  • Report:  #1114787

Complaint Review: Kaiser Foundation Hospital - Woodland Hills California

Reported By:
scott - san fernando, California,

Kaiser Foundation Hospital
5601 Desoto Avenue Woodland Hills, California, USA
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Kaiser Foundation Hospital ripped off my RIGHTS as set forth under both the California Labor Code and the California Civil Code; the two most significant rights being my right to privacy and my right to receive medical care at Kaiser’s expense, which is limited by law to $10, 000. Each step that Kaiser took along the way while ripping of my rights began with a solicitation of first the Olive View Medical Center, then, followed by The Law Firm of Rowen, Gurvey & Win, Dr. Samer Alaiti, and Dr. Paul Grodan, each of whom eventually producing fraudulent documents in opposition to my workers’ compensation claim for compensation; these fraudulent documents represent a chronicle of events whose collection is a finding that my injuries are none but one, non-industrial, injury for which Kaiser is not liable to compensate.

This report is a prelude that is to be taken as a notice by Kaiser and his accomplices that they have until January 17, 2014, the day on which the Court of Appeals will take oral arguments from the parties describe above (less The Law Firm of Rowen, Gurvey & Win) to compensate me for the damages that I sustained from the drug-induced rash that they inflicted upon me for nearly three years; otherwise, the subject matter of the report that follows this one will be a revelation of techniques employed by you and your accomplices as cheats whom act to dictate the legal processing of a cause of action, such as a claim for workers’ compensation or a civil action. In this report, I recite from my opening brief the statement of facts.


 I was a part-time employee at Kaiser Foundation Hospital where I would clean rooms. Prior to my employment at Kaiser, I have had a heart disease condition from which I would fall ill periodically and required rest. I have already been working at Kaiser for nearly years when I fell ill once again requiring time off from work; about thirty days after I first felt ill, however, this time sores began to appear inside my mouth and on my scalp.

I sought medical treatment from the Olive View Medical Center where my injuries were diagnosed as bacterial infections, including staph. My injuries were treated by those doctors working under Olive View's Infectious Disease Department and discharged four days later with instructions to return to Olive View's Dermatology Outpatient Clinic on July 17, 2008 for outpatient treatment.

On July 17, 2008, the Olive View’s Infectious Disease/Dermatology Outpatient Clinic instructed me to start taking prednisone for treatment of my injuries. The sores did not go away; instead, the sores began to spread down my person. For the next five months, I was scheduled to report on a monthly basis to Olive View’s Outpatient Clinic where some doctor would generate a medical record on which was stated the deterioration of my health due to a skin disease called pemphigus vulgaris. Without a subpoena or my authorization, Olive View disclosed my medical records to Kaiser in December 2008. Kaiser had further disclosed my medical records to Dr. Alaiti in December 2008 and to Dr. Grodan in July 2009.

On August 27, 2008, I sought assistance of a workers’ compensation attorney from The Law Firm of Kenneth H. Rowen (now called The Law Firm of Rowen, Gurvey & Win) During the workers’ compensation claims process, The Law Firm of Rowen, Gurvey & Win produced documents whose information at face value appeared to promote the legal efforts taken by the Law Firm in fighting my claim against Kaiser. An analysis of those documents, however, reveals that the Law Firm had not acted to represent my interest, but for protection of Kaiser’s interest.

The Law Firm of Rowen, Gurvey & Win instructed me to visit Dr. Alaiti at his office on December 03, 2008 at which time Dr. Alaiti performed a visual examination of my injuries. The examination lasted fifteen minutes. Over the next three months, Dr. Alaiti produced three medical-legal comprehension reports each of which was provided to Kaiser, but not me. Dr. Alaiti’s reports contain his impressions of my injuries; these impressions are based upon the information that he derived from my Olive View medical records, specifically the information from those records produced in the period between July 17, 2008 and December 12, 2008 and concerning the pemphigus vulgaris.

Kaiser instructed me to visit Dr. Grodan at his office on July 09, 2009 at which time Dr. Grodan interviewed me during a period lasting for nearly eight (8) hours. Dr. Grodan produced a report on January 05, 2010 and disclosed it to Kaiser, but not me. Dr. Grodan’s impressions of me and my injuries are based upon informations that he collected from the interview, Dr. Alaiti’s reports, my medical records from Kaiser Permanente Hospital, and my medical records from Olive View.

Kaiser collected the documents described above and presented them to a law administration judge as evidence of opposition to my claim for compensation. On an Addendum A that is attached to a compromise and release application, Kaiser flatly denies that I had sustained any workplace injury during the course of my employment at Kaiser. Furthermore, Kaiser states on the Addendum A that its denial is based upon Dr. Grodan’s report.


