  • Report:  #1231186

Complaint Review: KAISER PERMANENTE OCR - Nationwide

Reported By:
Clamity Jane - Newark, California, USA

Nationwide, USA
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This is what I received from Kaiser when I asked what happened to my emails from January 2012 to February 2012 when I filed a complaint about the Hippa Breach. They are using this letter to tell me that I have NO right to those emails in MY online email account with Kaiser! Just “WTF” do they think they are?

 It is a letter dated July 26, 2012 informing me that this Hippa Violation Breach was closed & it doesn’t even acknowledge the fact that I sent a complaint in to find out where those two months went. The OCR & Kaiser knows where they are & what happened to them. The “Good Buddies” are keeping tight on that one. I now refer to the OCR as “Off Consumers Rights” just slapped Kaiser on the hand & it was business as usual with the two “Good Buddies”.

 Since when can Kaiser go into my online Kaiser Membership email & take the Hippa Violation Emails & delete them? Just “WTF” do they think they are? a*s the lot of them not to mention “Iiddiioottss”  & very very good liers.

 Since January 19, 2012 when the Hippa Violation occurred & Kaiser along with there “Good Buddies” over at the OCR went back to business as usual. Since this incident someone has stole my ID, they have tried to get refills, they have used my SS# to file taxes, I had to mail my taxes in they couldn’t be done online someone else had already filed there taxes under my SS#. I have had to file a police report, contact the three credit bureaus, contact the FTC, submit documents not to mention filling out forms to the IRS along with proving who I’m etc., etc. 

 Someone needs to answer for this & they need to be SUED for what they have done. And like I have said many times it has taken me as long as four years to catch “Evil Corrupt Corporations” & it is time for Kaiser to get the well deserved “Karma” that has been waiting for them. That ACE up my sleeve I believe will do that for me.

The OCR also needs to be sued. They can’t open this case again per there own documents submitted to me along with the rules & regulations. They can’t go to the documents that were sent to them in January 2012 & February 2012 they don’t have them.

They have the nerve to ask me again to send them? They can go “F***” themselves for all I care. They have been informed if they want documents they can go to the many websites they have been posted on to get them. Liers absolutely disgusting!

13 Updates & Rebuttals


#2Author of original report

Sun, July 10, 2016

I'm attaching documents along with emails that show just how far ALL involved & the extremes they take to make it all go away. When we can't control what goes on behind clossed doors we have NO RIGHTS this is a perfect TEXT BOOK EXAMPLE.

No matter how many laws are passed to protect us under Hipaa Violations it will never work.  This situation I have had to deal with since January 19, 2012 to July 10, 2016 shows you how & why.

The OCR/HHS/DMHC & KAISER  their Good Buddies  will do & the extremes they will take to HIDE IT ALL behind closed doors.  Its a waste of our tax dollars they don't protect anything!!!!

They are totally out of control & have been doing it for so long they don't care how bad they look or sound this its about as Corrupted as it gets.  The emails I'm attaching are from January 19, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 & 2016 tells it all & its a REAL DOOZY!!!!!

Report Attachments


#3Author of original report

Fri, July 08, 2016

I'm uploading documents with this post.  I find it very disgusting that the very agencies state & federal that our tax dollars go to to protect our Civil Rights DON'T they do the OPPOSITE. 

This is just a small fraction of what has happened & continues to happen from January 19, 2012 to the present day July 8, 2016.  They ALL NEED TO BE PROSECUTED TO THE FULLEST EXTENT OF THE LAW. Every single case from January 19, 2012 up to the present day that has been filed by any Kaiser Member to the OCR HHS DMHC especially Emma Roberts, Michael Leoz needs to be investigated again along with DMHC Laureene Brown.




Report Attachments


#4Author of original report

Tue, June 28, 2016

This is the phone number that the Office of Civil Rights the Health & Human Services & the OCRmail@hhs gov Ms.Emma Roberts Michael Leoz & Fong use & its still on the documents up to this day from them. The companies you see also use this number.


Report Attachments


#5Author of original report

Mon, June 20, 2016

That is one of the documents I'm uploading the THRID STORY about what happened to me & the Thirty-Five Kaiser Members (35) who also experienced the Hipaa Breach Violations that day the ones I know about there are probably a lot more.


Another document will be the explaination from Kaiser's Permanente Data Support Administration dated January 26, 2016 explaining to me about why I can't get my ID nor my Password to go away.


In December of 2015 when I sent my answer to Kaisers' CPC CHC CHPC in an email & in writing by snail mail in the addressed envelope is when things started to happen in my online Kaiser Member Account. 


