  • Report:  #177254

Complaint Review: Jacinta Law - Jackie Law - International Fashion - San Francisco California

Reported By:
- Mill Run, Pennsylvania,

Jacinta Law - Jackie Law - International Fashion
www.sfifw.com San Francisco, California, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

My first experience of working with Jacinta Law was in May of 2005 on the International Style Festival in San Francisco. The event was meant to be a precursor of the first annual International Fashion Week for the city. Referred by a friend, I was hired by Jacinta to assist in pre-event publicity, and also to assist in the set up of the event and to handle press check-in.

I was flown to San Francisco the day before the event. Jacinta had waited until four hours before my flight was to leave before purchasing the ticket. Once I arrived in California, I had no hotel room, and had to wait in the lobby for Jacinta to arrange for me to share a room with a mutual friend that was also there for the event. After I got settled, I was sent to wait for more than two hours at a theatrical supply shop until Jacinta could get a rental truck there to pick up rented flats.

While my agenda had included a production meeting to be held at the hotel that evening at nine, Jacinta rescheduled the meeting, at our horror, for one o'clock in the morning when we were set to load into the venue at four that same morning. So, it was with very little sleep that a two-man team went about setting up the event while Jacinta and her Stage Manager disappeared until the hour before the event ended.

In their absence, I was left to calm frazzled nerves of vendors who were not given booths although their agreement with Jacinta was supposed to include a covered space. Models who had not been fitted began to arrive for a fashion show. Make up artists and hair people also arrived, and Jacinta had the sponsor-provided cosmetics for the show with her. It was a mess.

With the help of four incredibly gifted interns, I was left to choreograph a runway show, deal with set problems, seating arrangements, and stage manage the show. Jacinta arrived at the last minute with the make up, hid behind the counter at press check-in, and then sat back and took credit for what the audience and vendors thought was a successful fashion show.

I was not paid for my work on this event, not even in the form of a goodie bag. A few months later, when I was contacted by Jacinta to work on Fashion Week, to say that I was leery would be a huge understatement. In fact, I politely declined. Not only because I was working on another project at the time and wouldn't be able to attend, but because I just didn't trust her. However, she agreed to me having limited involvement, and she also agreed to pay me up front.

Scheduled for October, the publicity campaign and press scheduling for Fashion Week began in August. My role was to confirm press and photographer RSVPs to events and shows during the week-long event. Even after agreeing to pay me up front, it was a struggle to get Jacinta to release the funds so that work could begin.

When the money had cleared, I began to work, sending Jacinta regular updates of lists, and corresponding with her in regards to special requests. Throughout the two months that I worked with her on Fashion Week, Jacinta was forthcoming with news of how well things were going. She had sponsorship money coming into the office, venues confirmed, and she had taken care of all of the designer's plane tickets and hotel reservations. This optimistic approach to the event continued until the week of the event.

Two days before the event, I received a phone call from a publicist for one of the French designers. She was hoping that I could tell her why, two days out from the show, the designers from Africa and Europe had not received tickets, hotel info, or an itinerary of any kind. When I phoned Jacinta, she would not answer her phone. I called another publicist with the event, and learned that he had arrived in San Francisco that morning to find that the event was falling apart.

Jacinta, although she had cleared over $12,000 from sponsors, had not signed any contracts or payed deposits on venues, and claimed that there was no money to pay for the designers' flights and hotels. Production staff members were walking off left and right, because they had not been paid for their work. In short, due to the neglect and mismanagement of funds, the event that had been planned, and the event that we had all been working to publicize, was not going to happen.

It was in a move to save our own careers and businesses that a group of publicists and coordinators that had been working on Jacinta's Fashion Week issued a press release severing our ties with the event. We did whatever we could to manage the fallout from those contacts and colleagues that we had brought into this crazy mess. It was not an easy time for any of us, and in some cases, led to the loss of many key contacts.

Jacinta went so far as to try to salvage the event by moving things to a smaller venue, but when confronted by those designers that had paid their own way to San Francisco, locked herself in a storage closet and called the police. She had designer Afshin Feiz arrested for confronting her before disappearing.

Jacinta became unreachable although her cell phone and home numbers remained the same. Rumor had it that Jacinta had fled San Francisco for her parents' home in Texas. Then, earlier this week, a mass email was received by one of the people burned in the Fashion Week fiasco from Jacinta. She wanted to let everyone know that she was doing well, and that she was moving to Washington, D.C. to work on film festivals!

It gives me a migraine to think that this woman will continue to prey on the hopes and dreams of other artists. The fashion designers from Fashion Week could have used the money that they had given Jacinta to launch their own show or become involved with a more reputable fashion event. Now, she has set her sights on the independent filmmaker!

Please use your best judgement, and always exercise due diligence. Beware of Jacinta Law!


Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

4 Updates & Rebuttals


Here she is on Facebook


Fri, September 18, 2009

Wow...Amazing.  I think she ripped other people off at a different employer in San Francsico.  You can find her on Facebook- 


Good luck to you all!

