  • Report:  #24858

Complaint Review: HRS USA - City of Industy California

Reported By:
- Mesa, AZ,

P.O Box 61248 City of Industy, 91716-0148 California, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I bought a laptop computer at Best Buy using my HRS USA credit card with the promise of no interest for 12 months. I moved a couple of months afterwards and sent in my change of address to HRS.

I received a couple of statements, and then they stopped coming.

At the time, I was a full-time student with a very hectic schedule. I didn't give a second thought about the billing statements for a couple of months.

When I thought about it, I called the Customer Service Department to let them know I wasn't receiving them. I re-updated my address (again) and received a couple of statements over the next couple of months.

Again, the statements stopped coming. Once I received a statement, the company wanted to charge me $29 in late fees.

I called Customer Service again and they told they didn't have an updated address and I should have known when my monthly payment was scheduled.

They agreed to credit my account the $29 if they received my next payment on time.

I sent in the payment, on time, and the next statement showed no credit for the late payment fee. This issue has yet to be resolved.

Once I pay off this balance, I will immediately cancel the account and never do business with them again.


Mesa, Arizona

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