When I had gone in to use my Kaiser Member Online Account I couldn't get the password nor the the ID to go away, I sent several emails about it.


The letter I'm uploading is the answer I got from Kaiser Permanente's Data Support Administrator this is another LIE in writing.  


If they knew what I have & have accumlated from Janaury 19, 2012 to the present they would not be putting Outright LIES like this in writing. 


I have had this account since Janaury 2012 & have NEVER had this happen.  Anyone that is a Kaiser Member or knows anything about their email account through Kaiser knows that what has been put in writing is impossible. 



It is so wrong what Kaiser Permanente, The OCR, the HHS & the DMHC continue to do to this day.  You can tell they have been doing this for a long time & have gotten very sloppy & they don't care.


I hope that EVERYONE who has been involved with this goes straight to PRISON for me its going on four (4) years who knows how many people's Civil Rights have been violated by the state & federal agencies that we pay our tax dollars or how many years this goes back!



Report Attachments


#6Author of original report

Sat, December 12, 2015

I'm attaching a letter from Kaiser's Privacy Compliance Program Manager NCAL Regional Compliance & Privacy Office two page.

My answer to that letter five page Kaiser will stop at nothing to commit fraud no matter how much evidence shows the lies. 

Report Attachments


#7Author of original report

Sat, December 12, 2015

I'm attaching a letter from Kaiser's Privacy Compliance Program Manager CPC, CHC & CHPC. 

This letter that was sent to me is seals everything that Kaiser has lied, tampered with & removed evidence not to mention the lengths they will go to keep it quite.

They have gone into my online Kaiser Account & "Deleted" ALL my Hipaa Breach Violations that I filed in January, February & March of 2012.

Both months January & February are GONE PHOOF just like Kaiser likes to do business. 

This started on January 19, 2012 & continues to this day December 11, 2015.  I have had FOUR (4) years to gather up all the documents that I have been sent by Kaiser, The DMHC, The HHS & The OCR & what they have allowed Kaiser to do with just slaps on the hands & technical support.

Who knows how long this has been going on & just how many people have been not only "Screwed" but their Civil Rights being Violated. 

This letter will show you just how far they are willing to go to cover this up.  They try to intimidate you they try anything & everything to make you & what happened go away.

They want to come to my house & pick up a receipt they think I have from January 19, 2012 is this not outrageous or what? 

They don't care how many lies they tell to make it go & seem like it never happened.  They "Stonewall" you every step of the way basically make it absolutely impossible to bring them to justice for what they have done & continue to do to this day. 

Please read these letters Kaiser's dated the 2nd of December & my answer to Kaiser's letter dated the 4th of December 2015



#8Author of original report

Sun, September 13, 2015

I would like to know why this was even mentioned on the second page of a document from one of Kaiser's Senior Consultant's it takes up a whole page!

Seems Kaiser just can't stop deleting all the natural resources we have left on this Earth!

Drugs have nothing to do with making a Kaiser Member sit 55 minutes for an appointment that they canceled to "COVER UP" the "Several Hippa Breach Violations" that happened on January 19, 2012!

That is the day I was scheduled to see "THREE DOCTORS" in "THREE DIFFERENT PLACES" at the SAME TIME & the SAME DAY!

And that is also the day I got to pay $45.00 for someone else when my co-pay is only $40.00 & I get another Kaiser Members "Medical Information Receipt" which was a "REPRINT" that means someone else registered this member & when I asked for mine it was also a "REPRINT" meaning I to was registered by someone else.

I don't know when the "Hippa Breach Violations" that I filed from my Kaiser Membership Account in January & February 2012 went there are NO emails for those months. 

And only the "Hippa Breach Violations" are gone for March 2012 emails.  My someone or many someone's have been very busy.

What is very upsetting is just how long has this been going on?

Why have the OCR the HHS & the DMHC allowed this type of violations to continue on a citizen of The United States of America? 

Has this type of crime gotten so out of hand they can’t control it?

What has been done here & continues to be done by the OCR the HHS & DMHC & Kaiser is despicable & they are nothing but hypocrites!!!!!!

Report Attachments


#9Author of original report

Sun, August 23, 2015

I will attaching several copies so that anyone that has problems with "IDENITY THEFT" need to look at these THREE GOVERNMENT AGENCIES "Office of Civil Rights, The Department of Managed Health Care & The Health Human Services Office".

