  • Report:  #1460726

Complaint Review: Heath Adams - Escondido California

Reported By:
Mike - Kissimmee, United States

Heath Adams
Escondido, California, United States
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

This report is regarding Heath Adams

(((REDACTED))) Escondido, ca (((REDACTED))) Email: [email protected]   Heath is the most uprofessional, unteach-able person to work with.  He will depend on you to do the work for him and then harass you and call you names when he doesn't get the results he wants. I worked with Heath in 2017 and tried to teach him everything I knew. 

Heath fought the entire way. When a client finally asked him for a refund he turned his anger over on me. I then became every name under the book. He blamed me for his mother being sick and his family misfortune. Since that day it has been hell on earth getting rid of Heath. I'm getting emails from him daily calling me every kind of name under the sun.

He has posted numberous false reports online about the company I'm associated with.  I finally had to serve him with a cease and desist. I doubt he will actually listen. More than likely I will have to contact the police to get him to leave me alone. Work with Heath at your own risk. When he turns on you, remember this post. 

1 Updates & Rebuttals


San Diego,
United States
Wow! Libelous Mike Caldwell, Allergic To The Truth? Can't Accept Defeat?

#2REBUTTAL Individual responds

Thu, September 13, 2018

Alrighty Michael Caldwell, since you keep wanting to play these childish games with me, instead of being a man about the situation and accepting your defeat. Just so you know for next time, it doesn't hurt to just tell the truth buddy. From the top: Yes, it is true I was lured into Michael Caldwell's scam called "The 297Club" by a Craigslist ad in late 2017. It is also true Mike Caldwell did "teach me all he knew" only problem is, it wasn't ethical, lacked moral, and integrity. That's about all the validity his "report" holds. Unlike Mike, I am A Man Of My Word. When I say something I do it. I'm an honest, optimistic-upbeat, down to Earth individual who depends on no one to do anything for me. Where's the experience to gain in that? I've been a smart and hard-worker my whole life, and in this world I've learned to never expect anything from anyone, ever. Even if " I have their word" ( Like I had Mike's ). I Never once asked Mike to close a call for me, and I worked my backside off on that call center day and night, only to find the Whole operation is a sham.

I Even had 'prospects' calling in asking if the position offered was a scam. So what he also fails to mention is the first 'client' which got passed up to Mike Caldwell also calls this whole 297Club operation a scam and wanted a refund too, that I'm assuming Mike also wouldn't honor. Another thing Mike Caldwell purposefully left out, is how unavailable he was for me during the whole time he was "teaching me all he knew" especially when SHTF and my 2nd client wanted a refund. Mike was impossible to reach! After my 2nd 'Client' wanted a refund, I just stopped putting energy into the 297Scam, I Never once asked Mike for MY refund. As soon as I found out it was a scam, I cut my losses, left it alone, and moved on, well over a year ago, this situation has been over since then. ( So I thought ). This is the most ridiculous part of this whole ordeal. On December 12th 2017 when I exposed Mike in a group chat that he accidentally included me in, with other angry ex-297Clubers, Mike literally said "I don't like how you said scam, do you want your money back?".

Of course I said "Yes" and of course after I naively deactivated the software he disappears, comes back arrogant, and then goes back on his own word. Something every (business) person should NEVER do. In all honesty Mike, you and I both know I've been nothing but kind, and respectful to you, until I found out you scammed me and countless others. Admittedly, I did call you some fitting names back then in 2017, but it was only after you disrespected me, ducked my calls and went back on your own word. You have to admit, you did have it coming, you just can't treat people like crap and expect them to treat you with any sort of respect at all. That's where all of this is truly stemming from, a whole year later Michael Caldwell fails to keep his Own promise and gets mad when I hold him accountable to his own weightless words. I come from a place where your word is Gold and it's all you have, when you say something, you follow through and do it, no matter what, no excuses.

