddies for support. They tried, but had nothing to help you with. After all, they were never able to figure out that the problem has ALWAYS BEEN 'WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS', NOT 'Rita IS ILL', OR 'THE BOARD WAS WRONG'. In all fairness however, 'WHY' was only presented EVERY TIME I posted on these threads. ------------------------------ Let me ask about YOUR OWN statements from RipOffReport 384765: 'Could you be one of CASE WESTERN'S biggest mistakes?' 'Is it possible that the biggest CASE WESTERN MEDICAL SCHOOL mistake was YOU?' Since YOU wrote that Rita could be their 'BIGGEST' mistake, then where did the REST of their alledged(by you) mistakes go? Are they also practicing Medicine somewhere? Why don't you post THEIR information also? You need to be fair. You need to name and attack the other alledged(by you) 'mistakes' also, because you have only been harassing Rita so far! Anyone can look up the following: "LIBEL is the communication of a statement that makes a claim, expressly stated or IMPLIED to be factual, that may give an individual, business, product, group, government or nation a negative image. It is usually, but NOT ALWAYS,[1] a requirement that this claim be false and that the publication is communicated to someone OTHER THAN the person defamed (the claimant). I also think that relying on third party information(from the board) to make alledged(by you) 'factual' statements about someone else(Rita) is very risky at best. YOU MAY be liable YOURSELF for the TRUTH of the third party information(from the board) that YOU USED to discredit Rita. You have provided a mountain of statements to choose from. Good work! ------------------------------ All of the above is my own personal opinion only.

Intersted Person

Shelby Ohio,
How very interesting

#11Consumer Comment

Wed, July 08, 2009



Near Roswell,
New Mexico,
Yes, I know!

#12Consumer Comment

Thu, July 02, 2009

The following is my own opinion. 'interested person' and/or 'John' Following the lead of 'interested person' and/or 'John', I will re-post this. Yes, I know, everytime you you can't respond because you have no excuse, the other person is a troll! Everyone check out some of the fine harrassment work from one or the other, or both of these two 'Mental midgets': ------------------------------ "Don't even start your bullshit trolling with me. Edgeman has beaten you silly. Do you really want more?" "You are not your mommy as much as you like to be a fraud and pretend to be her." "You are not your mommy which makes you a fraud and liar." "Your ignornace is what's hilarious on this whole site." "When are you finally going to leave like you promised in your fraudulent schneider report?" "It's a free site and I am within my right to post in your fraudulent garbage complaints and expose you just as you are allowed to post garbage like you know what is going on in life in general." "And luckily no innocent people will become victims of your butchery." "Holy Molys, this person can type, and type, and type Here's a bit more folks, read and enjoy - make up your own mind" "There is sooo much more" "It is SOOO scary that this woman every received a license to practice medicine." "Now they allegedly tried to kill you? Ha ha ha ha." "Before you wonder what this poster is talking about, you might want to take a gander at the following:" "This was built with help of: JOHN Califon, New Jersey for anyone interested." ------------------------------ You two 'mental midgets' were NEVER able to come up with ANY answer telling us why you enjoy attacking mentally ill people, specifically Rita. 1. Does the board need you to justify their decision? NO! 2. Does the public need to know how to justify the boards decision? NO! 3. Is the public in any danger if they don't know everything about Rita? NO! This leaves only two valid reasons for the attacks. 1. you 'retards' are SHILLS. OR 2. You 'Mental midgets' are very very sick. If you two can come up with any other VALID reasons, NOW IS THE TIME TO LIST THEM! If you two 'mental midgets' HAD SISTERS OR ANY OTHER FAMILY MEMBER, who was mentally ill posting here, YOU WOULD RIP THEM TO SHREDS RIGHT! That would make you two very sick 'puppies. Since you have no justifiable reason to rip a non family mentally ill person to shreds, you are also very sick puppies. Since 'Interested person' seems to have completed his assigned 'work' here, and his other personality 'John' is suddenly getting very scarce, I SMELL SHILL. Sorry! If your reasons for attacking Rita do not relate to 1, 2, or 3 above, and you have no other VALID excuses, EXCEPT YOUR OWN PLEASURE, then you are again "very sick shill puppies" There simply is no other explanation! is there? Don't look at your buddies for support. They have nothing to offer you.


Near Roswell,
New Mexico,
Yes, I know!

#13Consumer Comment

Thu, July 02, 2009

The following is my own opinion. 'interested person' and/or 'John' Following the lead of 'interested person' and/or 'John', I will re-post this. Yes, I know, everytime you you can't respond because you have no excuse, the other person is a troll! Everyone check out some of the fine harrassment work from one or the other, or both of these two 'Mental midgets': ------------------------------ "Don't even start your bullshit trolling with me. Edgeman has beaten you silly. Do you really want more?" "You are not your mommy as much as you like to be a fraud and pretend to be her." "You are not your mommy which makes you a fraud and liar." "Your ignornace is what's hilarious on this whole site." "When are you finally going to leave like you promised in your fraudulent schneider report?" "It's a free site and I am within my right to post in your fraudulent garbage complaints and expose you just as you are allowed to post garbage like you know what is going on in life in general." "And luckily no innocent people will become victims of your butchery." "Holy Molys, this person can type, and type, and type Here's a bit more folks, read and enjoy - make up your own mind" "There is sooo much more" "It is SOOO scary that this woman every received a license to practice medicine." "Now they allegedly tried to kill you? Ha ha ha ha." "Before you wonder what this poster is talking about, you might want to take a gander at the following:" "This was built with help of: JOHN Califon, New Jersey for anyone interested." ------------------------------ You two 'mental midgets' were NEVER able to come up with ANY answer telling us why you enjoy attacking mentally ill people, specifically Rita. 1. Does the board need you to justify their decision? NO! 2. Does the public need to know how to justify the boards decision? NO! 3. Is the public in any danger if they don't know everything about Rita? NO! This leaves only two valid reasons for the attacks. 1. you 'retards' are SHILLS. OR 2. You 'Mental midgets' are very very sick. If you two can come up with any other VALID reasons, NOW IS THE TIME TO LIST THEM! If you two 'mental midgets' HAD SISTERS OR ANY OTHER FAMILY MEMBER, who was mentally ill posting here, YOU WOULD RIP THEM TO SHREDS RIGHT! That would make you two very sick 'puppies. Since you have no justifiable reason to rip a non family mentally ill person to shreds, you are also very sick puppies. Since 'Interested person' seems to have completed his assigned 'work' here, and his other personality 'John' is suddenly getting very scarce, I SMELL SHILL. Sorry! If your reasons for attacking Rita do not relate to 1, 2, or 3 above, and you have no other VALID excuses, EXCEPT YOUR OWN PLEASURE, then you are again "very sick shill puppies" There simply is no other explanation! is there? Don't look at your buddies for support. They have nothing to offer you.


Near Roswell,
New Mexico,
Yes, I know!

#14Consumer Comment

Thu, July 02, 2009

The following is my own opinion. 'interested person' and/or 'John' Following the lead of 'interested person' and/or 'John', I will re-post this. Yes, I know, everytime you you can't respond because you have no excuse, the other person is a troll! Everyone check out some of the fine harrassment work from one or the other, or both of these two 'Mental midgets': ------------------------------ "Don't even start your bullshit trolling with me. Edgeman has beaten you silly. Do you really want more?" "You are not your mommy as much as you like to be a fraud and pretend to be her." "You are not your mommy which makes you a fraud and liar." "Your ignornace is what's hilarious on this whole site." "When are you finally going to leave like you promised in your fraudulent schneider report?" "It's a free site and I am within my right to post in your fraudulent garbage complaints and expose you just as you are allowed to post garbage like you know what is going on in life in general." "And luckily no innocent people will become victims of your butchery." "Holy Molys, this person can type, and type, and type Here's a bit more folks, read and enjoy - make up your own mind" "There is sooo much more" "It is SOOO scary that this woman every received a license to practice medicine." "Now they allegedly tried to kill you? Ha ha ha ha." "Before you wonder what this poster is talking about, you might want to take a gander at the following:" "This was built with help of: JOHN Califon, New Jersey for anyone interested." ------------------------------ You two 'mental midgets' were NEVER able to come up with ANY answer telling us why you enjoy attacking mentally ill people, specifically Rita. 1. Does the board need you to justify their decision? NO! 2. Does the public need to know how to justify the boards decision? NO! 3. Is the public in any danger if they don't know everything about Rita? NO! This leaves only two valid reasons for the attacks. 1. you 'retards' are SHILLS. OR 2. You 'Mental midgets' are very very sick. If you two can come up with any other VALID reasons, NOW IS THE TIME TO LIST THEM! If you two 'mental midgets' HAD SISTERS OR ANY OTHER FAMILY MEMBER, who was mentally ill posting here, YOU WOULD RIP THEM TO SHREDS RIGHT! That would make you two very sick 'puppies. Since you have no justifiable reason to rip a non family mentally ill person to shreds, you are also very sick puppies. Since 'Interested person' seems to have completed his assigned 'work' here, and his other personality 'John' is suddenly getting very scarce, I SMELL SHILL. Sorry! If your reasons for attacking Rita do not relate to 1, 2, or 3 above, and you have no other VALID excuses, EXCEPT YOUR OWN PLEASURE, then you are again "very sick shill puppies" There simply is no other explanation! is there? Don't look at your buddies for support. They have nothing to offer you.


Near Roswell,
New Mexico,
Yes, I know!

#15Consumer Comment

Thu, July 02, 2009

The following is my own opinion. 'interested person' and/or 'John' Following the lead of 'interested person' and/or 'John', I will re-post this. Yes, I know, everytime you you can't respond because you have no excuse, the other person is a troll! Everyone check out some of the fine harrassment work from one or the other, or both of these two 'Mental midgets': ------------------------------ "Don't even start your bullshit trolling with me. Edgeman has beaten you silly. Do you really want more?" "You are not your mommy as much as you like to be a fraud and pretend to be her." "You are not your mommy which makes you a fraud and liar." "Your ignornace is what's hilarious on this whole site." "When are you finally going to leave like you promised in your fraudulent schneider report?" "It's a free site and I am within my right to post in your fraudulent garbage complaints and expose you just as you are allowed to post garbage like you know what is going on in life in general." "And luckily no innocent people will become victims of your butchery." "Holy Molys, this person can type, and type, and type Here's a bit more folks, read and enjoy - make up your own mind" "There is sooo much more" "It is SOOO scary that this woman every received a license to practice medicine." "Now they allegedly tried to kill you? Ha ha ha ha." "Before you wonder what this poster is talking about, you might want to take a gander at the following:" "This was built with help of: JOHN Califon, New Jersey for anyone interested." ------------------------------ You two 'mental midgets' were NEVER able to come up with ANY answer telling us why you enjoy attacking mentally ill people, specifically Rita. 1. Does the board need you to justify their decision? NO! 2. Does the public need to know how to justify the boards decision? NO! 3. Is the public in any danger if they don't know everything about Rita? NO! This leaves only two valid reasons for the attacks. 1. you 'retards' are SHILLS. OR 2. You 'Mental midgets' are very very sick. If you two can come up with any other VALID reasons, NOW IS THE TIME TO LIST THEM! If you two 'mental midgets' HAD SISTERS OR ANY OTHER FAMILY MEMBER, who was mentally ill posting here, YOU WOULD RIP THEM TO SHREDS RIGHT! That would make you two very sick 'puppies. Since you have no justifiable reason to rip a non family mentally ill person to shreds, you are also very sick puppies. Since 'Interested person' seems to have completed his assigned 'work' here, and his other personality 'John' is suddenly getting very scarce, I SMELL SHILL. Sorry! If your reasons for attacking Rita do not relate to 1, 2, or 3 above, and you have no other VALID excuses, EXCEPT YOUR OWN PLEASURE, then you are again "very sick shill puppies" There simply is no other explanation! is there? Don't look at your buddies for support. They have nothing to offer you.


Near Roswell,
New Mexico,
Jeanski Two questions for you.

#16Consumer Comment

Thu, July 02, 2009

The following is my opinion. Ok jeanski you want it. You keep challenging me and asking for it. So lets duke this out for good! Two very simple questions for you, just to get us started. 1. What is the other FUNDAMENTAL(did you catch that) issue involved with the two shills posting here? 2. Explain why the behavior of the two shills does not fit within the mental disorders I have provided, using the criteria defined in each mental disorder. READ READ READ READ THINK THINK THINK THINK. If you can somehow come up with the absolutely totally obvious answer to question 1, and answer question 2, then we will continue on from there. If you can't answer the questions on your next post, then you are missing some very important marbles, and you are not worth arguing with anymore. You have had way more than enough time to figure it out by now! If you don't get it right this THIRD time, then you can talk to yourself from now on. Go ahead. Lets see what you have got! Andromeda


Phenix City,
I'll remember that robert

#17Consumer Comment

Thu, July 02, 2009

I'll remember that robert. And for all the people who have treated me unfairly. One day when they become old. I will not help them for how they abused me, & treated me unfairly. People reap what they sow when they treat others wrong. And how they lie about them. I don't have to worry cause because they will reap what they sow. Payback Is sweet. The say Is "You screw me I will screw you back". But I don't have to do anything. There own stupidity will get them introuble. But thank you again for having to bring me into other peoples, complaints.


Near Roswell,
New Mexico,
Jeanski Two questions for you.

#18Consumer Comment

Thu, July 02, 2009

The following is my opinion. Ok jeanski you want it. You keep challenging me and asking for it. So lets duke this out for good! Two very simple questions for you, just to get us started. 1. What is the other FUNDAMENTAL(did you catch that) issue involved with the two shills posting here? 2. Explain why the behavior of the two shills does not fit within the mental disorders I have provided, using the criteria defined in each mental disorder. READ READ READ READ THINK THINK THINK THINK. If you can somehow come up with the absolutely totally obvious answer to question 1, and answer question 2, then we will continue on from there. If you can't answer the questions on your next post, then you are missing some very important marbles, and you are not worth arguing with anymore. You have had way more than enough time to figure it out by now! If you don't get it right this THIRD time, then you can talk to yourself from now on. Go ahead. Lets see what you have got! Andromeda


New York,
Don't waste your time Jeanski.

#19Consumer Suggestion

Thu, July 02, 2009

Don't bother. There is no way to be logical with our self -annointed "junior psychiatrist." You hit the nail on the head- someone with a poor/inedequate vocabulary. And yet, we're to believe this fool is an engineer and an instructor at university! LMFAO! The best thing to do is ignore him/her/it and its two cousins Chuckie and Karl. Perhaps then Andromeda will go back to staring into the bathroom mirror popping zits.


New York,
Don't waste your time Jeanski.

#20Consumer Suggestion

Thu, July 02, 2009

Don't bother. There is no way to be logical with our self -annointed "junior psychiatrist." You hit the nail on the head- someone with a poor/inedequate vocabulary. And yet, we're to believe this fool is an engineer and an instructor at university! LMFAO! The best thing to do is ignore him/her/it and its two cousins Chuckie and Karl. Perhaps then Andromeda will go back to staring into the bathroom mirror popping zits.


New York,
Don't waste your time Jeanski.

