  • Report:  #743104

Complaint Review: Julie Ryals - Internet

Reported By:
Annoyed with Julie Ryals - , , United States of America

Julie Ryals
Internet, United States of America
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Julie Ryals is an internet bully and spammer. This woman owns multiple sites and she uses them to harass people through the internet. She has been harassing me for over five years because she doesn't approve of what I do. I first met Julie through her yahoo group the mompack. At first I thought it was a great group until I posted what I do for a living. At first it started with indirect post from other group members. Then out of no where I get an email stating that I had been sending emails to the group members. I tried to explain that I did not spam anyone because I do not send out promotional emails but Julie proceeded to go on and on about me spamming and that she will not tolerate it. I decided to leave the situation alone until one day  I had 56 emails in my inbox. When i opened the emails they were all harassing and threatening emails telling me that I need to stop emailing them and I need to stop Harassing Julie. So i Kindly responed to everyone stating that I did not have any of there emails and that I had not sent them anything. Needless to say the emails got worse until I finally blocked them all.

This woman would not stop she threaten to ruin my business and my reputation all because she felt I had disrespected her by not backing up one of her bashing emails to another group member. Instead I stood up to her and let know that she was wrong for speaking to the group member that way and that if she needed to speak to her it should be in private not through the group forum. Since then she continues to send harassing emails to me and other people. Here are some links that clearly prove this woman is insane.


Whoever is thinking of joining this woman needs to take a step back before they end up in lawsuits the way she has.

2 Updates & Rebuttals

The Office

United States of America
Deborah Dolen is a bully using ripoff report to bully! Look out everyone!!

#2Consumer Comment

Fri, December 02, 2011

I now know exactly where this fake posting came from and it is fake. It's Deborah Dolen who is also posing as a made up name called Mabel White. Here's my story; I got into a dispute with Deborah Dolen on a message forum recently after she went crazy talking about all kinds of stuff she wanted to do to some women online and was looking for help. At first I was feeling sorry for her story about her being stalked by some women on the internet but there is a limit of what I will do to help someone. I listened more closely than most probably do because I cannot stand a bully, but her stories just were not making sense. She was very angry and the evil was very concerning. Nothing she said was matching up the more I checked out her statements so I questioned her a litle. She then flipped out on me and started saying I didn't know what I was talking about because I'm no one famous like her and I'll never live in million dollar mansions. She told me how she'd eat me for lunch in court if I ever crossed her again. Bizarre- I tell ya. I am an educated woman and it doesn't take much for people to do their own searches online so it gets me how people let themselves get taken by a scammer these days anyhow. All the information is right in front of their face-with ease. From what I found on the internet Deborah Dolen sued some women online over them posting her criminal record and newspaper articles. I found all kinds of links including the FTC Report of her ripping off a charity and an attack job she did on eciggarette forum, a soap forum and candle forum. One of the ladies she sued was this very same person she's posting retaliation ripoffreport.com stories and then linking to that in comments online. Deborah Dolen must not like to loose. These types of posts stick out like sore thumbs especially now that I've experienced who the bully is = Deborah Dolen. People on the internet who browse message forums or chatty sites need to be cautious because Deborah Dolen is on the prowl for people she can attack and probably sue too. I think it's an outward fight covering for who she really is fighting and that is herself.

The Office

United States of America
Deborah Dolen is a bully using ripoff report to bully! Look out everyone!!

#3Consumer Comment

Fri, December 02, 2011

I now know exactly where this fake posting came from and it is fake. It's Deborah Dolen who is also posing as a made up name called Mabel White. Here's my story; I got into a disagreement with Deborah Dolen on a message forum recently after she went crazy talking about all kinds of stuff she wanted to do to some women online and was looking for help. At first I was feeling sorry for her story about her being stalked by some women on the internet. I listened more closely than most probably do because I cannot stand a bully, but her stories just were not making sense. She was very angry and the evil was very concerning. Nothing she said was matching up the more I checked out her statements so I questioned her a litle. She then flipped out on me and started saying I didn't know what I was talking about because I'm no one famous like her and I'll never live in million dollar mansions. She told me how she'd eat me for lunch in court if I ever crossed her again. Bizarre- I tell ya. I am an educated woman and it doesn't take much for people to do their own searches online so it gets me how people let themselves get taken by a scammer these days anyhow. All the information is right in front of their face-with ease. From what I found on the internet Deborah Dolen sued some women online over them posting her criminal record and newspaper articles. I found all kinds of links including the FTC Report of her ripping off a charity and an attack job she did on eciggarette forum, a soap forum and candle forum. One of the ladies she sued was this very same person she's posting retaliation ripoffreport.com stories and then linking to that in comments online. Deborah Dolen must not like to loose. These types of posts stick out like sore thumbs especially now that I've experienced who the bully is = Deborah Dolen. People on the internet who browse message forums or chatty sites need to be cautious because Deborah Dolen is on the prowl for people she can attack and probably sue too. I think it's an outward fight covering for who she really is fighting and that is herself.

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