  • Report:  #385009

Complaint Review: Justine Reyes Of John Robert Powers - Reno Nevada

Reported By:
- Reno, Nevada,

Justine Reyes Of John Robert Powers
7170 Gateway Dr. Reno, 89521 Nevada, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I was the Promotional Dir. of J.R.P. in Reno, NV. I was instructed by Justine Reyes the General Dir. to get names & phone no's of eager, hopeful and expectant young people and invite them to a Big Audition for acting & modeling. I would have to say "There will be a big Agent/casting director in town looking for fresh new actors/models."

This is your big chance! The fact is J.R.P. pays these so called Agents to do a sales pitch and Justine Reyes will then do her usual finality...You need experience to compete with the pros'. We can get you in, we have the connections... Kim Flowers, one of the big Agents is the owner of the Reno and Las Vegas JRP FRANCHISES.

She would then mention lots of famous movie stars like Grace Kelly or Lucille Ball (who never went to JRP) & say they graduated from JRP! She would get $1900-$10,000 whatever she could get. I would be promised bonuses, I would be lucky to get 2 $20 bonuses per month. The checks I got paid with were insufficient funds so often that the Atlantis Casino refused to cash. anymore.

I got over 100 people to sign up @ a halloween event and I did not receive 1 single bonus. My inadaquit $12 hr pay was changed to $2,000 monthly without my prior consent or knowledge. I resigned because I was being ripped off not only for bonuses but my names would mysteriously show up as students that Justine or one of her pampered employees would get the credit for.

She had the audacity to tell my friend and assistant Salvador to call security if I were near the ir Kiosk @ Meadowood Mall. I was furious when he sid Justine is worried that you may steal names and sell them to other schools. I was a professional and dedicated employee. I would never steal names. I have been ripped off, made false promises to and I am the one that has been ripped off.

I would love to tell the Media how Justine Reyes knowingly let an employee teach little kids acting classes that would repeatedly miss work because she was in jail for violating the Reno Drug Court for using meth. I kept telling Justine Reyes that this person did not show up and I called the Washoe Co. Jail and found out one numerous occasions she was incarcerated. When My Leads were taken and turned in as her leads I threatened to quit. I will be happy to help anyone in a Civil Lawsuit and would like to join in myself! Salvador would be interested also.


Reno, Nevada


7 Updates & Rebuttals


How Ironic. In response to these people without names claiming only good experiences!

#2UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sat, November 07, 2009

It's very ironic that all of a sudden we get two consecutive postings claiming to have had ONLY good experiences with Justine. Very ironic.... I wouldn't be surprised if Justine went telling all of her "best" friends to post these.

Hey! I wouldn't be surprised if Justine posted these herself! Knowing how slick she is-- for example, Justine... the main reason Sierra quit... because you were advicing for her to do things that broke the rules at events and cheating!

Yeah, Sierra told me and Karen how she quit because you were totally lacking professionalism and integrity and to top it off you wanted to take her along with you. She didn't quit because of Karen!

Sierra let us know how you asked her, "are you quitting because of Karen?" She told you, "no! It's not because of Karen! I love working with Karen!" It was because of you, period! She posted on a new application at the Disney Store have quit JRP RENO due to "MORAL ISSUES"!

So where I'm getting at with this is that it's not just me and Karen that had a problem with the lack of professionalism and integrity coming from Justine... it's various people!

Well, all I can do is respond to these people "know it alls" that want to come on this website and post things like they know me! They don't know me, they weren't there to notice Justine's attitude towards us, and I really don't even wanna know who you are!

It's obvious Justine is going to be VERY NICE to you, afterall.... you are paying her top dollars for many things! Things in which she used to get a very fair amount of commission out of your money and now... that she is the owner of a new company.. she makes a FULL profit! Ofcourse she's going to be very nice... you're not working for her.... she's working for you!

I really don't know what else to say about this... I mean... what should I respond to trash talking people?! What do I respond? People that don't even know me, weren't there, etc.! You people need to get a life! Bottom line!

You people claim to know about "disgruntled employees". I am daring Justine to respond to what I'm saying about me having quit! I dare you Justine to keep lieng and not put things out there like they really are!

I quit and I spoke with Kristen about this. I told her you're mean, unprofessional, unfair and a total liar! She agreed with me and like the phony that she is ran to you to let you know everything I had said.