#21Consumer Suggestion

Thu, July 02, 2009

Don't bother. There is no way to be logical with our self -annointed "junior psychiatrist." You hit the nail on the head- someone with a poor/inedequate vocabulary. And yet, we're to believe this fool is an engineer and an instructor at university! LMFAO! The best thing to do is ignore him/her/it and its two cousins Chuckie and Karl. Perhaps then Andromeda will go back to staring into the bathroom mirror popping zits.


New York,
Don't waste your time Jeanski.

#22Consumer Suggestion

Thu, July 02, 2009

Don't bother. There is no way to be logical with our self -annointed "junior psychiatrist." You hit the nail on the head- someone with a poor/inedequate vocabulary. And yet, we're to believe this fool is an engineer and an instructor at university! LMFAO! The best thing to do is ignore him/her/it and its two cousins Chuckie and Karl. Perhaps then Andromeda will go back to staring into the bathroom mirror popping zits.


New York,
To Andromeda

#23Consumer Suggestion

Wed, July 01, 2009

Haven't you had enough? Elsewhere on the ROR (the one about Budish) you CLAIM to be a college instructor. I don't know of a single college instructor (or teacher at any grade level) who would stoop so low as to refer to someone else as a "retard". It's just as demeaning to those of us with a retarded family member as the n****** word is to Blacks. Those with a limited vocabulary are the most likely to resort to this type of name calling and juvenile banter. As I said elsewhere, John and Interested Person have done nothing sadistic to Rita. This is YOUR own sick mind looking to fan a fire which can be put out now. Just stop.

Intersted Person

Shelby Ohio,
Still a Troll

#24Consumer Comment

Wed, July 01, 2009

Andromeda: You're still off topic. Thus - a TROLL. If YOU wanted to stay on topic and truly believe that poor Rita is mentally ill (which she appears to be) then to help HER and her VICTIMS it might help if you JOIN the chorus and implore here to stop her rants and get help...Have some sympathy for HER VICTIMS who she's been attacking for a year through this forum. other wise, a Troll is a Troll. Remember, Don't feed the Trolls.


Near Roswell,
New Mexico,
"This was built with help of: JOHN"

#25Consumer Comment

Tue, June 30, 2009

The following is my own opinion. 'interested person' and/or 'John' "Andromeda is a troll and Don't Feed the Trolls" You two mental 'retards' were NEVER able to come up with any answer telling why you enjoy attacking mentally ill people, specifically Rita. Does the board need you to justify their decision? NO! Does the public need to know how to justify the boards decision? NO! Is the public in any danger if they don't know about Rita? NO! This leaves two reasons for the attacks. 1. you 'retards' are SHILLS. OR 2. You 'retards' are very very sick. Check out some of the fine work from one or the other of these two 'retards': "You are not your mommy as much as you like to be a fraud and pretend to be her." "You are not your mommy which makes you a fraud and liar." "When are you finally going to leave like you promised in your fraudulent schneider report?" "It's a free site and I am within my right to post in your fraudulent garbage complaints and expose "you just as you are allowed to post garbage like you know what is going on in life in general." "And luckily no innocent people will become victims of your butchery." "Holy Molys, this person can type, and type, and type Here's a bit more folks, read and enjoy - make up your own mind" "Before you wonder what this poster is talking about, you might want to take a gander at the following:" "This was built with help of: JOHN Califon, New Jersey for anyone interested." If you two 'retards' had sisters or any other family member, who was mentally ill posting here, you would rip them to shreds RIGHT! That would make you two very sick 'puppies. Since you have no justifiable reason to rip a non family mentally ill person to shreds, you are also very sick puppies. Since 'Interested person' seems to have completed his 'work' here, and his other personality 'John' is suddenly getting very scarce, I SMELL SHILL. I think it is much better to be a 'troll' than a 'SHILL' with apparent symptoms of 'SADISTIC PERSONALITY DISORDER', 'ANTISOCIAL PERSONALITY DISORDER' AND 'NARCISSISTIC PERSONALITY DISORDER'.

Intersted Person

Shelby Ohio,
Sorry to all - Andromeda is a troll and Don't Feed the Trolls

#26Consumer Comment

Mon, June 01, 2009

I keep forgetting. These forums have Trolls. Andromeda is clearly a Troll. She adds nothing to the conversation except attacking others who comment on the posting. She tries to make it into "about her" when it's not. Sorry to start getting sucked into this. The best thing to do with Trolls is to IGNORE trolls, in other words DON'T FEED THE TROLLS. So keep your eye on the topic at hand and don't let the Trolls hijack the converstaion.


Near Roswell,
New Mexico,
YOU are the solitary 'loud mouth' here.

#27Consumer Comment

Sat, May 30, 2009

'Dr John' and/or 'Dr Interested person There is something very different about you! VERY FEW people are harassing this lady. YOU are the solitary 'loud mouth' here. Evidently all of the other viewers of these reports have the MENTAL restraint and GOOD SENSE to recognize that acting out in a 'sadistic' manner is NOT NORMAL BEHAVIOUR. Why are you different? Your behavior is not being caused by anything having to do with the material in Rita's posts. It is caused because you are getting your JOLLIES by beating up someone who is already down. Why do you enjoy your behavior? You continue to exhibit symptoms of a very real mental illness called 'SADISTIC PERSONALITY DISORDER', which is included in the American Psychiatric Association Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. The DSM-III-R. The following is an EXERP From the American Psychiatric Association Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders; DSM-III-R: SADISTIC PERSONALITY DISORDER is a pervasive pattern of cruel, demeaning, and aggressive behavior, beginning by early adulthood, as indicated by the repeated occurrence of the following: 1. HUMILIATES or DEMEANS people in the presence of OTHERS. 2. Is AMUSED by, or takes PLEASURE in, the PSYCHOLOGICAL or physical SUFFERING of others (including ANIMALS). 3. Has lied for the purpose of harming or INFLICTING PAIN on OTHERS (not merely to achieve some other goal). 4. Gets OTHER people to do what HE/SHE wants by frightening them (through INTIMIDATION or even terror). 5. would undoubtedly be; is too DUMB to figure out he or she is DOING these things and is too STUPID to stop. You should go find a nearby grade school playground and yell at the other other kids. That's appears to be the level you are on.

Intersted Person

Shelby Ohio,
They're not Afraid

#28Consumer Comment

Fri, May 29, 2009

Just bored by your rants. As I'm sure every date you ever had was. Might explain a lot. Could you imagine SITTING there listening to all this stuff? Wow. Imagine if EVERY case that's been disposition 7 years ago had to be re-looked at just because the person whined. Would be able to move forward now would they? What part of CASE CLOSED is not clicking in?


Mayfield Heights,
The State Medical Board is afraid of a 17-year old complaint about a woman physicain not going along with the boys - disagreeing about her OWN medical care

#29Author of original report

Mon, May 18, 2009

in a time when there were no harassment laws - long ago and far away? or not so long ago? The Medical Board is afraid to admit past mistakes - that harassments of women physicians were tolerated and women MDs expected to go along silently with 'aequanimitas' = the Anita Steinbergh DO solution. Governor Strickland needs to allow fairness & transparency at the State Medical Board of Ohio, to encourage the one growth industry that Ohio has - the health care industry. If women physicians can't disagree with male colleagues, there won't be any growth in women's health care - which is currently done better in most other states in the US - where women MDs can disagree with male colleagues and not lose their medical license for trying. If married women lost their Mrs. with arguing with their husbands, there would be no marriages in the US. It's just not possible to go to work and agree with the men, or the 'boys being boys' in Ohio, 24/7.


New Jersey,
How do you know anything about what Obama would do? Where have you ben for 17 years?

#30Consumer Comment

Sun, May 17, 2009

And how exactly would you know about anything this Governor Strickland has in the way of 'cases'? But there are plenty of woman physicians. This is where your 'argument' fails miserably. You can certainly type a lot of slander with bad wrists. No one 'fixed' any case. Your license was rightfully revoked as proven by your rants. And luckily no innocent people will become victims of your butchery. As you were proven wrong on 4/5/09 A Donna Sweets M.D. was on DHC CME discussing the AIDS epidemic in the country. Seems the men in the vocation are doing a poor job at keeping your conspiracy theory alive.I thought you said male doctors were keeping all females from the medical field and not just the incompetent ones such as yourself. The Discovery CME program has a panel of 3 REAL doctors on discussing different ailments and every time I have watched there has ALWAYS been at least 1 FEMALE doctor on the panel thus proving you are a liar. The decision was more than correct as has been discussed over and over in your other fraudulent reports. Luckily innocent people won't be butchered by you. I would have to say that any alleged 'carpal tunnel' you may have is probably from typing all these false reports. You keep forgetting to include some very important links in your tales of woe such as this: http://med.ohio.gov/formala/35050161.pdf so that people can get the whole story. http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/374/RipOff0374522.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/325/RipOff0325519.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/330/RipOff0330124.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/383/RipOff0383736.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/331/RipOff0331399.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/384/RipOff0384729.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/384/RipOff0384765.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/358/RipOff0358870.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/329/RipOff0329263.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/332/RipOff0332688.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/332/RipOff0332122.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/366/RipOff0366042.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/384/RipOff0384920.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/385/RipOff0385263.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/387/RipOff0387129.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/363/RipOff0363750.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/328/RipOff0328642.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/361/RipOff0361519.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/268/RipOff0268648.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/385/RipOff0385630.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/372/RipOff0372660.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/378/RipOff0378373.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/269/RipOff0269685.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/450/ripoff0450379.htm Then there is the famous Delta report: http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/269/RipOff0269735.htm


Mayfield Heights,
Governor Strickland won't get the 'nod' from President Obama because of state corruptions - the Ohio State Medical Board is the worst in the country for physician abuses and psychboarding

#31Author of original report

Sun, May 17, 2009

Governor Strickland's Medical Board is worse than GITMO - false accusations of women physicians without any merit go on for decades, the Board allows women physicians to be abused and beaten up by the Dr. Michael Keiths in Ohio, and psychiatric evaluations are misused by a Governor who is a supposed 'psychologist' - a psychologist from hell. Governor Strickland oks Rorschach testing on women physicians and to 'lose the answers' - it's a big ol' boy 'joke' in Columbus how they 'cheat' on the evaluations of women physicians - and 'get away' with it. It's an outdated test, not accepted in civil courts even in Ohio. Speaker Armond Budish looks the other way even - he's bought off being Speaker and can't stand up for anything decent or truthful - it has to be 'confidential.' This is psychiatric & administrative malpractice, but who cares in Ohio? So Governor Strickland will unfortunately stay in Ohio as President Obama won't appoint this kind of guy to anything - ambassadorships are going to Republicans; there isn't a job within a 50-mile radius of Washington DC that's a 'possible' for Governor Ted Strickland or Speaker Budish. Both would have Obama evaluated endlessly if he didn't do what Governor Strickland wanted, and the Rorschach 'fixed,' as he does to women physicians for decades. The Ohio State Medical Board is a state GITMO. Medical Board appointees, or Members, collect when they 'fix' a case and their appointments can go on without limit (until they die) - millions of dollars of contracts, consulting jobs, etc. Anita Steinbergh DO is pushing 20 years with her appointments - and she's not that 'good' at anything except getting reappointed - wonder what 'aequanimitas' she's delivering on regularly? She's not pretty, so it's delivering on 'screwing' other women MDs licenses for the DO community - DOs traditionally hate MDs because one degree/education is more prestigious and you have to work harder to get into MD school - you can't lie so much. So women physician licenses are taken when they object to the 'wrong' care being done on themselves by preferred male physicians = the 'right' physicians. You are a 'bad' or 'impaired' physician if you don't let Dr. Nice mishandle your fractures - and after he has a night of partying Dr. Timothy Nice can't tell up, from down, from right, from left = he screws up perceptions and directions, but the Board looks the other way for his excessive weekday partying and 'getting it on the side' up and down Mayfield Road. His results are all over the Right-Left, Up-Down grid depending on how many parties/drinks/weekday. Dr. Nice has to cast & party, cast & party; 1:1 ratio. Other orthopedics in the Cleveland area are no better with their drinking habits, and personal requirements for so much 'sex' or they can't function. They then see you as 'seductive' in this virtual fantasy world - anything with breasts - and Governor Strickland takes women physician licenses for being 'seductive' - when you have two excrescently swollen wrists - it wasn't the women thinking about seductive. But that's apparently Governor Strickland's dirty mind too - Strickland sees women physicians as too 'seductive' for care or a license. And you can be pretty 'average' and still be 'seductive;' impaired for male viewing. Guys can't keep it in their pants unless the woman physician loses her medical license? Evaluations done on women physicians are fixed, emotionally traumatic, go into dating histories and want you to admit that you will refer to certain male physicians - with piles of bad patient results so that they have been 'kicked' off of community hospitals. You are supposed to take the blame for all the collective male mistakes - when they were partying until late hours with full liquor closets, at beer rounds too many times/week, or just distracted that they didn't get enough [sex] with their wives the previous evening (question: what is enough sex? for male MDs in Ohio?) - you hear it all the next day or at an office visit - there's nothing 'sacred' and nothing they, or their likewise minded staffs, can't talk about. Garbage bin brains. In Ohio women physicians are responsible for it all - and the stats at the Medical Board of who's 'impaired' reflect this - women can't get a fair deal - so Governor Strickland will stay in Ohio until he rots - the Dems don't want him near Washington DC. There's a double-standard about women physicians at the State Medical Board of Ohio - so the women Democratic appointees don't want Ted Strickland anywhere near Pelosi. Doesn't that say it all? After just about every Democrat Governor has been offered a job - and even the competitive Republican ones; Governor Strickland wouldn't sell except in Ohio - he's not worth anything to the party except for causing trouble and fraud. Ohio has no money, and is bankrupt while the Medical Board drinks and wastes taxpayer monies on physicians with NO PATIENT COMPLAINTS. Governor Strickland wouldn't be Senate approvable. So it's doubtful whether Governor Strickland will get any Obama appointment nods - and so far he hasn't - which is noteable & documentable - until he fixes the corruptions in Ohio starting with the State Medical Board of physician abuses - why would President Obama want that on his 'ticket' or resume? A State Board that misuses psychiatric evaluations like the Federal Government does washboarding - and Governor Strickland likewise protests his ignorance as to what is going down every month - just went down again on May 13 & 145th in Columbus? How much is the liquor/food bill for every State Medical Board meeting - it's never a no liquor affair. And who's even asking Governor Strickland to talk to this year's grad - there aren't any decent jobs in Ohio except as a case-worker for a false case of a woman MD at the State Medical Board of fools. Patients are advised not to complain about physicians, but to transfer themselves to someone better rated on the Internet - the Internet has a lot of more truthful information on MD's care and caring. Medical records don't have to be sent in Ohio - they 'boys' are allowed to be boys.


