  • Report:  #993778

Complaint Review: Joe Reisinger - Rhode Island

Reported By:
badtransporterinnj - NY, New York, United States of America

Joe Reisinger
Rhode Island, United States of America
(401) 533-1609 Alternate
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I hired Joe Reisinger aka JerseyJoeTheKingpin (60) from Riverside Rhode Island off Uship to move a small exotic animal from a breeder in TN to myself in long island NY after seeing his good feedback. ( everything wound up fine with this one). After he won the bid it turned out i bought 12 SUPER RARE Asian prevost squirrels ($800-$1200 value each) from a nice women in Rural TX that i had spoke with many times for six months and made offers with no luck, I patiently waited months before i got the call she would sell me the group of 12. ( There are less then 25 pairs inside the united states in zoo's and private hands, My goal was to continue breeding them so they don't die off like many rare small mammal species that were rare 5 years ago, and now are completely gone from the USA, as Importing rare exotic mammals and birds has gotten so hard and so much money in quarantine, airline, permits, usda and broker fees that the only few importers left standing out in FL struggle to get a few shipments in per year. All depending on what country's open for export and what animals are available. The women with the prevosts has a horse farm. She has huge aviary's and had collected,breed and worked with these squirrels for 5+ years without selling any, but as luck and timing goes i caught her at the right moment when she was overloaded and cutting back, only raising some mini horses due to her age.

Anyways Joe and myself agreed on an additional $400 for him to make a half a day detour to TX and pick them up on his way here that i was already paying $300 on for the small mammal from his bid. Besides pickup his Job was simple. The breeder had each squirrel in its own small wire cage marked as pairs or youngsters. She provided 2 days of fresh nuts, seed and fruit. After 2 days if still on the road the fruit would dry up and all they needed was a half an apple shoved thew the top of each metal cage once a day, ruffly $10 in fresh apples with cages that did not require opening.. It could not have gotten easier He showed up on the 4th day around 5pm. I looked outside to see him and his niece/helper running around crazy shoving apples in the crates as fast as they could before i came out and seen. Too late i seen. One beautiful young female was dead in her cage, that he had just seen himself. Joe admitted forgetting to feed them.( I mean c'mon bro 4 days on the road) they were all so skinny and starving i never seen animals eat so fast in my life, The worst part is this transporter had a huge bag of apples in the trunk. Complete negligence, and sort of animal abuse.

Do not be fooled he doesn't drive a nice heated cargo van as shown on u ship and listed there. He drives a beat up 1995 minivan packed with animals trying to make every stop he can for that extra money. After i was sitting there upset my squirrel was dead, He let out 5 puppies and 3 adult dogs go to the bathroom on my lawn. No he didn't pick it up either. He is a shipper of what i assume is puppy mill dogs from mills to unknown buyers who think there getting there dog shipped in from a top notch breeder and paying top dollar to get them meanwhile the airlines cost $250 to ship a puppy under 10lbs and you get your dog in less then 12 hours, too bad there were so many crates with 12 squirrels or i would have went that way as usual. His mini van was packed with so many cats, birds, dogs and puppy's the smell of urine overwhelmed me. The squirrels were on the floor and some were soaked in dog piss. For killing my squirrel buy his own admission of not feeding only $225 was paid not $400. I will say he did not lie and told the truth about not feeding them. Or maybie they were fed but left in his van overnight in the winter while they stayed in motels over 4 days, who knows. All i know is he didn't offer shippers insurance to cover my $1000 lost, because i doubt he has any. insurance to begin with. His niece was rude and the kid had a bad attitude and kept complaining the whole time to leave while we talked about the dead animal and cut a not so great deal. He's lucky i payed him anything, If one more was dead i would have refused payment and filed threw uship.  I would not recommend him to anyone. save yourself the trouble and remember the cheapest bid is ALWAYS THE CHEAPEST SERVICE

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