  • Report:  #413711

Complaint Review: HappierAbroad.com Operated By Winston Wu - Bellingham Washington

Reported By:
- Eugene, Oregon,

HappierAbroad.com Operated By Winston Wu
3758 Westhills Place Bellingham, 98226 Washington, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
At first sight HappierAbroad.com draws the reader in with promises of... well, a "happier life abroad". Photos of attractive ladies, many posing with the owner of the site, Winston Wu.

Obviously he is trying to make money through displaying ads, even though they tend to make the site unattractive, slow and annoying. But that isn't the problem.

The problem is that he sells this "e-book" which claims things such as the following:

- Just go abroad and you'll have a fantastic life

- No real savings needed except for air fare since it's easy to find work

- You'll snag and shag more beautiful ladies than you can fit in your bed

- It's not 'getting' them that's the problem, but 'getting rid' of them

- And so on.

Hype, hype, hype.

I was fool enough to believe this. Not only did I order his ebook, but I also ordered some of his "Photo CDs".

After reading this drivel and looking at hundreds of grainy photos of him posing with surprised-looking ladies -- in some cases engaged in the act of copulation (well, attempting it, since this guy isn't exactly well-endowed!), I started to wonder just how on Earth anyone following his advice could meet with success.

How can a guy take photos of himself with prostitutes and *sell* them? Has the guy got no shame? Well, as it happens, he doesn't...

I know I should have done it before, but I Googled "Winston Wu" and found that, far from being some dating guru, he's a penniless sex-maniac who basically finds cheap prostitutes overseas. That's his secret to fulfillment! Just hire a cheap prostitute!

Worse, he has a 'wife' (common law) and a son by her in the Philippines, yet continues to act out his sex-addict fantasies in his home town of Angeles City despite this.

Work overseas? Easy to get, right? WRONG! Aside from operating his web site, HappierAbroad.com, which he claims is earning him $100 a month, he is supported by his father. Bear in mind, this is a man in his late 30s who apparently lives in his parents' basement when in the U.S.

He himself appears, according to those who are writing about him, to have worked (badly) barely a day in his life, and aside from his web site apparently doesn't work at all -- yet he purports to be an expert on working overseas!!!

All in all, this is a complete scam. DO NOT give this guy money for you WILL be disappointed. You can see many of his photos online anyway for free... the guy isn't exactly shy. But why look at photos of a naked fat Asian man trying to make the most of his limited assets?


I'm a victim

Eugene, Oregon


7 Updates & Rebuttals


United States
Winston WU attracts weirdos to his site that drove away all the open minded people and is a fraud

#2Consumer Comment

Mon, February 01, 2021

Literally made an intro on their site and the first thing that they do is gang up on me and call me a loser for wanting to do better in life and making steps to. 

Crab bucket hypocrisy much? Winston is also too busy ranting every time hes off his meds and bitching about every place he currently lives.

No thanks, you are not getting my money for your scam dating sites full of fake profiles. 

If the first response to a question of "is this fake?" is either  

a. an insult

b. an indirect response instead of YES/NO

RUN it has a 99% probability of being a scam since they never mention HOW you are going to support yourself overseas and certainly dont talk about it. 

yes just cut off your entire support system and uproot your life on the CHANCE you might find happiness. Nevermind the fact that many foreigners had went to go be "happier abroad" to end up homeless, without rights, and without citizenship in a foreign land that most people from america dont know the language or culture of and no one even discusses such ACTUAL helpful topics there on the site.

It all sounds very sketchy to me. Especially since on any given day theres a small team of wierdos babbling on about conspiracy theories and LARPing as people they are not. Because if they werent losers, theyd have fu*ked off years ago and left that site. 

Clearly, they are the real losers here. 

STAY AWAY as many others said before me.

Michael 71

New Jersey,
Happier Abroad is no scam

#3Consumer Comment

Fri, February 12, 2016

I found this complain to be unfair so I had to put in my 2 cents. I have used this site in the past and meet women there, real women without photoshoped photos that are interested in meeting men from the USA. Are some scammers, yes but other sites have the same problem also on happier abroad they remove scammers quite often.  While this site my not be as fancy as some others however it is cheaper then most others too.  Also I have read Mr. Wu's Ebook and while it does present a somewhat rosy picture about life abroad much of the informantion is spot on.