 Identity Theft has gone into "Nano Seconds" that is how fast its moving & when you have government agencies listed above that aid "Identity Theft" you are basically screwed.

If you have had a problem with any type of "Identity Theft" investigate who, where & when you sent that information in.  The documents I will be uploading with this post will show you just how bad it’s gotten.  Take it to the people on the World Wide Web plaster it all over. 

This is what I have been forced to do “The Three Government Agencies”  (T.G.A.) the OCR the HHS & the DMHC not to mention there “Good Buddies” Kaiser.  

Look at these documents these are scans of the originals taken on January 19, 2012 when it all started.  Since this all happened in January on the 19th of 2012 my life has been turned upside down, inside out not to mention the stress time & money it has costs me & it continues to this day.

 Kaiser Permanente along with their “Good Buddies” has gone into MY Kaiser Membership Online Account & removed the HIPPA BREACH VIOLATION EMAILS “ALL” from January 19, 2012 to March 2012.

Kaiser along with there “Good Buddies” has done everything under the sun to prevent me from getting justice here.  Kaiser along with there “Good Buddies” have derailed me every single time when it came to the appeals & the actual complaints which has forced me to take it to the people on the World Wide Web & as far as I’m concerned “GLOVES ARE OFF” forever with me.

I will do everything in my power within the law to bring the “Guilty Parties” to justice so far its going on four years (4) sometimes it takes longer but it all comes out eventually.  Like I say nothing lasts forever not taxes not death & everything that has happened to me as far as finding out just how “Corrupt” this has become was “all” by “Accident”.  There is a higher authority involved with this “Corruption Discovery” & I hope “all” involved go straight to prison. 

This symbol here $$$$$$ is what its all about these are dollar signs & behind these dollar signs are bars where I hope ALL THE GUILTY GO!!!!  Can you imagine just how many people that are Kaiser Members that this has affected?  I can’t even imagine that is how big this story is.  All of this for ONE big LIE!           


#10Author of original report

Fri, August 21, 2015

These are scans & copies of the original documents sent to me since January 19 2012 up to July 14, 2015. 

Anybody who is a Kaiser Member knows that when they want to send anything to Kaiser it is done in that Kaiser Members Online Account.

I would have never been able to receive any of these letters if I had not sent emails.  Problem is Kaiser has taken ALL the Hippa Breach Violations & deleted them.

I don’t know for sure when these documents went missing all I know is that when I called up in January on the 16th to get records for January & February 2012 that is when I found out about what really happened that day & what they had all done.

Now that I have received several letters in writing from Kaiser along with these state & federal agencies here is some of the “EVIDENCE”. 

Every thing that has happened here was by complete accident!  All of this because of ONE BIG FAT LIE maybe it was meant to be I don't know. 

I only know that on January 19, 2012 I actually paid attention to my "Medical Information Receipt" that day. 

Who knows how long this type of FRUAD & LIES & COVER UPS would have taken to be exposed if I was not a very "Tenacious" individual? 

I would have NO reason to DELETE these EMAILS pertaining to several HIPPA BREACH VIOLATIONS that day; these are the only MISSING EMAILS in my Kaiser Membership Online Account that’s how far Kaiser has their heads up in the clouds.

To the people out there who lie as these employee's at Kaiser have its not worth it so don't do it. 

This is exactly what happens the lie that was told doesn't match up with the events, receipts & statements along with making NO SENSE what so ever & you don't know what the other party has.

I have been posting these documents since 2012 & I get a call from The Office of Civil Rights in May of this year 2015 from Emma Roberts informing me they were going to re-open these allegations. 

She needs to read what’s on the documents sent to me by the HHS & OCR & DMHC Fong & Leoz.

What changed there minds at the OCR & HHS & DMHC it was the “Three Doctors Appointments” with Three Different Doctors, Three Different places & all at the same time that is what changed there minds.

I can’t even wrap my head around this one I mean how far back does this go & what else has happened & is happening right now that we don’t know? 

The other thing these state & federal agencies along with Kaiser knew these posts had been posted on the World Wide Web since the day it all started. 

How many more Kaiser Members this has effected I don't know there were Thirty-Five (35) "Reprint Medical Information Receipts Numbers from my "Reprint" to this mans Reprint".

At the rate Kaiser has put tons of lies out in writing not to mention "Stone Wall" the Kaiser Member by making it absolutely impossible to get any justice what so ever or that Kaiser Members complaints answered.

So I have been forced to post my story my documents Kaiser's documents & the state & federal agencies involved here on the World Wide Web.

