  • Report:  #1104466

Complaint Review: GROUP ISO - IRVINE CAL - IRVINE California

Reported By:
THEY R CROOKS - Brooklyn, New York,

1920 Main Street #750, Irvine, CA 92614 IRVINE, 92614 California, USA
(800) 960-0135
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Group Iso scam scam



Robbed me and others out of thousands of dollars – illegally goes into your bank accounts

Mike Segura, CEO Heidi Schnurle, COO Michael Fox, VP of Sales Finny Zaky, CFO Allison,Taylor Risk

Diane Coddington, Yvonne Lohstroh, Melissa, Crystal, Jennifer Vaughan,





Thief by Deception



Scam alert

Where can I start – I should have went to rip off report .com and check on them. In March I needed a credit card processor because I was putting my business online and needed to process credit cards. What a nightmare it took 3 weeks and finally I was approved.

Approved GROUP ISO Melissa which works in risk department and pregnant by another man’s husband I should add told me that they are holding 30% from each transaction WOW. Well foolishly I agreed after she said that up to 25k they will stop taking 30%. I asked when I can get that money back she said in a year. Well after going back and forth I decided to move forward.


 Well as of today 12/4/13 – I have been out and out lied to by ALLISON. Now this women first off comes right out and tells you she had cancer that’s for you to let your guard down and be nice. I did over 50k in credit cards sales and they were holding 15k of my money. Well things slowed down and I was ruffing it out and if I told you I had soup for thanksgiving that wouldn’t be a lie.

So I called them to see if there was anything I can do to have a little of my money for food and other life essentials. I was told to call back in 30 days the bank will review it CLICK.

30 days past and now 2 of my good sales agents left because I had to change policy because GROUP ISO said first data the processor required it. Well after that month I checked my bank account and GROUP ISO went in there and took 3k of my payroll money stating that I had to do more transactions. WHAT – well I called and what a lying bunch of crooks these people are.

 I was told that first data has to make the final call on releasing monies and to lower your reserve. And folks a bunch of other lies. But MIKE THE OWNER AND MIKE THE SALES VP AND MELISSA AND ALLISON – keep the smile and said well find out for you.


Well folks a starving UNITED STATES MARINE – took control and called NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS for first data in GA. And after 4 hours being transferred around finally a women named Marilyn got on the phone and ran my companies name - address – phone – my name etc. etc. And said to me WE DON’T CHARGE A RESERVE ON ANY CLIENTS  - RED FLAG  - then she asked who the company was and I told her she said you better google them. And when hearing that I knew I was robbed of my 15k. Google has ALL kinds of stories on how they ripped people off put people out of business – now am sick to my stomach  - am broke and I was counting on that reserve to get me through to the new year. I really am sick – and I just can’t believe how much they lied and will ripped me off without any concern at all of any consequences.


By the way once I figured out that they had no dealings with first data - they hung up on me!


4 Updates & Rebuttals


New York,

#2Author of original report

Sat, December 07, 2013

This young it man, needs to sit down with his boss or call WELL FARGO NOW. CARD SERVICES  - IGNITE PAYMENTS 1-877-274-7915 .Has a account of the funds.


Well Fargo stop acting biggerthen you are , we called Wells Fargo & First Data  - and theres no account - BUT they did let us no who has the account.


 NOW YOU WONDER WHY THEY AS THEY SAY IT " had to beefup security" WHY DO YOU NEED IT IN THE FIRST PLACE - and dont say because we house credit card numbers  - because you just said in your rebuttal you dont.




New York,

#3Author of original report

Fri, December 06, 2013

 First off this company was in Canoga Park Ca. and had to move out of the county because the police were sick of coming to their office for non sense.

 So when they moved they changed the name why did they do that call first data andthey will tell you of all the compliants this company has.

They threaten you they lie to you then they have a lawyer thats at home sending emails hassrassing you with all kinds of email addresses.

They changed their tune because they found out my good friend that they are taking about  - called first data and found out what a scam they are.

 Call Marilyn at First Dats Toll Free: +1 800 735-3362  - she is the one who told him to go to google and type in their name. 

Funny that a company needs a full time kid on their staff to cover the responses of all the negative pub thius company has.

The BBB is well aware of what they try and do and The attorney general is being forwarded information pretaining to their business practice of  FLAT OUT LIYING and feeding off peoples hard earned money. 

