  • Report:  #278036

Complaint Review: Jim Rivas Aka James Rivas Lifepath Team Falcon - New Orleans Internet

Reported By:
- Cicero, Illinois,

Jim Rivas Aka James Rivas Lifepath Team Falcon
www.jimrivas.org New Orleans, Internet, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
'Can you say 7 Figures per year? Jim can, and he can show you how too. Sure, can you also say Scam? Because that is what you will say if you do check out JimRivas.org pick up some free nuggets of wisdom from Jim". Free nuggets of wisdom, nuggets of something.

I was part of the Jim Rivas" team a couple of years ago, before he ran off to start a scam of his own, after he left me high and dry of cash. Wow, I can't believe the nerve of this scam artist. He got me into something called Team Falcon, promised me leads, promised to have buyers lined up for me because of his expensive priority lead generating system, and his special trainings, (not free either), 'mentoring and coaching', what a scam. Telling me it's all mindset, after he took all our money. For you who are looking at anything he does, hes how he will scam you:

1) he will advertise with keywords to grab you from some other project, by bidding higher and higher pay per click rates

2) once you are 'in' he tells you its better to let him continue advertising for 'you' using his name and his story, so you think, sure, makes sense. But, what happens is this, he gets all the leads, cherry picks thru them, then SELLS you the rest of tire-kickers and 'no money' people for a HIGH price

3) once you have 'qualified' (he says buy a extra product or buy the high cost product and he will cut you some deal, but don't tell anyone, and then sure, you are qualified, and left out to dry.

No more calls from Jim, nothing. This guy Jim Rivas, just does not care.

That's the truth, the real truth, and what will happen to you, and to anyone you introduce to Jim. It's a shame. All I can say good about the experience was the product he sold me, but Jim made me ashamed of how I got ripped off. I can't even look at myself in the mirror. About 20K, (and when I first started talking too him, it was only 2K for everything, but he kept dazzling me with his pushy ways, telling me, that even at age 67, I could become a 7 figure earner like him in months! I borrowed against my pension, and now I'm screwed. Jim lets you down. And he has the nerve to write about home based business? Latest email from him is he's a boss in some deal, screwing more and more pensioners. He's such a low life scammer, Jim Rivas, can't believe he's not hiding in Nigeria by now with the other email scam artists.