Phat One

Winston Wu, running fraud site "Happier Abroad"

#4Consumer Comment

Fri, July 25, 2014

Instead of addressing any of the issues from the ripoff report that came from Eugene, OR, you proceeded to go on a raving online rant where you attempted to discredit the person who wrote the report, along with threatening him. I have saved your replies to various servers, so do not worry, they will be accessible forever. Here is the last part of your second reply to this individual:


(NOTE: This is the reply from the business owner to the person who wrote the ripoff report)

"You can come to my forum at Happier Abroad and ask the posters there, who have known me for years.

You on the other hand are an anonymous lying loser who makes up random stories about people. Get a life.

WARNING TO YOU: I belonged to a fraternity in college and have connections. If you don't stop posting 100 percent lies online about me, I will make some calls to have you tracked down and trace your IP and give you some trouble. I have ways of finding out who you are too. So be warned. This is your first warning."

-Winston Wu

First of all, many members of your forum are only on there in order to question your business practices as well as your integrity, along with calling you out on it. (And also openly mocking you and telling you what you need to be doing, such as losing weight by exercising more than once a year)


Second point: You belonged to a fraternity in college...LOL! I highly doubt that anyone will be worried about the connections you established during your stint in Lambda Lambda Lambda. You have threatened to make some calls and track down and trace the IP address of someone who filed a complaint upon your business. You also told him "and give you some trouble." I'm not a genius, but this sure as hell sounds like a threat. Be aware that your business practices, as well as your online threats will be forwarded to the proper agencies.

Have a great day.



Truth seeker

Warning to the heckler above posting FAKE stories

#5REBUTTAL Individual responds

Fri, February 15, 2013

IMPORTANT NOTE to the heckler above posting FAKE stories about me:

Under the first amendment of the US constitution, you do have a right to write an honest critical review or critique of me. However, you do NOT have the right to make up FALSE stories about me, which constitutes lies and fabrication. To do so is a CRIMINAL act and thus you will be treated as a criminal and prosecuted as one.

This is a warning to you. I have ways of tracking you down and finding your IP from your post here.

You are a truly sick person. If I met someone like you, I'd remember. But I obviously haven't. You won't even give your name. You are just some psycho. So please heed my warning.

To learn about the real Winston Wu, see my about me page:
About Winston Wu

Also see my real third party character references, personal and professional: (most are sourced and linked)
References for Winston Wu

Truth seeker

The lying heckler above has never even met Winston Wu!

#6REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sat, February 09, 2013

I am Winston Wu. The lying heckler in the comment above DOES NOT even know me and doesn't even sound credible or sincere at all.

First, I do not get drunk and can barely tolerate alcohol. Anyone who knows me knows that. Second, I have never stayed at a home with a daughter who was half Taiwanese.

No one I know on Couchsurfing or HospitalityClub would write this kind of thing, so most likely I have never met you.

Why don't you identify yourself or confront me directly?

I have a lot of good references from third parties. Anyone can find them by Googling "Winston Wu References" to see my reference page with both professional and personal references. I am also known as one of the most credible sources. You can come to my forum at Happier Abroad and ask the posters there, who have known me for years.

You on the other hand are an anonymous lying loser who makes up random stories about people. Get a life.

WARNING TO YOU: I belonged to a fraternity in college and have connections. If you don't stop posting 100 percent lies online about me, I will make some calls to have you tracked down and trace your IP and give you some trouble. I have ways of finding out who you are too. So be warned. This is your first warning.

Host of Fun Taiwan

United States of America
WARNING: Don't give Winston Wu and automatic weapon, surf on your couch or buy his hate propoganda e-book

#7UPDATE Employee

Fri, February 08, 2013

Winston, stayed at our home and slept on our couch, it was frightening. So scarey that we had to send our children over to my sisters after he began drinking with my husband and ranting that:

"Taiwanese people are empty shells with no soul, personality or passion"

"Taiwanese are like empty shells with no soul or emotions, like plastic mannequins (similar to America, but even worse)." 

"How can humans descend into such a state of being?" What's scary is that you know deep down that you don't want to become like them, thus being around them could have a toxic negative effect on you."

Our daughter is 1/2 Taiwaneese.

I excused myself and did a quick web search and read about how he was a cyber terrorist and destroyed multiple peoples reputations online. That is when I heard crying coming from the living room, I ran out to see what all the noise was about, my husband and Winston had been watching Hangover 2 and it triggered even a scarier side of Winston, he began to cry and share his father was from Taiwan, and had become a female impersonator in Bangkok. That explained his hatred, but now how to get this guy out of my house? That is when the actor in the movie said:"You in Bangkok, sweetie. There's a reason they? don't call it Bangcunt" For people who have not seen Hangover 2, search 'Hangover 2 stripper'

Hacked By Stefan Muth

This report was filed by Stefan Muth as revenge for my report about him on this site!

