  • Report:  #711628

Complaint Review: JP Maroney Marocom LLC Texas - Tyler Texas

Reported By:
Client of JP Maroney Marocom LLC - , Other, United Kingdom

JP Maroney Marocom LLC Texas
Marocom, LLC, PO Box 9492, Tyler, TX 75711-9492 Tyler, TX 75711-9 Texas, United States of America
1-800-304-5758 ext 704
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Below is an article written by JP Maroney of Marocom LLC.

It's a powerful example of theory completely outweighing reality. The reality or rather customer service has been non-existent, even though the supplier (JP Maroney) readily accepted payment, and then reneged on completing the actual service that was promoted, as a packaged product.

To date, there has been no contact or offer of resolution either by email or phone, to practically rectify my complaint.

Overall, a deep misalignment of JP's integrity and complete hypocrisy is highlighted here. It reveals inconsistency and disrespect towards his clients. This is especially notable when you see the article written by JP below, as part of his Customer Complaints Handling procedure.

Please continue to read while I, as JP's customer, review his "Customer Complaint Secrets" article.


Customer Complaint Secrets - How To Handle An Angry Client!
By JP Maroney

JP: Let's face it... customers get upset, frustrated, and angry sometimes. In some cases it can be prevented, in others it can't.
Customer Experience: Yes, that's true. Especially when the customer's reactions stem from the actions of the supplier (JP), and then he makes no effort to make amends. It smacks heavily of 'take the money and run' syndrome. In most cases, it can be easily prevented, although this is dependant on the supplier's behaviour and standards.

JP: So, when customers get upset the best way to handle a complaint or complainer is to make that person an ally. Meet the concern head on and win back their goodwill.
Customer Experience: Really? So deliberately missing scheduled meetings and selectively ignoring a paid client's contact requests to fulfil your service agreement, is the best tactic to make the upset customer an ally? That's a very unusual customer relationship building and management tactic.

JP: Here is the step-by-step way you manage the situation when dealing with a dissatisfied or angry customer.
Customer Experience: I look forward to reading and avidly learning from your advice.

JP: First, listen attentively to the customer. Show genuine concern and a sincere interest in being of assistance.
Customer Experience: Do you mean like when you listened attentively to me, and when you showed genuine concern in your email responses, and then failed miserably and deliberately by not acting to resolve my concerns. Impressive tactic conducted by a coach and public speaking expert.

JP: Second, ask questions. Be sure you understand exactly what the problem is. Customers will frequently generalize or exaggerate when they are upset. By asking questions, you gather information that uncovers the real issue. It also gives the customer a chance to calm down and discuss solutions rationally.
Customer Experience: It's very difficult to hear any questions being asked when the supplier, (JP), repeatedly and selectively makes themselves intentionally unavailable. They repeatedly ignore contact requests and emails sent privately to designated email addresses.

JP: Third, don't make excuses or argue. These responses do nothing toward resolving the problem and, in fact, impede progress toward a solution.
Customer Experience: At least arguing shows that you are hearing that there is an issue that needs addressing. It also shows that you do care, as you are focusing your attention on something that could unnecessarily escalate and may lead to a very public damage disclosure exercise.
Note: Rip Off Report and BBB investigation, already stated above, with another disclosure below.

JP: Fourth, after you have identified the real concern, discuss realistic alternatives and solutions. Don't offer solutions that are impossible to deliver. This will eventually just make matters worse.
Customer Experience: So, one of your customer having deep concerns about your behaviour towards them, is not a concern of yours to be addressed? Is that why you are ignoring your responsibilities and reneging on your agreements that you were paid to complete?

JP: Fifth, follow through on your commitments. Once you have an acceptable resolution, do your part as completely and as quickly as possible.
Customer Experience: That's a fantastic theoretical tactic. By the way, how quick is quickly to complete an unacknowledged resolution......in excess of 4 months?

JP: And finally, follow up with the customer. Be sure they are satisfied with the solution and always thank them for their business.
Customer Experience: Follow up? Thank them? When did you ever do that? Please remind me of the resolution that was offered when I repeatedly contacted your support desk email address.
Your solution was to turn that email address into an autoresponder email service, firing out selling and promotional messages.

So in effect, unless otherwise stated, you no longer have a Customer Complaint Handling section within your business?

JP: As you can see, the rules for handling customer complaints aren't complicated or difficult. It really comes down to this...identify your customer's needs and treat every one of them in the way that you would like to be treated.
Customer Experience: I agree that they aren't complicated or difficult. So why have you made it become that way? By treating your customers the way that you would like to be treated, you're effectively saying that you enjoy being treated:

  • disrespectfully

  • like you are invisible

  • like you don't have a voice

  • like a wallet or automated teller machine (atm) on tap.

JP: Want to learn how to create explosive business growth?
Customer Experience: After reading and reviewing the theoretical advice in your article, I have to say............no thank you!. There are other much more deserving experts, professionals and business owners, who know how to realistically treat and value their customers. I would happily buy their products and/or services.

JP: Download my free guide here: The Art of Profitable Growth: How to Double or Triple Your Business This Year
Customer Experience: Why would I want to do that? You also forgot to add the following to your free guide title.....[ by treating people like crap, reneging on your agreements and playing the 'peek-a-boo, catch me if you can', elusive game. This efficiently increases your bank balance, develops your time management and explodes your business development. ]

JP: Famous for his uncanny ability to help business owners remove limitations to their revenue growth and build multi-million dollar businesses, JP Maroney's clients call him "the man with the Million-Dollar Midas Touch" ... and Entrepreneur Magazine calls his methods "wildly generous."
Customer Experience: I've shared what I need to say.
As at 30th March 2011, there has still been no contact resolution from this expert, even though he purports to having the answers in this 'Customer Complaint Handling' article.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=JP_Maroney
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/1021453


Look at what else I found.

Proof of other Customer Complaints against JP Maroney, by another of his customers. This time it's from a lady called Dr Beth Erickson, an established best selling Amazon writer.

Click the links below to go to the Rip Off Report site to see Dr Beth's complaint.
Link Here => (((Redacted)))


The moral of this encounter is:

1. Do your full DUE DILIGENCE and research, prior to making any buying decisions

2. Be particularly aware of new marketers being introduced to you by their peers/buddy circles, especially from mass mailouts, only because they have a new product launch/services to promote

3. Check out websites such as:



RIP OFF REPORT  =(((Redacted)))

4. Ask for References or Testimonials from past and current clients

5. Only part with your money when you are satisfied with your research results.


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