  • Report:  #1150991

Complaint Review: Higher Calling Aircraft Parts LLC- Terry Mendez - Oceanside California

Reported By:
Ldyshep - Oceanside, California,

Higher Calling Aircraft Parts LLC- Terry Mendez
3060 Industry Street Suite 101 Oceanside, 92054 California, USA
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Report Attachments

I was hired along with 8 other employees to work for Terry Mendez. He contacted me several times telling me how he was a former US Marine, a Christian and all about his company. How he was lead by God and how he felt so at peace with me. 

At first I did not like his approach at all he seemed very flaky but I thought being a former Marine, and my husband served 30 years how could I go wrong helping this guy with his start up company. He hired me on the spot, had me talk to Chuck his VP of military operations. Told me how we would be in our office in April and all about his BIG orders.

I began working for Terry Mendez, as did other employees, but he started changing our titles several times. Terry Mendez changed my pay structure and commission %.

He refuses to pay me after working for him for a month, I am having to file a claim with the Labor Board and a Civil Suit.

Terry Mendez talks about going to school to get his degree then plans to become a pastor. Terry Mendez should NEVER pastor a group of believers he is anything but a man of God! He would say he planned on using the business to pay for convicts who get out of jail, his wife and him being evangelist. Then the text messages that I would get that were meant for his wife, completely inappropriate. Terry used the excuse each time it was a mistake. Terry Mendez is completely unprofessional and the most dangerous business person I have ever come in contact with. He claims to be a Christian and runs around Helter Skelter and is quick to label is The Lord.  Beware of Terry Mendez and Higher Calling Aircraft Parts,LLC

7 Updates & Rebuttals

Still not paid by Higher Calling & Terry Mendez

#2Author of original report

Sat, July 18, 2015

Terry Mendez hired me to work for him over two years ago and still has not paid me. I won my Labor Board case, I have a judgement now and have a Lien against his business and property. Terry thinks he can lie and give excuses to not deal with his obligations but life does not work like that. His business will NEVER be a success until he learns to grow up and deal with things respectfully. On 7/3/15 Terry called me telling me he has had a hard time financially but he will pay me $4000.00 because I have had to wait so long. He can afford to redesign his website, he can afford anything he wants but pay me for work I did for him and not make good on promises! Terry is a selfish, dishonest man! Until he makes this right nothing he does is of any value!Terry is now refusing to honor his word yet again and now saying he will sue ME- He will sue me after all of this. This man has no moral fiber in his body. I will now proceed with the full extent of the law. Beware of this person and his lies!

higher calling aircraft parts victim

North Hollywood,
Congrats to Tammy for winning her case against Terry Mendez

#3UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, September 05, 2014

To those who claim they know Terry Mendez, no one is doubting that you may know him in a personal sense and you may not have had any kind of professional relationship with him. I was retained/hired to help him with his legal hiring of attorneys to help protect him. I a former CEO and imediatly saw that Terry was leaving himself wide open for law suits and warned him of his actions on many occassions. He asked me to do all his HR hiring as well and I was told to provide employment contracts $2- 5,000 moving cost agreements and finacial full-time employment agreements to over 6 people.

I spent over 6 hours a day off and on listening to Terry's big company plans and over and over I kept explaining how a real company works. He always said that is why I hired you as VP of my company. I told Terry he was going to get himself in trouble yet he begged and insisted I trust in him and that the the Lord was guiding us. He emailed me all his business contracts that looked legit as though he had real money coming in so like everyone else we stuck it out. I spoke with three other potential employees when I began the HR process that all told me personally, that Terry had been blowing the same pipe dream up their rears and making promises for over 6-8 months prior to me coming on board. At this point I expressed my concerns about leaving and I was told to quit my current job and I would have a check by end of week. NEVER GOT IT!! Lie after lie, you start to listen to now 8 people in total and have to question this mans integrity. Then when confronted the behavior, laungue, threts all spoke for itself. 

I do not care what anyone says who claims they know Terry. I have recieved legal advice and filed in small claims court we are going in 2 weeks. When my server went to serve Terry the two addresses he provided on all his company website, business cards,, and all documents was a false address. I then was given a home address at one point when i told him i was handling the legal contracts and needed everyones home address. I tried to call him and he disconnected his number. We went to serve him there and again the address did not exsist. As sad as this sounds we tracked him down and had him served at church. So again where is the integrity? So I will leave that for you all to decide.

