  • Report:  #434501

Complaint Review: Homecomings Financial / Homecomings LLC / Gmac Company - Waterloo Indiana

Reported By:
- milwaukee, Wisconsin,

Homecomings Financial / Homecomings LLC / Gmac Company
3451 Hammond Avenue Waterloo, 50702 Indiana, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
since another company switch me with out my consern with home comings financial.its been so stressful to me and my family. its been a while i was making my payments in a timely time with home comings paying 936.91 of morgages. on the month of november and december 2007 this staring to get really bad in the house. the income when low i have to pay the bills and do grosseries with cash.

it was hard too make this payments, so i contact homecomings financial and, explain my situation but they dint care the person i told me too find away too pay the 2 month that i was behind i try to go to another company too refinance the company that was willing too help me got in touch with homecomings financial.so home comings financial told this other company. that in order for me too refinance i have to come with the two month due payments. so on the month of january i have make the two payments and pay half of my bills and buy half of grossery for me and my girls.

i sent homecomings financial two money orders of 45.00 and 41.00 for late fee payments of 936.91 money order monthly morgage 126.00 on 2/15/2008 900.00 2/15 08.

and after this payments i call too see if i can go ahead and refinance but they say i cant i was very depress and very upset so on the month of march 2008 all my income was stop because an overpayment so all this month my morgage pail off too 3,995.00 so my other solution was to try too go an apply for a grant becuase i was going to be denied for a loan.on 6/20/08 i apply for a grant at ywca company here this people ask me for a proof of my behind morgage.

so i contact home comings financial but they refused too sent it too me telling me they can work somenthing out. so i wait it and wait what i got in the mail was a letter to appear in court for my lates payments. but i dint show up. i just mail a judge a letter explaining my situation and that iapply for grant to pay my behind morgage. but home comings refused too it so a month later i recive some modification papers to sent a payments of 700.00 at soon as possible and 639.00 i got in touch with homecomings.and i let the know that i got the modificatios papers.but that i dont get back on my income till october 2008 thats when a men told me that my house is going too a forecloser. i was really depress because i dint want too lost my house.at this time.

with only one income it was not enougth too pay bills and buy grosseries. so i whent back again too apply for a grant at ywca on 2/2/09 by this time my morgage was way behind more than 5,000 so i apply they ask me again for a proof of the forcloser papers. i go home and contact again homecomings financial for the second time. i hear decime story again. dont do nothing dont apply no where else. we are going too help you so i say are you sure you people are going to help me this time.

i dint hear from home comings financial for a fews month that i recive in my mail. some modificatios papers where is asking to send 700.00 on the month of january 2009 and 639.00 on february but still i was not a able to do it due too my income i dint sign no papers or sent no money so on the month of february 2009 i recive a letter asking me too write down my expences and too fax it too them. this was the only paper i fax too homecomings financials. since then i has not hear from home comings financial

i dont know whats is their next trick. after this company damage my credit having me too refuse a grant to save my credit and be back on track of the morgage and give me the chance too star with a better company. i know they might put a second time forcloser on my property leaving me and my family out.

deep inside my heart i dont want too keep on with homecomings financil no sent no payments and go ahead sell the house as is. on march 11 2009 i was verry sad and, depress i got in the computer,and i look under rippoff because somenthing was strange that homecomings financial dint want me too apply for a grant. now i undesrtand what this company want is more and more money.

when i look up the first thing i read is homecomings financial is a rippoff thats whe i star reading a fews rippoff that was making sence just what i was going thru and thats when i decise too get help.

i please some one too help me sue homecomigs for damaging my credit and for stoping me to apply for grant that was going to save my house and credit so i can refinance the house with another company. too stay way from homecomings financials. please help me at soon as possible before they put me and my girls out when there is a 1 month and fews weeks baby born in the house

please help me as soon as possible

thank you. for letting people know about this company. ist been verry stressfo an depressing for this family and there was a time which my 15 years old and me try to take our life thinking about us staying out with a new born in the house. .

in 2008 a women from home comings told me that i have 12hours to 24hours to pay my late payments or some one will be coming too take my stuff out. this company have us going thru/ so much depression and stress. and they like too scare people take they money and make them go thru/ a lot. and i hope there is justices.


milwaukee, Wisconsin


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