Near Roswell,
New Mexico,

#32Consumer Comment

Sat, May 16, 2009

'Dr John' and/or 'Dr Interested person' There is something very different about you! VERY FEW people are harassing this lady. YOU are the solitary 'loud mouth' here. Evidently all of the other viewers of these reports have the MENTAL restraint and GOOD SENSE to recognize that acting out in a 'sadistic' manner is NOT NORMAL BEHAVIOR. Why are you different? Your behavior is not being caused by anything having to do with the material in Rita's posts. It is caused because you are getting your JOLLIES by beating up someone who is already down. Why do you enjoy your behavior? You continue to exhibit symptoms of a very real mental illness called 'SADISTIC PERSONALITY DISORDER', which is included in the American Psychiatric Association Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. The DSM-III-R. The following is an EXCERPT From the American Psychiatric Association Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders; DSM-III-R: SADISTIC PERSONALITY DISORDER is a pervasive pattern of cruel, demeaning, and aggressive behavior, beginning by early adulthood, as indicated by the repeated occurrence of the following: 1. HUMILIATES or DEMEANS people in the presence of OTHERS. 2. Is AMUSED by, or takes PLEASURE in, the PSYCHOLOGICAL or physical SUFFERING of others (including ANIMALS). 3. Has lied for the purpose of harming or INFLICTING PAIN on OTHERS (not merely to achieve some other goal). 4. Gets OTHER people to do what HE/SHE wants by frightening them (through INTIMIDATION or even terror). 5. would undoubtedly be; is too DUMB to figure out he or she is DOING these things and is too STUPID to stop. You should go find a nearby grade school playground and yell at the other other kids. That's appears to be the level you are on. YOU SAID IT JUST RIGHT! There is a real danger that 'Charles' will steal all of the attention. Whatever you do, don't let that happen, because it will show that he is quite a bit 'smarter' than you two mental idiots.


New Jersey,
And exactly where have you been for 17 years? psych ward?

#33Consumer Comment

Tue, May 12, 2009

And how exactly would you know About anything this Governor Strickland has in the way of 'cases'? But there are plenty of woman physicians. This is where your 'argument' fails miserably. You can certainly type a lot of slander with bad wrists. No one 'fixed' any case. Your license was rightfully revoked as proven by your rants. And luckily no innocent people will become victims of your butchery. As you were proven wrong on 4/5/09 A Donna Sweets M.D. was on DHC CME discussing the AIDS epidemic in the country. Seems the men in the vocation are doing a poor job at keeping your conspiracy theory alive.I thought you said male doctors were keeping all females from the medical field and not just the incompetent ones such as yourself. The Discovery CME program has a panel of 3 REAL doctors on discussing different ailments and every time I have watched there has ALWAYS been at least 1 FEMALE doctor on the panel thus proving you are a liar. The decision was more than correct as has been discussed over and over in your other fraudulent reports. Luckily innocent people won't be butchered by you. I would have to say that any alleged 'carpal tunnel' you may have is probably from typing all these false reports. You keep forgetting to include some very important links in your tales of woe such as this: http://med.ohio.gov/formala/35050161.pdf so that people can get the whole story. http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/374/RipOff0374522.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/325/RipOff0325519.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/330/RipOff0330124.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/383/RipOff0383736.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/331/RipOff0331399.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/384/RipOff0384729.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/384/RipOff0384765.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/358/RipOff0358870.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/329/RipOff0329263.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/332/RipOff0332688.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/332/RipOff0332122.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/366/RipOff0366042.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/384/RipOff0384920.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/385/RipOff0385263.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/387/RipOff0387129.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/363/RipOff0363750.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/328/RipOff0328642.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/361/RipOff0361519.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/268/RipOff0268648.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/385/RipOff0385630.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/372/RipOff0372660.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/378/RipOff0378373.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/269/RipOff0269685.htm Then there is the famous Delta report: http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/269/RipOff0269735.htm


Mayfield Heights,
If there is a horrible 'confidential' complaint against a physician, that has caused 17 years of licensure suspension, then the complaint should be outted for review - not used to try to find another case against the physician

#34Author of original report

Mon, May 11, 2009

The State Medical Board of Ohio uses unspecified, unpatient related 'confidential' complaints to go after physicians, like Iran uses buying wine excuses to jail women journalists for espionage; the crimes don't fit the charges or the disciplines. Ms. Saberi was arrested for buying a bottle of wine, but the charges against her escalated to working without a press card and then spying for Washington. If Governor Strickland has 'confidential' complaints that will prove a case, then he should release that 'confidential' so that everyone can move on; not allow the Medical Board to re-invent a case for 17 years. Is someone 'crazy' in Columbus? The Medical Board takes a 'confidential' complaint, from every anonymous source, and goes after your whole life - ditto the Iranian government; your dating history is discussed for hours, why you didn't 'like' Dr. Nice - all at Ohio taxpayer expense. For 2 days in 1996, the Medical Board attorneys discussed with an expert my dating, my walks, my not liking Dr. Nice, my not sending patients to Dr. Nice. Why Governor Strickland? Roxana Saberi was at least released from her hell, not so with women physicians falsely accused by the State Medical Board of Ohio for making 'too much' of bad fracture care - they turned this into conviction of an 'impairment' to practice medicine - that you just can't let malpractice 'go.' Well every physician in Ohio pays for the malpractice, in either wearing it or trying to 'fix' it. The State Medical Board of Ohio needs to stop trying to be like the Iranian government - effectively 'jailing' physician licenses without reasons or patient problems - until you admit their case and piles of lies that you never did, said or invented. It's all fabrication in Columbus, a miasma of trash instead of care standards. Governor Strickland needs to re-review some cases before another decade of waste. Is there a functioning neuron in Columbus, or is it all neurofibrillary tangles? Release the 'confidential' complaint and prove the Medical Board's case or let me go - this week or today - this is a waste when other states and the Army need physicians - good ones not fakes like Dr. Nice.


Mayfield Heights,
Governor Strickland allows cases at the State Medical Board of Ohio to go on for decades with 'confidential' complaints and 'goes'

#35Author of original report

Mon, May 11, 2009

Prophylactic suspensions of physicians, when they are a 'bad patient' result, and might sue someone, are what is passing for daily 'fare' at the State Medical Board of Malpractice Insurance for certain physicians. Certain physicians, on the 'right' list, get their confidential complaints, the rest of us just rot with malpractice & legal fees. Dr. Nice takes his legal fees and has a polo team; the Board suspends any physician who questions his care and publishes patient names of patients who won't return to him - the Ohio State Medical Board and the taxpayer's monies are supporting Team Polo Dr. Nice - he doesn't have to pay malpractice insurance as the Ohio State Medical Board does all his discussing and 'cleaning up.' Dr. Timothy Nice never has his charts reviewed, or his patient results or complications questioned - he is a physician 'god' in Ohio - an American Ohio Idol. The BAD PATIENT excuse - that the physician needs Ohio therapy to accept the bad care and results in Ohio - the missed diagnoses, the fractures without casts, the wrong view x-rays that are ordered by offices where none of the staff has any medical training. That a physician might have 'made too much of bad care' is an 'impairment;' well, if the physician doesn't notice the inadequate care then who will, and how will things ever change - from magic? Medical mistake laws are the answer in every other state - allowing the possibility of mistake and referral without blame, but that's too 'simple' for the Ohio mindset - from Governor to Mr. Whitehouse it's all too much to incorporate medical mistake laws. Medicare has now gone to not paying for certain mistakes - even in Ohio - so mistake recognition is going to be forced on the Ohio State Medical Board anyways - when they get sober long enough or get a Member with a higher IQ. The decade-long medical license suspensions - with the Executive Directors trying to find a case - allow the abuse of psychiatric evaluations on the physician = psychboarding. We have a psychologist Governor and the worst abuses of psychiatry at any State Medical Board. The Ohio State Medical Board rivals GITMO for physician interrogator abuses. The Ohio Medical Board calls these personality excavations 'GOES,' and cheating is rampant on these 'goes' - the psychiatry & psychology tests are fudged or manipulated in original ways, and new DSM personality diagnoses created for physician impairments. Impairment is beyond the law for physicians in Ohio - the Ohio State Medical Board is the law - forget the legislature. Governor Strickland is a former psychologist who allows the abuse of psychiatric testing on physicians, over and over again repetitively, for the Medical Board to find some personality trait that can be a disciplinary action - as the women physicians have no patient complaints - but haven't slept with enough men - they don't 'go along.' Sex and dating is a measure of 'going along;' Ohio women physicians will be quizzed about their sexual histories at the State Medical Board of Ohio. Complaints are 'confidential' so that the Board can constantly 'morph' them, and not be held accountable for false investigations, the fixing of investigations or the making up cases - but this wastes taxpayer monies and has nothing to do with patient care. In other states, the malfunctioning Boards are dismissed, in Ohio dysfunctional is a way of existence and the norm - you have to be pathological to be appointed an Ohio Medical Board Member. Senator Coughlin's Committee just rubber-stamps the appointments, they don't appoint as they tell you - no accountability or responsibility there. Governor Strickland needs to reign in the over-use of psychiatry to solve colleague-colleague disputes at the State Medical Board - where the less powerful woman MD has to admit a personality problem to get her license back and can't always do this as disagreeing with a male MD is a personality impairment - her personality has to be 'wiped,' as on the Fox show 'Dollhouse,' for Ohio medical license re-licensure. Rorschach tests are ordered on whim on women physicians, a totally unreliable test and waste of taxpayer money, the answers are lost, and the interpretations are fudged. No civil court accepts Rorschach tests, but the State Medical Board of Ohio banks on them, has resurrected the use of them. DSM diagnoses are created daily in Ohio at the State Medical Board - psychiatry is the excuse for all the bad care problems. Either the physician accepts the daily psych therapy/counseling mandated by the State Medical Board (and this is determined by the State Medical Board Members for political reasons) or he/she rots - again mistake laws would be more cost-effective but even if 35+ states have them, Ohio politicians are just too stupid to write a similar law - they can't even copy a Pennsylvania law. They can't google 'medical mistake laws.' The problem is Ohio legislators don't want medical mistake laws or transparency of physician complaints and records at the State Medical Board - that would be too 'good' government. Governor Strickland got elected on a 'change' ticket, and so far not much has changed. Governor Strickland how is your score on a Rorschach test?


Mayfield Heights,
Governor Strickland allows cases at the State Medical Board of Ohio to go on for decades with 'confidential' complaints and 'goes'

#36Author of original report

Mon, May 11, 2009

Prophylactic suspensions of physicians, when they are a 'bad patient' result, and might sue someone, are what is passing for daily 'fare' at the State Medical Board of Malpractice Insurance for certain physicians. Certain physicians, on the 'right' list, get their confidential complaints, the rest of us just rot with malpractice & legal fees. Dr. Nice takes his legal fees and has a polo team; the Board suspends any physician who questions his care and publishes patient names of patients who won't return to him - the Ohio State Medical Board and the taxpayer's monies are supporting Team Polo Dr. Nice - he doesn't have to pay malpractice insurance as the Ohio State Medical Board does all his discussing and 'cleaning up.' Dr. Timothy Nice never has his charts reviewed, or his patient results or complications questioned - he is a physician 'god' in Ohio - an American Ohio Idol. The BAD PATIENT excuse - that the physician needs Ohio therapy to accept the bad care and results in Ohio - the missed diagnoses, the fractures without casts, the wrong view x-rays that are ordered by offices where none of the staff has any medical training. That a physician might have 'made too much of bad care' is an 'impairment;' well, if the physician doesn't notice the inadequate care then who will, and how will things ever change - from magic? Medical mistake laws are the answer in every other state - allowing the possibility of mistake and referral without blame, but that's too 'simple' for the Ohio mindset - from Governor to Mr. Whitehouse it's all too much to incorporate medical mistake laws. Medicare has now gone to not paying for certain mistakes - even in Ohio - so mistake recognition is going to be forced on the Ohio State Medical Board anyways - when they get sober long enough or get a Member with a higher IQ. The decade-long medical license suspensions - with the Executive Directors trying to find a case - allow the abuse of psychiatric evaluations on the physician = psychboarding. We have a psychologist Governor and the worst abuses of psychiatry at any State Medical Board. The Ohio State Medical Board rivals GITMO for physician interrogator abuses. The Ohio Medical Board calls these personality excavations 'GOES,' and cheating is rampant on these 'goes' - the psychiatry & psychology tests are fudged or manipulated in original ways, and new DSM personality diagnoses created for physician impairments. Impairment is beyond the law for physicians in Ohio - the Ohio State Medical Board is the law - forget the legislature. Governor Strickland is a former psychologist who allows the abuse of psychiatric testing on physicians, over and over again repetitively, for the Medical Board to find some personality trait that can be a disciplinary action - as the women physicians have no patient complaints - but haven't slept with enough men - they don't 'go along.' Sex and dating is a measure of 'going along;' Ohio women physicians will be quizzed about their sexual histories at the State Medical Board of Ohio. Complaints are 'confidential' so that the Board can constantly 'morph' them, and not be held accountable for false investigations, the fixing of investigations or the making up cases - but this wastes taxpayer monies and has nothing to do with patient care. In other states, the malfunctioning Boards are dismissed, in Ohio dysfunctional is a way of existence and the norm - you have to be pathological to be appointed an Ohio Medical Board Member. Senator Coughlin's Committee just rubber-stamps the appointments, they don't appoint as they tell you - no accountability or responsibility there. Governor Strickland needs to reign in the over-use of psychiatry to solve colleague-colleague disputes at the State Medical Board - where the less powerful woman MD has to admit a personality problem to get her license back and can't always do this as disagreeing with a male MD is a personality impairment - her personality has to be 'wiped,' as on the Fox show 'Dollhouse,' for Ohio medical license re-licensure. Rorschach tests are ordered on whim on women physicians, a totally unreliable test and waste of taxpayer money, the answers are lost, and the interpretations are fudged. No civil court accepts Rorschach tests, but the State Medical Board of Ohio banks on them, has resurrected the use of them. DSM diagnoses are created daily in Ohio at the State Medical Board - psychiatry is the excuse for all the bad care problems. Either the physician accepts the daily psych therapy/counseling mandated by the State Medical Board (and this is determined by the State Medical Board Members for political reasons) or he/she rots - again mistake laws would be more cost-effective but even if 35+ states have them, Ohio politicians are just too stupid to write a similar law - they can't even copy a Pennsylvania law. They can't google 'medical mistake laws.' The problem is Ohio legislators don't want medical mistake laws or transparency of physician complaints and records at the State Medical Board - that would be too 'good' government. Governor Strickland got elected on a 'change' ticket, and so far not much has changed. Governor Strickland how is your score on a Rorschach test?


New Jersey,
Now they allegedly tried to kill you? Ha ha ha ha.

