  • Report:  #1320121

Complaint Review: Gregory Jones - Internet

Reported By:
annonymous - Kansas, Kansas, USA

Gregory Jones
Internet, USA
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

Mr Greg, GJ Jones, is a complete fake, a liar and a con man, he was not in the Army, he did not go to MIT, he has not given over 3,000 speeches.


His supposed comoanies GStreet Capital and USA CLosers Inc do not have world wide offices, they don't even have a real office in NY, the address is a PO Box.


THey steal money from clients and give numerous reasons all false of why they cannot repay it.


Mr. GJ Jones is the consumate CON MAN, MR. Bob Allen who is the supposed president of Gstreet gives false information.

This outfit and the partners are fake, liars also USA CLosers who Mr. GJ Jones is assocoated with.

Ask them to give proof of deals, proof of sales, proof of funding to businesses, ask them to prove their relationships with Deutsche Bank and others. It is all a fake, 


Ask them why they have never repaid the money they stole from numerous clients


Ask them to prove everything and check, double and triple check everything they say, 

5 Updates & Rebuttals


United States

#2Author of original report

Fri, May 15, 2020


You claim "We attempted to retrieve what was stolen and have since enacted activity once again to track down this charlatan and crook. There is a quote "evil men prosper when good men do nothing". We will find this thief and make him pay. " So what have you actually done to track this so called crook you gave the clients money to.

You know show in your linked in profile that USA CLOSERS has a new name of Cash flow Closers and you facilitated the sale of it to China hedge fund company. How come you didn't tell the court that??? why the sudden change of name??

Judge said what Greg Jones did was criminal he is in contempt of court for not paying court ordered payments to the victim of his crime. HE IS NO MAN OF HIS WORD LIKE HE CLAIMS

INDEX NO. 160741/2016

NYSCEF DOC. NO. 128 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 07/30/2018  judgement against USA CLOSERS; GREG JONES and G.STREET CAPITAL. so the judge saw through your lies.

He is now claiming to be a tax expert!!  Don't trust your taxes to this man unless you want to inform the judge of what he is charging you to do them.

Gregory A Jones GJ Fraudster

#3Author of original report

Fri, September 22, 2017

Gregory GJ Jones of New York is a total fraudster. Ask to give you written proof of any deals he shows on here. http://www.thepicta.com/user/gregjonestv He has ripped off more than 3 people for thousands and thousands of dollars that he refuses to pay back. He just wants to act big. Do not do business with him or USA Closers.

Greg Jones

New York,
USA Closers has never been a party to any transaction named in this report. Slanderous party refuses to acknowledge this fact. Gregory Jones Never stole a penny from anyone ever! This my last REBUTTAL

#4REBUTTAL Owner of company

Thu, February 09, 2017


It is shameful that I have to rebut yet another slanderous attack by obvious cowards regarding the transaction between G-Street Capital of which I was one of three principals. This has never been refuted. However, the guilty party Mike Johnson and his firm is being dealt with legally. 

The slanderous party refuses to acknowledge that USA Closer has never played a role in any of these transactions and the fact that you/they keep posting is further evidence of their mental incompetence. We expect it is a former partner cowardly hiding behind an anonymous posting who rather than be a professional has continued to hold an innocent firm guilty being USA Closers simply because I was fortunate to become a member of that company/firm.

I challenge the posting party to produce ONE DOCUMENT THAT INVOLVED USA CLOSERS!!!!! As I have previously stated” just because you don’t like what happened doesn’t all of a sudden mean that any illegal occurrence or gain was earned on my end". No has gained from this unfortunate series of events and the constant updating on this forum without revealing who they are is just proving more of an insult than I could have ever imagined. Especially by former partners who in fact owe me money which they have never repaid, but do you find me racing to the bottom and posting anonymous trash? No!!

If any harmed party requires proof of what is transpiring, we will be happy to provide that proof. 

Once again I have never lied regarding the fact that G-Street Capital which included two other people as well, being Bob Allen and Bob Aistrup. As well as the fact that I had funds stolen by an unscrupulous venture source owned by Mike Johnson. 

This will be brought to a well-deserved close soon. 

To the posting party of this frivolous trash you can’t and won’t stop me and/or USA Closers from eating because we haven’t done anything wrong.

You are no gentleman/woman of honor by posting.

This is my last rebuttal, I will acknowledge as this is all beneath me and the dignity I owe to my former client who has their funds stolen along with my own.

Greg Jones is being Untruthful Again

#5Author of original report

Mon, February 06, 2017

Gregory Jones, is once again being untruthful, I was just alerted to these posts and I am glad that these were posted and I am one of his victims and will remain annonymous for now but I will later post my name and contact info for anyone to contact me so I can give them full details and real proof. 