Did you not speak with me over the phone after I spoke with her and you asked me, "so from my understanding you're only going to be here this week and you're leaving us?" And did I not tell you, "yes! That is correct! I see Kristen ran to you with what I have said, even though I asked her to give me the chance to express myself when I saw you again"!

So you people "know it alls" buzz on out of other people's business. The only person that can either respond with thruth or lies is Justine. Cappish? Comprende? Understood? Keep going all you people want... I don't need my lil' pals to post things to go in my favor!



United States of America
Nothing but good experiences

#3Consumer Comment

Fri, November 06, 2009

I have known Justine Reyes for 10+ years and unequivocally trust her with my son.  In my experience, she is a caring mother and one of the most honest, sincere, and trustworthy individuals you will meet.  I know Justine as working hard to support and plan events for local charities.  I have never seen Justine be anything but a true professional at any task she undertakes.  

Bottom line: Justine Reyes cares about people and wants nothing but the best for her students


United States of America
Only Positive experiences with Justine Reyes

#4Consumer Comment

Mon, November 02, 2009

Well I know how disgruntled employees can be, I was in business for 25 years and had my share of them. All I know is my daughter and I have only great things to say about Justine Reyes. We have known her for 6 years. My daughter was a student at JRP in Reno and is now a student with Justine again at Take 2 Performers. She has always treated us with respect and professionalism. I have never seen anything else from Justine.

As far as the complaint goes, I don't agree with several things said. It is true that if you  want to succeed in the entertainment industry, you need to have an Agent and training. My daughter did get an Agent through JRP and she went on to shoot 7 National commercials and is a Screen Actors Guild member. This would not have happened if it weren't for Justine's hard work getting Agents and casting directors to come to Reno to audition her students. We are very thankful for her. It is very expensive and time consuming to travel back and forth from Reno to LA to look for an Agent. You can't just walk into their offices and be seen, it does not work that way, you need some connections. And JRP provided those for many fortunate students. And Kim Flowers is not an Agent. She was the owner of JRP in Reno and is still the owner of JRP in Las Vegas. She is my daughter's manager not Agent.

Also my daughter always had very capable teachers that genuinely cared about the kids success's. We never encountered any problems with them. If we were not happy with our previous experience with Justine Reyes my daughter would not be taking classes at her new studio now.

Justine Reyes really cares about her students and wants only the best for them. We are sorry she has to go threw this harrassment, she does not deserve it.




Karen's reply to Justine's allegations

#5Author of original report

Wed, October 07, 2009

Well, you really have a lot of "excuses" and "explanations" to your actions. First of all I was NOT fired from John Robert Powers. I called you and told you I would work one last day but I that I was resigning. I do have proof of this. "If I do not receive an apology for you posting on a public web-site that I was fired, I will proceed to take legal action." We talked about this before. There is a law against "defamation of character." You see, after I resigned, I proceeded to go to the Unemployment Office. I have never collected unemployment and I did not know the guidelines.

When I applied for "Unemployment", guess what? I was not able to collect because I was NOT FIRED! In fact, I still have documentation from the State of Nevada informing me that I can not collect any unemployment because my employer, Justine Reyes of John Robert Powers in Reno, NV did not fire me and I had "quit." 

First of all ,  I resigned from John Robert Powers because I was the Promotional Director and continued to not only get payroll checks that were bouncing, promised "bonuses" for getting X amount of leads and new students as a result of my leads (which I only received 7 bonuses for literally thousands of leads,(that had your name on them as well as Anna, and Shandell) but, you showed favortism to other employees over me, as well as to Salvador. I worked 48 hours, set up for all of the Special Events, such as the Reno Balloon Races. I, incidently, got up at 3:00 am so I could put up the canopy, talble, chairs, etc. , in the dark and freezing rain. Not to mention traveling to Lake Tahoe for Octoberfest by myself to set up for that event. What about the Camel Races? How about the Reno Convention Center, for Halloween Safe Streets, when I was told by you, in front of the other employees in my dept., that anyone that gets 100 leads will get $100. When I brought in 106 leads, you actually were angry and did not want to pay me the promised bonus. Salvador also got 100 leads. He never did get his bonus! 

You made me always go and set up. When the former Promo Dir. was working, she was allowed to make out the schedule and she had  the other employees come in early to set up for the events, namely me! When she came back to work you really did insult me! You did not schedule her to come and help me set up for early events. You really showed "discrimination" when she was allowed to come into the office and call my leads! I had previously been promised! Karen, next week you can start calling leads and making bonuses....That only happened 1 time!