Sfifw Victim

Daly City,
Jacinta Law is a talented con artist

#3UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, September 06, 2007

I was at the helm of the San Francisco Fashion Week and can provide you with factual information. As one of her "fortunate" show producers of the event, I can share with you some of the highlights. Although I was paid some of the monies promised, it was a downward spiral from the beginning. It began when I was receiving calls from the international designers that they were waiting for their itineraries. No one was answering the event line and all the calls went directly to my cell phone. Only 2 days before did I have knowledge that the Fort Mason Venue was not secured due to non payment. Designers tickets and hotels were paid and then later disputed. I called in a favor to book the hotels. Jacinta knew by not signing the authorization form, she would not be help responsible for the hotel charges. Therefore, designer Afshin Feiz was left in San Francisco having to pay out full coach fares for he and his entire team. In addition, Afshin was NOT arrested. Although the police was called, once they were briefed about Jacinta's business ethics, they left. In addition, they requested a copy of his passport, but Afshin was not able to obtain it because the hotel would not release it until the hotel bill was paid, which was another disputed Amex charge. Black Coffee designers were also left holding the bag with disputed hotel charges and unpaid airline tickets. Throughout the entire project, she was robbing Peter to pay Paul. At one point, she claimed she was selling her company to Dusty at Terra Studios. When I confronted him, this was not the case and we all learned of her "white "lies. In the end, I hope no one ever has the misfortune of working with such as dishonest person. I applaud her entrepreneurial spirit, but no at the expense of others.


Mill Run,
Taylor Needs a Fact Check

#4UPDATE Employee

Sat, September 02, 2006

I was surprised to find a rebuttal from "Taylor", who speaks as if he/she had been with me during the Style Festival. I never met or had any dealings with "Taylor", and the "inside information" that he/she is sharing is completely false. I was never paid for my work on the Festival, not even for the article that I wrote for the Style Guide. As for my not helping to load a truck... well, I was busy holding up a mannequin that Jacinta and Helene has thrown in the back to make room for the two crew men that loaded the flats. I was tired from the flight, but did show up for the scheduled production meeting (at 1 AM)... however, Jacinta failed to show and had to be called by Helene to get our call time (scheduled for 4 AM). I reported to Union Square as I was asked at 4 AM, and stayed there all day, helping vendors locate their spaces and dealing with their contractual problems since Jacinta left and did not return to the venue until the final hour. Although it was not in my original docket of duties, I produced the fashion show on site. Jacinta was not available for the run through, she did not deliver the product for the make up crew, or provide any support for the designers that she booked. Due to the whirlwind nature of the event, and the last minute purchase of my airline ticket, I had to leave the event early to get back to the hotel to catch my flight. I did receive a thank you, a goodie bag, or a pay check from Jacinta Law or "Taylor". When it came to Fashion Week, I did require payment up-front for my participation. My duties, although they were supposed to be mainly clerical, did take on a larger scope in the realm of public relations when Jacinta stopped taking calls, returning calls and emails from designers and their representatives. Graffiti PR was not the only company to pull back their support from the event and issue a release in the eleventh hour. The world must be entirely lopsided if a person or small firm, hired for "administrative assistance", could cause the collapse of a well-planned, organized, financially stable event. However, if the event has its own flaws, it will fail with no help. That was the case with SFIFW. I am not, and never have been or will be, afraid of hard work. Just ask any of the satisfied clients that have seen me in action and reeped the benefits of my work. I would even go so far as to provide a full list of references to anyone needed further proof of my professional integrity and work ethic.


San Francisco,
Grafitti PR- Reponse to UNTRUE allegations

#5UPDATE Employee

Wed, April 05, 2006

We are appalled and shocked (at the least) that Graffiti PR- Robert Hensley and Shaun Saunders has decided to post untrue events about their involvement online at ripoffreport.com and other public forums. Especially since they were paid in FULL for all their supposed work during fashion week and other events. In response to the allegations regarding the style festival, we did in fact hire Graffiti PR for a test run. The owner of the company, Shaun Saunders had agreed to fly out Robert Hensley with his own funds. Two days before the event we received a frantic phone call from Mr. Hensley stating that Shaun never bought his ticket, we then agreed to purchase a ticket. Using our own personal funds we purchased a ticket for Mr. Hensley to fly out the day before the festival. We also flew an assistant production manager from Atlanta to San Francisco for the event. Upon arrival, Mr. Hensley complained how tired he was, stay in his hotel room and did NO requested work whatsoever. Mr. Shaun Saunders, with full knowledge of how much work needed to get done spent the day on Market Street hanging out with friends. From 10am-4am the IFI team worked visiting about a dozen vendors picking up items and preparing for the festival. We had one vendor to visit and we were stuck in Oakland and this vendor would be closing at 5pm. We called Shaun and Robert (who were sleeping in their hotel rooms) to meet up at the vendor- with MUCH resistance they finally agreed. We arrive and Robert and Shaun are sitting down the whole time while watching our female team load about 5,000 pounds props. Not once did they help. We all agreed on this particular task they were useless. Robert and Shaun did not start any kind of work until the afternoon of the festival- although everyone else had been working straight through since the day before. Around 11am, Robert decided to work and Shaun never quite made a decision to do anything. Robert did do a good job with the fashion s****.. In response to fashion week: Shaun Saunders and Robert Hensley were hired as lowly paid PR administrators. Since the Style Festival, we figured that we would only hire them to do email blasts and some basic administrative efforts. Graffiti PR was paid in full for efforts concerning fashion week. Not only did they lose our company 2 valuable investors (by sending out a release the week of the event)- but their press release sent to our vendors, publicists, investors, clients and sponsors led to the cancellation of fashion week. This is the MOST unethical team of PR people- not only do you steal your clients list of contacts, but you also send these contacts a slanderous release to valuable participants in the event. On a personal note, Shaun Saunders was considered a friend of IFI. We had bailed him out of numerous situations including wiring him cash when he had no money, paying for his phone bill, helping him with rent. Mr. Hensley, we have only met once, but can imagine his information is coming from Mr. Shaun Saunders. It's one thing not to do a good job, another to violate the oath of every PR professional holds dearly- and unfortunately Graffiti PR is one of the companies who, in our opinion- has no integrity, no work ethic and somehow feeding public misinformation.

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