  • Report:  #855097

Complaint Review: International Starseeds Network - Internet

Reported By:
Troy - Minneapolis, Minnesota, U.S.A.

International Starseeds Network
Internet, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
According to the title of the starseeds.net site it says "Reuniting Humanity With Their Divinity...It's Time", but if anyone speaks the truth about our divinity they censor it and ban people from the site that truly teach the truth about our existence or what they might call our divinity. 

A starseed is a person who things they're original incarnation is from another planet or that they are some angelic being who is on a mission to help humanity.  The truth is these people are into just another new cult with another fantasy beliefs and made-up saviors, in the case of starseeds, it is ETs. 

The founder of this site is a fat woman who calls herself Commander Yshtar, yet that is not her name.  She is quite  an egocentric and angry woman and she is addicted to her font on her website and feeds off of the attention of those who buys into her nonsense.  She's an injured soul who is addicted to believing in non-truths to make her feel better about herself.  And she cannot and will not acknowledge her own injuries that cause her to believe in her fantasies, which is called having humility.  She's the least humble person I've ever had to deal with.  I feel sorry for her and all who believe in her.  She's a sociopath. 

The typical person who is duped into this cult phenomena, as it is nothing more than a spiritual trend, is damaged and doesn't understand much about the universe, their existence, and love.  They get to believing that they're on some kind of mission and that gives them the belief that they are important and needed when the truth is they have a belief injury in their soul that they believe they are not important and unlovable.  These people are the ones who get sucked into this cult.  I recommend anyone not get involved into any starseed groups, sites, organizations as it's just another false teaching that is based in reincarnation. 

in the community, people asked about Jesus and so I posted what he truly taught and what he taught totally contradicts the starseed agenda, new age movement, and more.  I spoke it as truth and because it did not conform to the addictions of the site owners it was censored off of the site.  The reason why I posted it is because if you see people who are damaging their soul by engaging in lies and false teachings is it not the loving thing to do to tell people of this?  This is what I did and I got banned from the site. In other words, if you practice god's laws of love and do the loving thing you're silenced.  And yet the site talks about love and helping humanity all of the time. I had just shared one of the most important truths in the universe and it gets banned.  I want everyone to know that. 

The truth about reincarnation is that it is a false teaching.  Only complete souls can incarnate meaning that souls that god newly created with both halfs connected or have split in an incarnation, died, and progressed into the 22nd sphere state where the soul halves are reunited.  Only 7 souls (14 people) have incarnated on the planet at this time.  Never before has there been any reincarnations.  They are all based on spirit influence, memories of spirits sharing their lives with people on earth confusing them which makes them think they have past lives because they are experiencing the shared memories or they are overcloaked (possessed) and have memories of another being.  There is no such thing as the teachings of reincarnation.  And if you don't believe me listen to Jesus himself explain why here on his youtube channel.  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LNgzpRFRGBo&feature=plcp&context=C412b70fVDvjVQa1PpcFP8uUa6Y7e7xltg50LMFgqO0uDyeCkjuxE%3D

If you want a true spiritual path then process your soul injuries emotionally.  If you want an addictive lifestyle of false spirituality and false teachings that will build up your ego and ruin your soul even more join starseeds.net  They are doing humanity a disservice by propagating what they don't understand and do not even want to understand. They never asked me to explain myself.  they just banned it without investigation and that is the sign of evil as it does not care about truth or finding new higher truths, but instead just maintaining their own addictions and they will be unloving if anyone tries to tell the truth and being loving. 

2 Updates & Rebuttals


United States
Starseeds is a belief system based in insanity = cult

#2Author of original report

Mon, January 14, 2019

"Starseeds" is the concept that your spirit incarnated on this planet with a mission.  Absolute zero evidence of this.  Absolute evidence is no claiming 'starseed' has any clue how to save, solve, or restore this planet.  It's a made up philosophy based 100% in confabulation. 

Because you're hellbent on this invented philosophy and reject any sense of rational thought, starseeds define themselves, by their own actions and choices, as an insane cult. 

If you notice, cults always attempt to 'argue' that they're not by deflecting and justification like this rebuttle did. 


United States
Starseed International is not a cult

#3General Comment

Mon, January 14, 2019

 As above is now here below. This is about Starseed International that it is not a cult. It is merely a group of people that have opened minds of what we are and came from. the person that originally penned this report is probably a devote Catholic Christian and only believes that his or her opinion is the right view.

There is no actual proof of Christianity or it's beliefs being true. But in reality the proof of star, planets, the moon and outer space does exist. If you look at our DNA strands along with the RNA strands of our genetic make-up, you will find that the cosmos as everything here on Earth has the same common building blocks.

As for the theory of alien life and we are descendants from it, there is enough substantial supporting evidence to prove that this is true. Within our DNA we have more than 60% of it that is not used as in dormant genes and inactive non-binary genes. If you laid our DNA out straight and digitize it into a computer code, you will find it resembles that of a computer memory.

But evolved into living, breathing beings. Maybe if the producer of this false report opened his/her eyes and mind to other things that are right in front of themselves, this person wouldn't have made this report in the first place.

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