  • Report:  #942017

Complaint Review: Jacqueline Anton - Kalaheo Hawaii

Reported By:
Anonymous - Somewhere, , United States of America

Jacqueline Anton
P. O. Box 309 Kalaheo, 96741 Hawaii, United States of America
1-424 234-0972
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I met a woman in December 2011. She lived in Hawaii/Kauai. She said was visiting in Washington State with a friend for a few weeks. Only, she was in Utah at the time I met her. She was actually living in a friend of her's home in the Salt Lake City area. I later found out she had been on the mainland for almost 4 months.

Her name she told me was Jacqueline Anton. I saw on a credit card of hers, the name Jeanette Leavitt. She said she had to change her name because the "Jewish Mafia" was after her a few years ago. Her late husband, a multimillionaire attorney in California "had ties." She had a stack of credit cards in her purse. She also carried her passport in her purse. The name on it was Jeanette Leavitt, not her current name. Her address in Kauai was a P.O. Box. She eventually moved to Utah wanting to pursue a relationship with me. She listed her new address as a P.O. Box here in Utah as well. She has no listings of any current address over a 3 year period of anything other than a P.O.Box.

She is the President of her self-started company. It is called Clean Health! Used to be called Health Key, she changed the name within the last 4 months. She does some kind of Neuro-Modulation Technique sessions on the phone with people, charging them $125/hr. She claims she can feel them from her phone and heal certain conditions over the phone. She also is a private distributer of naturopathic supplements. She apparently has customers all over the world. I don't recall the name of the supplements. I ran a background check on her and nothing comes up but her name and P.O. Box and the name of her company, listing her as President, but no contact info whatsoever. When Googling her name, nothing comes up, she is very secretive and stated to me that she "had to drop off the face of the earth so her family could not find her or they would have her committed to a mental health institution."

She left her place here in Utah very suddenly, without any prior warning or reasoning other than to say she was going to her daughter's in Bozeman, Montana and will no longer stick around here. She left her p/u truck 2004 Toyota, immaculate condition, all of her belongings, clothing, a closet full of supplements, at least a couple of grand worth, and several bins of personal belongings. It was all there for over 2 months. I knew the landlady, i helped her find this place to live. I have never heard from her since.

She has over 797 contacts in her phone (I helped set up her new iPhone), but only 25 friends on Facebook. None of the friends are any that she spoke of or lived with here on the mainland. She stated to me that part of the reason she moved here was convenient to get to know me, but also to apply at University of Utah and Brigham Young University for their Nurse Practitioner Programs. Her RN license expired in May of 2011. She was in Utah in December of 2011, an RN license is required to apply to such programs. She told me to keep that quiet so she would not ever get in trouble in her practice with her clients.

Everything to me sounded suspicious. I have been searching for some info on her or her company, but very little turns up. It may be all nothing, or it might be something worth checking out. She does bank at Chase. I once saw a personal note to herself, on it was written, "Goals for 2013: 1.2 million dollars. Goals for 2016: 12.6 million dollars." She doesn't own a home, she rents and travels all over living out of two suitcases and a backpack.

She left her friend's place in Salt Lake City one night undercover without even telling her or leaving a note. I was there. I told her she should at least leave a note. She apparently has done this a lot with many of her "friends" who are not on her Facebook page. Her "daughter (married to a man 30 years her senior)" or any other of her 11 siblings or parent are also not listed on her Facebook page. Her relatives/siblings do not list her on their Facebook pages either.

She once told me that "they all think she's crazy and thought she should be institutionalized," so she never speaks to them any more. She had 3 marriages. Her 1st filed divorce against her. She told me he was gay so she let him file for divorce. Turns out he lives in Salt Lake City, married a woman just 8 months after the divorce and had 4 children. Gay? Hmm! Her 2nd husband died, but was in the process of a divorce. The 3rd husband filed for divorce against her. She claimed he was crazy. He died of a heart attack on an airplane in August of 2011. In March of this year, 2012, she filed legal paperwork against his estate for tens of thousands of dollars. I helped make copies of the papers and saw them firsthand. This was unsettling to put it all together. Might be nothing, but too many lies and incongruencies in her stories.

One of the supplements in her closet was some kind of liquid. The label stated that it was not for human consumption and was meant for turkeys and other poultry, right on the label. 3 marriages, 3 divorces, and 2 deaths. Sounds like a mystery movie. I can't think this stuff up.

