  • Report:  #435813

Complaint Review: InventHelp - Pittsburgh Pennsylvania

Reported By:
- San Diego, California,

217 Ninth Street Pittsburgh, 15222-3506 Pennsylvania, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

In a nutshell; DON'T BE STUPID! This is a company that has spent the last 25 Years developing a Legally Correct Sales Technique that preys upon the dreams, aspirations and wallets of the nave. The Company trains its sales-force to remain Legally Compliant while simultaneously emphasizing the strengths of its time in service and the power of the Company's exclusive Data Bank of Companies that can't wait to be the first to view your invention. The sales-pitch is designed to lead one to believe that by following their financially compensated, exposure of your invention process your chances of success are all but assured. The take-away in the sales presentation is that, without their service, you will be assured of failure.

After all, who better to introduce your product to Industry than the longest standing, dream evaporating, financially depleting, rip-off artists in the nation? If paying Inventhelp nearly $1000 to create a topical summary of your invention that you could do yourself will make you feel good, then do it. I'm sure that you will be thrilled to share this Third Grade Styled Basic Information Package with friends and family for years to come. However, you may be better served by having a starving College Student prepare a presentation that would most certainly offer better representation, depth and appearance for a fraction of that price. But wait that's not all!

Should you choose to Finance Your Dreams toward success, Inventhelp will gladly Help You Dispose of anywhere from $9,000 to $18,000 of your Hard Earned Money. This exchange is for their Best Efforts to passively introduce your product or invention to a Secret Data Bank of Clients. These Clients have supposedly signed a Statement of Confidentiality. Thus, guaranteeing you that your invention won't be stolen by some unscrupulous modifier. I'll bet that you feel better already! If not, then I would suggest that you spend a few airfare dollars prior to your commitment of what could be well in excess of $10,000; Invested to properly expose your invention to Industry through them.

The antiquated Headquarters located in the downtown Pittsburgh area will, no doubt, leave you with the impression of a dilapidated office complex furnished by the Salvation Army. I don't know about you but I would prefer to have any company that I hired to assist me with my dreams offer the appearance that they have the wherewithal to last long enough to take my money from me. I can only imagine the impression that they leave upon that exclusive Data Bank of Companies that they present your invention to. My guess is, once the laughter subsides, they must just look at each other in amazement knowing that this Company continues to pocket Millions of Dollars, every year, from the unknowing.

Last but not least, if you are foolish enough to disregard this information, then you deserve the Financial Beating that you are going to take. By their own admission you will have a better chance of winning a Lottery than you will have an opportunity of success for their services. Tiffany San Diego, California


4 Updates & Rebuttals

Consumer Advocate

Don't believe me believe the Federal Trade Commission


Sat, August 15, 2009

                     FALSE AND DECEPTIVE CLAIMS
              FTC Asks Court to Order Consumer Redress

