  • Report:  #439979

Complaint Review: Herzing College Online - Internet

Reported By:
- Hermiston, Oregon,

Herzing College Online
herzingonline.edu Internet, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I attended Herzing Online for 3 terms in the Medical Coding and Billing program. My recruiter told me that the school only cost $7,000 for the entire program and that since I am receiving Full Pell Grant from FAFSA, school would be covered and THEN some.

I attended a community college before this and my Pell Grant covered everything (including books) and then they sent me a check for the remainder of my grant for expenses. Since I've gone through this before, I figured that I could believe what this person told me.

Anyways, during my third term my fiance's Grandpa passed away. He passed away in our house after my fiance performed CPR on him for 30 minutes waiting for the Emergency Response team to finally show up. He kept him alive until they got there, and they gave up and let him die. This was very traumatic for our whole family, especially my fiance, which put a strain on me.

Due to this fact I missed one of my finals. I figured "No big deal, I'll just retake it. Worse case scenario I'll retake the class so no biggie, right?" Wrong. They expelled me.

The FREAKING EXPELLED me. I called them up after I realized that I was locked out of the system and asked them what was up. They informed me "For a fee we'll allow you back in our school". At that point, and with everything I just had to endure I couldn't deal with it anymore. I just logged out and never came back. I was so upset/heartbroken. How could they be so cold??

A few months later I got a bill for my loan. I was like "LOAN?! What are they talking about?!". Apparently they took ALL of my Pell from the Government, and the money they were sending me was from a LOAN. So now I have $9,000 loan hanging over my head and marring my credit score. (Yes, you read that right. $9,000. Not even the $7,000 he originally quoted me. They took ALL my Pell and then stuck me with a loan of MORE than they said the whole program cost).

I can't believe they can justify charging me (and the Government) all that money for only 2 1/2 semesters. It just doesn't make sense.


Hermiston, Oregon


12 Updates & Rebuttals


Herzing University Three Time Graduate

#2Consumer Comment

Tue, December 10, 2013

This is to the individual that had a bad experience with the University. I am a three time graduate of Herzing University. I finished an Associates Degree in 2002, then a Bachelors in 2007, and most recently a Masters in 2012. I have had all types of experiences with University. I too was expelled back in 2001, but it was of no fault but my own. Just like any other University, the instructors and staff are there to help but they will not babysit the students. As scholars, it was our responsibility to be in class and do the assignments.

I am truly sorry for your loss! I can only imagine what you must have gone through. Around the time that I was expelled, I was loosing a loved one also, my father. Now that I look back on the situation, I should have talked to someone instead of missing classes and not doing work. I said the same thing, “well I will just make it up". But it doesn’t always work like that. My grades dropped and one of my instructors, who was also a department head gave me the dreaded news. He handed me a letter that, at the end of it, told me "Good luck in your future endeavors". I ended up with a huge loan bill also, and no degree to show for it. And I was furious! I thought, how could I owe them and I didn’t even finish!! It is all in the paperwork that you sign. At the time of signing up for the University, I was 19 and I didn't read anything..lol! I was just excited to be going to school.

Long story made short here, I reached out to Mr. Herzing, yes, the Chancellor of the University, and let him know what was going on. I was accepted back to the University, conditionally, meaning I had to make A's in my next 3 classes or I would not be able to continue. This was a lesson learned! Now, if I had gone to one of the larger universities with the same scenario, I definitely do not think that think this would have been the outcome.


Oak Lawn,

#3REBUTTAL Individual responds

Wed, May 22, 2013

 I was there back in '09. I got real sick and only stayed in for the first semester in medical assistant. But, now, I'm ready to get back in school, and been searching to see if their was another online program out there cheaper. But after all the complaints about so many other schools...I will just go back to Herzing. When I was at Herzing I enjoyed it. I worked my butt off and aced all my classes. I read everything they gave me and had no problems before I enrolled.....and their FA process is long, but my adviser said that's because they want us to understand fa. Anyway, they even told me when I get better to come back. Well, I had a baby, so I wasn't quite ready for school, work, and battling a serious illness. The illness is gone.

Anyway, it amazes me that I had to sign an Award letter that showed me taking loans out and pell money. Out of all the complaints on this board, do you realize out of thousands of students they have, you are the only one with a complaint for online? Instead of trying to ruin their reputation, why don't you ask them for a copy of what you signed. I'm sure they keep records. They still have my transcripts from when I properly withdrew back in April 2009.

You must be an ex-employee.

Oak Lawn, Illinois

Amanda Mc.