I would like to see her stopped before she potentially harms any of her "clients" or anyone else, maybe even herself. She has had past relationships where she also left abruptly. She has a need for constant reassurance of herself and asks many times a day for such assurance. I caught her in several lies and she changes the subject or says that she never did or said any such thing. She copied me and my actions and quips and quotes/sayings. She had a story for everything. If you said you were a jeweler, she knew the best in the world and she does know jewelry. If you have an interest in marine biology she said she knew the 3rd best marine biologist in the world, the number one surfer, etc. She said she was a 3rd degree black belt in Jiu Jitzu, but she was so weak I literally carried her to the doctors several times and in and out of her apt. to get to the car. She was ill about 4 days a week, the other days were recovery days. I am not sure that this was all an act. She called me once and I went over because she was laying on the bathroom floor, pale white, her eyelids were literally purplish in color, the cuticles of each of her fingers were picked and bloody and she was nauseous and had tremors. I picked her up off the floor and set her in her room. It took her nearly 4 days to recover to the point of going outside andagin in I carried her out of her place and held onto her to walk. She said she had to move from Kauaii because the "Vog" and mold was so injurious to her health. After 5 months of no contact, I received a small packet containing a booklet I gave her as a gift. The return address was hers from Kauaii. She never did move from there. It was all a lie and a scam. She never did move to Utah. She never applied to any of the universities. Her nurse license expired over a year ago. She led me on to believe she was in love with me for several months, then she left as abruptly as she came, no rhyme or reason and without warning.

Maybe I'm just hyper because of recent news reports of a woman who put Visine in her boyfriends drinks so she could "get his attention" according to reports. "Jacqueline" sought out attention and reassurance of herself constantly. 3 marriages, never her fault, same with skipping out on her fiends who let her live in their places for months. 2 dead husbands and another who does not match her story, as well as many of her stories that did not match up with congruent timelines, dates and durations, and people that did not exist.

I would really like this person to be helped and if needed placed into custody or in an institution for all of these behaviors before someone gets hurt. There is a lot more I could share, but this is the gist of it. I really do believe there is something very wrong with her and her behaviors not matching things she says. Not good. She is dangerous, she is cunning, seductive, and extremely deceitful. She is a prolific liar. She intuits your needs and weaknesses very well. She is a superior actor and con artist.

9 Updates & Rebuttals


United States
Jacqueline Doane

#2General Comment

Tue, May 11, 2021

I am trying to find out more information about this woman. She is going by Jacqueline Doane and is living in Montana. Please contact me at [email protected] if willing to talk.

Horses breath

New information found that her RN license has been updated in the state of Hawaii

#3Author of original report

Wed, October 10, 2012

Just did some research and found that Jacqueline Jaye Anton aka; Jeanette Levitt; aka, Jacklyn Anton; aka; several other aliases had updated her RN license in the state of Hawaii. It is good through June of 2013. Please be careful. She is a chameleon and a con artist extraordinaire!

Other of her many aliases include:

Here are many of the aliases this deceitful
liar uses in her life: Obtained from People Finders and People Smart.  All
of this information is available to the public.

 Aliases: Jacqueline J
Anton  |  Jacqueline Jaye
Anton  |  Jeanette Page Exp  |  Page
Jeanette  |  Jeanette Page Levitt  |  J
Levitt  |  Jeanette Levitt  |  Michael
D Page  |  Jeanette F Page  |  Jeanette
Faye Page  |  Jeanette Page
Page  |  Jeanette Page  |  Jeanette
Pagelevitt  |  Jeanette F Romsos 

Notice the changes in the middle name from
Jaye to Faye and the last name. She was married to a Michael Page. Perkins
was her birth surname. Her one and only daughter is Sophie Page Lane. Not sure
where the Lane comes from, her husband's last name is Winslow, but she was
married once before him and divorced. Some of her aliases are: Sophia
Page  |  Sophia P Lane  Interesting note is that she claims she only has one daughter but a bio of her information on all of her websites indicate "one of my CHILDREN. . . . " Beware of her seductive nature. She does not care about you, your feelings, your well being, your life, or your family. She is out for your money, to destroy your family, and to obtain property. Note all of the red flags immediately and drop her and any product she wishes to solicit, including herself! 

Report Attachments

Horses breath

2006 photo of Jacklyn/Jacqueline Anton/Jeanette Levitt con artist, sociopath, and liar

#4Author of original report

Wed, October 10, 2012

Here is a photo of Jacklyn Anton, previously known as Jacqueline Anton as recent as 5 months ago, and previously known as Jeanette Levitt before that. I hope this will help you identify her and warn everyone you know about her compulsive and pathological lying, her scamming and con artistry, and her ability to mirror you and your life so as to seduce you into her web of delusions and lack of self until you feel love-bombed into handing over your property, your money, and your life. She has no compassion or empathy for you, only for her needs and you will be a victim. She will not care about you or your feelings or your pain or loss. Run away far and fast!