#8Consumer Comment

Tue, January 20, 2009

The above silly report about my site at HappierAbroad.com was filed by Stefan Muth, owner of www.diagnose-me.com, as an act of revenge against me for filing a report about him here. You can see the report I filed on him here by doing a search for "Stefan Muth" in the search field above. (In fact, he has hacked into my ripoffreport account and posted a fake update and retraction from me on my report as well! See details on my latest update there about him.) In any case, nothing in his report contains any legitimate reasons for calling me or my site a scam. It's merely a mockery and pathetic attempt at humor. Anyhow, in case anyone thinks it's a case of his word vs mine, I have something revealing to show you. Here is a comparison table of quotes and testimonials from people who know Stefan Muth in real life vs people that know me in real life. So if you don't know who to believe, me or him, just read these reports from people who know us in real life, and I promise you, there will be no doubt left in your mind. URL: http://www.happierabroad.com/stefan_vs_winston.htm What people who know or been involved with Stefan Muth say about him * He essentially stole 10,000 from me, in the form of wages promised but never paid (this is heavily documented) needless to say I am no longer working for him, and a new worker Mikey and him are possibly embroiled in a legal battle over trivial circumstances. My honest opinion is that he is unstable and possibly not even safe to be around, let alone do business with, I curse my poor judgement in ever trusting him." - Joe Fisher, worked for Stefan and managed his website at www.diagnose-me.com, Mensa member * He is the most vile and disgusting person i have ever met. - Joe Fisher * I have never harmed another human being in my life, and I had to remove myself from him (Stefan) to prevent myself from doing so. - Joe Fisher * Wow, no wonder you're so upset at him. I can scarcely imagine someone being around that guy for that long without hating being around him. - Dan in Hawaii, partnered with Stefan in ecological community project * Anyone who has known Stephan Muth for even a short period of time, will attest to the validity of the following information........ if you intend to have any dealings with Stephan Muth, we encourage you to be cautious and investigate deeply. He is a very immature, malicious, and deceptive person - Prashant Trivedi, spiritual leader in India, from an announcement in his newsletter * "We have read the writings of Stefan Muth, and decided earlier that we will not involve ourselves in useless argumentation with this deceptive and vindictive fellow. - Prashant Trivedi * If I didn't already know, I would peg him at about 16 or 17 years of age. - Charles Dibella, friend and associate of Prashant * "It was obvious to us at this point the sort of mentaility we were dealing with, so we broke all communication with Stefan." - Charles Dibella * "He told me, "What's the matter, now, Dan, do you think I'm gonna steal your passwords or something?" Then he mumbled under his breath, "I've got them already, anyway"......... He then told me that he had gotten some software off the Web called SKIn98 (Stealth Keyboard Interceptor 98) that records every single keystroke and mouse-click, and can even send the detailed report to a remote e-mail address...He said, "I saw everything, you typed, passwords, everything" - Dan in Hawaii * Stefan Muth attempted to ruin any chance I had at finding members for the community I am still trying to form, Paradise Gardens. He blocked my emails, tricked me into giving him my login information, spied on all my emails, deleted my address book and then published a slander site about myself, Prashant Trivedi and Charles DiBella." - Dan in Hawaii * "I'm not even aware of the level of damages that might have been caused by him; he blocked my emails during a very critical development stage of the Project when I was possibly being (attempted to be) contacted by my wife-to-be, Ute Leinmuller, by email. If she tried to contact me and couldn't because Stefan blocked my emails then he is guilty of being an accessory to murder or manslaughter by having prevented our meeting early enough to warn Ute about the cult she got involved in, which I believe she threatened to expose and got murdered as a result in 2000. " - Dan in Hawaii * "We had made an effort early on to reach consensus through discussing this matter openly, with all parties involved. Stefan rejected that offer." - Prashant Trivedi * "He tried to impersonate me, and when that did not work, he broke into my hotmail account and stole all the email addresses." - Prashant Trivedi * "Stefan's next step was to break into Prashant's Hotmail account, which he did successfully. From there, he read Prashant's private mail and stole our Himalayan Community newsletter list. He then began bulk mailing unsolicited messages of unfounded allegations to our subscribers." - Charles Dibella * "From the return address that was posted, we later