When I asked you for gas allowance, after learning that you gave the former Promo Dir., gas allowance on a monthly basis, I was scolded about expecting gas allowances! You did later agree to give me what was it, $25?

I am not only insulted, but my name and character is "defamed" publicly! I can proove that you did employ known Methamphetemin Drug users.

You do remember when I reported to you that Shandell was in Washoe County Jail on about 3 or 4 occasions? I called the jail myself when she did no show up or call in. In fact I explained to you that another one of my Promotional  Dept. employees was living with Shandell at a Drug Rehab. facility, and both employees were currently going to Drug Court!

I would really think about this before you write another false rebuttal. I have first and last names. I know the father and mother of the girl that informed me about Shandell. There are public records that can verify that both of JRP employees were going to Drug Court. I complained to you because Shandell kept missing work, stealing my leads and I finally told you that if she did not get fired that I would quit. And yes, here is an instructor, teaching little children drama and dance classes while using Meth. She lost custody of her own child because of repeated arrests. Finally, now that you have a new business, Take 2 Performers Studio. You have posted that you resigned from JRP prior to all of the bad pubicity....NOT TRUE. you were sued for taking money for new students even though you knew JRP was being shut down for false advertising, misleading prospective students, false promises, etc . Read all of the John Robert Powers Complaints. I think the public should be aware of facts! NOT FALSE STAEMENTS! Karen Cottey


To whoever called me "disgruntled" and to Justine

#6UPDATE EX-employee responds

Mon, October 05, 2009

First of all no need to say who I am, my name is at the bottom of my report. I don't need to hide my persona! I'm responding to whoever it was that called me disgruntled and to Justine. You people always seem to drop something out the door- your faces!

I was fired as a matter of fact, but I'd like for you guys to tell the truth as to how things really happened! I QUIT after making it clear to Kristen that I did NOT appreciate the way I was treated by Justine and that I did not like the way Justine had personal preferences with some of the other employees!

Ironically and very conveniently for Justine... after I said "I QUIT" you called me in to the office to tell you that you had to let me go! How convenient! After I make it clear I quit because of the way I was treated!

Not only was it the way that I was treated differently from the other employees, but I was always being horrased by Justine's people. You know this, Justine. You always had your people such as friends, father, Loretta, Jocelyn and Kristen "watching" us and having them report to you and you always believed what those lieng bitter people would say about me!

Not just me, but about Nicole, Molly and Moniq! They were all horrased and stalked at the mall and lies were said about them as well! Molly and Nicole told me how your father had lied to you by saying that neither of them were working when I was shopping at the mall the day your father claimed to have seen no one at the kiosk and I saw them working, as a matter of fact! So your father lied about Molly, Nicole and Moniq.... for whatever reason!

Don't tell me that you didn't have your people in the mall "observing" and reporting things to you. Things that weren't even true. In many ocassions I was in the office or you telling me over the phone that your "people" had sent you e-mails or had dropped by to report to you!

There was also the thing about the bonuses. You would call the whole Promotional Department for meetings in the mall... out of all places... you very unprofessionaly called meetings in the food court at the mall and that's where you always made false promises about bonuses.

In one occasion, Justine, you said that whoever got the most leads in the Halloween event that there would be a $100.00 bonus... I was the one that got the most leads that day and I did NOT get anything! Ironically, the people that I signed up as leads ended up in YOUR sales and commissions book!

I know this, because Karen suggested everyone to keep track of their leads. Then what happens?? When we look at YOUR sales and commissions book alot of our people are in the book as your leads and sales! How odd...

I want everyone out there reading this to read the following so you know in detail about my experience working for JRP Reno and why I feel I was not being treated fairly!

1.) Out of all the other employees I was the one that worked the hardest. All of the other little rich kids could miss work whenever they wanted, turn in only one (1) lead from a six (6) hour event, call in whenever they wanted and not one time was there any disciplinary action taken against them. Even when I would let Justine know that some of them would cheat at getting leads, she wouldn't do anything about it!

For example: One day I caught a co-worker by the name of Ana getting all of her friend's information out of her cell phone and writting them down as leads. Not only that, but she was actually calling all of her friends and letting them know that when JRP Reno calls, to just say that they weren't interested any more! I told Justine about this! Justine never did anything about it!

In another ocassion, we caught Ana stealing the Promotional Director's leads! We actually called up the leads Ana stole and confirmed with the people that it WAS the Promotional Director that had signed them up and not Ana. When we told Justine about this she told The Promotional Director, "well... Ana is an Elite student... her mother has paid over $10,000.00 and I can't tell her anything!"