     The Federal Trade Commission has charged Invention Submission
Corporation of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, with misrepresenting the
nature, quality, and success rate of the invention promotion ser-
vices it sells to consumers for prices ranging from hundreds of
dollars to a total package price of approximately $5,000.  Despite
representations to the contrary, the FTC alleged, virtually none of
the company's customers have earned more for their inventions than
they paid for the promotion services.  The FTC has asked a federal
court to prohibit the defendants from engaging in the deceptive
practices in the future, and to order them to pay consumer redress.
     The FTC's complaint detailing its allegations also names 
Western Invention Submission Corporation (WISC), Intromark
Incorporated, and the parent company of all three, Technosystems
Consolidated Corporation (TCC); as well as Martin S. Berger, who is
the sole officer and director of the firms (collectively, ISC).  All
of the defendants are located in Pittsburgh.
     Since 1984, according to the complaint, the defendants have
sold a variety of invention promotion services to individual
inventors in stages.  First, the defendants allegedly offer to
prepare a "Basic Information Package" concerning the idea or product
for $395 to $590.  In the second stage, the defendants offer to
provide certain marketing and licensing services under a "Submission
Agreement" at a cost ranging from $3450 to $4890, the complaint
states.  Third, ISC provides any leads it may receive on 
                              - more -
a client's idea to Intromark, which allegedly attempts to negotiate
a license for the idea or invention, with clients agreeing to share
a percentage of any payments as a result of ISC's services. 
(Additionally, ISC and WISC offer clients with more fully developed
ideas a separate service called the "Market Supplement Program," for
approximately $12,500.)  The defendants allegedly have promoted and
advertised their services on television and radio and in newspapers
and magazines across the country, as well as through telephone and
in-person sales presentations.
     The FTC charged that the defendants have made numerous false
representations in the course of selling these services.  Among
them, the complaint alleges, were representations that the defend-
ants' services have resulted in financial gain for their "Basic
Information Package" and "Submission Agreement" customers, and that
their clients have a reasonable expectation of realizing financial
gain as a result of their services.  Neither representation was
true, according to the complaint.
     In addition, the FTC charged that the defendants misrepresented
that they will evaluate or appraise the merit or marketability of
their clients' ideas or inventions and that they have specialized,
valuable access to manufacturers.  In fact, the FTC charged, neither
representation was true.
     Other representations charged by the FTC to be false were:
     -- that defendants perform services to develop or refine
     clients' ideas or inventions;
     -- that the processes used by defendants to search for
     manufacturers or potential licensees will identify those who
     are reasonably likely to be interested in commercializing
     clients' ideas or inventions;
     -- that the completion of the Basic Information Package
     requires a substantial amount of research, drafting, or other
     -- that defendants submit clients' ideas or inventions to those
     who are reasonably likely to respond and to be interested in
     commercializing them;
     -- that the New Product Submissions contain information that
     manufacturers or potential licensees consider necessary or
     valuable in determining whether to license or market the idea;
     -- that seeking patent protection for an invention or idea is
     undesirable or unnecessary and that ideas for which proprietary
     or patent protection cannot be obtained can still be
     successfully marketed;
     -- that defendants will assist clients to obtain a patent; and
     -- that clients' ideas or products will be effectively promoted
     at trade shows.
     In addition, the FTC charged that the defendants have misrep-
resented their background, qualifications, experience, and expertise
as invention promoters and, more specifically, the background and
professional qualifications of their staff.  Further, according to
the complaint, the defendants misrepresented the value, financial
gain, or exposure to potential manufacturers that clients may
realize by having their ideas included in defendants' new product
advertisements or catalogs.
     The FTC filed its complaint in the U.S District Court for 
the Western District of Pennsylvania, in Pittsburgh, today.  In
addition to asking the court to prohibit the misrepresentations
alleged in the complaint, the FTC asked the court to order the
defendants to pay consumer redress and to rescind contracts
consumers have with ISC.
     The Commission vote to file the complaint was 5-0.  This
investigation is being handled by the FTC's Boston Regional Office.
NOTE:  The Commission files a complaint when it has "reason to
believe" that the law has been or is being violated and that a
proceeding is in the public interest.  The complaint is not a
finding or ruling that the law has actually been violated.  The case
will be decided by the court.
     Copies of the complaint and the fact sheet are available from
the FTC's Public Reference Branch, Room 130, 6th Street and Pennsyl-
vania Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C.  20580;  202-326-2222; TTY for
the hearing impaired 1-866-653-4261.
                                # # #
MEDIA CONTACT:      Howard Shapiro, Office of Public Affairs
STAFF CONTACT:      Phoebe D. Morse or Pamela J. Wood
                    Boston Regional Office
                    10 Causeway Street, Room 1184
                    Boston, Massachusetts  02222
(Civil Action No. 93-0616)  (FTC File No. 882 3060)  (isc)

Robert B Kerner Of Las Vegas

Las Vegas,
Timeshare Salesman Should be the Last to Complain!

#3UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sat, June 27, 2009

BBK Ventures was the original complainer in this string. BBK Ventures is owned by Robert B Kerner. He falsely took the name of "Tiffany from San Diego, CA" in an attempt to slander and attack. This complaint is a case of "take the plank out of your own eye before trying to take the speck out of mine". Robert Kerner comes from an industry known to many as the ultimate rip off... timeshare sales! He eagerly pursued a job with InventHelp after the timeshare industry faltered last year and he is quite a salesman! After a short attempt at a new job with InventHelp, he became embittered with his poor results and decided to take his short comings out on the company. All of this after attempting to extort thousands of dollars. He alleged all sorts of interesting false accusations and his threats to sue never materialized. It could be because he didn't have a leg to stand on. Much like this complaint. This complaint was a weak and feeble last attempt to hurt others and the company/office he had hopes of taking over someday. Before you jump on this bandwagon you may want to do a little research on the complainer. There is no doubt the invention industry is tough! Ask any succesful or unsuccessful inventor. No matter how tough it is, it seems that integrity and professionalism are equally hard to find in a washed up timeshare salesman. Thanks for that "lesson" Bob. Bob Kerner Las Vegas, NV