This directed, open, and honest way of living is my how I deliberately choose to live, this transparent lifestyle is apparently totally foreign to Mike. This is why Mike Caldwell and I continue to clash, he loves to spread fear, lies, and rumors, while I welcome in truth, Love, positivity and transparency; this is why we can't get along. We can all see through your fickle lies Mike, why can't you just let the truth be shown instead of failing to hide from it? Haven't you learned your lesson that lies just dig your hole even deeper? For instance, why would I blame anything on Mike, let alone my own Mother's health? That just does not make any logical sense. Also, besides my Mom, I literally have no family left, so what's this about me blaming you for my "family's misfortune"? Another one of your many lies with even bigger holes in it. Mike, be honest, you did not need to do much to "get rid of me" we haven't even been in contact until recently.

Every word I've ever spoken since I've been able to speak has been pure and of truth. This is why I openly speak out when I see wrongdoings, such as Mike Caldwell Scamming people and not adding any real value to the marketplace. I put my reputation on the line to save people from his scam, and now here he is, openly displaying himself as a lying fool, aiming to do everything in his power to discredit me, yet still failing because the truth is plain to see. On the other hand, NONE of what Mike claims is valid, through a third party, he has openly publicized libelous statements and since those things you've claimed are easily refutable, that means you're bordering defamation of character. Keep it up Mike, let's see if you'll take your new lies all the way to court. I have not even heard back from Michael Caldwell since April 22nd of 2018, when he said he'd put me back into the call center that very day. 4 months later ( Late August ) I kindly ask for my refund again because he has failed to deliver his end of the agreement (again) to"put me in the system".

He scrambles and puts me in 1 day later and pretends like he put me in that whole 4 month period, which I was not. Keep reading if you want to know the real reason why Mike Caldwell is attempting to discredit my reputation. It's because I called him out on his scam, in a link below there is all the conclusive evidence one needs to see with the type of "man" Mike Caldwell really is and why he is spreading obvious false rumors about me, in a lousy attempt to defame my character. This is "one of the many 'false' reports" on Mike Caldwell and the 297Club that I glady posted to help save others. You be the judge, was I wrong, for calling out a well-known con-artist, working a known scam? At the end of the day, I just want to help-out the other people who might make the same mistake I did working with a scam artist. After all, "working at 297Scam with Mike Caldwell The Con-Artist" wouldn't be too impressive on anyone's resumè... https://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/the-297-club/dayton-ohio/the-297-club-mike-caldwellmichael-caldwell-mike-caldwell-will-scam-you-run-far-away-y-1458292 Wait a minute Mike, "The company you're associated with?"

You told me today that you decided to shut down the 'scam' and 'move on'?! In the same e-mail you also said this to me this morning, " Fu*k You and Fu*k your money" Regarding my refund you recently promised. Should've guessed it, even more lies to cover-up the fact that even you, yourself "Michael Caldwell" the current 'sales manager' of the 297Scam can't even produce a measly $150 bucks over a 4 day stretch, yet boldly ( and falsely ) claims you can "make $200 over and over again". Now can you start to see why I wrote the accurate reports and filed the FTC complaints? Seriously Mike, how do you live in this negative, deceitful way? Must be hard to sleep at night. The last lie is, you actually have yet to properly serve me anything of legal significance, Mike. If one wants to properly execute a cease and desist LETTER that would hold up in court, it needs to be a LETTER mailed; which you've yet to do.

Sure, you posted it publically but that's just because you constantly bluff and think nobody knows the legalities to our governing laws. Speaking of your legal bluffing, does this ring a bell from over 6 years ago Mike? " #18 REBUTTAL Individual responds Now you're threatening me! AUTHOR: PGLeads - (United States of America) SUBMITTED: Sunday, December 02, 2012 Your last message is incriminating. It is proof positive of what's called aggravated menacing. Threatening physical harm. I will be contacting law enforcement in your city" Mike Caldwell is only the shell of a man, he will not keep his word and attempt to discredit your reputation with blatantly fabricated stories, such as this one. Mike Caldwell is the type of person to create a bogus 'cease and desist letter' and then talk about You behind your back (this report). Mike Caldwell is possibly the only Scam Artist who calls his victims a scam for exposing him, AND then pretends to be the " 'victim' who has been wronged". He'll even write a fake report under the fake name "Mike Kissimmee".