#37Consumer Comment

Mon, May 04, 2009

And how exactly would you know About anything this Governor Strickland has in the way of 'cases'? But there are plenty of woman physicians. This is where your 'argument' fails miserably. You can certainly type a lot of slander with bad wrists. No one 'fixed' any case. Your license was rightfully revoked as proven by your rants. And luckily no innocent people will become victims of your butchery. As you were proven wrong on 4/5/09 A Donna Sweets M.D. was on DHC CME discussing the AIDS epidemic in the country. Seems the men in the vocation are doing a poor job at keeping your conspiracy theory alive.I thought you said male doctors were keeping all females from the medical field and not just the incompetent ones such as yourself. The Discovery CME program has a panel of 3 REAL doctors on discussing different ailments and every time I have watched there has ALWAYS been at least 1 FEMALE doctor on the panel thus proving you are a liar. The decision was more than correct as has been discussed over and over in your other fraudulent reports. Luckily innocent people won't be butchered by you. I would have to say that any alleged 'carpal tunnel' you may have is probably from typing all these false reports. You keep forgetting to include some very important links in your tales of woe such as this: http://med.ohio.gov/formala/35050161.pdf so that people can get the whole story. http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/374/RipOff0374522.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/325/RipOff0325519.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/330/RipOff0330124.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/383/RipOff0383736.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/331/RipOff0331399.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/384/RipOff0384729.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/384/RipOff0384765.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/358/RipOff0358870.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/329/RipOff0329263.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/332/RipOff0332688.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/332/RipOff0332122.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/366/RipOff0366042.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/384/RipOff0384920.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/385/RipOff0385263.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/387/RipOff0387129.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/363/RipOff0363750.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/328/RipOff0328642.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/361/RipOff0361519.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/268/RipOff0268648.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/385/RipOff0385630.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/372/RipOff0372660.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/378/RipOff0378373.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/269/RipOff0269685.htm Then there is the famous Delta report: http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/269/RipOff0269735.htm


Mayfield Heights,
Conspiracy to defraud women physicians of their medical licenses by prophylactic suspensions for disagreeing with stupid 'male medical care' - excrescent fractures with experimental castings in Ohio

#38Author of original report

Mon, May 04, 2009

In Ohio 'confidential' complaints about women (the Broad Squad' in Ohio legislator terms) physicians continue for decades unchecked or unchallenged - because of corruption in Columbus - Governors from Celeste to Strickland, from Voinovich to Taft. 'Confidential' complaints about medical licenses can't work - the physician can't answer the complaint - in my case the care I received, for orthopedic care, did not allow me to practice safely with patients = why I complained - it was outdated obsolete care. When I complained, my medical license was taken for objecting to the care - making too much of admittedly 'bad care.' My fractures were left uncasted until they swelled hugely to EXCRESCENCE = an Ohio term, they were casted in experimental casts that alarmed patients, they were treated badly while other patients watched - scared to go near me or the orthopedic doing this to me. Bad care paradigms need to be solved in another way - prophylactic suspensions of medical licenses for disagreeing or 'making too much of bad care' that left a thyroid problem untreated for a decade - is just corruption. Physicians have to get care-to-function to function; that includes thyroid, bone, gynecological/male, cancer, heart disease, etc. care. You can't say that a physician shouldn't get care for something because he/she is 'exaggerating' without the blood work or workup = what the Medical Board of Ohio does. The confidential physician complaint system was admitted to me to be flawed in 2003 by Brett Buerck - on the phone - who knows about corruption, guerrilla warfare, and the 'dark side' of the 'BROAD SQUAD' - of which I'm apparently a Member he's very crude like the male version of Julia Roberts. There are a pile of false disciplines, or false cases, at the State Medical Board of Ohio, and a lot of women MDs, including me - who don't get a fair chance when our medical care is dictated by the 'boys being boys' = a Mr. Dilling term. Broad = often offensive slang term for a woman or girl = what male physicians think of women physicians in Ohio; broads. In 2003, Mr. Buerck told me that there's no support for reform legislation at the Ohio State Medical Board because of the huge number of legal cases that would ensue if the 'confidential' files were opened. Well let's see what those files have in them first - what has Brett Buerck seen? Brett Buerck's consulting firm produced documents referring to female legislators as "the Broad Squad", advised clients to play to the "dark side of the race" and proposed "guerrilla warfare." Is the Board just playing to the dark side of the female physician race' by assuming that all women physicians are impaired? What do those complaints about women physicians say exactly? When they don't agree with the boys - how offensive are the complaints and how are investigations ordered for prophylactic suspensions? There needs to be transparency & accountability at the Ohio State Medical Board - complaints on physicians should be made in good faith after trying to discuss the problems and this needs to be mandatory - oftentimes one physician will agree to the meeting but not the others.


Mayfield Heights,
Don't want to die in Ohio from medical neglect, beatings, abuses of the State Medical Board of Ohio

#39Author of original report

Mon, May 04, 2009

- don't have a gravesite. So let me go - you've abused me, made me a poster child for any woman MD wanting to disagree with a more senior male, put Dr. Nice's name in lights for 19 years, let Dr. Keith continue women 'experiments' like Dr. Mengele in Auschwitz, and allowed politics as usual - Rorshach tests on women physicians for jokes - test where the answers aren't recorded and it's just a guy joke in Columbus - Senator Grendell laughs, Mr. Whitehouse laughs, but my mother RN doesn't laugh. Now Mr. Jacobson knows how to cover things up, but consumer-wise it's all about self-interest - he's never stood up for women's medical care or fair laws for physicians in Ohio. The lack of MEDICAL MISTAKE LAWS keeps malpractice insurance fees in Ohio at a premium - because we pay for the Dr. Nice & Keith types - the leave the fracture until it becomes EXCRESCENT and GLOWS IN THE DARK types, the TENDONS ARE VEINS types, the PODIATRY CASTING OF WRIST FRACTURES TYPES. Let me go.


Mayfield Heights,
The Governor needs to end my false case at the State Medical Board for complaining about the wrong care - 20 years of harassment of a woman physician for Drs. Nice & Keith

#40Author of original report

Mon, May 04, 2009

My false case at the State Medical Board of Ohio should have been over in 1993 - but the Ohio Court of Appeals couldn't get the evidence - the 'confidential' file - the rest of the case was bunk - all happening in two orthopedic's offices or because of them = a prophylactic suspension of a medical license to, as MR. WHITEHOUSE puts it, 'let the statute of limitations expire.' Suspensions of physician licenses to let legal statutes of limitations expire = what confidential' means to Speaker Budish. There have been 5 'evaluations,' 2 Hearings, piles of falsified documents of behaviors and comments - all about Dr. Nice & his wife - when I told Dr. Nice that he 'had a wife' in October 1990 - that I wasn't 'interested' in his game at Hillcrest. But Dr. Nice has to keep up appearances his virility is at stake his polo maneuvers not his casting ones. 'Confidential' in a legal sense is not withholding the crucial case-starting file - it means just not making terrible 'rot' public that you don't have to give every dirty sex orthopedic comment to the public. That's the legal meaning of 'confidential' = attorney-client privilege - which I didn't have as nothing was 'confidential' in my case. Making the case for 19 years: and then a case can't be made on behaviors, letters, emails that happened because the Medical Board's case' was conducted in an unfair illegal way, over 20 years, by constantly recycling the case, flagrant cheating losing answers, twisting comments, making up care, then withholding, changing and not releasing the 'confidential' file with every legal excuse ever heard of, trying to make me admit things by Ohio 'torture' - repeated 'goes,' changing procedures, changing Rorschach answers (with a psychologist Governor who misuses psychiatry as case props), leaving me without a decent job or medical care - all things that will trigger a response or reaction = survivor' response, not anything that I want to do or planned to do with my life. For 10 years I had a serious thyroid condition left untreated, the condition that caused the fractures, but the Ohio State Medical Board wanted me to have something else - a psychiatric' problem to get the orthopedics out of bad care - care that dogs don't get in NYC. So the thyroid was just 'exaggeration,' something that doesn't exist for the Medical Board - they only use the evidence that they want to Procrustean bed legal system confidential' means the discovery that has to be lost. And now we have a new Consumer Member in Mr. Jacobson who has had a lot of bad evidence about himself - but he won't give anyone else a chance to clear herself - just keep changing the 'confidential' file from Drs. Nice & Keith and their friends he's a legal expert at the one-liner twist, a party-line man, a rubber-stamp he's done it for 30 years now. What patient wouldn't disagree with leaving a fracture to rot to EXCRESCENCE, having a physician 'play' with a woman patient by making her repeatedly come back for orthopedic casting materials? Dr. Nice offered her PODIATRY CASTING as a joke - the only JOKE that day. What orthopedic has a woman physician come to an office for a cast, and then plays with her - his entire office plays with her about accepting 'podiatry' casting? What patient wouldn't disagree with an orthopedic continually partying on weekdays, so partied out that he couldn't RECOGNIZE carpal tunnel syndrome or that the cast was too tight after 6 days of EXCRESCENCE? Tuesday night Republican ELECTION PARTIES - those don't stop before midnight and keep going the next night like Energizer everready batteries. What orthopedic would refuse to recast a fracture, after the casting had had to be removed by another orthopedic, at another hospital - because he 'didn't have to?' The Medical Board, and Mr. Jacobson, decree that Dr. Nice doesn't have to do anything - the entire Ohio legislature allows Dr. Nice to party, miscast, hit on colleagues for favors personal & business, and to be Dr. Nice = the card-carrying Republican party polo MD mascot protected even by the Dems on the State Medical Board of Ohio. Dr. Nice hasn't grown up yet, and neither has Mr. Jacobson - so why appoint him to a position of responsibility and accountability? He can't account for 30 years in the Ohio legislature as far as the Medical Board goes in Ohio we have the worst system of physician disciplines in the country the most fraudulent the most costly. The 'stuff' I disagreed with Dr. Nice about, the casting excrescenses, Mayo Clinic physicians couldn't believe was going on anywhere let alone in neighboring Ohio - that an orthopedic couldn't 'keep it in his pants' long enough to do a decent fracture and REFER, or call his local hand physician, that he had to make a CASE about this - saying that he was 'right' - for 20 years - for mistreating a 'seductive' woman patient with two swollen wrists - who can't even defend herself physically that way? This woman couldn't have a family, a child, a life - anything - because of DR. TIMOTHY NICE. Then there was Dr. Michael Keith of University/MetroHeath - who had to try an EXPERIMENTAL CAST for 3 weeks, then 'run away.' After he took the cast off all the tendons were inflamed - he told the woman MD that they were 'clotted veins' - a University Orthopedics joke; everything at University Hospitals is a clotted vein' or that the woman patient is just well crazy' and hexed the orthopedic care voodoo orthopedics. Mayo Clinic couldn't believe this CLOTTED VEIN ORTHOPEDIC DR. KEITH - he made the situation worse then sold the case to the Ohio State Medical Board that the woman was just 'crazy' and made him do it - like the 'craigslist killer' there was no responsibility or accountability - just take advantage of a patient who was already maimed and disadvantaged - peripheralized by Dr. Nice - her wrists look like Dr. Nice cared for them - signature deformities. Now this needs to end. The horrible misuse of psychiatry, the withholding of the crucial evidence to find an orthopedic case for mistreatments, the involvements of Senator Grendell & Dr. Phil Resnick - Dr. Resnick has the Cleveland Clinic letter about the endocrine problem - the commonest thyroiditis that there is in women (but he wouldn't know as a criminal forensic psychiatrist) - that caused the fractures - it wasn't anything PSYCHIATRIC or CRIMINAL. This case is not his purview. And as long as the endocrine problem was untreated, until 2001, the fractures would occur and not heal - no matter how trashy the orthopedics. And the bone pain continued until 2001 = 10 years of earthly HELL because 2 orthopedics had to sell a mistake out to the most STUPID and CORRUPT Medical Board that exists in the US - the Ohio State Medical Board. Ohio should have had MEDICAL MISTAKE LAWS long ago but our legislators were fooling around in Columbus with parties just like Dr. Nice. They all play polo' as the euphemism goes. The new Consumer Member, an attorney Mr. Jeffrey Jacobson, in the best of this ol' boy tradition, and refused to help with reforms of the State Medical Board in 2001 or 2003 - with Speaker Larry Householder and Brett Buerck - Brett is the most crude legislative aide that I've ever heard on an AT&T line - you don't have to meet him in person to get the whiff. Brett Buerck: AND BRETT'S TAKE: THAT YES THERE IS/WAS/HAS BEEN A PROBLEM WITH THE PHYSICIAN 'CONFIDENTIAL' COMPLAINT SYSTEM AT THE STATE MEDICAL BOARD OF OHIO - A BIG FILE CORRUPTION PROBLEM THAT WOULD IMMOBILIZE THE COLUMBUS AGs OFFICE IF PHYSICIAN FILES WERE RELEASED ANYTIME SOON IN THIS DECADE - IMMOBILIZE COLUMBUS & THE LEGISLATURE WITH LEGAL CASES OF JUSTIFIED ABUSES OF THE STATE MEDICAL BOARD OF OHIO AND THIS FILE SYSTEM & FALSE INVESTIGATIONS - OVER THE LAST 20 YEARS - FOR BIG 6-FIGURE OF MORE DAMAGES. Physician training is pricey. MEDICAL BOARD MESS: The problem at the State Medical Board of Ohio is so HUGE that no one knows how to handle it with any reform law - big abuses, many false disciplines over many years, and many careers ruined for politics as usual - a policy which Governor Strickland has continued and which Lee Fisher wants to run away from accountability for by running for the US SENATE asap. Lee Fisher's law firm profited from many of these cases. Lee Fisher helped make the loophole legal lobby laws, as did Mr. Jacobson and no one can explain these laws - no legislative aide to anyone in Columbus. And maybe they did other 'good' things, but not for physicians in Ohio - they created the Dr. Nice phenomenon. It's not that it isn't a PROBLEM, it is that it is SUCH a huge legal problem for an already bankrupt state physicians should have had transparent files at the State Medical Board of Ohio long ago as in most other states - where they could easily correct mistakes, misreports, complaints. No state has demonstrated any benefit from the 'confidential' physician complaint system - it's a legal thing to make more use of attorneys at every stage in the endless process - and drive malpractice fees sky high. There also need to be MEDICAL BOARD MISTAKE LAWS ways to get these physicians back asap instead of importing more FMGs. There is no case in my case = the problem; I objected to horrible orthopedic care to save myself - not even care that goes on in India Dr. Varyani - Ohio women physicians get orthopedic care worse than backwater India-Pakistan - why Indian orthopedics do so well in Ohio. The fractures finally healed in malunions which will be with me for the rest of my life = the marks of Nice & Keith = the scars of Ohio orthopedics who can't cast, can't refer, can't do any blood work, and who lie like streetwise hoods or ex-Ohio legislators. This wasn't how I wanted to use my education - rotting in Ohio because of defunct laws and corrupt government. The Medical Board should not be political, medical suspensions should not be PROPHYLACTIC for statutes of malpractice limitations. Mr. Jacobson is no different than his predecessors in the Consumer Member seat, and this House session under Speaker Budish is no less looking to avoid the issues and the mess. But let me go so that I can live and work in another state I'm the worst case of this mess and everyone knows it even Mr. Jacobson a prophylactic suspension of a woman physician who was just a bad patient' because the care of women patients was so bad in Ohio in 1990-2. For 20 years unless I admit the case with the torture of no life. Ohio is the only State Medical Board where being a bad patient,' who disagreed with the wrong care, is an IMPAIRMENT TO PRACTICE MEDICINE that I might stop that Nice-Keith care being done to another woman patient. Please let me go while you party away another session I don't have time for the pain as the Carly Simon song puts it. Let me go, or BEAT me up in another orthopedic office - the woman abuse that goes on - and leave me to die this time with podiatry casting.