verified through a Hotmail administrator that these sick and perverted posts were linked to earlier hacking activities of Stefan Muth." - Charles Dibella * "We have been in contact with a Hotmail administrator since this time and have verified that this was indeed Stefan, who is a persistant hacker, and who has over time used one hundred and ten other Hotmail aliases." - Charles Dibella * "Aside from Mr. Muth, we were able to isolate two accomplices. We do not expect too much trouble from them in future." - Andrew Morton - Hotmail Accounts Analyst * "Stupid!...He's so stupid!" - Anna his ex-wife, according to Dan's account Analysis of Stefan by an advisor who read his rantings * He is a control freak. * I told ya I had a bad feeling about him the first time you described him (long ago). * Yeah I saw his photos that you sent out. From his face, I could see that there was something not right about him. * His ego has been damaged and he has low emotional intelligence. * He uses people for his own benefit. When he is done with them he throws them away. * Yeah I read it, he is just a control bully trying to manipulate you through passive-aggressive tactics. * He hates you and is a bully. Both. He has serious character flaw issues, that's why he is a hermit and anti-social. Analysis of Stefan from an expert and exposer of internet cyberpaths * Muth is NOT unique in his methodology or mindset. He's a sociopath, like most of them. To read testimonial accounts from those who were involved with Stefan Muth, from which the above quotes were taken, click here What people who know or been involved with Winston Wu say about him * "The truth is, I would trust Winston with my life." - Michael Goodspeed, long time friend of Winston, veteran writer, radio show co-host, and media critic * "Winston - an Engaging personality! Met Winston at a social event, and was won over by his open, friendly nature, and ability to converse on a deeper plane than most. He is a really fun guy to be around - there is never a dull moment with Winston! He is a prolific and articulate writer, and his homepage is a site for sore eyes :) He is equally comfy talking to someone 1-1 as well as regaling groups of people with his world-wide adventures. Winston is definitely someone I'd love to be friends with, and hope to run into again." - The late Kumar, Microsoft employee from India * "Winston Wu was a guest in our home in Phoenix this summer. He met my husband and I at the pool and after spending some time with Winston we were sure he would be a fine houseguest. He was generous, kind and helpful as I was 8 months pregnant during his stay! I have children and felt comfortable with him in our home. I wish him the very best and hope to see him again soon." - Erin Razinn from Phoenix, AZ * "Winston was our guest for one night, and we hope we have a chance to meet him again. He seemed very level-headed, open-minded, and was a perfect guest in every way. It was wonderful and very easy to have a conversation with him, and provided valuable insights through his travels & experiences." - Raju, Naturopathic doctor, Morgan Hill, CA * "Winston is a good fellow. He is a talented writer and knows how to express himself well. I trust him." - Nathan from Washington * "Winston has a lot to share.He is a interesting person to have a conversation with.More you get to know him more he has to offer.Thank you for all your help.It's been my pleasure to spend time with you.I have only a humble bow to give you but it comes straight from heart." - Mikuu, backpacker from Finland * "he's a nice and cheerfull guy. you can trust him, it was good to meet him :)" - Dominik, Krakow, Poland * "We met here, in Lithuania, and he was very friendly, understenging,intelligent...oh i can say just good words about him, not strict..... This person is very reliable." - Samantha from Klaipeda, Lithuania * "Winston seemed a person having inner intrigue which makes the time spent with him very interesting." - Vita, Kaunas, Lithuania * "This is a cool cat who likes to travel and is personable. Not a dull moment here." - Dan Kizziah, Yuma, AZ * "We ate chinese and I drank a lot of beer. Very nice guy with many intelligent things to say. Would have him over again anytime." - Sarah Haley, Colorado * "Winston strikes me as the type of guy who would enjoy living in a desert teepee made out of recycled veggiemeat sandwich wrappers. A bit of a hippie, in other words. But very polite, perfectly pleasant and a good guest." - Nicole, Manila, Philippines * The stuff you recommend, winston, has always managed to utterly CHANGE MY LIFE. thank you for being an inspiration. you will never know how much it means to me!!! - Elizabeth, close female friend in Southern California, model and actress Note: To view screen shots of some of the quotes above on my Hospitality Club and Couchsurfing profiles, see here: Hospitality Club Profile , CouchSurfing Profile To see quotes and comments from Winston's readers, fans and advisors, click here!

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