Report Attachments

Horses breath

Jacqueline Anton is now known as Jacklyn Anton! Another alias!

#5Author of original report

Wed, October 10, 2012

it seems that Jacqueline Anton has yet another internet/phone consultation business, and another new name (Jacklyn). The website address is:


She now calls herself Jacklyn Anton on this site, not Jacqueline.  I am almost certain she is using her aliases and internet companies to bilk poor individuals to fork over money to her for advice. Her nursing license expired in May of 2011 and she professes to be a registered nurse on her new website. Her last known alias was Jeanette Levitt from her 3rd marriage. She changed her name thereafter, see the previous info to this update. Here is the info from the Calif. State Board of Nursing:


Licensee Name:    LEVITT JEANETTE
License Type:    Registered Nurse
License Number:    558745
License Status:    EXPIRED Definition
Expiration Date:    May 31, 2011
Issue Date:    August 13, 1999
County:    OUT OF STATE
Actions:    No
Related Licenses/Registrations/Permits

No records returned
Disciplinary Actions

No information available from this agency

This information is updated Monday through Friday - Last updated: OCT-08-2012

I also looked up licensees for the state of Utah and there is no RN license under any of her names or aliases. I even went to the NCSBN the national board of nursing website.  She has no local business license in the state either. 

She states on her website the following:

"I'm a nurse, and nurses don't diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any diseases and the information on this site doesn't do any of that either...I'm reporting information to you so you can work closely with your doctor."

She has only one daughter yet states in her narrative on her website that she has more than one child as follows:

"A little more about me...

In my spare time I like to cook and eat organic, snorkel with the fish around the reef and hike a hillside or two.

I've been know to scuba dive on occasion; one of my kids scuba dives with me as well (she'll eat organic food, too, if I cook it for her!).

I love music; classical, new age and rock and roll. I enjoy the Opera, Theater and a wide variety of literature."

She was so sickly when I knew her. What does she mean she snorkels and hikes and scuba dives?  She told me she can't cook and knows only 3 meals; try-tip roast, chicken noodle soup, and stew. This was all she ever cooked for me, for my friends, and for others while she lived here. She also makes a lot of turkey sandwiches, fried hamburger, and fried fish, uses a lot of olive oil. This bio does not sound like her at all. If she can act and be someone else when she was with me, then she can become anyone, because she sure fooled me and my kids and all of my ward(church) members and friends. 

I'm telling you, this woman is a con artist and sociopath. She moves about the country and maybe overseas as well. She carries her passport with her at all times. I have an email address from a person who posed as her "stake president" in Kauai. It is:  [email protected]  His name is supposedly Eduardo Gonsalves. I am not able to confirm the truth of this individual. Maybe someone out there can identify it. He may or may not be involved with her in any scam, but sure was suspicious.

There is something definitely not right here or with her and her many names, businesses, behaviors, lies, and personalities.  She told me all about her past and never once mentioned any plastic surgery on herself, though I suspected breast augmentation to be quite evident, out of proportion with her body and hideously out of shape. She told me she was the scrub nurse who was the personal assistant to the surgeon, handing him the instruments. Her bio states differently.  

I truly feel she is a con and is scamming people out of thousands of dollars through her businesses and consultations. She spent cash on new tires at the drop of a hat. She bought a new MacBook Pro lap top at the drop of a hat when her other lap top stopped working. She bought an iPhone 4G at the drop of a hat, on a whim. She went to a Chiropractor and paid cash for an eval and treatment at the drop of a hat, just from looking in the phone book, same with a naturopathic dentist. . . $1500.  She said she is poor and earns only about $800 - $1200 a month. I think more and may not pay taxes on it as she runs it through her businesses and lives out of a suitcase with no permanent address. She comes and goes stealthily. She no longer attends the dance class my friend told me about seeing her there. Why would someone pay some pretty penny for a private dance class then bail on it? Time to move maybe? Maybe you think I watch too much Criminal Minds and CSI, but if I were a profiler, I have found a sociopathic con artist. 