As far as his company is concerned it a struggle now and he had to adjust to collect payment in checks like the old days his company been around SINCE 1987.

About time someone stood up to the theives who prey off of peoples hard earned money. As far as our sercuurity his front desk sercurity are on alert because of the   Mike Segura, CEO SAID HE WAS " IAM A COMING TO GET YOU".


As far as his clients lololol - NOT one of them complained lol unreal how low people will stoop. Thats the best they can do - because folks your dealing WITH CROOKS AT GROUP ISO


They would let their mother starve before paying her!


Mike Fox

Mr. Raymond Larkin False Accusations

#4UPDATE Employee

Fri, December 06, 2013

Group ISO has been in business for 13 years in Irvine California.  Group ISO (GISO) has had an established partnership with First Data and its affiliated banks that allows GISO to submit merchant applications for merchants to process credit card transactions for their business.  GISO is then liable for ensuring merchants are in compliance with Visa, MasterCard and Discover (Card Brands) standards as well as ensuring merchants are financially stable.  GISO is 100% liable for each and every merchant/business we process payments for through its licensed relationships.


GISO is not a financial institution and has absolutely no ability to access any monies held at Wells Fargo on behalf of merchants; this includes reserves and merchant deposits.


Mr. Raymond Larkin applied for a merchant account with Group ISO in April 2013.  Mr. Larkin was requesting to process transactions for his home based advertising company Doing Business As Campus Concepts.  Campus Concepts’ core business is to advertise for schools in local publications. The account was requesting to process $25,000 monthly in credit card transactions with a limit of $5000 per card holder charged.


Based on our normal underwriting efforts, we found that Mr. Larkin had been turned away from multiple credit card processing companies like ours that were not willing to take his account’s liability for reasons of their own. Mr. Larkin’s financial credibility was reviewed and it was determined that Mr. Larkin would pose a significant risk to GISO if his account was approved to process credit cards.  Considering this and many other factors Group ISO decided to give Mr. Larkin a chance to prove himself based on our successful and extensive experience with companies in the same situation as Campus Concepts’.


In order to protect GISO, Mr. Larkin agreed to and signed a Reserve Agreement as a condition of his account approval.  Mr. Larkin’s reserve agreement allowed Wells Fargo to hold 30% of the deposits to Campus Concepts in a separate reserve account at Wells Fargo.  A reserve is essentially a back-up which will protect GISO in the event the merchant receives a chargeback and is unable to pay for it out of their bank account.  If a merchant is processing card transactions and one of their customers decides to dispute the transaction or “chargeback” the transaction, the merchant is automatically debited by the acquiring bank; in this case, Wells Fargo the same day.  In Mr. Larkin’s situation, this would mean $5000 debited from his bank account due to his customer charging back the transactions. Mr. Larkin did not have any funds in his bank account to cover these chargebacks.  This is the exact reason GISO assigns reverse accounts to certain types of merchants. Further, the reserve agreement also stated that funds can be held for one year past the last processing date.  This one year hold is vital since card holders have one year to dispute their transactions after the initial sale.


Campus Concepts began processing transactions from April of last year through present and received all deposits minus 30% reserve.  Total transactions processed is around $50,000; in this time frame, Campus Concepts received 4 chargebacks from their clients including 3 which posted recently that Campus Concepts did not have funds to pay for in their bank account and resulted in the debits being deducted from their reserve account.  Had the reserve not been established, the chargebacks made by the customers of Campus Concepts would have been debited directly from Group ISOs bank account causing a loss to our company.


Suddenly, we received a very irate call from Mr. Larkin where he proceeds to scream, yell, use excessive profanity and call our staff every belittling name possible.  Mr. Larkin says several times during phone calls and proceeding emails that he has notified all of his customers of Campus Concepts to process chargebacks against their transactions so the debits will drain his reserve (which is $14,000) and post debits against GISOs bank account.  No matter our efforts, Mr. Larkin cannot be satisfied until he receives every last dime of his reserve.  He starts a series of personal attacks against our staff and the company by fabricating online stories.


As much as we would like to give Mr. Larkin the reserve funds, GISO knows we will take a significant financial loss from the chargebacks as he reportedly told all of his customers to do ($50,000 worth of transactions) and Wells Fargo currently has a reserve account with $14,000 in it.  This will be a loss to GISO of at least $36,000.  If we released his reserve at this point we would lose $50,000 total.