Cicero, Illinois


1 Updates & Rebuttals

Jim Rivas

Why This Post about Jim Rivas is Totally Wrong and is Simply an Attack

#2REBUTTAL Individual responds

Mon, March 10, 2008

One of the prices of success is that you have people take shots at you like this post. I find it very distasteful, slanderous, and downright illegal to be able to defame an individual without providing any proof of their claim. So, to answer these allegations, be prepared to read a lengthy response, and you, the reader can make your own decision. I can tell you this, if you are very successful and very visible in this industry, you will have to deal with some of this as I have before when competitors took a shot at Emerald Passport, and decided to target me as the Top Earner. I am going to assume for a minute that this is a Real Member of Emerald Passport, a person that enrolled with me in that program, and purchased some products from me. I have a hunch by the language who this could be, and I do find it conspicuous that this person is posting this 10 months after I left Emerald Passport. I will gladly answer these allegations as they are totally BOGUS as I will show based in FACT, not pre-supposition. What "Mr. Anonymous" unhappy customer says is loaded with down right lies and some truth. However, his opinions as to my motivations, or the implied deception on my part I take complete exception to. He uses the handle old pro, which to me implies that he(she) is a wise and experienced success in his life. It's hard to deceive a 67 year old, someone with much experience and wisdom, and that fact coupled with the 10 month delay in his postings should give you caution to his(her) agenda, to blame me for his(her) lack of success. Again, based on my experience with this type of thing there is at least a 50-50 chance or better that this is simply a competitor striking at me [visit my website and see the formal apology letter I received from a person that posted in the previous Ripp off report Listing under Emerald passport]. Firstly, I kind of learned what I would think a college football coach experiences when, after experiencing success, they leave smaller university X for Better Opportunity Y. There are always people that will feel angry, and "left behind" when you are a leader and you make a career move. There is nothing wrong with pursuing other interests, and if Mr. "Oldoldpro" (assuming this is a real person) has ever changed jobs, businesses, or opportunities, then they inevitably left someone feeling like they "left them" behind. The truth is, yes I left Emerald Passport. I did it voluntarily via a letter of resignation dated February 14, 2007. Although I never recruited my old customers into the new opportunity, LPU, I did offer them a migration path at COST should they choose to follow me. It was totally their choice, and a couple of people did choose to do so. When I got started in LPU, the company was still in product production stages, was not ready for new distributors yet. During that down time, I continued hosting several training and support teleseminars open to all, so the allegation that I dropped support is totally bogus. This person chose not to attend. There were real reasons I left Emerald Passport, and I find it suspicious that the company name that I used to represent, Emerald Passport, Inc. of Panama City, Panama., was previously left out of this report. This once again proves to me that abusive and malicious nature of this posting. Yes, there were people that were unhappy that I left Emerald Passport; however, many in my Team There, Team Falcon went on to have great results, one person (Cynthia Maurice) even earning an astonishing $100,000+ in one month, after I left. So let me go ahead and answer these bogus allegations in the order they were presented in the main post, and follow those answers with some of the real reasons I left Emerald Passport. "Can you say 7 Figures per year ...?" That is a caption on one of my marketing pieces, and yes, I have earned over 7 figures in a year in this industry, albeight being a relative newbie to the direct sales scene. [contrary to the previous report, I was NEVER in Liberty League International] To say someone is a scammer is to say 2 things. (1) A scam is when someone takes money and delivers no products that were ordered, (2) to scam is about a way of doing business, it is about deception. I spent most of my life owning small businesses where I marketed products I created, to Fortune 500 companies. I experienced great success in that arena because of my tireless work ethic, attention to detail, and first and foremost Customer Service. I would attribute my success in the direct sales industry to several factors in order (1) I worked HARD at it (and continue to do so. This is not a lazy man's business) (2) I did something that very few do in this industry, I tell the straightforward truth about what it takes to succeed UP FRONT. Always have, always will. However, as I learned through working with hundreds of reps in Emerald Passport, "hard work" means different things to different people. Let me say this categorically for the record, if you are not willing to put in a serious CONSISTENT effort of at least 4 hours per day part time, or 12-18 hours per day full time in the beginning of your business, then you will not be giving yourself the chance to acquire the skill you require to succeed. Success takes hard work. My edge when I got into this industry was an acceptance of that truth; and then most importantly, execution EVERY DAY. What I did not know I learned, and I spent many many hours talking to people. (3) Customer Service. I quickly realized that to support my associates in the emerald passport program, I needed some time leverage and written support