The Urban Dictionary clearly defines her to a "T." Look up Jacqueline and/or Jacklyn. No wonder she changed her name. Anton was a famous con artist. She is very calculated and cold.  I don't think she randomly picked that new name. She has no sense of self. She became this new person based upon the meanings of her new names. I think this because she also used a other terms I could only have found in the urban dictionary that are very slang. She used to ask me if I knew what they meant and if I knew how she got her new name. Now I know. She said she spoke German because her ancestry is from there. Perkins is from England. She didn't speak a lick of German either as she said she did. I read, write, and speak German. Please check her out closely. I would not want anyone to be robbed blind by paying hard earned money for a fraud and/or have their emotional state turned upside down as well. 

Horses breath

New info as of 9/18/2012, Not in Kauaii, bigger lies.

#6Author of original report

Wed, September 19, 2012

Jacqueline Anton is not living in Kauaii! Even though an envelope was sent from her Kauaii address, an individual saw her at a dance class in the Provo/Orem area of Utah county just last week. The dance class was held on Wednesday the 12th of September, the same date of the postmark on the envelope from Kauaii! This woman premeditated the whole scam. The booklet in the envelope must have been sent to her address in Kauaii in order to be sent from there back to Utah. She must have an accomplice in Kauaii who sent it from there to Utah. This is the lowest of lows. A photo of her is unable to be uploaded due to copyright infringement she apparently has on it. This woman has gone to great lengths to conceal her location and propagate her lies. Please be careful. She will apparently do anything she must in order to satisfy her narcissistic needs and keep a fresh supply of resources for her and her deceitful lifestyle. It would be beneficial if everyone and anyone who reads this could go to her Facebook page and submit a message to her informing her of your knowledge of her lies and deceit. Type in her name and the message box is right next to the Friend Request box. She needs to be accountable and stopped!

Horses breath

New info as of 9/18/2012, Not in Kauaii, bigger lies.

#7Author of original report

Wed, September 19, 2012

Jacqueline Anton is not living in Kauaii! Even though an envelope was sent from her Kauaii address, an individual saw her at a dance class in the Provo/Orem area of Utah county just last week. The dance class was held on Wednesday the 12th of September, the same date of the postmark on the envelope from Kauaii! This woman premeditated the whole scam. The booklet in the envelope must have been sent to her address in Kauaii in order to be sent from there back to Utah. She must have an accomplice in Kauaii who sent it from there to Utah. This is the lowest of lows. A photo of her is unable to be uploaded due to copyright infringement she apparently has on it. This woman has gone to great lengths to conceal her location and propagate her lies. Please be careful. She will apparently do anything she must in order to satisfy her narcissistic needs and keep a fresh supply of resources for her and her deceitful lifestyle. 

Horses breath

Photo of this person forthcoming; beware of her; run away fast and far!

#8Author of original report

Tue, September 18, 2012

Here are many of the aliases this deceitful liar uses in her life: Obtained from People Finders and People Smart.  All of this information is available to the public.

Aliases: Jacqueline J Anton  |  Jacqueline Jaye Anton  |  Jeanette Page Exp  |  Page Jeanette  |  Jeanette Page Levitt  |  J Levitt  |  Jeanette Levitt  |  Michael D Page  |  Jeanette F Page  |  Jeanette Faye Page  |  Jeanette Page Page  |  Jeanette Page  |  Jeanette Pagelevitt  |  Jeanette F Romsos 

Notice the changes in the middle name from Jaye to Faye and the last name. She was married to a Michael Page. Perkins was her birth surname. Her one and only daughter is Sophie Page Lane. Not sure where the Lane comes from, her husband's last name is Winslow, but she was married once before him and divorced. Some of her aliases are: Sophia Page  |  Sophia P Lane  

These are some of places of residence: Obtained from People Smart and People Finders
Location: Princeville, HI,  Davis, CA,  Richland, WA,  Lompoc, CA
Previous LocationsKaysville, UT  |  Lompoc, CA  |  Richland, WA  |  Davis, CA  |  Farmington, UT 

Possible Relatives: Dana R Levitt, Jacob Levitt, Thomas Charles Levitt 
Relatives: Thomas Charles Levitt  |  Angela Curtis Page  |  Sophia Page  |  Sophia P Lane  |  Michael R Romsos  |  Michael Don Page  |  Dana R Levitt  |  Jacob K Levitt
She currently lives in Kalaheo, Kauaii, however, she frequently travels to the mainland and leeches off of acquaintances of hers, to stay for free in their residences. She lives out of two suitcases and a backpack. 