The card holders have not had a good experience with Mr. Larkin up until this point.  GISO has contacted several of them in the last few days and their remarks of his business practices were shocking.  Again, we would like to share this information with the BBB however we would need Mr. Larkin’s permission to do so.  If Mr. Larkin truly feels he is in the right, this should be a simple request.


Unfortunately, we are dealing with a man whom we feel is unstable.  Mr. Larkin chooses to personally attack our employees by including in his complaint references to Melissa (“having a baby with another mans husband”) -- not sure what that means exactly or the logic behind his statement -- but Melissa is on maternity leave and this is a ridiculous story he fabricated to go along with that information; it is nonsense and irrelevant.  Also, his reference to Allison having cancer (“tells you she had cancer thats for you to let your guard down and be nice”) is also something he has come up with in his own mind.  During a heated conversation, Mr. Larkin made several references to the physical appearance of several employees.  He has been altering photos from our website and criticizing people’s appearance in several emails to us in an effort to bully the employees of Group ISO.


Mr. Larkin is a disturbed man that we have had to file a police report against because of his threats to “set a bomb off in our office,” come here to “stab everyone in the building” and “destroy everyone here and their families.”  We have had to add extra security in our office to protect our employees against this deranged individual. Mr. Larkin is in severe need of mental help and unfortunately for Group ISO, we gave him a chance to grow his business by accepting credit cards and this situation will prevent us from wanting to help business owners who just need a chance in the future.


Group ISO is more than willing to produce all of the documents to the BBB that forced GISO to take extra measures to protect ourselves.   GISO could provide information such as Mr. Larkins credit report, background check and bank statements along with the merchant application.  Group ISO is bound by our merchant contract so we cannot share all of Mr. Larkin’s personal information, however with Mr. Larkin’s permission, we would be more than happy share these documents to the BBB.


New York,

#5Author of original report

Fri, December 06, 2013




This is an update on trying to close my account and to have the monies owed our company released from the crooks at GROUP ISO

Well we sent to emails to close the account and requested a conformation email stating they received the signed paperwork. Of course nothing at all NO emails NOT a word.

So we called they again put on hold for 5 minutes and 5 minutes on hold is a long time. But when you have the company payroll ROBBED from you I have not one thing to do but to at least attempt to get closure.

Well finally their Vice President of Sales Mike Fox (shrewd as a fox), gets on the phone and says yes your accounts closed. Please after being lied too in the past 3 days by 4 others at the RIP OFF ORGANIZATION would you take the qword of a sales man?

So I requested to speak to the owner and again after waiting on hold for another 11 minutes. A laidback guy sounding like he was laying on the beach gets on the phone.

Yes FOLKS THE RING LEADER of this high tech SCAM SHOPPE    Mike Segura,

I explained to him about the flat out lies about how my monies would be returned and even went as far as saying I understand how hard it is to hire and train individuals. And I got the old ill review the file. Ok what does that mean? It means the same thing others have been threw buying time so the person goes away IAM NOT GOING AWAY. THE BBB KNOWS OF THEM - WELL FARGO IN WALNUT CREEK WHO HANDLES THEIR ACCOUNT registered ISO/MSP is on to them and its just a matter of time they part their business relationship – but Mike not dumb he opens dummy companies and dances around it all.

                   Remember the movie boiler room - just like SCAM L.A. COMPANY

Now, I let him know the am only 30 minutes away – and BOY that when his true colors came out I had to put the phone half a foot away from my ear because he was screaming don’t threaten me – come here right now you _:”>?, Whoa ok that the real him I told him now you want me to drive ok give me gas money. Then he screamed ill come up to you. I said fine he yelling tomorrow and I asked what time. He couldn’t give me a time - he said no one’s threatens me ill see to that. So this guy what’s me to sit in my office ALLDAY on a maybe he will show up. 

And now a lawyer sends a emails stating she is the in-house lawyer for the company. O.K. sending emails from yahoo.com & then when you go the reply it transfers to aol.com. THESES PEOPLE ARE A OUT AND OUT SCAM


This is so sad – I bust my butt and do everything according to their rules and now I have to beg for my money. My company is cash strapped and now without a processor. All because they GROUP ISO created a white collar scam and I walked into it.



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