  • Report:  #1071548

Complaint Review: K9 Kingdom - Colorado Springs Colorado

Reported By:
maximus - Woodland Park, Colorado,

K9 Kingdom
1495 Ford Street Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA
(719) 629-7739
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

We chose K9 Kingdom because Stephen Torres had made so many promises about their special training program.  He told us our dog would learn how to be a protection dog for our family, which was the main reason we went with them. They said our dog would work with the SAR dogs to gain confidence in order to build him up for the protection training.  But they said he first needed to do the board-in training so he can learn all of the commands they use (our dog already knew basic obedience) which made sense to us at the time since they were going to train him to be a protection dog.  We were promised completion of his training in 6 months.  We were promised in home sentry (guard dog) training.  We were promised for life access to medical and grooming care. We were promised that our dog would gain muscle mass.  We were showed all the vitamins that were to be given to our dog. We were also promised free boarding whenever we needed it.  We were also promised bite work training (training involving our dog being able to attack intruders).  Stephen told us that they would work with our busy schedules and schedule training sessions around our work schedules.

None of the promises were kept; in fact I was laughed by the trainers, when I asked about when our in home training would start.  During our dog's board-in training, he was never bathed, he smelled very bad and was clearly covered in urine.  His teeth were never cleaned; we had to brush his teeth so many times to get them clean again, our dog's gums were bleeding a lot.  He also lost a lot of weight.  

The most disturbing thing that happened to our dog during the board-in training was an injury to his ear.  A good portion of his left ear was bitten off.  No one called us to tell us of his injury.  I was told when I went to visit our dog.  Stephen promised to have his vet look at the ear and come up with a solution and a presentation on how to fix my dog's ear. (My dog is a purebred dog and comes from a long line of award winning show dogs, because of his injury; he cannot be a show dog). None of that happened.

My wife would take our dog to training sessions on Saturdays, but the trainer was always late and when Stephen was supposed to show up for special training sessions he never showed up.  She finally stopped going because it was a waste of time and gas. We also called a few times for the boarding services and they always said they were filled and could not take him.  

When I came home from deployment I set up appointments to finish his training.  Upon speaking to the trainer, (not Stephen) I realized that in home was not going to happen.  I then asked about the bite work/protection training, and they said they needed us to leave our dog there for 2 weeks.  Upon pick up, again he was in filthy condition and very thin.  They said he has potential for protection dog but that I needed to take him to a specialist to start that training.  Apparently they do not have a protection dog specialist on staff.  This is what we thought we were paying for. I then realized the whole thing was a scam and asked for half of my money back, since protection training never took place. The answer was no, and the owner would not take my calls when I tried to find out why.  

4 Updates & Rebuttals


Colorado Springs,
Please Dont Believe The K9 Kingdom Employees

#2Consumer Comment

Tue, September 03, 2013

I believe everything this customer is reporting about this company. I was an employee who also were told to tell customer things which were untrue. As you can see from the rebuttals of this company how unprofessional they are and how they response to customer service. The only make themselves look bad and make matters worse. To blame a customer on their dog missing part of their ear or even the lack of training being the customer's fault is inappropriate. This is all coming from a company who is no longer in business. Why? Just go and have your dog trained by them and see why. As an employee, Mr. Torres was never there because he would ride around his truck with certain female employees he was having an affair with. This is not hearsay, this is facts. If anyone has any legal action against K9 Kingdom, I am more than happy to help. This has become a company who has not apologized for their wrong doings, but has made excuses for their mistakes. Enough is Enough! The first step to maturity is taking responsibility for your actions. I apologize to this customer for the wrong that were done to you, and I deeply regret ever being part of such a company. 

Since you all over at K9 Kingdom are so good at fraud, lies, and manipulation, maybe you should join politics.


Colorado Springs,
yes dramatized.

#3REBUTTAL Owner of company

Thu, August 08, 2013


Trainers were avaiable to train, no one eve turned you down and we even made arrangments for a house call. That YOU cancelled we even asked to come early.  So please rephrase that we cancelled with you. Seems you have a hard to admitting to your faults and problems. And like to put the blame on others.


But we're the bad guys. So yes you are dramatic, and it is your fault why you're dog has not been trained properly. We were here for your convience and I know for a fact that we never turned yor down for training or boarding. That was a little absurd to say in the front place. 

We took the dog even after you negelected to continue his training and had him here for two weeks. Which might i add, he did very vell but it seems a little strange that when his owner comes around he cowards..... not a good sign on your part. 

Once again please try sticking to the truth....good always overcomes bad 


Woodland Park,

#4Author of original report

Thu, August 08, 2013

You guys are unbelievable.  Really dramatic? Half of my dog's ear is gone... Dramatic? You never had the ability to conduct protection training, but you lied to my face and took the money.  Dramatic... The last 2 times your trainers were not there, so we stopped because it was a waste of time and money. Steven never showed up for the agility training.  Dramatic?  Even our vet said he lost weight and was in need of dental care and grooming while in your care.  Dramatic... during training sessions you never said anything about body language, the words you used were "good job".

What is the point of showing up if the trainer was not there and the protection training was never going to start?  You are liars: my dog was not in training because I was deployed and my wife was given the run around about the specialized agility and protection training.  Everything I stated was a fact not a dramatization.  Instead of working with me on this issue the manager would not even return my calls. Since your lead trainer (Steven Torres) is in jail again, the other two trainers are not aware of what I was promised, so they should not have anything to say about this matter. 


Report Attachments


Colorado Springs,
little dramatized

#5UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, August 07, 2013

After reading your quite over dramatized accusaitons, I felt it was only proper to help others see exactly what you have left out.


Not only have you, your girlfriend, nor your dog not been in our office since the middle of february, but we have never once had a phone call from you until this past month regarding any futher training for him. I was wondering how is a dog to be trained without being brought to his on-site training facility? Now I understand that you are quite upset that your dog is not the protecter who dreamed of having, but again one cannot be taught without proper classroom participation. That does include the dogs owner as well.

So please try to include all the facts before bashing a company. you have not been present or heard from in 7 months and after seeing how you treat your animal its not wonder he needs training you do not use the proper commands or body language. But you would have known these , if you had participated, scheduled or showed up for classes and training sessions.

good luck

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