He claims there is legal proof that Mike Johnston stole the funds, yet he has refused to give any proof of such. If you are considering doing business with this man, ask him for that "Legal Proof" Mike Johnston could not have stolen it if he had not been given access to it from the escrow account the funds went into. No client was ever told about this Mike Johnson being an associate of G. Street Capital, He also claimed at one point that the funds were frozen by homeland security and a few other excuses. 


He claims Mike Johnston stole the funds, yet in emails he claims full responsibility and promised to repay those who lost money by exact dates and never did follow through on those promises, at least twice he stated "I guarantee you will have the funds by ......) Never happened


Greg Jones claimed the funds were backed by a Deutsche Bank Euro Bond but he refuses to show that bond or cash it in to repay those who had their money stolen.


He claimes he never said that G.Street Capital had worldwide offices, yet I have screen shots of their now defunct company that shows they did advertise that they had offices world wide. I also have notes from calls where he stated they had offices in other countries

USA CLosers does do business with individuals as I personnaly know two people who contacted them and were offered deals to invest in by USA Closers. 


He claims here that he never said he went to MIT but his Linkedin profile says he did and I have a screen shot of that too

So I say be aware, be very aware and ask for solid proof of anything and everything if you think of doing business with this man. Also verify it for yourself. 

Ask him to show you the business registaration for USA Closers or try to find it yourself, I have had no luck finding it and the Better businiess bureau says it is not registered


Greg Jones

New York,
New York,
United States
Gregory Jones Never Lied, stole, cheated or misrepresented any service to any client. USA Closers was maliciously named and was never a party to any business named in this report!

#6REBUTTAL Owner of company

Thu, January 05, 2017

My name is Greg Jones and like any and all business people, can be the target of baseless accusations. It is unfortunate that baseless accusations can be posted in an anonymous manner by anyone at anytime. The report posted on RipOffReport.com was written by one of the former principals of the company; Mr Bob Aistrup of G-Street Capital. It is unfortunate only because rather than face the fact he like the other two principals, myself and Bob Allen were victims he has decided to post an anonymous posting that in no way whatsoever represents what actually happened to my personla funds and those of our client. Just because a person doesnt like what happend doesnt mean that what transpired is a lie, especially WHEN LEGAL PROOF THAT THE COMPANY'S FUNDS WERE STOLEN BY MIKE JOHNSON & LUCAS BAUM OF COTTONWOOD FINANCIAL, LLC (OF NEBRASKA) IS IRREFUTABLE!!!

We never offered ourselves as possessing offices worldwide and I (Greg Jones) have never stated I attended MIT or was a veteran in  our armed forces. I was however an intelligence contractor and very proudly served my nation in that capacity. The firm never used a PO Box, but rather the newest and most cost effective use of office space known as a micro office solution. There are numerous firms such as Regus and Davinci Virtual whom we have used for years. Additionally USA Closers doesnt even do business with the public as they ONLY do business with government agencies and large public/private institutions. 

I am one of three former principals at G-Street Capital who with a host of other people, i.e Bob Allen, Bob Aistrup initially sought to create a loan program for business owners who had no possibility of accessing capital via traditional channels. Our program was only for business owners and not individual borrower and of a commercial nature only.

That program was injured beyond repair when a former rogue criminal associate stole the funds contributed to the program. He offered us false collateral and the result was loss of the business and capital of everyone involved..our client (only 1) and ourselves. G-Street Capital was dissolved as the result of this criminal act by a man named Mike Johnson of Cottonwood Financial LLC of Nebraska. We attempted to retrieve what was stolen and have since enacted activity once again to track down this charlatan and crook. There is a quote "evil men prosper when good men do nothing". We will find this thief and make him pay. However, I have NEVER stolen a prenny or conned any person in my entire life. I owed this rebuttal to this reckless and slanderous post to the thousands of people I have helped and to the good we were attempting to do.   

However, who ever posted this libel, reckless and slanderous posting should be ashamed of themselves for first...posting it anonymous if it is true, why not be a professional and challenge it with a real name? And secondly, USA Closers who has been named in this posting by this slanderous individual/s had nothing to do with what was done to G-Street Capital. In fact the only reason it is named is to injure me because I was fortunate to be given an opportunity by USA Closers to serve numerous military residents and they are obviously angry at the loss experieneced by all, especially myself at G-street Capital. I also personally loss almost $200k to the thief Mike Johnson

If anyone reading this has information regarding Mike Johnson and Lucas Baum of Cottonwood Financial LLC of Nebraska (not to be confused with the upstanding company in Texas) please dont hesitate to reach out to me. I am offering a cash reward for information that leads to his capture. 

Thank you for reading these words.

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