United States of America
Current Herzing Student

#4General Comment

Mon, December 31, 2012

I am currently a student at Herzing University and I must say what you are saying doesn't add up.  I have been a student for 5 months now and I am having a wondering experience at Herzing.  The same as you while I was going to school, I had my grandfather pass away, drove 15 hours to the funeral and back, and also managed to log-in to my classes and get the work done and pass my classes.  I understand your situation completely and how stressful and hard it is to deal with a death in the family.  Before I was attending Herzing, I was attending a different online school that had the same attendence policies as Herzing and I was pregnant and delivered my baby during finals and guess what, I logged in from the hospital and took my exams and passed.  Its about sacrifices and if you just logged in to take the final and didn't do so hot but already had a good grade in the class, so what at least you passed and could further avoid this consequence.  Also I think if you would of explained the situation to your teachers they might of understood and let you take the final a day late or something.  To me it sounds like you gave up and just never tried and if you were already failing classes before or not adhereing to the policies, then yes they have every right to expell you.  I don't think too many people will be on your side until you explain the whole story because it feels like so many parts are left out and that some truth isn't being told. 

Now as far as financial aid, to me what you are saying is bogus.  Don't come on here and vent about a school because you failed to take a final or obey attendence policies and got yourself suspended.  You can't blame anybody but yourself.  I have been to several colleges, both campus and online, and also have a degree so to say that financial aid didn't have you sign papers or let you know what was going on, doesn't seem legit.  Something you are saying sounds fishy.  I know for a fact you have to go online, for the entrance counseling and the MPN (promissary note) before you can receive a direct loan.  I also doubt that someone would forge your signature on loans or mislead you into signing paperwork without reading and acknowledging it first. 

Also if you think the university harmed you in any way, why don't you dispute the student loan through the loan company and ask them to show you proof that you signed something, they should also have that all on file.  They can verify names and signatures and if it doesn't match up and finds to be a fake they have to throw it out and if you kept the names of the people you were working with at the time you were attending the university you should be able to back-track everything.  Also be smart about what your doing, read everything and make copies of everything for your records.  Write down everyones name and phone number you worked with and save e-mails.  You just sound young and nieve to the situation and maybe lilke you don't have everything in order.  I hate to root against someone but truth is truth and eventually it will set you free if you just tell it and stop playing the victim in this situation.

Joshua M. Allen

United States of America
Herzing University

#5Consumer Comment

Sun, December 30, 2012

I was conferred the degree of Associate of Science in Legal Assisting and Paralegal from Herzing University. I have nothing but good things to say about the University and would recommend it to anyone I know. Yes the tuition is high as it is with most private schools, but it sounds like you didn't pay attention to what was going on with your financial aid. You would of had to take entrance counseling and sign a master promissory note. If you missed a final and did not work something out with the professor then you did not complete the course and did not earn the financial aid to cover the cost of your tuition. It wouldn't have mattered if you were at Herzing or Harvard the same thing would have happened. The fee you are speaking of is to pay back the aid you didn't earn and your loans were from the semesters you did complete. You should take personal responsibility instead of attacking a good school. Even though you had a bad point in your life; if you had stopped going to work with no say like you did school do you really think you would still have that job? 

Jessika R

United States of America
Real Student #2

#6Consumer Comment

Wed, August 31, 2011

I'm another real student.  I have been at Herzing since April of 2010.  I go full time, and have used both Pell Grants, and financial aid.  I have to say that if what you say actually  happened to you, then your financial advisor was garbage, OR you paid no attention to what you were reading and just signed away, thinking only of the immediate future, not long term.  It is virtually impossible for the University to receive loan funds for you without your consent.  When I decided to apply for funds, I had to sign a Master Promisory note as well as some other documents that were CLEARLY loan documents.  Once the money was distributed, I received several emails alerting me to the policies concerning repayment.

If you truly didn't sign anything, as you claim, you should have no problem fighting the issue with the school.  Simply ask for proof that you asked for a loan.  THey have to show you their documents.  If you did in fact sign, then you will know you do owe them.  If you didn't, they will know that they are pursing you in error.  Ask for the documents.  Make them show you.  THen you will have settled it one way or another.  If you just signed some forms without understanding what you were signing, that is no ones fault but your own.  Any responsible adult knows never to sign something unless you know what it says.

Good Luck.


West Palm Beach,
United States of America
Herzing University

#7General Comment

Sat, August 27, 2011

I am a student with Herzing, and i must say, that before  and after i began school, the financial aid office called me and explained that i was taking out a loan. And stated that i should only take out what i needed to pay for my classes, also i received a 750. grant, from the school.

If a person, does not log into the class room, for an extended amount of time they will be suspended. The school must keep its accredidations.  If they allow for absent student to not call in to explain what is going on, they will loose their ratings and the school may close.

