  • Report:  #45646

Complaint Review: Groiler Books - Jefferson City Missouri

Reported By:
- Omaha, Nebraska,

Groiler Books
P.O. Box 6036 Jefferson City, 65102 Missouri, U.S.A.
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I just received a notice from a collection agency named North Shore Agency, INC. They are representing Groiler Books. It seems I have been reported for $21.41 for a Barbie Calendar Annual.

I might be willing to pay if I had actually received this item. Groiler never even gave me notice that they were attempting to collect on this. My first notice is from the collection agency.

I have to wait until Monday to call them and attempt to fix this problem. The only way I was able to find a phone number for them is because of this site.

All I can tell you is don't ever start doing business with this company. If you are reading this, it is probably too late. Tell your friends and ask your schools to stop sending Groiler order forms home.


Omaha, Nebraska

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