Ohio Medical Board Decision

#41Consumer Comment

Sun, May 03, 2009

http://med.ohio.gov/formala/35050161.pdf This is the complete text of the State of Ohio Medical Board Decision, regarding Dr. Rita Kralik of Mayfield Heights, OH. John originally posted this link. It might be helpful for all to review it, all 469 pages, and form your own opinions. I have done so and have come to my own conclusions.


Near Roswell,
New Mexico,
There is a real danger...

#42Consumer Comment

Sat, May 02, 2009

'Dr John' and/or 'Dr Interested person' There is something very different about you! VERY FEW people are harassing this lady. YOU are the solitary 'loud mouth' here. Evidently all of the other viewers of these reports have the MENTAL restraint and GOOD SENSE to recognize that acting out in a 'sadistic' manner is NOT NORMAL BEHAVIOUR. Why are you different? Your behavior is not being caused by anything having to do with the material in Rita's posts. It is caused because you are getting your JOLLIES by beating up someone who is already down. Why do you enjoy your behavior? You continue to exhibit symptoms of a very real mental illness called 'SADISTIC PERSONALITY DISORDER', which is included in the American Psychiatric Association Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. The DSM-III-R. The following is an EXERP From the American Psychiatric Association Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders; DSM-III-R: SADISTIC PERSONALITY DISORDER is a pervasive pattern of cruel, demeaning, and aggressive behavior, beginning by early adulthood, as indicated by the repeated occurrence of the following: 1. HUMILIATES or DEMEANS people in the presence of OTHERS. 2. Is AMUSED by, or takes PLEASURE in, the PSYCHOLOGICAL or physical SUFFERING of others (including ANIMALS). 3. Has lied for the purpose of harming or INFLICTING PAIN on OTHERS (not merely to achieve some other goal). 4. Gets OTHER people to do what HE/SHE wants by frightening them (through INTIMIDATION or even terror). 5. would undoubtedly be; is too DUMB to figure out he or she is DOING these things and is too STUPID to stop. You should go find a nearby grade school playground and yell at the other other kids. That's appears to be the level you are on. YOU SAID IT JUST RIGHT! There is a real danger that 'Charles' will steal all of the attention. Whatever you do, don't let that happen, because it will show that he is quite a bit 'smarter' than you two mental idiots.


New Jersey,
The original fraud finally shows up. He must be jealous you are getting more attention than he is.

#43Consumer Comment

Sun, April 26, 2009

'Just ignore john, he Is here to harass innocent victims from these bad businesses.' >> And yet, you have yet to prove any of your lies like this one. YOU have never dealt with a 'bad business' so you wouldn't know. 'Because he works for them or somebody.' >> And yet another lie as you have absolutely no proof of this lie. And at least I do work for a living instead of stealing people's tax money such as you do. 'He tries to make the poster look bad, & no I am not the scum these bad businesses are.' >> I don't have to try. You clowns do it to yourselves with your very own words. Yes, you are a scum. You are a leech on society. 'How much $ are they paying you john, for you to be on here 24/7 to harass people on a daily basis.' >> Why do I have to be paid to expose frauds like yourself? Why do you insist on making believe you know anything about anything? 'Because Its not going to work you slandering people on this site or call us scum to keep us quiet.' >> You are the one slandering people/companies just because you don't get your way in life. I can and have proven what I have posted with your very own words. You don't have to be quiet just because I prove you are scum. I will continue to expose your lies and fraud everyday. 'These business try to get away with stealing from people, & try to get away with what Is not (FAIR).' >> And yet, it has never happened to you yet you make up stories to make it seem like they do. 'We are not the scum john, you are the scum along with the scum businesses or real frauds or scammers you are protecting.' >> But you are and it has been proven. I work and pay my bills. I don't buy things I don't need and then not pay the bill. When are you finally going to sell the computer you do not need and cancel the internet so you can pay the people/companies you owe? When are you finally going to prove that I am protecting scammers? I have been asking for months. 'And these businesses think they might have won, but one day they will get there karma.' >> I guess not as they have kept going all along. But then again,they REALLY haven't done anything wrong. You just didn't get your way. So, since you want to play with the adults some more, there are questiosn people have asked you yet you have not answered: - How can you have any credit card at all if you have no money like you claim in all the collection reports you crap in? - How can you afford a computer to perpetrate your fraud with if you have no money like you claim in the collection reports you pollute? - How can you afford an internet connection to perpetrate your fraud if you allegedly have no money as you claim? - How can you afford an attorney for all these alleged lawsuits you claim to be filing if you have no money like you claim? - Why did you get a cellphone you knew you couldn't afford when you have no money as you claim? - Why haven't you paid the people you have owed money to for a long time? - How can you afford a vehicle to go out and cause accidents in if you allegedly have no money? - How can you afford the exorbitant insurance from the accidents you cause in the vehicle you shouldn't be able to afford if you have no money as you claim in the collection report? - How can you be buying your panties and dresses off QVC if you have no money? - When are you going to apologize for lying to Steve as was proven about allegedly not being on some sort of meds? Or are you not on meds? Which is the lie? - When are you finally going to leave us like you promised in your fraudulent schneider report so that isn't also one of your many lies? - When are you finally going to answer the legitimate questions asked of you?


Phenix City,
Just ignore john

#44Consumer Comment

Sun, April 26, 2009

Just ignore john, he Is here to harass innocent victims from these bad businesses. Because he works for them or somebody. He tries to make the poster look bad, & no I am not the scum these bad businesses are. How much $ are they paying you john, for you to be on here 24/7 to harass people on a daily basis. Because Its not going to work you slandering people on this site or call us scum to keep us quiet. These business try to get away with stealing from people, & try to get away with what Is not (FAIR). We are not the scum john, you are the scum along with the scum businesses or real frauds or scammers you are protecting. And these businesses think they might have won, but one day they will get there karma.


New Jersey,
Now they allegedly tried to kill you? Ha ha ha ha.

#45Consumer Comment

Sun, April 26, 2009

And how exactly would you know About anything this Governor Strickland has in the way of 'cases'? But there are plenty of woman physicians. This is where your 'argument' fails miserably. You can certainly type a lot of slander with bad wrists. No one 'fixed' any case. Your license was rightfully revoked as proven by your rants. And luckily no innocent people will become victims of your butchery. As you were proven wrong on 4/5/09 A Donna Sweets M.D. was on DHC CME discussing the AIDS epidemic in the country. Seems the men in the vocation are doing a poor job at keeping your conspiracy theory alive.I thought you said male doctors were keeping all females from the medical field and not just the incompetent ones such as yourself. The Discovery CME program has a panel of 3 REAL doctors on discussing different ailments and every time I have watched there has ALWAYS been at least 1 FEMALE doctor on the panel thus proving you are a liar. The decision was more than correct as has been discussed over and over in your other fraudulent reports. Luckily innocent people won't be butchered by you. I would have to say that any alleged 'carpal tunnel' you may have is probably from typing all these false reports. You keep forgetting to include some very important links in your tales of woe such as this: http://med.ohio.gov/formala/35050161.pdf so that people can get the whole story. http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/374/RipOff0374522.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/325/RipOff0325519.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/330/RipOff0330124.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/383/RipOff0383736.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/331/RipOff0331399.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/384/RipOff0384729.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/384/RipOff0384765.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/358/RipOff0358870.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/329/RipOff0329263.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/332/RipOff0332688.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/332/RipOff0332122.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/366/RipOff0366042.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/384/RipOff0384920.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/385/RipOff0385263.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/387/RipOff0387129.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/363/RipOff0363750.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/328/RipOff0328642.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/361/RipOff0361519.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/268/RipOff0268648.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/385/RipOff0385630.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/372/RipOff0372660.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/378/RipOff0378373.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/269/RipOff0269685.htm Then there is the famous Delta report: http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/269/RipOff0269735.htm


Mayfield Heights,
Governor Strickland has 'craigslist' MD killers on the State Medical Board - making gambling money deals with hospitals for fixing cases on physicians who complain about admittedly bad care

#46Author of original report

Sun, April 26, 2009

Governor Strickland has a pile of false cases at the State Medical Board, with 'confidential' complaints, and where Board Members, past & present, make/made 'deals' for money contracts, privileges, positions for getting the hospital 'off' bad care practices. The Board Members go for the hospitals rather than the physicians - they go for the 'money.' Mine is such a case and Carla O'Day MD walked with lifetime 'drop dead' money - enough for a second marriage - by blaming me for bad fracture care practices. She was a former classmate of mine from CWRU Medical School, where she hated most other women students who studied, and she was on the Medical Board in 1991-2 when I complained about no care (outpatient care of fractures is many times no care in Ohio) and no blood work. If you don't believe the thyroid problem caused the bone weakening, look at the labs - but the Medical Board doesn't believe in blood work - just psychiatry. Carla O'Day was on the ER Staff, when I tried to use the out-of-date ER at Hillcrest Hospital. The case has gone on for 17 years, with no accountability, secret files and witnesses, and faked evaluations. The psychologist Governor is responsible for the worst psychiatric evaluation abuses at the State Medical Board of Ohio EVER - faked Rorschach tests, diagnoses that don't exist, medical care (simple care) not allowed. Governor Stricland allows abuses in his own field at the State Medical Board. The abuses need to end; there needs to be TRANSPARENCY and ACCOUNTABILITY at the State Medical Board of Ohio. There need to be external reviews of cases and ways for false cases to be over - the mistakes. I'm an Ohio mistake - they know this at the State Medical Board of Ohio - they are just trying to finesse it for 17 years. And no I can't do another evaluation and rehab in Ohio - those are jokes - there's no criteria for another evlaution and rehab in Ohio means malpractice - Ohio medicine has a lot of hospitals but is out-of-date. You need to allow proper medical care of physicians before taking medical licenses for objecting - all MDs are responsible for being HEALTHY when we care for patients, not being politically correct.


New Jersey,
But there are penty of woman physicians. This is where your 'argument' fails miserably.

#47Consumer Comment

Sat, April 25, 2009

You can certainly type a lot of slander with bad wrists. No one 'fixed' any case. Your license was rightfully revoked as proven by your rants. And luckily no innocent people will become victims of your butchery. As you were proven wrong on 4/5/09 A Donna Sweets M.D. was on DHC CME discussing the AIDS epidemic in the country. Seems the men in the vocation are doing a poor job at keeping your conspiracy theory alive.I thought you said male doctors were keeping all females from the medical field and not just the incompetent ones such as yourself. The Discovery CME program has a panel of 3 REAL doctors on discussing different ailments and every time I have watched there has ALWAYS been at least 1 FEMALE doctor on the panel thus proving you are a liar. The decision was more than correct as has been discussed over and over in your other fraudulent reports. Luckily innocent people won't be butchered by you. I would have to say that any alleged 'carpal tunnel' you may have is probably from typing all these false reports. You keep forgetting to include some very important links in your tales of woe such as this: http://med.ohio.gov/formala/35050161.pdf so that people can get the whole story. http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/374/RipOff0374522.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/325/RipOff0325519.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/330/RipOff0330124.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/383/RipOff0383736.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/331/RipOff0331399.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/384/RipOff0384729.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/384/RipOff0384765.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/358/RipOff0358870.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/329/RipOff0329263.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/332/RipOff0332688.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/332/RipOff0332122.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/366/RipOff0366042.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/384/RipOff0384920.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/385/RipOff0385263.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/387/RipOff0387129.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/363/RipOff0363750.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/328/RipOff0328642.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/361/RipOff0361519.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/268/RipOff0268648.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/385/RipOff0385630.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/372/RipOff0372660.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/378/RipOff0378373.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/269/RipOff0269685.htm Then there is the famous Delta report: http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/269/RipOff0269735.htm


Mayfield Heights,
The problem is the corruptions in Ohio, the bad care that male orthopedics do to women - harassments, comments, leaving fractures uncasted, doing 'experiments' on them. . .

#48Author of original report

Sat, April 25, 2009

There were no problems with any other orthopedics in any other state - two women orthopedics in NYC were wonderful - but they don't taunt you, make fun of you, leave your fracture uncasted, unreduced or without cast padding - as male orthopedics in Ohio do. These are all things that Governor Strickland allows male orthopedics to do in Ohio - lots of hospitals and lots of bad care. There need to be reforms at the Ohio State Medical Board - starting with better appointments - at least one physician from the Cleveland Clinic might help the standards of care in Ohio. Present Board Members allow Dr. Timothy Nice, and others, to leave fractures uncasted until they become hugely swollen - guaranteeing that the patient will have months of recovery - that swelling won't go away for a long time and the orthopedics know this. I had an excrescent wrist for 3-4 months, and then a reflex sympathetic dystrophy wrist from Dr. Keith's 'experimental' cast - women are experiments in Ohio. Care in Ohio is worse than any other state, and the abuses that male physicians are allowed to do to women patients are bad. The orthopedics in Ohio have no skills, and refuse to refer you to the next person - you have to x-ray and refer yourself because you don't sleep with the orthopedic who needs 'understanding.' Personal needs are allowed, Dr. Carla O'Day is allowed to get contracts for 'fixing' cases, and it's a nightmare of medical abuses and horrendous care - no quality in Ohio under Governor Strickland - no reviews of decisions and licenses taken for being a 'bad patient' - not agreeing to insane care allowed in no other state in the US. No fairness, just 'confidential' complaints that you didn't sleep with Dr. Nice or send him enough patients - but you can't get the complaint to defend yourself - as in most other states. Dr. Nice's patients should come from his good results - but they don't. Corruption under Governor Strickland is worse than ever, with the worst Medical Board in the country for false disciplines and not allowing a physician to get even standard card first. Governor Strickland wrecks lives, careers, and is missing some 'screw' of sanity with regards to women's medical care. Anita Steinbergh DO is reappointed for 20 years - she thinks that you don't need blood work with multiple fractures - she's literally incompetent and inadequate. But that's the Governor Strickland appointment; for the money.


Mayfield Heights,
The problem is the corruptions in Ohio, the bad care that male orthopedics do to women - harassments, comments, leaving fractures uncasted, doing 'experiments' on them. . .

#49Author of original report

Sat, April 25, 2009

There were no problems with any other orthopedics in any other state - two women orthopedics in NYC were wonderful - but they don't taunt you, make fun of you, leave your fracture uncasted, unreduced or without cast padding - as male orthopedics in Ohio do. These are all things that Governor Strickland allows male orthopedics to do in Ohio - lots of hospitals and lots of bad care. There need to be reforms at the Ohio State Medical Board - starting with better appointments - at least one physician from the Cleveland Clinic might help the standards of care in Ohio. Present Board Members allow Dr. Timothy Nice, and others, to leave fractures uncasted until they become hugely swollen - guaranteeing that the patient will have months of recovery - that swelling won't go away for a long time and the orthopedics know this. I had an excrescent wrist for 3-4 months, and then a reflex sympathetic dystrophy wrist from Dr. Keith's 'experimental' cast - women are experiments in Ohio. Care in Ohio is worse than any other state, and the abuses that male physicians are allowed to do to women patients are bad. The orthopedics in Ohio have no skills, and refuse to refer you to the next person - you have to x-ray and refer yourself because you don't sleep with the orthopedic who needs 'understanding.' Personal needs are allowed, Dr. Carla O'Day is allowed to get contracts for 'fixing' cases, and it's a nightmare of medical abuses and horrendous care - no quality in Ohio under Governor Strickland - no reviews of decisions and licenses taken for being a 'bad patient' - not agreeing to insane care allowed in no other state in the US. No fairness, just 'confidential' complaints that you didn't sleep with Dr. Nice or send him enough patients - but you can't get the complaint to defend yourself - as in most other states. Dr. Nice's patients should come from his good results - but they don't. Corruption under Governor Strickland is worse than ever, with the worst Medical Board in the country for false disciplines and not allowing a physician to get even standard card first. Governor Strickland wrecks lives, careers, and is missing some 'screw' of sanity with regards to women's medical care. Anita Steinbergh DO is reappointed for 20 years - she thinks that you don't need blood work with multiple fractures - she's literally incompetent and inadequate. But that's the Governor Strickland appointment; for the money.