My brother passed away while i was attending a different school, and the professor and the other students were very understanding, i was able to take the final at a later date, but i called in to inform the professor what was going on, the professor not the school are mind readers.

We are all adults, read before you sign.

Great school. very helpful,


A Stay-at-home Mom's opinion

#8Consumer Comment

Mon, April 26, 2010

First of all, I'm sorry for your loss - I've lost more family and friends in the last few years than was expected (some too young to die) and know the pain and suffering you're going through.  Now, for some tough love:

You want a real student?  You got it.  Rebecca H, stay-at-home wife and mother of 4.  Try looking up my name, if you want to see whether or not I'm just a regular person.  I am not employed by ANYONE.  I just got done with the financial aid portion of enrollment into Herzing Online.  Guess what? I couldn't even start school until it was finalized.  Guess what else?  I was both emailed AND called simultaneously to make sure that I understood what I was getting into.  I was even encouraged not to borrow more from Direct loans than was needed for classes.  I've read and re-read your post several times and some of it does seem to leave some stuff out. 

 First of all, if you called to ask, "What's up," I'm curious as to why you didn't explain your loss to them - those people are so daggone nice, they probably would have given YOU money had they known that you had a family member die.  Sounds like you didn't tell them what happened, and they figured that you were just a lazy student. 

Secondly,  you didn't try to fight it?  Really???? You "just logged out and never came back?"  That was not a smart thing to do... no matter what you were feeling at the time.  I was pregnant and my husband was away for 3 months at one time (quite depressed and stressed out) and when someone called threatening to call the cops on me for some money that I SUPPOSEDLY owed, you'd better believe that i snapped outta that funk and fought tooth and nail to get it resolved.  So, what did you expect after just logging out and QUITTING?  If you "just quit" after 3 terms, they charge you.  ANY COLLEGE DOES THIS.

Furthermore, you don't mention if you were receiving a refund check for excess tuition assistance.  If you were getting "living expense" money, then you owe back anything that you borrowed.  That's right, BORROWED.  Which, again, you could not have done unless you signed and agreed to do so.  Again, lots of students wind up in this predicament no matter WHICH COLLEGE THEY ATTEND.

I don't know what else to say except that either you misunderstood what you were getting into, or you are trying to get back at the school for following a NORMAL PROCEDURE when a student WILLINGLY DROPS OUT. 

If it wasn't so long, I'd tell you about the other online college that I almost enrolled with - AIU.  Talk about sales pitch... Herzing has behaved with me the same way that the community college AND the university in my area behave regarding enrollment (i.e.: no pressure).  AIU is STILL leaving the, "If you need to talk, just call... it's not to late to enroll," messages on the phone, after I explicitly told them that I was enrolling elsewhere. 

Herzing is real and legit... you just had an isolated, unfortunate experience which could have been worked out with better communication on your part.  Bottom line:  No one gets a loan without knowing it.

Report Attachments


I understand how you feel

#9Author of original report

Tue, January 12, 2010

but you are wrong.  It did happen to me.  I was either given paperwork to sign that was indicated as a different document at the time, or someone signed for me and that's been covered up.

This is my problem.. you just don't get it.  The problem is that THERE IS NO WAY THIS COULD HAPPEN.  Do you understand?  That's why there is an issue... because it DID happen.. and it happened to me.  If there was a way it could happen then I wouldn't be having an issue, yes?  Okay, now that we're on the same page.

Why would I get on here and file a report against them if there wasn't a real issue here.  I think you should spend less time picking apart my statements, and more time researching the people who are stealing our money.  All I know is that the man who signed me up said one thing, and a completely different thing was actually done, with different figures and everything.  These are the facts.


United States of America
It is not possible

#10General Comment

Tue, January 12, 2010

I have been taking classes through a well known online school for the past two years. I also took a semester of college at a satellite campus of a well known top ten college. I currently have two daughters attending college, one at a technical college the other at a private college where she lives on campus. At all of these schools both online and traditional brick and mortar, we have had to choose who handled our student loans and also sign Master Promissory Notes (MPN). There is no way a school can sign you up for a student loan without your consent, it isn't possible. You have to sign papers, even online you have to sign with an electronic signature. Also you are sent papers that outline how much your loans are and when they disburse. So I am sorry but that part of your story isn't even remotely possible or believable.


So how much are they paying you?

#11Author of original report

Mon, January 11, 2010

My previous complaint to this school has been rebutted, and personally, I'm offended.

You kept saying "There's no way this happened" etc, etc.  Well, did you not READ what I wrote??!  That's what I was saying.  It doesn't make any sense that it happened, does it?  It was ridiculous.