So apparently the rich kids with the rich parents could get away with doing anything, because they were "elite" students that paid top dollars to get in to that academy!

They could even call in as often as they wanted and miss as often as they wanted! Hell! I was the only one getting up at 2:00AM to get to some events... the rich kids weren't doing that!

2.) There were many other situations where I noticed way too much personal preferences! People like Sean and Bobby Jo were the ones with this special attention!

For example: Sean was one of the kids that worked in the Promotional Department and he was always calling in, missing work and getting a lame amount of leads and ironically JRP still kept him! Sean got only one (1) lead at the Halloween event, when the rest had from 80-100+ leads and Sean got away with that without getting in any kind of trouble, but yet, you were very unhappy with the rest of us that got many leads! Bobby Jo was another very unethical individual!

Bobby Jo in her first event would not follow direction by the Promotional Director, was lacking leads, etc! I was very surprised when Justine had her in the schedule to start working in the mall!

Bobby Jo would never show up to work when she was on the schedule! I'm talking about her missing like two (2) months of work! I would keep calling Justine or even telling her in person that Bobby Jo would never show up and Justine wouldn't do anything about it and she still had her on the schedule when she knew she wasn't going to show up!

What really bothered me about this is that if I showed up by accident let's say at 10:00AM when I was on the schedule for 1:00PM I wouldn't hear the last thing coming from Justine! Very unfair that if I would make one mistake in comparison to all the other lazy people working in the same department, I was the only one to hear about it! Very unfair!

Then again, I understand, Justine... I know that you personally knew Sean's mother and you even went out with her for lunch and what not! No wonder you would let him get away with anything.

3.) Justine is nothing but a BIG TIME LIAR. When she hired me she promised me office hours! Even if it was one day a week to go in for the screening days! She never came through with her word! You can't really trust her!

She doesn't even have a good memory and doesn't even know what she's talking about!

For example: When she first hired me she told me that she'd have me do in-office booking, office work, etc. atleast once a week. She never allowed me to do this. So you can't trust her on her word.

When she first scheduled me she had me go to the State Fair event to get leads. She even had it in her own handwritting on the schedule that the State Fair was where I should've been. So my first day I was at the State Fair and she was at another event and she was talking about me by saying things like, "I don't know about that Salvador! I told him to not be at the State Fair". Later on Karen told me about how she was talking about me and how Justine had no good memory.

When she first hired me she also told me that the only thing I had to do was approach people and say, "hey! I'd like to invite you in for a FREE SCREENING!" Well apparently after she's had me saying that for months, all of a sudden it's a problem! She says that she's very disappointed in me because I'm not supposed to say "FREE SCREENING", even though, that's what she told me to say! SO... who does understand what she wants?!

Towards the end she also had a problem with me signign up "too many Hispanics"! Who knows what that was all about.... She claimed that she did say that but that it wasn't what it sounded to be.

I think that if it wasn't what it sounded to be, she wouldn't have said anything, because that's a certain race she's talking about. She should really consider her words!

4.) Another thing that really bothered me was the whole thing about the leads. THE WHOLE Promotional Department was getting leads with false names and false phone numbers. It wasn't just me, it was THE WHOLE DEPARTMENT! That wasn't our fault, if people had a hard time saying "no" to our offer and decided to just give us false information!

Ana, Moniq, Sean, Adam (especially Adam), Molly, Nicole, Eagle, Sierra and Karen were all getting leads with false names and phone numbers. Apparently only Karen and I were the ones to hear about it!

I still remember that when Karen would go in to the office you would hand her the leads with the false names and you got an attitude with her! Not only her, but you would do the same to me!

What was most unprofessional was that you were handing me all of the other staff's "bad leads" as if I were in charge of the progress of their work! Only I heard about it and had to take it for the others! Really not fair!

What made it even more unfair was that after I noticed that so many people gave out false information, I decided to not write down the names any further so you guys would stop suspecting that I was making the information up.

Even though, you saw that people were writting their own information down and it was still false names and phone numbers you still held me accountable for their actions!

You could clearly see it wasn't my hand writting anymore and I even spoke to Justine about it. It was still not good enough! So there's really no pleasing you people!

5.) Finally, I have never appreciated hipocrisy! Every single one of the girls working in that office were VERY FAKE! They were all suck-ups to Justine and yet, they talked really bad about her behind her back. A couple of them even got in to some conversations about it with me!

