  • Report:  #614345

Complaint Review: Joshua Lynden Ruiz - Houston, Dallas, Mansfield Texas

Reported By:
Godfrey - Port Arthur, Texas, United States of America

Joshua Lynden Ruiz
Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, England Houston, Dallas, Mansfield, Texas, United States of America
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This invidual contacted me almost a year prior to his scam on me. He was living in Nottinghamshire, UK and wanted to come to the United States to begin a new life. His exact words were, "please extend me a lifeline." I did not know him, but his story was convincing enough. About a year passed and he again was online and chatting with me. He indeed wanted to come to the U.S. and said he would work for me and, in addition, help me remodel my home, which was falling apart. I am on disability and have trouble doing a lot of the work. He was also going to assist me in a new business venture. In return, I would pay his way to Houston. In the meantime, he came up with this BTA, which was around $3,000 for him to leave the country. That was a scam and I did not fall for it. But he went ahead and made up an extensive story about striking the travel agent and going to court with an appointed attorney, as he had no money. Everything was a lie. No travel agency telling him about a BTA or any court proceedings. Then he said he had debts to pay before he could leave and would I pay them. I paid one to a person named Gallenhaal. But that was the last. He had his ticket ready to go, arrived in Houston, and was angry that I wouldn't pay the rest his debts... which did not exist I found out later. He did not know I was meeting him at the airport. Upon addressing him, he left the airport and supposedly went to Mansfield, TX, where he stayed with "friends." He then came up with all kinds of schemes to get me to give him more money. Nothing worked as I had lost trust and he had left me high and dry with no help. He then proceeded to get his passport "fixed" as it had some "wrong information" on it. Wanted me to pay someone named Alonghe in Palm Springs to do it for $800. Said it would take too long to do it through the Immigration Authorities and it wasn't important. $800 is a lot of unimportant to me. Somehow, I believed him as he said he would come immediately to help me. He didn't. Kept me hanging constantly with one lie after another. Then said he was in New York and then back in London. Not. He was in Houston, where he had been interviewing for a "dancer" position with local clubs. He stung me for over $2,000 with no regrets and stating he was in his rights not to come help me for not paying his debts back in England. But he had no debts that he could not have paid himself. I believe he had his passport altered to give him U.S. citizenship as he has now been in the U.S. for over a year now and living off of others. I doubt he has taken any substantial job except male escort. He is a liar and a fraud and a scam artist. Originally he called himself Josh. I have photos which relate age progression to present or near present day.

2 Updates & Rebuttals


La Marque,
United States of America
Thief From Nottinghamshire Continues to Delay Payment

#2Author of original report

Tue, March 29, 2011

I have been patient with this person who ripped me off of a great deal of money and caused me severe stress and humiliation. I have repeatedly and politely asked him to at least begin a series of payments to me. He has responded with notes of prayers and blessings and requests of forgiveness. None of which appear to have come from the same person and none stating anything regarding the money he took from me.

He has made a rebuttal here which he has not complied with and I have received an email from a Landon Smith, who has said, "he has talked to Joshua and he knows he has done wrong. Give him time and he will repay you. Now, 9 months later? Nothing but these notes about finding God. If he is suddenly so religious, he should see the "error of his ways" and repay me.

He has stated that "this is no big deal." It is a big deal when occurrences like this have forced me into Bankruptcy court and added to my financial woes. A lot of the money he owes me went to supposedly pay back debts he owed to other people and to make "adjustments" to his passport. These "adjustments" cost over $800. How many passports could one buy for that amount of money?

After two years I will not give up on getting satisfaction either one way or another.

Again, he has not made any attempts to make this issue right. He has "friends" in Palm Springs, California, Redondo Beach, California, Mansfield, Texas, and has relatives in Houston, Texas via his sister. More than likely he has not had any kind of employment and has depended on the "kindness of strangers" his entire life.

He asked for forgiveness and I gave it. But I still want my hard-earned money back. He has made the situation even worse by complaining to Yahoo.com that I am harassing him. Am I? Not as much as he harassed me to obtain the money I lent him. And I might add that it was only a loan till he could come to the United States and work for me.

His intent was never to come to work for me, but to "make adjustments to his passport" so he could stay here much longer than the law states.

Anyone knowing of his whereabouts should have the heart to contact me via this web page and let me know. As he has used multiple aliases I think it might be better to contact the police.


La Marque,
United States of America
No Payment Schedule or Proof to Pay

#3Author of original report

Sat, December 25, 2010

I understand that Mr. Ruiz's location is now Port Arthur, Texas and as it's been well over a year now that Mr. Ruiz fleeced me for no good reason, I am including an email which, when read, will give any curious person what kind of mind is jerking me around with promises to pay me back.

I doubt this will ever happen and this supposed intent is bogus. If he had any intention of paying me back, he would have set up some kind of payment schedule. And, again, this person calling himself Landon Smith is also bogus.

This email is dated June 21, 2010. Six months have gone by. How much time am I supposed to accept. Indefinitely? I have not heard one word from him or his "beard" Landon Smith. The Immigration Authorities should be investigating this as I write.




landon smith <[email protected]>

Mr Mickey Dotson, I for one have talked to Josh,ok..please give him time he would pay you back ok.Please just bear with him,he has admitted he is wrong...Thanks alot for your concern and may God forgive us all..Thanks and God bless you.Amen

Landon on behalf of Joshua

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