She frequents many of the Free dating sites looking for more vulnerable men and those who are in the helping professions who may have a personality of being the Knight in Shining Armor, loyal, true, needing to be needed, and honest to a fault. She feeds on these characteristics like a vampire. She pretends to be in poor health and weak, though not so. She will conform to your values and personality like a chameleon, very cunning. She will claim to like your type of music, movies, and life but it is all a lie. She has a stare that is mesmerizing and will captivate you like Medusa. Look away. She will state she loves you on the second date and want to bond very quickly. Run! Her flattery will get you nowhere but to Hell. She isolates you from family and others close to you by saying she cannot be at your place or anywhere else but her place. She claims that the mold and other health related anomalies prevent her from being at your place. Utah is the second driest state in the nation, she lives in Kauaii, the wettest of the Hawaiian islands and mold is high.  She will not let you go when you need to get somewhere.  She tells you to wait and continue talking to her or will become provocative with you, playing on your senses. When she is done with you or wants you to go, she will abruptly say she needs to go.  You could easily lose your job, your friends, and your sanity. She will make mountain out of mole hills by demanding to "talk things out." You will only become involved in circular arguments wherein she claims she did not say something or she didn't mean it the way you think she said it. Example: she would state that you are accusing her of of withdrawing when you never said that. She would then accuse you of lying. Then she would state that she never said you were accusing her of anything and that you are making things up. You will never win. This duplicitous woman is dangerous. I encourage contacting authorities if you should be snared in her trap. Be careful.   

Horses breath

Updated information with suspicious behaviors and descriptions.

#9Author of original report

Sun, September 16, 2012

I recently received a confirmation email and personally confirmed its validity via PeopleSmart website that a Jeanette Levitt, who used to live in Lompoc, CA, which is where she did live, has an expired RN license as of May 2011. She was thus practicing and/or dispensing medical advice as an RN without a valid license. Other pertinent information is she would frequently forget pieces of conversation saying she didn't say this or that, or would fill in her statements with things that didn't happen at all. She constantly asked me if I thought she was "broken." A week before her leaving, she told me she saw two dark personages in a spare room in her apartment and requested I pray with her, which I did. I saw nothing, felt nothing, nor heard anything. I take thyroid supplement and am knowledgable that continued intake is necessary to maintain therapeutic levels. She would self-diagnose when she needed more or less thyroid and took a supplement sporadically. This is inconsistent with medical training in nursing school I'm sure. Handfuls of unlabeled capsules were consumed many times throughout the day. She said it was vitamins and minerals. I found a bottle of liquid, from which she regularly put drops into her drinks, and the label said "not for human consumption" and stated it was specifically used for turkeys and poultry. There are many more odd and eccentric behaviors that she displayed daily. She plucked hairs off of her face and eyebrows to the point of making her eyebrows swollen. She told me she gave herself coffee enemas every other day or even daily as part of her detox routine. She had frequent head, neck, and back aches, so debilitating that I literally carried her in and out of her truck when I took her to her chiropractor. She said she went to a naturopathic dentist locally and secured a job for my daughter's boyfriend as a dental assistant just by talking to him at her very first appointment, first time ever in his office. This story did not check out to be true and seemed far fetched to begin with. She supposedly moved here from Hawaii but I received cable service bills for her in my mail for 3 months. I took her once to a Chase Bank for her to put money in her bank account "back home." She once invited this 18 year old boy to shower at her apartment so he didn't have to go home to do it. He didn't even have a change of clothes. This was very odd and uncomfortable to him and to my daughter. I just found this out. Totally inappropriate. He said she told him people in Hawaii do that all the time. He did not go of course. There is so much more, I could go on for pages, but I won't. I'm sorry I didn't mention any of this It all seems strange but if she indeed had some association with any type of underground crime organization in the past, this is dangerous, I tend to not believe that story, but I honestly don't know if anything she said had any truth. She said her father raped her from age 4-16 years old. She said she was once "bedridden" for 10 years. She said she was in a terrible bicycle accident at age 24, from which she learned to walk, talk, and do all of her daily functions all over again. This is where her timelines don't synchronize with her 3 marriages, the birth and marriages of her daughter, who she claims to have cared for her every need for 10 years. She said she was in a coma for several weeks after the accident and on life support and had been pronounced dead at the scene. I worked in neuro-rehab for 17 years and was the Traumatic Brain Injury team coordinator for the dept. I worked in neuro ICU and acute rehab. She described her accident in detail. She has no scars on her head, no scar from a tracheostomy, and absolutely no gross or fine motor impairments evident. She told me several times that she did not want her family to know her whereabouts because they "tried to have her committed to a state institution when she was younger." She said they are all jealous of her because she was the prettiest and the most sane of all the 11 kids. Huh? I am very sorry for writing such a long report. It has taken time for all these things to surface and become exposed. I am of the opinion her family probably needs to be contacted immediately and see if they can provide any help. She told me that one of her sisters is a psychotherapist and a couple of brothers work in the mental health system. I confirmed this on their Facebook pages.  I do know I feel I have been deceived as have many others with whom she became friends here locally. I don't even know what her real name is now. Jeanette Perkins was her maiden name and Jeanette Levitt was her last known married name and Jacqueline Anton is her last known name as I am aware of.