Mayfield Heights,
The problem is the corruptions in Ohio, the bad care that male orthopedics do to women - harassments, comments, leaving fractures uncasted, doing 'experiments' on them. . .

#50Author of original report

Sat, April 25, 2009

There were no problems with any other orthopedics in any other state - two women orthopedics in NYC were wonderful - but they don't taunt you, make fun of you, leave your fracture uncasted, unreduced or without cast padding - as male orthopedics in Ohio do. These are all things that Governor Strickland allows male orthopedics to do in Ohio - lots of hospitals and lots of bad care. There need to be reforms at the Ohio State Medical Board - starting with better appointments - at least one physician from the Cleveland Clinic might help the standards of care in Ohio. Present Board Members allow Dr. Timothy Nice, and others, to leave fractures uncasted until they become hugely swollen - guaranteeing that the patient will have months of recovery - that swelling won't go away for a long time and the orthopedics know this. I had an excrescent wrist for 3-4 months, and then a reflex sympathetic dystrophy wrist from Dr. Keith's 'experimental' cast - women are experiments in Ohio. Care in Ohio is worse than any other state, and the abuses that male physicians are allowed to do to women patients are bad. The orthopedics in Ohio have no skills, and refuse to refer you to the next person - you have to x-ray and refer yourself because you don't sleep with the orthopedic who needs 'understanding.' Personal needs are allowed, Dr. Carla O'Day is allowed to get contracts for 'fixing' cases, and it's a nightmare of medical abuses and horrendous care - no quality in Ohio under Governor Strickland - no reviews of decisions and licenses taken for being a 'bad patient' - not agreeing to insane care allowed in no other state in the US. No fairness, just 'confidential' complaints that you didn't sleep with Dr. Nice or send him enough patients - but you can't get the complaint to defend yourself - as in most other states. Dr. Nice's patients should come from his good results - but they don't. Corruption under Governor Strickland is worse than ever, with the worst Medical Board in the country for false disciplines and not allowing a physician to get even standard card first. Governor Strickland wrecks lives, careers, and is missing some 'screw' of sanity with regards to women's medical care. Anita Steinbergh DO is reappointed for 20 years - she thinks that you don't need blood work with multiple fractures - she's literally incompetent and inadequate. But that's the Governor Strickland appointment; for the money.


Near Roswell,
New Mexico,
Why do you enjoy your behavior?

#51Consumer Comment

Fri, April 24, 2009

'Dr John' and/or 'Dr Interested person There is something very different about you! Very few people are harassing this lady. You are the solitary 'loud mouth' here. Evidently all of the other viewers of these reports have the mental restraint and good sense to recognize that being 'sadistic' is not normal. Why are you different? Your behavior is not being caused by anything having to do with the material in Rita's posts. It is caused because you are getting your jollies by beating up someone who is already down. Why do you enjoy your behavior? You continue to exhibit symptoms of a very real mental illness called 'SADISTIC PERSONALITY DISORDER', which is included in the American Psychiatric Association Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. The DSM-III-R.

Intersted Person

Shelby Ohio,
Whoa Fever - Fever for COW BELL MORE COW BELL

#52Consumer Comment

Wed, April 22, 2009

OOOHH "Sadistic Personality Disorder" That is so adorable. Put that next to your Obama bumper sticker. Admit it, there's one on your car. Okay Andromeda, have it your way. Let's say EVERYTHING Rita has told us is one hundred percent accurate and balanced, now what? Let's say she has a lots of french fries in her happy meal, and that there is this big out to get her conspiracy that after 17 years is still alive and action. Let's say EVERYTHING she says is true...BUT we can use anything she WRITES as evidence. Fair enough? Let's say she gets her license back tomorrow, then what? 1)She hasn't practiced in 17 years...a lot has changed in that time...I don't care how many classes you take, do you want someone seeing your mother in the hospital when she hasn't (legally) touched a patient in 17 years? 2)Even if you get a license, you need Malpractice Insurance...If you're the malpractice provider, might you look a little sideways at someone who lost their license for 17 years...Even if everything Rita has told us is true. Imagine her on a witness stand for a malpractice suit.. Dr. Kralik, tell us about this 17 years lost time on your resume. Well I lost my license' Why is that?' Well, you see, I broke my wrists..and there was the thyroid...and then some pounding...then a conspiracy...and Dr. Nice is a Man w***e...' IT's called WRITE THE CHECK.' 3)Rita said she wants to join the Army...Well, just read what she writes...do you think she'll do well in the macho' and boy's club' of the US Army??? Get real. Not to mention TOO OLD. It's also an insult to military physicians that they would automatically take her without question. 4)Hospital Privileges: Every medical staff is going to need to approve her application for hospital privileges. Well do you think any of her LOCAL hospitals are going to consider her? Just read her writings...burnt one or two or 50 bridges there....So she'll need to go out of area or out of state. Now remember, the hospital is REQUIRED to learn of all circumstances about this physicins's history BEFORE granting privileges....They don't have to say WHY they refused privileges because that is supposed to generate an HONEST system...Oops, doesn't sound like Hillcrest will be very nice to her now does it? 5)Other States: Even if she has her Ohio licenses, other states are going to be VERY nervous about giving her a license...EVEN IF EVERTHING Rita says is true. 6)Other issues: We still haven't discussed her racism, sexism, religionism (if that's a word) as typed by her on a website that advises it NEVER deletes entries...Oh my, follows her around FOREVER. 7)She also has written with contempt in regards to Foreign Medical Graduates...there's a lot out there, how does she plan to work with them? How are they going to work with her given her published opinions? How about all the other folks she insulted. 8)Oh, and do you really think ANYONE is going to want to take care of her or her family when any PERCEIVED error is going to result in a lifetime of misery by the can't type enough words fast enough with broken wrists Rita? 9)So Andromenda...Who is doing Rita a favor by pointing out her wasted time and effort? Myself and John? Or you by trying to be her knight in rusted armor? 10)Except for you....it seems as if NO ONE else is there to defend her. Not old friends, not old associates, okay, her mommy, but otherwise she seems ON HER OWN. Don't you think there might be a LITTLE reason for this? 11)Remember, she wants to get back in a profession where you have to work as a TEAM and she doesn't exactly seem like a team player. She also insulted all the other members of the team. Don't you think it would be in her best interest to lose the thyroid/broken wrist/everybody is against me/I don't have any children/Men hate me/My mom is an enabler/Delta hate's me/no one knows anything about medicine but me/everyone screws up my surgery...but I still keep going to them....ATTITUDE. And move on to another area of her life and be productive??? So while she tries to paint herself as a victim and you feel she should be wrapped in protection by some memo on this site...Look at ALL the people she attacks with no proof. Explain to us all New Mexican, why this is appropriate? Why is this justified? I don't see it, but I'm not as smart as you.


Near Roswell,
New Mexico,
You have caught the 'illness'.

#53Consumer Comment

Mon, April 20, 2009

'Dr John' and/or 'Dr Interested person. The following is just my opinion, and may or may not, be shared by other individuals. From their own RipOffReport medical related postings, 'Dr John' and/or 'Dr Interested person appear to be very good at 'kicking' other unfortunate individuals while they are down, and they appear to get a lot of satisfaction doing it. They seem to know exactly what everyone is thinking, and what the motives of everyone are. They also appear to know when certain medical tests should be given and by whom. However they cannot answer even a single simple question regarding the reasons for the tests, when they are needed, what they mean, or why they should be given. Their purpose does not appear to be to educate anyone. It seems to be to cause more misery to an unfortunate fellow human being. evidently for their own sick pleasure. The current operator and founder of RipOffReport.com has posted the following statement as part of the mission statement of RipOffReport.com: I have capitalized key points for 'Dr John' 'alias' 'Dr Interested Person' several times. Here it is again, as the 'doctors' have repeatedly shown that they cannot read, understand or remember written information longer than a few words: START OF QUOTE 'If you are familiar with this site, as you seem to be, you will know that we are dedicated to the plight of victims. In the event a victim comes to this site for safe harbor to obtain support/solutions, we are further dedicated to precluding further victimization by attorneys, corporate shills, or HEARTLESS BASTARDS who just DON'T CARE WHO THEY ATTACK. We may get more than a little vigorous, but it is important that all victims understand that these waters are TRULY FRIENDLY.' END OF QUOTE Why not just ask 'Dr John' and/or 'Dr Interested person why they would continue to defy and purposly break the RipOffReport 'safe haven' rules, just to be 'amused by, or to take pleasure in the psychological and/or physical suffering' of an unfortunate human being? Go ahead, just ask them. See what their feeble excuse is. Don't be intimidated by these two gullible vacuum heads, with no logical ability, who never saw anything on the internet they didn't fall for 'hook, line and sinker. They do their 'scumbag work' by following their victim around, apparently only to keep repeatedly harassing and attacking her without ever being able to provide any new information at all. Apparently their mental condition(s) are well documented as shown below. Anyone can look it up on the Internet. The following is an EXERP From the American Psychiatric Association Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders; DSM-III-R: ----------------- SADISTIC PERSONALITY DISORDER is a pervasive pattern of cruel, demeaning, and aggressive behavior, beginning by early adulthood, as indicated by the repeated occurrence of the following: 1. Humiliates or demeans people in the presence of others. 2. Is amused by, or takes pleasure in, the psychological or physical suffering of others (including animals). 3. Has lied for the purpose of harming or inflicting pain on others (not merely to achieve some other goal). 4. Gets other people to do what he/she wants by frightening them (through intimidation or even terror). 5. The behavior has not been directed toward only one person. ----------------- In my opinion, 'Dr John' and/or 'Dr Interested person's mental condition, is very very similar to that described above in the DSM-III-R. Thank you for listening. The above is just my opinion, and may or may not, be shared by other individuals.


New Jersey,
Why? There are plenty of competent physicians that already work there with no problems.

#54Consumer Comment

Sat, April 18, 2009

Hey, guess what...you were proven wrong again on 4/5/09. A Donna Sweets M.D. was on DHC CME discussing the AIDS epidemic in the country. Seems the men in the vocation are doing a poor job at keeping your conspiracy theory alive. I thought you said male doctors were keeping all females from the medical field and not just the incompetent ones such as yourself. The Discovery CME program (or whatever it's call) has a panel of 3 REAL doctors on discussing different ailments and every time I have watched there has ALWAYS been at least 1 FEMALE doctor on the panel thus proving you are a liar. The decision was more than correct as has been discussed over and over in your other fraudulent reports. Luckily innocent people won't be butchered by you. http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/374/RipOff0374522.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/325/RipOff0325519.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/330/RipOff0330124.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/383/RipOff0383736.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/331/RipOff0331399.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/384/RipOff0384729.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/384/RipOff0384765.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/358/RipOff0358870.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/329/RipOff0329263.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/332/RipOff0332688.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/332/RipOff0332122.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/366/RipOff0366042.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/384/RipOff0384920.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/385/RipOff0385263.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/387/RipOff0387129.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/363/RipOff0363750.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/328/RipOff0328642.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/361/RipOff0361519.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/268/RipOff0268648.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/385/RipOff0385630.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/372/RipOff0372660.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/378/RipOff0378373.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/269/RipOff0269685.htm Then there is the famous Delta report: http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/269/RipOff0269735.htm I would have to say that any alleged 'carpal tunnel' you may have is probably from typing all these false reports. You keep forgetting to include some very important links in your tales of woe such as this: http://med.ohio.gov/formala/35050161.pdf so that people can get the whole story.


Mayfield Heights,
Physicians - if you value your career or your health - are advised not to settle/practice in Ohio

#55Author of original report

Fri, April 17, 2009

The Ohio State Medical Board is the most corrupt Medical Board in the country - for false disciplinary actions against physicians, for false investigations, for 'confidential' ever-morphing files against physicians, for abusing psychiatric evaluations for disagreeing with more senior alpha males, and for taking licenses prophylactially for 'being a bad patient' and not going along with surgeries, etc when the fractures didn't need to happen at all (Ohio physicians are eXtremely stupid medically in general - especially the Medical Board Members who don't know psychiatry from endocrinology). Ohio is the only State Medical Board that will take medical licenses PROPHYLACTICALLY because you disagreed with your own medical/orthopedic/gyn whatever care; didn't go along with extra surgeries by certain physicians, etc. The Federation of State Medical Boards know the fraud that is going on, and looks the other way. In Ohio, it is not about your patient care, your excellent diagnostic skills, or even your CME; it's about who you please and allow to do your operations or fracture care - there are certain 'right' physicians. The American College of Legal Medicine will tell you this if you call - the secretaries - then it will be that they 'told you so.' In Ohio you have to carry malpractice insurance to protect against the State Medical Board, unless you have 'friends' on the Board (not hard to do if there are no term limits and you are a 'political' physician, not a clinical one). You won't get your 'confidential' file unless you have friends on the State Medical Board however, and pay for them to have a job or contract. There are no ethics for State Medical Board of Ohio Members - they can profit from cases, from getting hospitals off, from physicians - contracts, appointments, clinical privileges, and jobs. It's a lucrative position - witness Anita Steinbergh DO - who has gotten re-appointed for the last 20 years. The State Legislature, the House Speaker and the Senate Health Committee - just look the other way for the corruptions; perhaps they get a percentage?


New Jersey,
Hey, guess what...you were proven wrong again on 4/5/09.

#56Consumer Comment

Sat, April 11, 2009

A Donna Sweets M.D. was on DHC CME discussing the AIDS epidemic in the country. Seems the men in the vocation are doing a poor job at keeping your conspiracy theory alive. I thought you said male doctors were keeping all females from the medical field and not just the incompetent ones such as yourself. The Discovery CME program (or whatever it's call) has a panel of 3 REAL doctors on discussing different ailments and every time I have watched there has ALWAYS been at least 1 FEMALE doctor on the panel thus proving you are a liar. The decision was more than correct as has been discussed over and over in your other fraudulent reports. Luckily innocent people won't be butchered by you. http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/374/RipOff0374522.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/325/RipOff0325519.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/330/RipOff0330124.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/383/RipOff0383736.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/331/RipOff0331399.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/384/RipOff0384729.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/384/RipOff0384765.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/358/RipOff0358870.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/329/RipOff0329263.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/332/RipOff0332688.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/332/RipOff0332122.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/366/RipOff0366042.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/384/RipOff0384920.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/385/RipOff0385263.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/387/RipOff0387129.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/363/RipOff0363750.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/328/RipOff0328642.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/361/RipOff0361519.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/268/RipOff0268648.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/385/RipOff0385630.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/372/RipOff0372660.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/378/RipOff0378373.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/269/RipOff0269685.htm Then there is the famous Delta report: http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/269/RipOff0269735.htm I would have to say that any alleged 'carpal tunnel' you may have is probably from typing all these false reports. You keep forgetting to include some very important links in your tales of woe such as this: http://med.ohio.gov/formala/35050161.pdf so that people can get the whole story.