documentation. So I created a documentation kit for starters and hosted 15-20 live training teleseminars PER WEEK making myself not only available to my associates, but almost forcing myself and my training on them. I believe that's what people need in this industry. Some people wrongly interpreted my commitment to support as some sort of "promise of results" for them. I'll address this in detail in a minute. (4) 1 on 1 support. Priority 1 when teaching someone how to succeed is some steady 1 on 1 time. I think it is very important that you provide it, and when you make this commitment to your customers, you have just doubled your day. However, it is expected and required that your associates seek their mentor out, no the other way around in order to let them know they require more support; that they need some 1 on 1 time. "Pick up some nuggets of information ..." As I previously stated, I hosted 10-20 hours per weeks of training calls. I taught marketing, sales skills, personal development, business strategies, pretty much shared my many years of business experience freely with my team. All of this support was FREE to members in my organization. All of it except 1 live event I hosted and spent 5 days teaching entertaining and training several dozen of my EPI team members in December 2006. Yes there was a charge for that event, and I lost money on it as I paid for Mitch Axelrod to be there, the hotel, food, etc. Read the testimonials on my web site that were submitted right after that event and you will get the picture. My conclusion is that if you attended my trainings, and walk away without learning anything, you are either more experienced and more successful than I, or you did not implement what you learned. Translate that to mean you didn't do the work. "ran off to start a scam of his own ..." That is totally inaccurate. I didn't run anywhere, I didn't change my phone numbers, and I did not discontinue support for my EPI customers that asked for it, even though I would experience no financial gain from that support. (When I resigned from EPI, my team was carved up and placed under several very capable leaders in the company which effectively ended any referral income I could earn from the large team I built). An no, LPU is NOT my own company. As I said before, I got involved with LPU before they even went into pre-launch as I wanted to contribute to the shaping of that company and that vision (and I explain that on my website jim rivas dot info http://www.jimrivas.info). "... I got him into something called team falcon". Yes, the name of my team was Team Falcon, however, this individual (again assuming he(she) is real) made a decision of his(her) own. When you read this statement, you see real truth, a total lack of personal responsibility for his (or her) own decision. This person's frame of reference is one of entitlement as implied by the statements of "I promised". Make this very clear, no one can Promise you success. I have never promised anyone success as first that would be illegal, and second, this person signed a sales agreement that spelled out very clearly what the nature and scope of my support was, and it was extensive. I can only "commit" to what I am going to do, I cannot control or promise what another person does or doesn't do. Yet again if you read the testimonials on my website, you will see what my customers say. Just go read them yourself and make up your own mind about this. "Promised me leads, promised me buyers lined up, etc" This is totally bogus. I challenge this person to post credible evidence of such a promise. Again as I said before, making promises of results for people is illegal. I was and still am totally straight with my prospects. Most people that signed up with me did so because of the extra value and support I provided. This person is now twisting that to say that I "promised" him(her) success. I couldn't deliver on that promise unless I did the work for him(her) myself, and BE CERTAIN that no one can promise you success in any business. It's your business, and your success is dependent upon effort, personal growth, and skill development among other factors. Anyone that doesn't disclose to you that a business requires effort is not being truthful with you. There were many reasons I left Emerald Passport, and at the top of that list was new opportunity. I did not believe that I would be able to continue my formula for success inside that company. What happened after I left was that there was much misinformation circulated around the EPI community which I felt was unfortunate. The decision to circulate that information came from the top. They had their reasons just as I had my reasons for wanting to move on. They are all good. "the nerve of this guy" I think it is me that should be saying that about the person making this post, a full 10 months after I left that company. Perhaps this post should be made, or at least include whoever it was that he worked with after I left. To come out here in a public forum, and defame someone is serious business, and is the reason for the fictitious name. (Notice they all have fictitious names, and I believe the Rip Off Report, if it was fully credible, and truly an advocate of good business, should require full name disclosure like the better business bureau does). Hey check out that link this guy(gal) has posted, he's(she's) promoting another business with it? HMMMM Sound suspicious to you? It does to me. Again he questions my "free trainings" claiming they were not free to product customers. I answered that before in detail. There was 10-20 hours a week of live trainings I provided. Yet since I do not know who this is, if they are real at all, I cannot know the time window he refers to. "took our money" implies that I delivered