  • Report:  #277044

Complaint Review: InPhonic - Reston Virginia

Reported By:
- Hyattsville, Maryland,

PO Box 3166 Reston, 20195 Virginia, U.S.A.
866-635 7400
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
In March of 2007 we were shopping around for a family plan and we saw that by updating our contract with T-Mobile for two more years, we can receive free phones from InPhonic. Of course we took the offer! We paid a total of $327.94 for three phones: one Razorr and two blackberry phones. The fee was supposed to cover the price of one phone (the two phones are free) and insurance policy for all three phones.

When we receive the phones we realized that we have two problems: one is that one of the blackberry phones is not working and the second was they have assigned us a new numbers regardless of our requested to keep our existing number. We have T-mobile service prior to that and we want keep that same number since we are still with T-mobile.

We immediately call T-Mobile to inform the issue regarding the phone numbers and they agree that it is a simple problem and they will give us our old number back. One problem solved that we thought.

Then we send the defective blackberry phone to InPhonic for exchange. We heard nothing from them for two months. Then we received two invoices indicating that we have disconnected our service with T-Mobile and because of that we have to pay a total $500.00(each invoice is $250.00). They wrote, reimbursement of the equipment discount in the amount of $250 is now due.

Confused and in disbelief we called InPhonic to inquire the status of the defective phone and also to tell them that we have not disconnected our lines. We were told that because the phone was missing a manual it was not eligible for exchange. So where is the phone? They are not sure. We then requested for that same phone to be return to us as we peruse our dispute.

As for the $500.00 they said we didnt comply by the 181 consecutive days agreement and so we have to pay the $500.00 for the two phones. We tried to explain that we didn't disconnect, we simply want to keep the existing numbers as we have requested from the beginning. They didn't want to hear it.

After many phone calls, one agent agreed that he will put T-Mobile on conference call and see if we still are using all three lines and pay on timely manner. Once T-Mobile confirm, charges were to be dispute; while I was on the other line, T-Mobile did confirm the service to all three lines and timely payments. The agent then said he was going to submit his findings and we will here from them soon. Well, that didn't happen either.

We called again to check the whereabouts of the defective phone, this time an agent said they didn't send it because they already have credited us for that particular phone, but no amount was disclosed at that point.

As for the dispute they said we were dined because T-Mobile didn't confirm. Huu? Didn't I hear the guy on the phone confirming? So we asked for a written document showing that T-Mobile has ended denied all three active services as well as a statement that reflects the credit for defective pone. She, the agent agreed to send those document out, but two months later we still have not received anything.

So I called this morning October 4, 2007, and I have just learned that we still have to pay the $500.00 and NO the defective phone was not credited nor would it be return to us as it is. The team leader that I talked to couldn't have been less hostile. She told me we still need to pay for the two phones. This doesn't add up because one phone was paid for at begging of the contract and we were told that the defective phone was credited upon on our last phone call.

So how come we still have to pay for two phones? She can't explain, but keep telling me that we are not been charged for the phones, the $500.00 is for early termination fee. I asked why their story keeps changing on every phone call. No reply. She goes back on forth on same thing just to exhaust me off the phone.

But before she hangs up, she gave me the ultimatum to pay $400.00 right away or it will go back to $500 if I were to call letter on and pay. She also threatened me to send the account to credit collectors. She said, we don't have to inform you the status of your account nor send you any type of document that you have requested if you don't want to pay the $400 dollars right now I can just give a call to a credit collection agency and you will be ruining your own credit history.

So this is my story and I am not sure what my next step will be. Any one knows how to get this company what it deserves?


Hyattsville, Maryland


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