Mayfield Heights,
It isn't my fault . . .

#57Author of original report

Sat, April 11, 2009

It is not my IMPAIRMENT that male physicians in Ohio don't have to do anything. If a woman MD goes to a male orthopedic in the Cleveland area - the orthopedic doesn't have to cast the fracture, check the x-ray, order the x-ray, put the right cast padding on, check the cast for neurovascular compression, check the fracture for slippage and deformity. But the male orthopedic can bill for the whole 'care' that they didn't do, didn't follow, didn't do anything for - then you have to say to the State Medical Board that everything's FINE. Nothing is 'fine' in Ohio except male virility and fooling around. Male physicians in Ohio under Governor Strickland, Lt Governor Lee Fisher, and Speaker Budish (ARMOND) don't have to do anything: they can look at you, joke about you, mistreat you, beat you up, anything goes - they don't have to refer, consult or send medical records - that's only women MDs - no labs are necessary for women patients or MDs. The State Medical Board in Ohio doesn't believe in blood work, medical workups, the 'right' diagnosis - everything's political. There's a double-standard as big as existed in Henry VIII's time - where the men get away with faking care, faking everything and the women are declared IMPAIRED that they noticed. All the male orthopedics walk in to office visits, strut around 360 degrees so you can get an idea of their endowments, if they are in scrubs the scrubs leave every groin detail unimagined. They laugh at you, tell you not to 'do handstands,' tell you that tendons are veins, that the alignment is bad when they bother to look at the x-ray - but they aren't responsible for anything. . . It's not my fault or my IMPAIRMENT. . .

Intersted Person

Shelby Ohio,
You forgot a FEW more folks who looked at this case

#58Consumer Comment

Sat, April 11, 2009



New Jersey,
Hey, guess what...you were proven wrong again on 4/5/09.

#59Consumer Comment

Thu, April 09, 2009

A Donna Sweets M.D. was on DHC CME discussing the AIDS epidemic in the country. Seems the men in the vocation are doing a poor job at keeping your conspiracy theory alive. I thought you said male doctors were keeping all females from the medical field and not just the incompetent ones such as yourself. The Discovery CME program (or whatever it's call) has a panel of 3 REAL doctors on discussing different ailments and every time I have watched there has ALWAYS been at least 1 FEMALE doctor on the panel thus proving you are a liar. The decision was more than correct as has been discussed over and over in your other fraudulent reports. Luckily innocent people won't be butchered by you. http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/374/RipOff0374522.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/325/RipOff0325519.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/330/RipOff0330124.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/383/RipOff0383736.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/331/RipOff0331399.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/384/RipOff0384729.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/384/RipOff0384765.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/358/RipOff0358870.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/329/RipOff0329263.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/332/RipOff0332688.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/332/RipOff0332122.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/366/RipOff0366042.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/384/RipOff0384920.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/385/RipOff0385263.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/387/RipOff0387129.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/363/RipOff0363750.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/328/RipOff0328642.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/361/RipOff0361519.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/268/RipOff0268648.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/385/RipOff0385630.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/372/RipOff0372660.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/378/RipOff0378373.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/269/RipOff0269685.htm Then there is the famous Delta report: http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/269/RipOff0269735.htm I would have to say that any alleged 'carpal tunnel' you may have is probably from typing all these false reports. You keep forgetting to include some very important links in your tales of woe such as this: http://med.ohio.gov/formala/35050161.pdf so that people can get the whole story.


Mayfield Heights,
Governor Strickland, Mr. Rick1957 Whitehouse and the Ohio Legislature under Speaker Budish 2009 - continue the Celeste administration policy of taking women physician medical license for being a bad patient' disagreeing with the Ohio boys'

#60Author of original report

Wed, April 08, 2009

Disagreeing with the Ohio MD boys' about one's own medical/orthopedic care - is sometimes the only part of the flight or fight' reaction that saves a patient or a woman MD. But this is an IMPAIRMENT to practice medicine in Ohio since 1992 and Governor Celeste's Democratic Ohio State Medical Board. Male orthopedics by habit leave casts too tight (destroying tendons, nerves, and impairing circulation), without enough cast padding, needing trimming, and omit the x-rays after casting or even the fracture reduction to start with (can't be bothered between polo games) first piece of equipment to go in an ER or never be ordered in the first place = finger-trap reducton apparatus. And if you remind them you are a paranoid' personality disorder not deserving of any care.' Flouroscopic reduction simply never happens anymore Dr. Nice is between pieces of pizza, Anita Steinbergh DO is between cell phone calls, and Dr. Carla O'Day in-between husbands. And no one checks that these fractures redisplace substantially during the cast immobilization Dr. Nice is on the polo field and Dr. Keith at the University/Metro beer parties. So women are left at the mercy of an Ohio Medical Board of literally insane Members who slowly kill another woman physician by withholding needed medical care for an unrecognized thyroid condition causing the fractures the fracture care was almost non-existent with the physician being told to supply her own splints and order her own x-rays, bring her own stockingette padding. Leaving a thyroiditis untreated for years kindof screws up every other bodily endocrine organ and can kill you slowly and painfully if the State Medical Board of Ohio doesn't do it first by letting the orthopedics beat you up until you are black-and-blue for objecting that something else' is wrong. While the fracture care was barely there, the blood work was just unlucky' never ordered or never done before the Celeste Ohio State Medical Board with his wife's friends acted to stop a potential care embarrassment. The women MDs/DOs are the ring-leaders that another woman doesn't need a set of blood work and is just really making too much.' Then after you have your medical license privileges suspended it takes 10 years for someone to believe you enough to order the thyroid panel of tests by that time your bone condition is in the dead' zone. The Ohio State Medical Board has to stop taking the licenses of women physicians in drunken emergency sessions, to let the statute of limitations expire, because the boys' couldn't do blood work or consult it's a MAD WORLD (as in the Tears for Fears song). Medical Board disciplines, suspensions, or warnings by the State Medical Board should be for medical care deficiencies of the physician - and the Medical Board Membrs should critique themselves in this regard after they nearly kill a physician with their misassessment of a situation.


Thanks John

#61Consumer Comment

Wed, April 08, 2009

Keep up the good work Rita the so called "Doctor" has no business in the Medical Field She is unstable (as her rants suggest) Hopefully all the people she slanders here will find out and finally sue her Keep it going Stacey


New Jersey,
Hey, guess what...you were proven wrong again on 4/5/09.

#62Consumer Comment

Wed, April 08, 2009

A Donna Sweets M.D. was on DHC CME discussing the AIDS epidemic in the country. Seems the men in the vocation are doing a poor job at keeping your conspiracy theory alive. I thought you said male doctors were keeping all females from the medical field and not just the incompetent ones such as yourself. The Discovery CME program (or whatever it's call) has a panel of 3 REAL doctors on discussing different ailments and every time I have watched there has ALWAYS been at least 1 FEMALE doctor on the panel thus proving you are a liar. The decision was more than correct as has been discussed over and over in your other fraudulent reports. Luckily innocent people won't be butchered by you. http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/374/RipOff0374522.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/325/RipOff0325519.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/330/RipOff0330124.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/383/RipOff0383736.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/331/RipOff0331399.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/384/RipOff0384729.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/384/RipOff0384765.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/358/RipOff0358870.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/329/RipOff0329263.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/332/RipOff0332688.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/332/RipOff0332122.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/366/RipOff0366042.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/384/RipOff0384920.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/385/RipOff0385263.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/387/RipOff0387129.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/363/RipOff0363750.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/328/RipOff0328642.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/361/RipOff0361519.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/268/RipOff0268648.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/385/RipOff0385630.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/372/RipOff0372660.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/378/RipOff0378373.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/269/RipOff0269685.htm Then there is the famous Delta report: http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/269/RipOff0269735.htm I would have to say that any alleged 'carpal tunnel' you may have is probably from typing all these false reports. You keep forgetting to include some very important links in your tales of woe such as this: http://med.ohio.gov/formala/35050161.pdf so that people can get the whole story.


Mayfield Heights,
Regarding the 'dirty sex talk' at the State Medical Board of Ohio - about women physicians who have a personality disorder unless they are . . . colleague friendly - Governor Strickland needs to talk to Governor Sarah Palin

#63Author of original report

Tue, April 07, 2009

Governor Strickland, supposedly a licensed psychologist, allows the blatant misuse of psychiatry and evaluations at the State Medical Board of Ohio - to take medical licenses of woman physicians who object to the wrong care of themselves and the evaluations are all about dirty sex talk.' That the woman physician with two wrist fractures suddently knows about the orthopedic's 'personal habits,' asks him out 'ice skating' (the latest euphemism for ?), or is 'seductive.' Where's the professionalism, self-control, and caring behavior - or is it all about 'dirty sex talk' in Columbus? Governor Strickland should perhaps check with Governor Sarah Palin about dirty sex talk' and that it is not appropriate at State Administrative Boards, in medical records of physicians, nor in evaluations of woman physician to make sure that they are personalities' who sleep around with the married Ohio boy-toy MDs how many times they did it or dated, with whom, names, and how long that's been discussed in great detail in my case for public records not my patient care as there's nothing wrong with my care of patients. What has the State Medical Board come to impairments' are physicians who are bad patients who don't go along with obvious negligent care practices - who are the mistakes of male colleagues. The Medical Board in Ohio is the malpractice firm for 'friend' MDs. Ohio is the ONLY state that does this type of impairment and Ohio is the worst state in the country for false allegations against physicians which increases malpractice costs in Ohio higher than neighboring states. My case at the Medical Board of Ohio has gone on since 1992 for being IMPAIRED for objecting to fracture care which nearly caused the loss of my R hand. If they didn't want to investigate it just file it or round-file it but it was a valid complaint, i.e. care that does not happen in any other state or city. The appeals were a joke I disagreed so therefore I was impaired, and needed their help to understand' and accept Ohio medicine. To be honest, I was naive about how bad male behaviors can get - but that shouldn't lead to near loss of my R hand. The wrist fractures took two years to heal and healed in malunions nothing that is or ever will be fine' the alignments, if you get out an orthopedic ruler, are poor and reflect orthopedic negligence. Dr. Nice doesn't measure orthopedic angles he parties. The boys were being boys' those weeks in the Cleveland area, thinking that I was making up, or exaggerating, the bone pains and fractures they played polo, partied, drank heavily at Medical Staff & drug company meetings. Every Medical Staff Meeting at Hillcrest Hospital in Mayfield Heights Ohio requires a full liquor closet and bartenders. The wrist fracture was left to SWELL TO EXCRESCENCE which the State Medical Board of Ohio lets Dr. Timothy Nice do to patients, Dr. Tozzi who sharing his office watched and laughed. This isn't allowed in any other state, but Dr. Nice get special allowances/dispensations to do unusual care in Ohio. In 1991, I complained to the State Medical Board of Ohio, after 6-7 months of trying to get the records from the office NEXT DOOR in the office building - get my medical records for the consultants and get the boys to stop; that there was something else causing the bone pains & fractures. My medical license was taken because I dared to suggest that I was just to be unlucky' and to keep Dr. Nice's deficiences, and Dr. Keith's bizarre attempts to salvage, to myself and to stop ordering my own workup. Neither Drs. Nice or Keith, Dr. Carla O'Day, Dr. Anita Steinbergh, Dr. Suppes, or Dr. Talmadge have ever volunteered to call one of the consultants trying to save the situation. No Member on the current State Medical Board will call the bone expert at the Cleveland Clinic currently trying to salvage a mess - they don't understand what he's saying - they just know bestsellers and psychiatric. There were plenty of orthopedics in Ohio and neighboring states that could have helped recast the fractures; save the wrist alignments and range-of-motion. But Dr. Nice, and Dr. Keith, don't have to consult, refer, send records, or do blood work their woman patients are just crazy.' Then the evaluations with the dirty sex talk, the medical records suggesting that with two swollen wrists I was somehow seductive.' If that arouses Dr. Nice then Dr. Nice has something seriously WRONG with him he should be aroused by his wife and not women physician colleagues with fractures. That's no excuse for not putting a decent temporary cast on a fracture, and placing a two-minute phone call to Cleveland Clinic. What kind of man does this? The psychiatric evaluations of the State Medical Board of Ohio have included a falsified Rorschach test and a diagnosis that doesn't exist for me to get treatment for. The State Medical Board of Ohio has you go in, to a psychologist with chicken cartoon pictures on the wall as he's so bizarre, and look at inkblots and they don't record the answers you are just paranoid' that you questioned Dr. Nice and Dr. Keith - even if the Mayo Clinic almost sent you to abuse counseling for going near them. Then in 1995-6, there was the Board evaluator, that State of Ohio tax monies paid for, who made up a diagnosis that didn't exist as he was afraid to tell the Medical Board that they didn't have a case. The Medical Board Members were too stupid to realize the error until the New York City expert Dr. Andrew Skodol had to point it out he co-wrote the DSM for Psychiatry. Yet these too stupid' Medical Board Members, none of them with more than several months training in psychiatry, continue to order evaluations and goes,' as they call it in the Medical Board jargon, to find their case after 17 years of harassment to admit the case. Then the evaluations include about your sex life why you didn't like' Dr. Nice in a male-female way. Maybe Speaker Budish could explain this? Well Dr. Nice is married with two children, his wife has the more secure money, he's balding, very short for a male (about 5'6), paunchy, and smells (or stinks) perpetually of too much Polo cologne. There isn't anything more to discuss; he's the type that is attractive for his wife only her eyes only guy.' It's not possible to be 'seductive' with that type of guy. . .earth to the State Medical Board of Ohio. Medical Board disciplines, suspensions, and/or investigations in Ohio need to be for transparent complaints not confidential' complaints that are ever-changing when mistakes about premature preliminary prophylactic suspensions are made. They need to be about patient care, not colleague care, and they need to allow the physician care-to-function, and appropriate time, to heal from temporary illnesses/injuries in the optimal fashion not the withholding of necessary care and medical workup so that fracture healing takes two years and blood work takes a decade (just the thyroid function tests). Then we need smarter, more clinically' astute physicians on the State Medical Board of Ohio, and JDs who are also MDs, something that the physician community can be proud of - not third trimester abortion clinicians, DO for-show only physicians, Indian anesthesiologists who don't believe in thyroid function tests before they take a medical license in an emergency session after cocktails. . .could we discuss Speaker Budish's sex life, or Governor Strickland's, or Mr. Whitehouse's, Dr. Varyani's - it might be more interesting. How about the ex-Mrs. Celeste, as her husband's administration was so critical of a woman MD trying to do things the 'right' traditional way (get married and have one child even - not allowed) - taking her license for not being bisexual or blatantly heterosexual with multiple partners - stuff that the Medical Board of Ohio understands = sex or being particular about partners (=paranoid personality disorder), ie saying 'No' to Dr. Nice - that's one of the things they are mad about, ie that I was just 'trash' Catholic and should have just done it and gotten it over with - get Dr. Nice out of his urges that he can't control with patients or colleagues - someone needs to clean up the Ohio State Medical Board of 'dirty sex talk.' It needs to be about patient care.