no products or services for the money. I do get paid for products and services by my customers, as I must to be a viable business. The implication of this statement is that I went to their home and robed their safe. What actually happened in this person sent me money for products, which I delivered, executed a contract stating very clearly who was responsible for what, willingly executed this contract, and got their business started. To anyone reading this that is looking at a home business where you purchase products when you start your business; you must view those purchases like a "franchise fee". They are your positioning point. If you do not view your purchase and choice of positioning in that way, you will always feel that your sponsor is responsible for your success. Be clear, your success is about what you do. Your sponsor is there to assist you, not motivate you every day or do you business for you. The kind of comments this person has posted suggest that they saw something different in the client relationship, even though the written contract they signed indicated they agreed otherwise. I would challenge anyone to go find me someone else that provides as much commitment to support in this industry ... go find him or her? That's not saying that there is no one else providing support, it is just that I am committed to a high level of it (see what my customers say at Jim Rivas website) "Telling me it's all mindset" Hmmm. Ever see the Secret, or study Jim Rohn, Marc Victor Hansen, etc. I guess they are all wrong on this topic too. Success is mindset, it starts with it, then you back that up with action, learning, self improvement and the like. I think it's obvious from this nefarious post that this individual did not do too much personal growth. That's a shame as personal development and free training are huge benefits of getting started in network marketing. "Here' how he'll scam you ...." "1) he will advertise with keywords " Notice that ACTION that this person acknowledges that I take. I had to learn how to do that, spend the money on it, and then follow up with the people. If you surf the Internet, this is a very common practice. I "copied not invented" this strategy and it's effective for attraction marketing. So I guess I'm not supposed to advertise my business? Had this individual done this himself, this post would not be here. Sometime it's the obvious truths that people choose not to see and acknowledge. "2) ... tells you it's better to let him continue advertising for you ..." Having quality leads is important to home business success. When a distributor is new and has no marketing skills, they have 2 choices, buy leads or acquire marketing skills. Network Marketing businesses are people businesses so you better have people to talk to if you want to make money. I have taken the action to learn how to market on the Internet and refine my marketing campaigns. I offer leads to those that want the quality leads, but has no other resource to get them. Choosing to buy leads from the various co-opts I take the time to set up and manage is a business decision of the individual. And YES if someone is new and wants to get busy right away I steer them to lead sources, generally lead vendors at first, and when they feel they have gotten the "jitters out", make available to them lead traffic from my own network. (I cannot call all of the people that I can generate, so either I don't run the advertising, and no-one benefits from the lead stream or I do generate the leads and share them on a paid basis in a co-opt environment. This is commonplace in this industry, and again I copied this strategy). Individuals have choice though, and if this individual wasn't getting results from the leads I generated, then he(she) should not have continued to buy them. Again, personal responsibility. I would rather not ever get into this part of the business, however, I do want my customers to have success, sooner rather than later, and I have found that it is helpful to them to have targeted leads available. The key here is targeted. Most of my campaigns target professionals, business owners, etc, and these people require more skill to speak with. Yet if you want success faster, you have to be talking to the right people. And no, these leads were not generated from my story, the co-opt leads come from generic advertising, and are generated from totally different campaigns than my own. This individual is not speaking the truth here, or is misinformed. (This was a common story circulated by the EPI leaders after I left). And if this were true then I guess no one would continue to acquire these leads from me; and that would be just fine with me as selling leads is not my business. It is a burden; however, as a leader and a person that wants to help people succeed, I feel compelled to provide solutions. Entrepreneurs test to determine what works best for them. And if something is not working for them, they simply do something else to find something that does. That's what I did myself, as the direction and training I received did not work for me, however, I was not willing to accept that as an obstacle to my own success. "3) ... cut you some deal? " This is bogus. He must have me mistaken for someone else in that program. I was one of the few in that program that offered NO DEALS whatsoever. The price was the price. However, I did bundle a high degree of support into the products, and I did offer more for more committed individuals. Let me say this, since I have been in this industry I have been shocked by how many people sign up, buy products, even the very high end products, AND THEN DO NOTHING! By my own estimates this would be 30% - 50% of the people or maybe even more that spend their hard earned dollars, and