How can you trust a person who won't even disclose their real name? What's even harder to imagine is, he's the one that initially offered ME a refund, took it back, offered it to me AGAIN and then still to this day refuses to honor the refund he originally offered on December 12th, 2017. Am I wrong, for attempting to redeem what he originally offered me? All I've done is held Mike Caldwell accountable to his own weightless words and he can't stand to even keep his end of any deal, let alone look at himself in the mirror. Now it has come to this Mike, even more lies. It won't take the cops to get rid of me Mike, I've been done, you're the one who keeps perpetuating this whole ordeal by adding fuel to the fire and salt to your own wounds. Just let it go Mike, you lost, we're done, it's over.

Just quit making libelous statements on my name and go get a job since you can't even make $150 from your scam to refund me like you 'promised' you would. This rebuttal has gone on far too long, if you make the mistake by deciding to reply to this response Mike, I'll be forced to ask you to back up your frivolous claims (which we both know you can not) because right now you're spewing lots of hot air that lacks any substantial proof. I'll leave all the links below on this con-man so you know just who is sayin all these inaccurate these things about me. Read these reports below and you'll know who Michael Really Is, why he's mad and why he can't be trusted. Unlike him, I can prove every single one of my claims. That's why I spoke out a year later, he kept bothering me and asking if I wanted my money back, but wouldn't give it to me. I gave him many chances to hold true to his own word, supply me the refund, and move on, but he fell through each and everytime.

So I filed the report / complaints and now this is backlash I will gladly muscle through to get the full truth out. So, show me Mike, all the many messages I emailed you non-stop, better be one everyday for the last year like you falsely claimed. Better yet, show me how I'm "harassing women" when I was raised by a single mother who actually was a victim of domestic violence so I STAND UP against women-beaters with a fiery passion. Come on, tell me how the heck could I be "the work at home scam". Please Provide one piece of evidence that shows me "Scamming you for gift cards". Every word you've stated has been false Mike, your bogus claims and C&D email would never holdup in court. If you had half a brain, you'd realize how big of a mistake you've just made and quickly move on before this gets out of hand. To conclude, I have nothing to hide, I'm the most open and honest person you may ever meet.

I gained nothing from exposing Mike Caldwell but some negative publicity, now when I type my name in Google, this report sometimes shows up on the very first page! I'm excited about the industry I'm in, I'm not seeking any employment, or business opportunities, so I'm not for hire. I have no fear or hate in my heart. I don't want revenge, I just want the truth to be fully explained and this situation to be over with already, but apparently Mike just can't accept his defeat that well. I've heard of people being allergic to rare things like Sesame Seeds, but I never knew anyone to be allergic to the truth, until I regrettably met Michael Caldwell. Here are the links to see who the con-artist himself, Mike Caldwell. You be the judge, who's telling the truth? Here's my review again in case you missed it earlier.

https://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/the-297-club/dayton-ohio/the-297-club-mike-caldwellmichael-caldwell-mike-caldwell-will-scam-you-run-far-away-y-1458292 * https://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/mike-caldwell-paragon-lead-solutions/internet/mike-caldwell-paragon-lead-solutions-mcaldwellpgleadscom-get-your-stankin-as-coochie-922636 * https://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/paragon-leads-pg-leads/internet/paragon-leads-pg-leads-mikhol-caldwell-tried-to-scam-me-i-asked-why-there-is-a-cost-he-973920 * https://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/paragon-leads-mikohl-caldwell/internet/paragon-leads-mikohl-caldwell-pgaleads-complete-jerk-once-you-turn-him-down-which-you-def-1026489 * (((REDACTED))) I rest my case.

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