New Jersey,
You are a liar and have absolutely NO WAY to back up these ridiculous statements.

#64Consumer Comment

Sat, March 28, 2009

YOU are the only YOU are concerned about so the fact that you try to lump other women in to this case of your incompetence and ignorance is appalling to the women that do an outstanding job as doctors and have no need to have their privileges revoked permanently. Luckily, no innocent patient will be able to be maimed by you ever.


Mayfield Heights,
Governor Strickland has completely 'lost it' - allowing the State Medical Board of Ohio to take women physician's medical licenses for being a 'bad patient' = complaining about the 'boys being boys'

#65Author of original report

Sat, March 28, 2009

Governor Strickland has now stooped to allowing the State Medical Board to continue to take the licenses of women physicians if they complain about bad care practices - no fracture care, no blood work for wrist fractures in the Cleveland area. My case, for being a 'bad patient,' has gone on for 17 years with the case being 'confidential' - that I'm supposed to admit and take discipline for 'confidential.' The boy MDs, who don't look young, were fooling around drinking and partying for several weeks at Hillcrest in November, 1990 - University Orthopedics were disorganized because their Chief was out with a fracture - but Dr. Goldberg got care. The taking of physician medical licenses for the 'bad patient' excuse, is not part of Ohio law and GOES ON IN NO OTHER STATE. If the Board didn't want to act on the complaint, then the Board should have just said that and moved on, not overreact and start a 17-year legal war - I can't admit that bogus case even for a medical license in a corrupt state. Hillcrest Hospital (Mayfield Heights, Ohio) ER fracture care was awful at the time - no equipment to reduce fractures properly and no cast materials to pad casts - Dr. Carla O'Day was supposed to be in charge - but she was also on the Medical Board and has two husbands and 5 children in between being close 'friends' with Dr. Nice. If physicians don't try to keep care standards 'up there,' who will? The problem got compounded because after the mistakes, I was supposed to keep this 'between Dr. Nice & I' and not try to get care to try to salvage his mess - that would mean someone would know that he goofed - can't be known that physicians/orthopedics make 'mistakes.' As Dr. Suppes put it - 'change your story or things WILL HAPPEN.' The things happened. During the 3 weeks when I tried to get simple fracture care at Hillcrest, Dr. Suppes then Chief of Staff, was drinking heavily - consumed most of one bottle of wine in front of me at a drug company dinner. It's fraud to take licenses for 'bad patient,' and shifts the attention from the care problems to the whistleblower - and no one WANTS to be a whistleblower - you get beat up. When the orthopedic 'boys' goof in Ohio, they then tell colleagues not to care for the woman physician - that she's drinking or 'seductive.' The only one 'seductive' with the orthopedic, Dr. Timothy Nice, who gets 'special' treatment from the State Medical Board, was a Member of the State Medical Board of Ohio at the time - Dr. Carla O'Day - his 'friend.' So Governor Strickland/Mr. Whitehouse/Ohio Medical Board has so lost it that complaining that you can't get your medical records, and that care standards have deteriorated - is an 'impairment' - your impairment & not the orthopedics doing the virtual care or Governor Strickland's misjudgment - trying to get paid for this virtual care even is allowed. Governor Strickland needs to address the problems at the State Medical Board, and the taking of licenses for the physician being a perceived 'bad patient' when she had to complain that fracture care in Ohio has 'gone to the dogs' - even dogs get better care in NYC. She almost lost her R hand function - but that's the joke.


New Jersey,
You are a liar and have absolutely NO WAY to back up these ridiculous statements.

#66Consumer Comment

Fri, March 27, 2009

YOU are the only YOU are concerned about so the fact that you try to lump other women in to this case of your incompetence and ignorance is appalling to the women that do an outstanding job as doctors and have no need to have their privileges revoked permanently. Luckily, no innocent patient will be able to be maimed by you ever.


Mayfield Heights,
It's 2009 and Governor Strickland still has the most corrupt Medical Board in the US - women physicians lose medical licenses for disagreeing about the wrong care or a physician taking care of them

#67Author of original report

Fri, March 27, 2009

2009 and women physicians in Ohio are still losing medical licenses for disagreeing about their own care = the wrong care even, unheard of care even, ie medieval = leave fractures uncasted until they rot from EXCRESCENCE. That's not even allowed for animals in NYC, but Dr. Nice can do this in Ohio. No patient complaints, misdecisions, or negligences required - just disagree with a more senior male physician. NO OTHER STATE MEDICAL BOARD takes a woman physician's medical license, and privileges, for supposedly 'being a bad patient' = not giving up enough surgeries, not allowing the local monster to take care of her (Dr. Timothy Nice), not sleeping with the colleagues that want the 'personal' touch. If I'd been 'giving out' there would be no case against me - so the details of my sex life are basically that I didn't do it with the MDs that would have made the difference, but I was a 'tramp' nonetheless, who deserved the bad comments and sexual innuendo - meanwhile during the same time I had two wrist fractures and could hardly be 'seductive' unless the observer was psychotic. Governor Strickland KNOWS what is going on and he looks the other way; Lt Governor Lee Fisher's former law firm Hahn Loeser Parks LLP 'cleans up' with the false cases = retainer fees for years, decades, and lifetimes. My case, with the Medical Board's case against me being 'confidential,' has gone on at TAXPAYER expense on the Medical Board's side for 17 years. At least $500,000 of state monies have been wasted in my case, and I'm not the only false case in Columbus - there's a business of medical regulation going on as there are job problems in Ohio. No laywer has been able to SEE the Board's case against me - even during appeals and even the Ohio Court of Appeals = "CONFIDENTIAL" that I'm supposed to admit - only 'confidential' changes daily. Then the Board wants the women physicians - in therapy - ie male controlled - the Board only approves male psychiatrists - until the woman 'accepts' the bad care and says that everything is 'fine,' so that the Medical Board doesn't have to improve medical standards or mistake laws - it's all the woman physician's fault for being particular, for expecting BETTER. Bottom-feeder medical care continues because of the secondary consultations that it causes = limitless salvage when mistakes aren't admitted early on. It's the conspiracy of silence that rules in Ohio, from top to bottom, Governor to nurse. Orthopedics are allowed to leave women colleague's fractures uncasted, without casting, reduction or padding/splint support, requiring that the women turn over patient referrals and just die out of practice. Blood work isn't allowed for women physicians before their medical licenses are taken for saying that something's wrong - the Medical Board Members can do whatever they want. Medical Board Members run investigations at their own hospitals, even when they, or their care policies, are involved in the mess and problems, ie Carla O'Day MD cleaned up at Hillcrest in 1992. Medical Board Members are friends, associates, political allies, political contributors of the Governor - no requirement for Medical degree, training, or expertise. They don't have any independent thoughts or ethics. 2009 and Ohio needs change = a Medical Board with transparency and rules that make sense. Women professionals need the same medical care, and the same protections at the State Medical Board of Ohio, as the men - the same standards of care and discipline. The standard in my case has been held to no male practitioner - in Ohio history; men don't have their medical licenses taken 'confidentially' because they disagreed with a more senior woman physician - and more 'senior' doesn't mean up-to-date or correct in either instance. More senior = more powerful, more connections and 'friends' on the State Medical Board of Ohio. The Medical Board Members, as they accumulate terms, collect hospital privileges, directorships, consulting fees, and contract jobs, etc. and all involve 'fixing' cases or possible problems for the hiring entity by the Member = fair practice in Ohio. NO ETHICAL RULES apply to MEMBERS of the OHIO STATE MEDICAL BOARD. My case was 'fixed' by a former Medical School classmate, at the same hospital, who was in the ER on contract at the time of the investigation into the non-care that I got - but who then became the Director with a huge contract. No warning bells went off and Governor Taft couldn't get an EXTERNAL REVIEW of the situation - no one wants to reopen the case, no interest as the moneys is long gone. But the case against me continues, and the lawyers can't get the documents, can't do anything but make me admit a false case - with no patient complaints. No patient complaints is too much competition for the guy MDs in Ohio. There are 49 other states and the ARMY that need physicians = the Ohio waste. No Ohio taxpayer should be funding this, but they all are.

Intersted Person

Shelby Ohio,
Holy Molys, this person can type, and type, and type

#68Consumer Comment

Thu, March 26, 2009

Here's a bit more folks, read and enjoy - make up your own mind Before you wonder what this poster is talking about, you might want to take a gander at the following: This was built with help of: John Califon, New Jersey for anyone interested. http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/374/RipOff0374522.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/325/RipOff0325519.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/330/RipOff0330124.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/383/RipOff0383736.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/331/RipOff0331399.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/384/RipOff0384729.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/384/RipOff0384765.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/358/RipOff0358870.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/329/RipOff0329263.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/332/RipOff0332688.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/332/RipOff0332122.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/366/RipOff0366042.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/384/RipOff0384920.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/385/RipOff0385263.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/387/RipOff0387129.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/363/RipOff0363750.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/328/RipOff0328642.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/361/RipOff0361519.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/268/RipOff0268648.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/385/RipOff0385630.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/372/RipOff0372660.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/378/RipOff0378373.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/269/RipOff0269685.htm Then there is the famous Delta report: http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/269/RipOff0269735.htm You keep forgetting to include some very important links in your tales of woe such as this: http://med.ohio.gov/formala/35050161.pdf so that people can get the whole story.

Intersted Person

Shelby Ohio,
Holy Molys, this person can type, and type, and type

#69Consumer Comment

Thu, March 26, 2009

Here's a bit more folks, read and enjoy - make up your own mind Before you wonder what this poster is talking about, you might want to take a gander at the following: This was built with help of: John Califon, New Jersey for anyone interested. http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/374/RipOff0374522.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/325/RipOff0325519.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/330/RipOff0330124.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/383/RipOff0383736.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/331/RipOff0331399.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/384/RipOff0384729.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/384/RipOff0384765.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/358/RipOff0358870.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/329/RipOff0329263.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/332/RipOff0332688.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/332/RipOff0332122.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/366/RipOff0366042.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/384/RipOff0384920.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/385/RipOff0385263.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/387/RipOff0387129.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/363/RipOff0363750.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/328/RipOff0328642.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/361/RipOff0361519.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/268/RipOff0268648.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/385/RipOff0385630.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/372/RipOff0372660.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/378/RipOff0378373.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/269/RipOff0269685.htm Then there is the famous Delta report: http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/269/RipOff0269735.htm You keep forgetting to include some very important links in your tales of woe such as this: http://med.ohio.gov/formala/35050161.pdf so that people can get the whole story.

Intersted Person

Shelby Ohio,
Holy Molys, this person can type, and type, and type

#70Consumer Comment

Thu, March 26, 2009

Here's a bit more folks, read and enjoy - make up your own mind Before you wonder what this poster is talking about, you might want to take a gander at the following: This was built with help of: John Califon, New Jersey for anyone interested. http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/374/RipOff0374522.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/325/RipOff0325519.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/330/RipOff0330124.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/383/RipOff0383736.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/331/RipOff0331399.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/384/RipOff0384729.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/384/RipOff0384765.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/358/RipOff0358870.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/329/RipOff0329263.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/332/RipOff0332688.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/332/RipOff0332122.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/366/RipOff0366042.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/384/RipOff0384920.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/385/RipOff0385263.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/387/RipOff0387129.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/363/RipOff0363750.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/328/RipOff0328642.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/361/RipOff0361519.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/268/RipOff0268648.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/385/RipOff0385630.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/372/RipOff0372660.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/378/RipOff0378373.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/269/RipOff0269685.htm Then there is the famous Delta report: http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/269/RipOff0269735.htm You keep forgetting to include some very important links in your tales of woe such as this: http://med.ohio.gov/formala/35050161.pdf so that people can get the whole story.

Intersted Person

Shelby Ohio,
This person must spend hours of each day writing letters instead of getting her life in order

#71Consumer Comment

Tue, November 04, 2008

It's amazing how many "REPORTS" this person has typed up. However for a coherent report call this up: http://med.ohio.gov/formala/35050161.pdf Your jaw will drop.


Mayfield Heights,
Waste Management Alert: Going after a woman physician for 16 years for not 'going along with the boys in Ohio medicine' has probably cost the State of Ohio $1,000,000

#72Author of original report

Sat, November 01, 2008

Governor Strickland allows the State Medical Board of Ohio GOES to try to find a case against a WOMAN physician for 16-17 years - as the Board didn't have a case when they took the woman physician's license for objecting to care by Dr. Timothy Nice. The Board is taking licenses without a case and trying to make a case by saving the letters of objection over the years. Dr. Nice leaves women's fractures bizarrely casted, had this woman physician order her own x-rays, and refused to refer, send the records or stop harassing the woman physician about sending him patients. You can't 'make it' on the Staff of Hillcrest Hospital in Mayfield Heights, Ohio as a WOMAN PHYSICIAN unless you send Dr. Nice so many orthopedic surgeries - the men don't have to do this requirement. Cases at the State Medical Board of Ohio sometimes have no patient complaints - like this case - and no way to stop the FALSE case. In 1999, Mr. Dilling the then Executive Director admitted there were a number of FALSE CASES against physicians, wasting lives, that needed the files opened and some REFORMS. Mr. Dilling was told to keep trying and cover up - this case was one of those mentioned cases that admittedly needed to be opened up in 1999. The Ohio Medical Board has probably spent close to $1M trying in 17 years trying to find a case by getting some patient to complain, storing letters pleading with the Board/Governors/State Reps & Senators to STOP, trying to invent/write/fabricate a case, and processing the Ohio Court of Appeals appeal through the Attorney General's Office - where the woman attorney was allowed blood work for an endocrine problem, but not the woman physician. There's huge waste at the Ohio State Medical Board of Ohio to find cases, make false cases and continue cases until the physician admits the lies - which are so unbelieveable that even a Fifth Grader would question. If I had been allowed to have a 5th grade child, that child would be mad at me for coping to such stuff - even for a medical license. Mr. Whitehouse continues suspensions without ever meeting with the phsyician to discuss what happened - he's a distant, uncaring, and cruel administrator interested only in 'notches on his belt.' The falsely accused physicians are just ordered to unending evaluations of their dating history, not patient care, and these evaluations are read by lay Members, lawyers, and Medical Board staff - about how many dates and who the woman physician slept with or didn't. It's not about patient care, it's about finding some statistic or personality flaw - even if it takes 2 decades. The thought was to make me into a tramp who should have been elated that Dr. Nice chose to make 'dirty' comments to me; to make me out as experienced and 'seductive.' Horrible stuff. Governor Strickland needs to review all cases over 5 years old, see what the problems were, and stop allowing the Ohio Board to order endless psychiatric fishing expeditions on women physicians who disagree with Dr. Nice or the wrong care. Five evaluations should have ended this case, and if they didn't a sixth one won't.

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