then do not take any action in their business, or don't take enough action and responsibility for their own success. Success leaves clues and if you study successful people, you will find several things in common. ACTION, imperfect massive action beats PERFECT INACTION, every time. "No more calls from Jim, nothing ..." I will say this very clearly up front and on the record, and I said it ALL along since I have been in the industry ... it is not my job to call you to see if you are working today. It is YOUR JOB as an entrepreneur to seek the support and resources that are available. I make myself available from 5AM CST to 9PM CST, 4 days a week, a smaller time window on Fridays, Saturdays, and YES Sundays by appointment. However, when you need assistance, you need to set up an appointment. I always return my calls and help those that show up. Otherwise what? I become your boss? Success is all about personal responsibility. My director in EPI rarely called me if ever, and he made big time money off of me. I never expected him to. But you can ask him, I called him, A LOT at first to get help. And I can also tell you that my most successful customers do the same thing with me, and I state it up front that that is the protocol. " Jim Rivas ... does not care" Hmmm ... I totally disagree with that, and I would recommend you read what my customers say about that. I challenge you to find a person with the kind of success I have, that is more accessible, or provides more support than I do. I haven't found one yet! And the reason I provide all of this extra support and training, probably more than anyone in the industry? Because I care about the success of my customers, period. It pays me to care, so this is a bogus statement. "That's the truth, the real truth, and what will happen to anyone you introduce to Jim" If that were true I would be out of business. The vast majority of my customers tell me something else, and yes I have had hundreds of them while in this industry. In spite of my best efforts, I could not make them all happy; yet it wasn't from a lack of effort. "All I can say good about the experience was the product he sold me, but Jim made me ashamed of how I got Ripped off" WOW! This says it all. All this person did was purchase products from me (if he(she) in fact did). This sounds like a very suspicious plug for Emerald Passport, passport to prosperity, yet an attack on me for being his(her) vendor? There is obviously a huge gap in what this person expected when he(she) purchased the emerald passport products from me, and what he(she) perceives to be a promise that extended beyond that. I sleep really well at night because I am certain that I give it my all for my customers, it is the most important thing to me, and this person knows that. Oldoldpro (Beryl is that you?) now is taking a shot at me, 10 months later because he did not get results. Keep in mind that for most of his Emerald Passport Experience I was not there based on his own admission of his enrollment window. "My pushy ways" this guy has me confused with his current up line (which I believe is my old up line). And yeah, that guy was pushy as hell. If you have spoken to me, and you are now reading this, I think you understand the truth. Did I PUSH YOU in our conversation ever? No I did not. In fact I do not believe in Pushy sales because quiet frankly, I am uncomfortable being pushy, especially about this type of business. Each person has to make up their own mind. All I do is take you through the information, help you get your questions answered, and if you want to make a go of it, I assist you. It's what I have always done because it's who I am and the way I do business. "how I got Ripped off, I can't look in the mirror ..." First off, the mirror as stated on page 1 of my orientation guide (which this individual would have received from me after getting started) talks about self accountability and the "mirror". When something goes wrong in my own business, the mirror is the first place I go because the problem and the solution is looking back at me. It's personal responsibility. Furthermore, this person just said they liked the products they bought? Curious, which is it? That you got ripped off or that you liked the products you bought; because it can't be both. "dazzling me with his pushy ways ... at 67 ... could become a 7 figure earner ... in months" Wow, if you felt pushed, why did you move forward. I would love to know if you purchased more products after I left, because every time you use the word "pushy" I think of my old up line, Jim N., and think he would have been that way with you. I simply presented your choices. We discussed the benefits of each approach, and you decided. "Could become a 7 figure earner", well why not, I did it? I work for my results, did/does he(she)? If you were to ask me if you could become a 7 figure earner my answer to you is YES, if you believe you can be, and NO if you don't believe you can be. Whatever you believe is true, is true for you. It took me 14 months to hit that level of income working my butt off. The story is well documented; however, many readers see 14 months and think "wow, he got rich quick". My response is that no, it took me 18 years to build some skills that I had when I got in the industry; yet, most of those were not applicable, at least the detail of them, in this industry. What I did learn over 18 years in traditional business as to work hard for what you want. " I borrowed Against my Pension ..." Well when I got started in the industry I borrowed on my credit card fully realizing that I was taking a risk, and risk of losing my entire investment. This can happen in business, any business. After 18 years doing it with million dollar bank loans and large payrolls to