I had sustained two distinct types of injuries; the first injury was a group of injuries diagnosed by Olive View as bacterial infections. The second injury was inflicted upon me when I began to take prednisone, and it lasted for a period of nearly three years. During that period of time, I had experienced between six to eight outbreaks of lesions wherefrom the intensity of each outbreak of lesions was greater than that before it; eventually my entire body was covered with open sores.

I asked my ex-husband, SB, for help one year later following the initial outbreak of sores. He spent the next two years in research to cure me from my injuries. He was the one who figured out that Olive View faked the diagnosis of pemphigus vulgaris and the prednisone treatment was wrong. He also figured out that Kaiser masterminded a plot from which he intended to inflict a drug-induced rash upon my person.  SB’s next report will be based upon the laws; that is, the laws that Kaiser and his accomplices had looped through in effort to protect Kaiser from the liability for my injuries

2 Updates & Rebuttals



#2Consumer Comment

Tue, June 10, 2014

 How did you know that Kaiser sent your records to outside individuals/facilities??? The only way this can be done is with a records request from the patient (I know because I worked in Records Management). In order to believe your report you must prove with actual copies of the records release forms without your signature on them.

If they did indeed do this then contact JCAHO and your State Health and Humans resouces department.  Plus provide absolute proof that these diagnosis were fake - not your or your ex's records but actual Hospital records.  I have a hard time believing what you are saying is true.


They DO have the right...

#3General Comment

Mon, June 09, 2014

 As YOUR employer AND as the entity that YOU expect to pay for your medical problems, they have the right to ask for information pertaining to the injury that YOU are claiming. Great thing about America is that you are innocent until PROVEN guilty BEYOND A SHADOW OF A DOUBT!!!! This INCLUDES companies. YOU cannot falsely accuse them without putting yourself at further risk of being sued. Especially in THIS instance with THIS report. AND I QUOTE........ He was the one who figured out that Olive View faked the diagnosis of pemphigus vulgaris and the prednisone treatment was wrong. He also figured out that Kaiser masterminded a plot from which he intended to inflict a drug-induced rash upon my person.......

First predisone is used for asthma and breathing problems. It IS NOT a immunobooster. It is the exact opposite. Second, YOU have made the ASSUMPTION that Kaiser has "masterminded" a plot to cause YOU to have a RASH!!! Third, I HIGHLY doubt that your ex-husband has the medical training nessasary to make ANY kind of correct diagnosis. Internet research is JUST information. Without the appropriate training he can not diagnose you. A brown Recluse bite can look like a bad skin leision, but if you did not know what you were looking at, you would prescribe a salve that reduced swelling and itching and had an antibiotic property to it. All of which would cause the bite to infect and fester and cause FURTHER damages to the skin. Lastly, how EXACTLY has your employer violated ANY of YOUR rights. From your post............Kaiser Foundation Hospital ripped off my RIGHTS as set forth under both the California Labor Code and the California Civil Code; the two most significant rights being my right to privacy and my right to receive medical care at Kaiser’s expense, which is limited by law to $10, 000. When you make a WORKERS COMP claim, the company you have made a claim against has the right to the information BECAUSE you are claiming that you have this injury from working there AND you expect THEM to pay for it. So no rights of privacy have been violated because THEY are a part of the situation that YOU are claiming.

To address your second rights violation, you DO NOT have the right to medical treatment AT THEIR EXPENSE if you have not ACTUALLY been injured at work. As what YOU have claimed is a BACTERIAL INFECTION, it can be picked up ANYWHERE!! You would have to "Show cause" and show connectivity. Meaning YOU would have to come up with a PLAUSIBLE reason as to HOW AND WHERE you contracted this infection AT WORK. And you CANNOT just claim you picked it up at work, if that was the case MORE employees would have contracted this. If YOU are the ONLY person at work to be infected with this bacterial infection, that would then mean that you contracted this elsewhere and are just looking for deep pockets to pick. Kinda funny how you turn YOUR illness into something to profit off of. I don't think you are going to win this one as they have done nothing wrong. YOU however have given them all the ammo they need to sue you. The web is treated just like any other media outlet and YOU CANNOT POST YOUR OPINIONS AND ASSUMPTIONS AS FACT!!! When you do, you are violating quite a few laws. Ok so working in a medical environment means that no matter how careful you are that you WILL catch something. Most times its a cold or a flu.

While it is unfortunate that you are dealing with this, you need to consider that you may be WRONG!!!! You have made assumption based off of very little information. You have played connect the dots with invisible dots. YOU NEED TO PROVE THAT YOU CONTRACTED THIS AT WORK OR EVERY BIT OF EVERY APPOINTMENT THAT YOU HAVE BEEN SENT TO IS GOING TO COME DUE!!!! And you WILL have to pay it. FYI: Did YOU KNOW that bacteria have DNA and can be tracked. So if they have a sample of YOUR sickness and its not matching up with anything else in the hospital, that would point to be an outside source for YOUR infection.

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