  • Report:  #1193128

Complaint Review: JULIEN's AUCTIONS - Beverly Hills California

Reported By:
Stephan - Stanton, Kentucky,

9665 Wilshire Boulevard Suite 150 Beverly Hills, 90210 California, USA
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  My name is Stephan. I am the owner of a vast collection of vintage Hollywood autographs that was once originally obtained by "Linda Bennett" (former child actress/singer);deceased in 1989. In late January 2014, I discovered that Darren Julien (of JULIEN's AUCTIONS), had resold several pieces from 2007 to 2013 pertaining to Linda Bennett signed/inscribed to here by Marilyn Monroe. I contacted Darren Julien a few months later where we spoke first by phone after he received my email addressing the fact of whom I was and that I still had possession of the remaining collection (that I call the Linda Bennett collection). Darren Julien represented himself as being really excited and was looking forward to doing business with me. Oh yes...I still have ALL of those emails (nothing deleted). I got several things scanned and forwarded exactly 158 individual pieces to him in seperate emails where he then replied back with his estimate prices/bid prices. He informed me of the upcoming auction deadline date that was August 20th, 2014. He then emailed his business 5-page CONTRACT known as the "Auction Consignment Agreement" in which I signed, had legally notarized by a local COURT agent and then shipped back to him with all 158 pieces that I wanted to put up for sale. He informed me that he would let me know when the sale would take place and that he would also send me a complimentary copy of that particular catalogue in which the items were offered for sale. The property was accounted for when I personally packaged it into a safe/secure box and I shipped the property to the address that he advised it to be sent:

JULIEN's AUCTIONS, Att: Darren Julien

3327 La Cienega Place

Los Angeles, CA 90016

  Apparently...they have more than one location. Anyway...I shipped the property to Darren Julien on August 12th, 2014 via-OVERNITE EXPRESS MAIL where it arrived at 10:03 AM on August 13th, and Darren Julien took possession of the property on August 14th. His email response..."We got it!" All was good from my end. He had informed me that as soon as he got the property and the signed CONTRACT that he would sign the CONTRACT and forward a copy of it back by both email and certified mail. I never got either one.

  September came and went and I still hadn't heard anything from Darren Julien. I took it as "he's just busy...he'll contact if he needs to," is what I thought. October came and still I heard nothing from him. Suddenly...on October 13th, I received an email, not from him, but from his employee in which is his property manager (Isabel Yeo), where she informed me that she had been assigned to ship my property back because they had decided not to see it. Reason, you may ask? She stated "our people cannot authenticate your property." What, I asked? Isn't it interesting that darren Julien himself informed me earlier that it was not necessary for me to send him any paperwork )LOA's), addressing each and every item(s), history and authenticity where he said "That's OK. We don't need that. Everything is all good because we already know where it's coming from and we know it's history." Well...isn't that interesting? How could you know the collection's full history when I happen to be its owner and none of the property has ever been officially offered on the market in its entireity. The last piece that I ever sold was back in 2005. Please note that a few of the pieces I sent Darren Julien were pieces that I obtained in-person (such as Michael jackson and Patrick Swayze); both with time/place/date when I obtained them. I had no idea who (Isabel Yeo) was but Darren Julien confirmed that she is in fact employee by him. When I questioned him about her message he informed me "We have a problem with a few pieces but we are trying to work it out." He then cut all communication once again. Isabel Yeo came back again and the arguements quickly began. She insisted that I accept their terms only, give them a credit card and only use UPS or FEDEX shipping. She actually talked as though she had no idea as to what or who were the US Postal Service and how they function. Just incredible. She quickly cut all communications. This girl just couldn't understand that they could ship my property back where it would not cost them a single penny if they ship it via-OVERNITE EXPRESS MAIL (and use the option it has called C.O.D.). Can you believe that? The property could be shipped back safely, with a tracking #, automatically insured and I would pay for the shipping when it arrives. A two-year old could understand that, right? Not so at Julien's Auctions.

  What could bring Darren Julien (and his partners in crime), to act so childishly? They insist that before they give back my property they want me to sign a "newly designed" INDEMNIFICATION contract where I will absolved them from any liability that may arise if the property is damaged or lost during transit shipped only by their shippers UPS or FEDEX. What's really odd is that Darren Julien emailed me stating that absolutely none of the property (including pieces inscribed "To Linda...."(Bennett"), from other actors that she worked and appeared with in film and TV was authentic. He stated that none of the 158 pieces had any value whatsoever. If that's the case...then why did he give 158 vaulations on the property to be consigned and why would he quote "Wow! These are amazing. They just keep getting batter and better." The pics that I forwarded to him for review were quiet large and clear. What's really puzzling is the fact that Darren Julien acknowledged that he took my property into his possession on August 14th confirming that ALL 158 pieces were accounted for...but, during the two months of no communication, somehow they apparently lost exactly "10" items (with an actual value of atleast $8500 dollars). I aksed him several times to back-track and check the property again just incase they had overlooked the missing pieces. Apparently...they don't do things like that at Julien's Auctions. Remember that newly designed INDEMNIFICATION contract they created a few weeks ago anf are insistin that I sign? Darren Julien just informed me this passed week that I do not agree to and sign it then he will hold my property indefinitely. Whatever happens to the property he is nolonger responsible nor does he care. I can come and get my property but only after I sign this newly designed INDEMNIFICATION contract. Don't sign it and they will not return your property.

   Regarding their CONTRACT...it states that a client's property is automatically insured when they take possession of the property, but my understanding now is that doesn't really aplly here. In the 39 years that I have been collecting autographs...I have ner=ver seen anyone that states that they do not want or need any kind of paperwork addressing the history and authentication of item(s), they intend to sell. Well...isn't that just interesting? He (and his parnter: mark Nolan), sold several pieces that I had sold several years ago without any kind of paperwork regarding the item(s), history and etc.

  In this case...they have that opportunity of actually giving any potential buyer(s), the true history of the item(s), and their response "We don't need it." There's something very, very wrong here folks...and it's not good. I recently tried contacting Darren Julien's co-partner/owner: Mark Nolan. I aksed him if he was aware of his partner's activitiy and all his lies. First he sounded as though he would step up to the plate, take charge of the situatio by being the mature adult here and get all this headache taken care of. Suddenly...he turned into his partner and has since gone silent. Back to the property (the 158 pieces), that were consigned...here's what darren Julien gave of them.

Low Estimate: $92,700.00 dollars

High estimate: $150, 200.00 dollars

The actual true value of the property? $278,850.00 dollars

I guess that both Darren Julien and his partner Mark Nolan think that they are going to keep my property and sell it to an outside private buyer at a later date and that I will just go away. I got news for them both. You do not steal from me and get away with it. Oh hell no!!!


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