satisfy on Fridays, I really liked the idea of home business because I only had to worry about what I did every day; taking my own action and getting paid for that action. If you are not willing to risk what you have now, you have very little chance of getting ahead. You must, as a new business owner consider what happens if you don't have success? My experience would lead me to suggest you answer the following question ... "what happens if you don't take the action, learn to market, talk to people every day" and you lose your money. Perhaps that's why the mirror is so difficult for this person. AGAIN! WARNING! IF YOU ARE NOT WILLING TO TAKE RISKS AND BE SELF ACCOUNTABLE, DON'T START A BUSINESS PERIOD, ANY BUSINESS! "2K for everything" That's simply inaccurate. I spent $2,000 to get my Emerald passport business started and then another $5,000 on advertising to get into profits. It was massive imperfect action. A business requires capital and elbow grease, and obviously this person heard what he(she) wanted to hear while I was showering him(her) in truth. When I got started in Emerald Passport I was told $2,000 would put me in profits. I spent that in the first 1-2 weeks, and I wasn't in profits at that point. However, the businessman in me knew that I would have to spend money on advertising to marketing my products and services because I always had to before. And this is clearly stated. One of the reasons I left EP is because they suggest that you say that number to your prospects (deception). When that became company policy (and they stopped me from hosting my own presentation calls that were more fact laden), it was time to go, because I did not want to be involved in that kind of deception, especially when advocated at the company level. So if you are reading this and deciding to join me or another program, be informed that you will have to spend money on advertising to be successful. I had put $7,000 in my business with only the first level product before I broke into profits. I was then and still am new to this industry, however, reality is reality. Many others have done better than I did, and many more have done worse. The idea, especially from a wise 67 year old that a business that requires advertising is going to make you 7 figures with a $2,000 total investment is pipe dreaming. Early on, when I was brand new, I was following the advice of my up line and saying that (spring of 2005). However, when I did not get those kind of results myself, I stopped saying that. How much you choose to advertise your enterprise is your business, and there are certainly free advertising strategies and mediums available. However, you have to go do the work! "I borrowed against my pension and now I'm screwed ..." Ok reader. There is risk in business. No risk no gain. However, if you are not going to take complete responsibility for your results, don't get into ANY home based business, or any business ownership for that matter. Success is not compatible with blaming others when you don't get results. If you can't handle that, then don't start a business. And it is important to note, that the only way you lose is to quit on yourself. This person states satisfaction with the products that he(she) purchased, and yet I am supposed to be responsible for his results on top of that. I wish I had that kind of power; because if I did, then everyone that ever bought a product from me would be making money as I do. The real difference is that I work for my results, always testing, always changing, always improving. "Jim lets you down" Well whoever this is, I am sorry you feel that way, really. I am certain about what kind of effort I put in to help my team, and from what the vast majority of them tell me (see the testimonials on my website), I help them. Whoever this is, you were part of that, and can still be if you choose to. When I first speak with someone on the phone, I am actually interviewing them, seeing if they are qualified and have the drive for success that it takes. Naturally, the longer I was in the industry, the better a judge of an individual's abilities, and desire they posses. This person convinced ME that they were qualified (a 67 year old sales professional). "he has the nerve to write about home based business" In fact I believe I am imminently qualified to write about the topic as a highly successful "brick and mortar turned home based entrepreneur". I have detailed knowledge of what it takes to succeed in business and in life. Unfortunately, this individual was unable to apply what I taught him(her) and find the success he(she) wanted, and that disappoints me, and I use the feedback to improve my own game. Always have and always will. However, I carried my half of the bricks for this person. Did they carry theirs? I am willing to bet if we were to examine what he(she) actually DID (as in action) with his business, you will find a play it small action set, and a set of limiting beliefs that impeded his(her) success. "latest email from him is he's a boss in some deal, screwing more and more pensioners" That's slanderous and untrue. To the person that wrote this post, you did your due diligence, you had choices both before signing up with me and after. CONCLUSION(s) I have experienced massive success in Home Based Direct Sales Industry through hard work and determination. The idea that someone would have "success by proxy" is certainly over the top, and I would never suggest that. What I did was learn from people that had gone before me, and followed their action plan as closely as I could. However, I still had to learn, and make day to day business decisions about my business. I am proud of how I do business, especially in this industry that is so littered with pushy, grab the money types. So if you