Husband and I are also involved in a new product development - WE DID THE RESEARCH FIRST!

#4Consumer Comment

Fri, March 20, 2009

You should have gone to the local Small Business Adminstration office FIRST ! SBA told us NOT TO USE ANY OF THE INVENTION PROGRAMS ADVERTISED. They are only in business to steal your invention from you and you probably signed papers that gave it them (without bothering to read them first) If you had stated with the SBA first, this could have been avoided. For example - in our local SBA library - they had a list of LEGITIMATE WEBSITES for Inventors - Companies already checked out and approved by SBA. NOW FOR SOME PLAIN OLD COMMON SENSE - This seems to be a big problem with most people - they ASSUME that because they saw/heard an advertisement it must be legitimate. ADVERTISEMENTS from the Federal Trade Commission website: The appearance of ads in media outlets that you recognize - like your local newspaper or radio station - is no guarantee of the legitimacy of the company behind the ad. THOSE SELLING AD TIME - ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR CHECKING TO SEE IF THE BUSINESS IS LEGITIMATE - THAT IS UP TO YOU


New Jersey,
What you MUST do

#5Consumer Comment

Fri, March 20, 2009

What you MUST do-it is IMPERATIVE: Contact Jennifer Kelley in the PA Attorney General's Office with a complaint. Make sure you reference them as 'formerly Invention Submission Corp.' This is imperative! They need numerous complaints in order to do an investigation. Here is the complaint form to fill out and address to Ms. Jennifer Kelley. I don;t know if she is still there but someone else should be able to help if not: http://www.attorneygeneral.gov/theoffice.aspx?id=71 Jennifer Kelley-Agent Office of Attorney General 564 Forbes Ave. 6th Floor, Manor Bldg. Pittsburgh, Pa. 15219 Also send a copy here: Office of Attorney General Bureau of Consumer Protection 14th Floor, Strawberry Square Harrisburg, PA 17120 As well as to your Attorney General. They can be found here: naag.org/attorneys_general.php Also file a complaint with the United States Patent and Trademark Office-copy and paste the below address and scroll down to 'complaints' and them 'complaint forms' uspto.gov/web/offices/com/iip/index.htm Also with the FTC: ftc.gov/ftc/cmplanding.shtm Also with consumer affairs online: consumeraffairs.com/php/a_report.php also, send a complaint with copies of your paperwork-certified, return receipt requested to: Mary Beth Buchanon 700 Grant St. Suite 400 Pittsburgh, Pa. 15219 and: Eastern Central Region Federal Trade Commission Suite 200 11 Superior Ave. Cleveland, Ohio 44114-2507 Complaints about them as Invention Submission Corp. can be found. Also read what a former employee says about the way they operate. (((Redacted))) Make sure you reference this in your complaint in association with Invention Submission Do not let them bully you into a partial refund. They tried the excuse that 'it's been 10 years' with me-as well as a gag order. I want the full refund as required by the FTC-93 and 95 rulings. This is the minimum I will accept to even think about not talking about this scam. I have the list of alleged 'companies' from their highly touted 'databank' that had NOTHING to do with what I was trying to market-much less that I needed foreign patents and was told I didn't-a violation of FTC-94. I don't care how long it's been. All this scam information and rulings have not been available for 10 years so who cares. I, myself, didn't get internet access until 1999 and was a real rookie then as to how to search and access information. I am quite a bit better now and they will pay-either me by way of a full refund or in loss of revenue which I know has already exceeded what they could/should have refunded me. Keep us updated. We must keep these slugs in the public eye to save others from the same fate. CLICK here to see why Rip-off Report, as a matter of policy, deleted either a phone number, link or e-mail address from this Report.

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