I still remember when I first went in to meet with Karen, Justine had not arrived yet and Waters was talking about Justine really bad.

She was complaing that Justine had her doing too much work and that she didn't appreciate so much thrown at her and that she'd like to see Justine do the work herself! And here Waters is calling me disgruntled on Justine's side, when she talks bad about her as much as anyone else has!

Then there was another occassion when I went in to the office when Justine wasn't there. Nicole was at the front desk and I went in for something and out of the blue, Nicole began talking about Justine.

She began saying that Justine just loves accussing people of not working and that that's the way she loves to intimidate her employees! Nicole said that Justine would always accuse her of not working when she wasn't there.

I ask myself, how would Justine even know if Nicole's not working if she's not even in the office?! It's apparent that it's Justine's trend to accuse all her employees of not working, without seeing it herself!

How about the time I last spoke with Kristen?! I called Kristen to let her know that I was quitting, because I did NOT appreciate the way that Justine treated me in comparison to other employees that proved to be less efficient.

Kristen immediately agreed with me and said the following, "Oh! I know, hun! Justine can be a pretty mean boss! As a matter of fact, I wouldn't still be here if it weren't for the fact that I love doing what I do! Oh no! I would've been gone because of her already, but I love doing what I do!"

Kristen even said that it's very well know for peole to quit, because of Justine! She even said that Justine is very unfair, because Justine never really went out to do what the whole Promotional Department would do!

Kristen said that she only depended on the "advertising" for the leads to get to her. She didn't do any hard work like the Promotional Department.

So my point is that I'm glad I QUIT! Technically speaking I DID QUIT.... I DID NOT GET FIRED! You fired me after I said "I QUIT DUE TO THE WAY I'M TREATED!" I don't want to be around so many fake people and so much drama!

Sorry I wasn't one of those mommy and daddy boys that had the rich parents so I could get away with everything and have the middle class kids picked on! Sorry I wasn't at your level! But hey... you're all at your level.... you're all talking behind your backs and you still stay on the same side. That's what's really sad!

I spoke with Waters a while back. She told me that her and Justine would have a new Performer's Academy open very soon.

I offered to get you guys some very good leads (at no cost). I did some of my own advertising and marketing and got over thirty (30) leads and called Waters to let her know about this. I never got called back.

I think it's apparent who's not holding a grudge and who's the disgruntled ones here. I know that Justine has gotten her new academy opened. So, Justine, I just have to say the following to you:

I have seen your website and biography. I think you look very good. It's awfully nice to see that your own son is one of the success stories and I trully do wish you the best.

I am not one that has any right to hate or hold any kind of grudge against any one. I just feel that I was treated unfairly and was taken advantage of.

Knowing you, you're probably sitting there reading this and rolling your eyes with a snob smile on your face as you read that I'm wishing you good luck! But I mean it!

From the bottom of my heart, Justine, I wish you the best in your new Performer's Academy. May all your wishes in the field that you have selected as your career exceed what you have expected.

I also hope you and your family are doing well and that this new academy can open many opportunites for you and all of your children.... and once again, there's no hard feelings from my behalf.

The things I went through in JRP Reno are simply things I will never forget! It just hurts that you guys know what you did and that it was wrong and you still have the nerve to call me disgruntled and lie by stating that I was fired, when you know for sure that I quit!

But I'll say it again, I am no one with any authority to hold a grudge against any one and I AM ONE that has the authority to forget and forgive. I have my own very serious health issues with dialysis and everything else, I don't need the drama, I don't want to hear about this anymore and I don't want to respond to any of this any more!

All I can really say again is that you look good and I wish the best of luck for you and your new academy and that your family is alright. That's all!

Justice In Reno

Justine's response

#7REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sun, July 26, 2009

It has recently come to my attention that two reports were filed against me on Rip off Report. The reports were filed in October 2008, I resigned from John Robert Powers Reno in August 2007. I was not the owner and was not responsible for the paychecks bouncing. I resigned because my paychecks were bouncing just like everyone elses and I did not like nor agree with the way the owners of JRP Reno conducted business. I do not know the instructor that is referred to in this report, however, I would NEVER knowingly put a child in harms way. I have two young children of my own and love them dearly. It is frustrating and hurtful that things can be said about someone on the internet with absolutely no proof.

Justice In Reno

Disgruntled employees

#8UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, July 16, 2009

Both of the employees filing reports were fired from John Robert Powers Reno. This is simply a case of disgruntled employees.

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