have doubts about me, and you want to believe this post or others, then by all means, don't sign up with me. It simply means we are not a fit for each other. If you do speak with me expect candid truth and expect to see me excited about what I do. I love this industry, the people I meet, the people I help, and yes the lifestyle that comes from having leverage going in your income. I make no apologies for working as hard as I do, or being as excited as I am, because I want others to experience this feeling. Will everyone get what they want? NO. Now, will everyone that puts in the effort, and I mean real effort, focused consistent effort in both your learning and execution of your business find success? I say yes, because when you are dedicated to having more success, you will eventually have it through the natural process of failure. Incremental Failure is part of the success equation; and the key benefit to this kind of business, is that you don't risk or loose $1,000,000 when you fail (as I have before). Is this post real? I have a person in mind that this sounds like, yet I can't be certain as they are "hiding" behind an alias. I understand this truth of success, unless you can admit your own short comings (and you name for that matter), and do something about them, you will not have success. If you think some system, so other person, or some "deal" is going to by itself make you money, brace yourself. You need a reality check because it will not happen. You create your own success through your efforts. I left Emerald Passport for many reasons. Some of those reasons were because of things I did not like about the program, and other reasons were based in the desire to get involved with something that offered more value for the money and guarantees of satisfaction for my customers. When I got into this industry I was naive, and I got busy. Putting my head down and keeping it down working hard and helping people. It's what I do to this day in all of my endeavors. When I left Emerald Passport, there was lot's of misinformation circulates inside that company about me. How else could they explain their Top Earner (by a wide margin), leaving when he was on top. I also chose to take the high road and still do, even though these kinds of posts have been made by those that are "upset" that I cancelled my association with Emerald Passport. It was my choice to make, as each of us has the right and obligation to make career choices based in our values and objectives. The exclusion (by the OldOldPro) of the company combined with his endorsement of the products really tells the whole story. He(she) still endorses the company as he(she) received value from the products, products he(she) purchased from me as a re-seller, yet products that Emerald Passport Delivered. And yet, he still wants to attack me for his(her) lack of success. He's satisfied with the products, he's not satisfied with the hours and hours of free training I provided. I guess it shows that you can't please everyone. As a responsible business owner, I learn from these posts, and from the feedback, and it makes my business stronger. Way too often in this industry, people only hear what they want to hear, and move forward on that basis alone. I can say this with certainty, I never asked this person if he was "ready to get started" as I NEVER ask that question, ever. He(she) would have called me and said he wanted to move forward. It's my SOP (standard operating procedure) as that takes any pushy ness out of the equation. What I really think happened (my opinion), based on some of his(her) comments, was that he forgot the things that I told him, and now remembers what his director told him to say AFTER I left, and now believes that's what I told him. Again, he should produce something written to back up these so called "promises". The only promise I can make is that I will do everything that I can in support of their business, excluding doing it for them. If you are looking for a baby sitter, someone else to do your business for you, or to remind you to do your business everyday, then don't start a business, ever; and certainly don't start one with me. The idea that you can make money doing nothing, or just plug in to a system and do nothing else is not real. The system allows you to leverage your time and effort; however, YOU have to apply the elbow grease, and the self learning/growth. A FINAL NOTE I find it sad that such a forum exists where someone can go make a post like this, provide zero proof of their claims, and that post stays out there forever. And yes, what this person is doing is voicing their opinion. I believe you, the reader is smarter than that and can see the intent to slander and defame me here. I challenge this individual to reveal themselves, and then I will post ALL of the correspondence between us as I still have everything on file. Here's some more advice, if you can imagine yourself writing a post like this, don't get involved with a home based business as you are looking for someone else to blame if you don't succeed. If you believe posts like this, and cannot see through the utter nonsense of the language, then free enterprise is not a good choice for you as you are looking for a company or system that will take you out of the equation (oh yeah, there is a scam going on now, carbon copy pro that is purporting that lie). Your success is your responsibility. It will take effort, determination, learning things you don't know, making mistakes, wasting money learning, and more. If this scares you into paralysis, then don't start a business. CLICK here to see why Rip-off Report, as a matter of policy, deleted either a phone number, link or e-mail address from this Report.

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