I am happy for Tammy she was able to prove her case and Terry settled on the spot. I find it interesting that he came prepared with $2,000 cash in hand that day. HUMMM!

I will give everyone an update after my hearing in two weeks.



Labor Board and Won

#4Author of original report

Fri, September 05, 2014

I wanted to update my report with Higher Calling Aircraft Parts, I took Terry Mendez and his company to the Labor Board for unpaid wages. Even though Terry said he would pay me when he received money. It had been 4 months since I worked for Terry and he had yet to make good on his word. So as I said I would I let justice and truth speak, which it did. I won my case against Terry Mendez and Higher Calling Aircraft Parts. 

I would have to say his actions and temper during the meeting were very sad and I feel extremely sorry for this young man. As I have decided to do I will not speak ill of Terry Mendez but I will caution anyone from working FOR Terry Mendez. 

Diane Chambers

Pure of Heart

#5General Comment

Tue, June 03, 2014

It is very disagreeable to read about employee/employer disputes posted on the Ripoff Website.

I have known Terry Mendez for a few years and find him to be pure of heart.  It is most unfortunate that funds expected did not become available in time to meet the May payroll.

Hopefully, back payroll will be met soon and ‘Higher Calling Aircraft Parts’ will be freed up to move ahead as predetermined in the original contract signed by all parties concerned.

Higher Calling

"I am Terry Mendez"

#6REBUTTAL Owner of company

Mon, June 02, 2014

To whom this may conver:


Miss. Brenda Russell-Baca; we see that you are very upset, and we are sincerly sorry for that. However, we did not finalize any contracts with you, and we did not place you onto our payroll. So why are you saying I or Higher Calling Aircraft Parts, Inc has con you or used you. You were never an employee of Higher Calling's. So for you to be going off and slandering, defaming, and falsifying information is what these readers should be looking at. 


I am not worried about your threats, nor your tactics. And the police department did not come to my door step, and filling a false police report is a crime, so good luck dealing with that. 


You harrass me, slander and defame my personal character as a beliver of Christ, and then attack my character as an individual is definitly stooping very low. However, i am very happy i did not hire you or Ed because this is the type of employee's i would of been hiring. You both are very emotionally unstabled individulas who will try to destroy someone to make a buck. I know that the economy is very bad right now, but come on. Why are you guys trying to bully your way into making a simple dollar? Go an bully someone else, we wont put up with it anylonger. A cease and desist letter will be sent to you. Also, we know that this post will not be removed unless we pay "Ed" the owner of this website $2,500.00 to have it removed.


Lastly please provide a statement of the so called "other 8 victims."So the readers can be a witnesses to your acts of slander, defamation of character, and falsefied information. 


You have only responded because the police have been called for harrassment!

#7Author of original report

Sat, May 31, 2014

After multiple requests from two of Mr.Mendezes victims to stop calling, emailing and texting or we will call the police, did he step up and write this rebuttal. He has said money is coming in for 6 months as we have spoken with other victims whom he offered employment and cross country relocation fees of $5,000 each to drop their current employment and move to California to help him. BIG MONEY DEALS COMING IN THIS WEEK IS HIS FAVORITE SAYING!!

This site is hear to warn and protect people from scams and cons. You have heard from everyone you all decide. Why would we be this upset to take our time writing on a website if we were lying. We are not mad at Mr.Mendez we are ashamed and feel sad for him and his victims. We pray he gets the professional help he needs. His texts messages are rants of rage and anger of a child and the sexual content is definitely not God Like. He is only 29 years old and still attends school. You would not know that when you meet him over the phone as he carries himself much more maturely. After you spend weeks with him the red flags start popping up everywhere.

Two formal police reports have been filed against Mr. Mendez for verbal abuse and attacks in regards to bully two innocent women from fighting for what is rightfully and legally owed to us. He hopes to scare us into hiding and that will not work. He is now threatening to sue us for defamation and Slander if we pursue him for payment. What a God like man. We have forwarded all our text messages and emails to the police and will be included in our Civil suits against him as well.


Good Luck to anyone who falls for this mans big Dreams and Lies.