Fine, maybe Herzing themselves as a whole isn't to blame, but the person who got me signed up and then disappeared pulled a fast one on me and the school who employed him should have cleaned it up instead of tossing me aside.  He told me that everything was covered and yes, I signed papers, but they weren't the papers I was told I was signing obviously.

I was never informed of any loans until AFTER I was expelled.

I'll have you know that I was an amazing student and I missed ONE FINAL and they expelled me.  I don't care if you think that's "just not the way it works" because that is how it worked for me.

Don't defend something you know nothing about.  I took classes there; I know how it is.  You know nothing about the school other than the classes you took.  You live in Salt Lake; you've never met any of them face-to-face, or even had any issues it appears.  Now it's great that you had a good experience.  I'm happy for you.  However, you're just one of the lucky ones that didn't get financially raped by these people.

How dare you defend them.  You have no basis for this defense and your rebuttal looked more like an ad from a paid "Clean-Up" company, not an actual response from a real student.

Try again.


United States of America
med billin

#12General Comment

Mon, January 11, 2010

first of all if u went to herzing and they ripped u off why would you go back there ? some times paper workis messed up but we as students mustread everthing that is given ti us .


2 Time Herzing College Grad

#13Consumer Comment

Thu, January 07, 2010

I have been with Herzing University Online (Formerly Herzing College) since September 2005.  The first thing I went for was an Associate Degree in Healthcare for Medical Billing and Coding.  I then attended for a Diploma in Bookkeeping and Payroll Accounting.  I am now in my 4th year and going for my Bachelor Degree in Business Management.  Herzing University is a great school.  Being that I have gone through the loan process and dealt with Pell Grants for some time now I know there must be more to the story that was written.  Pell Grants are free money from the government.  They do not have to be paid back.  Second you cannot get a loan for any school without knowing about it.  It just is not possible.  In order to receive a loan the financial aid department gives you a financial aid award letter.  The student then must sign the MPN (Master Promissory Note) in order to get the loan.  There are loans that are through regular banks using your credit or government backed loans.  Either way you get notice immediately after you get loans.  They all send information in the mail and even some notices come through email.  As soon as the school gets disbursement they are required by law to tell you (through the mail).  You also get a disbursement letter from the company you get the loan from.  The school cannot do this without anyone's knowledge.  Grants do not usually cover the cost of the entire tuition but it is possible if the tuition is a small amount.  It does sound possible given school was only to cost $7000.  The max Pell Grant I believe is $4000 and how much you get depends on your EFC (Expected Financial Contribution).  If you read all of the rules of the college and any other college different things are set in motion if you quit or get expelled in the middle of your classes or loans.  Loans are cancelled out and money is supposed to be returned to the loan provider or student if they paid directly.  Herzing does not have a policy of expelling anyone over missing one final.  It is considered failing the class.  If this is repeated behavior then yes you will get kicked out of school.  You cannot fail a ton of classes and pass.  And yes you do need to repay in order to retake a class, as this is true with any school.  I myself did not pass 1 of my classes recently.  I will be charged again to retake the class and it has been put back on my schedule to take it again.  In order to stay in school and achieve success you must also pass within certain GPA requirements.  If you are doing poorly they cannot let you stay in school.  Not only is it a waste of their time but also the students.  Herzing University Online is not a piece of cake just because you do the school work in the convenience of your own home.  Taking online classes is quite hard and maybe even more difficult than standard brick and mortar classes.  It takes a lot of concentration, hard work and dedication.  I think it would be best to call the school especially the financial aid department to figure out what went wrong exactly.  You also only got what Pell Grants were handed out in the beginning.  The government does not pay out all of the awarded grants immediately.  It is paid out per semester just like loans.  You will lose the remaining portion of your grants and possibly all of them if you do not stay in school throughout the entire program you signed up for.  Herzing University is a great school and nationally accredited.  I have like I said been with them for over 4 years.  I could see there being problems for someone that does not understand how the University works or loans.  The financial aid process is a complicated one and one should make sure to ask any and all questions so they completely understand how the process works.  I would suggest you call the financial aid department and get things straightened around.  Maybe even call the loan servicer you have or the provider.  The school can explain their rules and the process while the loan provider can explain how their loans work.  I think you should also reevaluate the situation because I don't think this was possible.  I have only seen 1 other complaint on my school and it was something like yours.  It just isn't possible that things played out the way described and if you think things are bad I would look up other fly by night colleges.  One for instance would be University of Phoenix.  There are some pretty shady colleges out there, Herzing just doesn't happen to be one of them.


Salt Lake City, UT 

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