  • Report:  #924570

Complaint Review: Irwin Pollack/Mass. Family Law Group - Norwood Massachusetts

Reported By:
Concerned Client - Boston, Massachusetts, USA

Irwin Pollack/Mass. Family Law Group
11 Vanderbilt Avenue Suite 105 Norwood, 02062 Massachusetts, United States of America
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Without much effort I was shocked to find horrific complaint after horrific complaint against Irwin Pollack and the "firm" that he owns which goes by many names including Mass. Family Law Group. 

The following reports were made through the reputable AVVO.com professional legal web site and lawyerratingz.com, regarding Irwin Pollack and his "firms":
"He and his firm were agressive, but didn't spend enough time to do quality work. He pressed me to go to court without a good strategy and failed terribly in the court. I felt that they very much liked to make easy and quick money than help me to settle my divorce case.  Irwin Pollack is a poor excuse for an attorney."
Irwin is not experienced or knowledgeable enough to handle divorce matters, or any domestic relations matters. He is more interested in racking up legal fees, expanding his practice and billing for unnecessary work than actually learning the law and spending time doing quality work. He runs into court for no reason, he drafts documents that are never filed (or that are never addressed y the court), and he makes multiple phone calls to say the same thing (and charges for it!) Stay away from Irwin Pollack and his firm."
"Irwin is more interested in racking up the hours and making matters more compliicated than need be, in order to rack up hours. Talk about charging for everything. put a stamp on an enevelope? $75.00. Maybe he would be a descent lawyer if he wasn't so concerned with how many hours he can charge you all the time.. He talks the talk... he makes nyou feel he is on your side. He is.....your "how much money do you have to spend on his services" side..."
"Do not hire Irwin pollack! He ha absolutely no idea what he is doing. He did nothing but stammer and stutter in front of the judge. He is completely inept. He charged for late night calls, while he talked about the Notebook being his favorite movie."
"Lousy. Dangerous. Frightening. I believe the claims of "many years" of experience are false. This man was a salesman prior to getting a law degree not very long ago. I feel strongly that his salesman tactics hawking his wares are distasteful, to say the least. His lawyer skills destroyed a family member of mine he was representing, and then filed a court order against his own client's settlement to take well over $80,000.00 for his services after losing all aspects of the case, leaving my family member with NOTHING, and allowing the ex to walk away with multiple income-generating rental properties, vacation home, full ownership of a successful business,and other unmentionables. Shortly after his "mis"representation of his client, he then hired the ex's attorney to come work for him. Go figure."
"I would have to agree with the negative ratings. The websites and advertising are misleading. The criminal sites state these attorneys specialize in the specific areas yet so dont the family law websites. This is misleading. The attorneys I have worked with are not knowledgeable in those areas, lack knowledge of the rules and drag matters on for long periods of time only to charge their clients large sums of money."
"Be aware! Contrary to what he may write on his website or say to you, Mr. Pollack does NOT have real experience doing criminal, bankruptcy, estate planning, or civil work other than family law. His "experience" comes from watching people in the courtroom, not from actually representing people. Go ahead and ask around....you'll get the real scoop. "

"He gets an F all around except for collecting his fees."

"This attorney is not knowledgeable enough in serious litigation matters, he needs more experience and billing practices are questionable."

"I would strongly not recommend Irwin Pollack or the "Mass Family Law Group" that he represents. If he were half as good a lawyer as an Internet Marketer, he would be knowledgeable. However, his skills at Internet Marketing are his best skills. His website appears to show a very experienced practitioner. This is not the case however, and his enthusiastic nature does not translate to his knowledge of the Massachusetts probate laws. He might be more effective in a low income, low maintenance divorce where the parties aren't out for blood, but if you need someone in a courtroom that knows procedure, case law, how to examine and cross a witness, you've got the wrong guy! If you can't negotiate a deal and have to go to court, stay away from him! Lawyers like him know the truth about your case and the issues of law at hand, but conceal it from you until its too late and you've prepaid them. To deal with a divorce you need a surgeon not a cheerleader to be a pal."

"Stay AWAY from this snake oil salesman who preys on your emotions, sucks you in with his "I'm divorced, too, so I know how hard this is...it's all about the kids, yada yada yada." At the worst time of my life this fraud/thief did nothing but take my money...that is ALL he did. He would charge me for meetings that were nothing more than him reading back the detailed emails I sent to him; my divorce was very complicated and all he did was make it more painful for me emotionally and financially. I fired him. Do yourself a favor and look around. His many websites make it look like they are the only place you should go...take the time to find a compassionate lawyer who cares about your individual situation. They are out there."

And this from an ATTORNEY!: "I am an attorney writing about Irwin Pollack and his firm. If you browse through the various web sites, you will see that each attorney in the firm "specializes" in every area that the firm handles, and they are all "revered" in their fields. This is completely false! Irwin and his team keep adding new areas of law to the practice, without knowing what they're doing, but advertising that they are well known in the courts. In reality, perhaps maybe one attorney in the firm has actually handled a like case before. They don't know what they're doing, and are only interested in getting money. For the amount of money that they charge and what's at stake, you are wise to steer clear of this law firm and "brain trust."
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