Higher Calling

I am Terry Mendez

#8REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sat, May 31, 2014

To Whom this may concern:

My name is Terry Mendez and I am the owner of Higher Calling Aircraft Parts, Inc.; Higher Calling is a start up company, and we did hire Mrs. Tammy Shepard as a Accounts Manager. We have fallen short with our payroll for the month of May, and after awaring Tammy about this, she decided to quite working for us and sent us this email listed in the highlight below:

Hello Terry
I wanted to let you know I spoke with my husband tonight about everything that has transpired between us. I have to admit not only was I upset and just really feeling taken advantage of. Maybe I am to nice at times but my husband was furious. We discussed the number of hours I have worked for you, the long phone calls that he over heard, totaling 3 hours, 4 times a day 6 days a week, and then of course the official employment offer and agreement that he reviewed. The amount that was due today based on my employment start date of since April 21, 2014 to May 20, 2014 totals to date $2,500.00. Until this past few days leading up to the scheduled pay date that you gave me, there was no information provided by you that you could not afford to hire me or pay me and as of May 19th you were still giving me job instructions and telling me pay day was on the 20th. I should be getting paid every two weeks but knowing you were a start up company I let you pay me on the next months due date.
Not until I started pressuring you to pay the money you owed me, did I start getting the formal employer run around. You asked me in an email to prove what tasks I had done and to give you a formal power point presentation. I was shocked. You never had a problem asking for things and expecting me to jump at your every request yet I simply asked for what is legally owed to me and I get the third degree. I have never heard of an employer asking for such details from an Executive Account Manager. Then again you switched my job title 3 times so I am not sure what I officially was. You never told me verbally or in writing that as part of my job description I would be responsible to provide you with weekly or monthly progress reports or a daily completed task report. I am not a sales person I am an office executive. Here is what we came up with. I understand you are way over your head financially and are now in a very bad place legally but that is not my problem. So I am going to agree to the following terms as to be fair.
1. you have already offered me $500.00 now, and I will except that in a cashiers check or money order as a partial payment as soon as tomorrow.
2. Balance of $2000.00 will be due by June 1st as that will be 2-1/2 months from my start date (No exceptions or I will be filing a civil law suit and reporting you and your company to the Labor Board, Better Business Bureau (BBB) and The Rip Off Report (Internets most read con and employer/company got screwed bash site)
3. you also agreed to pay me 5% commission on all company sales on the 5th of each month so I can have your company books and bank accounts subpoenaed if needed to collect that.
4. I also have all your company client contact information and a formal letter will be sent to all of them about what you have done to me and others with-in your company.
5. My husband works for the Federal Government and said he will take whatever legal action and make appropriate phone calls as well.
I want this email returned with an acknowledgment of this agreement and signed from you. Also understand that due to your lack of funds and work ethic I will be forced to file unemployment as I am no longer working for Higher Calling Aircraft Parts, so that will also be reported and will look bad for your company.
So if you can meet me tomorrow at 10:00am at Starbucks again with the $500.00 in a cashiers check or money order.
Thank you,
Tammy Shepard
This is my response below to that email:
Hello Tammy,
As previously stated earlier to you on email; we are behind on our payroll for this month; I'm sorry that this is so. I am trying to do everything that I am capable of doing to pay you your $2,500.00 which is your months pay for the time period of April 21, 2014 until May 20, 2014. As soon as we receive the funds, I will contact Joel and Melissa for tax deductions. I will write you a company check that will give you waiting time penalties, and the remaining $2,000.00 less taxes, as soon as it comes into our receivable account. If we do or do not come up with the funds by June 1, 2014; I am still obligated to pay you what you have earned according to the labor board, and $72.12 per day in waiting time penalties.
 Also if we are sticking to the agreement which you are a heavily profounder on, today when I give you check of $500.00; I expect that you give me all of the materials I have provided you with. Because, on the employment agreement it stated that after the agreement is terminated, you are to return all company assets and delete all of the companies cliental. You are not to contact or speak to any of Higher Callings clients. The penalties that follow any form of disobedient action towards this agreement will be filed against you with my lawyers. You have maid it very clear that you will not be returning to work for Higher Calling. 
I understand that you are extremely disappointed and upset, and I apologize for that; and I look forward to resolving this as soon as possible. 
I have not done anything illegal, immoral, or un-ethical; i just fail short. And to have my faith judged for that, I believe that this this behavior Tammy has displayed is defaming. Im sure you can agree. 
Terryy Mendez

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