Horses breath

Updated information with suspicious behaviors and descriptions.

#10Author of original report

Sun, September 16, 2012

I recently received a confirmation email and personally confirmed its validity via PeopleSmart website that a Jeanette Levitt, who used to live in Lompoc, CA, which is where she did live, has an expired RN license as of May 2011. She was thus practicing and/or dispensing medical advice as an RN without a valid license. Other pertinent information is she would frequently forget pieces of conversation saying she didn't say this or that, or would fill in her statements with things that didn't happen at all. She constantly asked me if I thought she was "broken." A week before her leaving, she told me she saw two dark personages in a spare room in her apartment and requested I pray with her, which I did. I saw nothing, felt nothing, nor heard anything. I take thyroid supplement and am knowledgable that continued intake is necessary to maintain therapeutic levels. She would self-diagnose when she needed more or less thyroid and took a supplement sporadically. This is inconsistent with medical training in nursing school I'm sure. Handfuls of unlabeled capsules were consumed many times throughout the day. She said it was vitamins and minerals. I found a bottle of liquid, from which she regularly put drops into her drinks, and the label said "not for human consumption" and stated it was specifically used for turkeys and poultry. There are many more odd and eccentric behaviors that she displayed daily. She plucked hairs off of her face and eyebrows to the point of making her eyebrows swollen. She told me she gave herself coffee enemas every other day or even daily as part of her detox routine. She had frequent head, neck, and back aches, so debilitating that I literally carried her in and out of her truck when I took her to her chiropractor. She said she went to a naturopathic dentist locally and secured a job for my daughter's boyfriend as a dental assistant just by talking to him at her very first appointment, first time ever in his office. This story did not check out to be true and seemed far fetched to begin with. She supposedly moved here from Hawaii but I received cable service bills for her in my mail for 3 months. I took her once to a Chase Bank for her to put money in her bank account "back home." She once invited this 18 year old boy to shower at her apartment so he didn't have to go home to do it. He didn't even have a change of clothes. This was very odd and uncomfortable to him and to my daughter. I just found this out. Totally inappropriate. He said she told him people in Hawaii do that all the time. He did not go of course. There is so much more, I could go on for pages, but I won't. I'm sorry I didn't mention any of this It all seems strange but if she indeed had some association with any type of underground crime organization in the past, this is dangerous, I tend to not believe that story, but I honestly don't know if anything she said had any truth. She said her father raped her from age 4-16 years old. She said she was once "bedridden" for 10 years. She said she was in a terrible bicycle accident at age 24, from which she learned to walk, talk, and do all of her daily functions all over again. This is where her timelines don't synchronize with her 3 marriages, the birth and marriages of her daughter, who she claims to have cared for her every need for 10 years. She said she was in a coma for several weeks after the accident and on life support and had been pronounced dead at the scene. I worked in neuro-rehab for 17 years and was the Traumatic Brain Injury team coordinator for the dept. I worked in neuro ICU and acute rehab. She described her accident in detail. She has no scars on her head, no scar from a tracheostomy, and absolutely no gross or fine motor impairments evident. She told me several times that she did not want her family to know her whereabouts because they "tried to have her committed to a state institution when she was younger." She said they are all jealous of her because she was the prettiest and the most sane of all the 11 kids. Huh? I am very sorry for writing such a long report. It has taken time for all these things to surface and become exposed. I am of the opinion her family probably needs to be contacted immediately and see if they can provide any help. She told me that one of her sisters is a psychotherapist and a couple of brothers work in the mental health system. I confirmed this on their Facebook pages.  I do know I feel I have been deceived as have many others with whom she became friends here locally. I don't even know what her real name is now. Jeanette Perkins was her maiden name and Jeanette Levitt was her last known married name and Jacqueline Anton is her last known name as I am aware of. Photo of her coming. Trouble with uploading it.

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