What Kaiser did to me that day along with these state & federal agencies has turned my life upside down inside out not to mention the stress & everything else that has happened & continues to happen.

Kaiser along with these state & federal agencies violated my Civil Rights by making me sit for an appointment that had been canceled that day to cover up the several Hippa Breach Violations that day or the day before or who knows when.

They used me without my knowledge or permission to commit "FRAUD" that day along with other Kaiser Members. 

How many Kaiser Members Online Accounts have been tampered with to remove emails along with other evidence by Kaiser & these state & federal agencies there are I have NO idea I only know that from my receipt to this mans there are thirty-five (35) Kaiser Members.

Nothing lasts forever not death not taxes & for me to have accidentally found out about ALL of this tells me there is a higher authority involved here & that higher authority is stepping in after all parties don’t last forever. 











Report Attachments


#11Author of original report

Mon, August 03, 2015

     I will be uploaded documents that prove Kaiser received Technical help from the OCR "Off Consumer Rights" the DMHC "Demented Mangeled Hell Care" & the HHS "Hell non Human Service"

     What Kaiser continues to do & get away with is absolutly unbelievable I don't think anybody that works at Kaiser even knows what the truth is.

     They say they call but that call shows up NOWHERE on your phone bill they call you from private numbers unlisted numbers & from companies that are "Answeing Services" now just "WTF" is that all about?

     When you call the number listed on your letter they NEVER return your call no matter how many times you call.  They NEVER answer your complaints they just put lotsofshit out about your complaint.  Some of the answers are totally OFF the WALL.       Kaiser needs to answer to the proper state & federal agencies along with there "Good Buddies" the OCR DMHC & HHS.  Seems they didn't comunicate very well when they tried to cover up what happened on January 19, 2012. 

      I would have never found out about someone using my "Medical Information" to get prescriptions along with other services from Kaiser if my doctor hadn't called me in April 2013 to tell me they would not fill my prescription "I told her I never called anything in". 

     Then by chance I found out quite by accident just what really happened that day January 19, 2012 when I called & asked for my records. 

     Seems I was used that day as a "Safeguard" to cover up several Hippa Breach Violations which is mentioned in documents from Kaiser's "Good Buddies" where they also mention Technical Help to Kaiser maybe that is where the several missing emails went whothef**k knows where they went.

     When I asked what happened to my emails on January 16, 2015 it took almost 7 months & the answer I got you can see it for yourself it will be uploaded. 

     Just where was this "Compliance Manager of the Kaiser Permanente Digital Service Group back in January 2015 on the 16th when I asked the question about my missing emails?

     Then it takes less then a month for the Senior Case Manager at Kaiser to answer my complaint?  Just "WTF" is that all about?  Does she have more power then the Compliance Manager of the Kaiser Permanente Digital Service Group?  Is there such a person? 

     I have asked several times what this persons name is so far I have NEVER  received an answer & I have asked it many times.  

     All of them knew that day my appointment had been canceled along with three (3) other appointments on the same day with three (3) different doctors in three (3) different places. 

     Not to mention getting someone else's "Medical Information Receipt" which was a "Reprint" they had a lot of "Reprints" not only in Fremont but Hayward to that day my they were busy.

     Besides the emails for January & February 2012 there are also Hippa Breach Violation emails missing from March 16, 2012 which as you will see by the uploaded document that day March 16, 2012 is not there.

     There are other things but I don't put all my cards out I put them out a little at a time & I still haven't played my several ACES yet.

     The other thing that really bothers me about what this senior case manager wrote in her letter she is telling me how a Kaiser Members Online Account works.   

     Kaiser NEVER EVER deletes any emails & they can see them ONLY on there site & its in writing several times that I have not deleted any of my emails. 

     This is true but who deleted the Hippa Breach emails? I would have no reason what so ever to delete these.  And if what she states is true she should have been able to tell me right then & there about the missing emails yet didn't or couldn't "WTF" knows with this bunch of liars.  

     One of the documents that will be uploaded is the letter from a senior case manager at Kaiser who apparently can't read nor retain what she reads along with all the other case managers at Kaiser. 

     She has closed all my complaints doesn't care how rediculous Kaiser's answers are doesn't care just how stupid they are & doesn't care if they are lies basically they don't giveaf**k about how bad they look after all they have been getting away with it for a long time.

     This senior case manager has also ignored or doesn't understand my email (which will be attached) informing Kaiser that if they couldn't answer my complaints correctly & honestly don't answer at all that included up to May 31, 2015. 

     This senior case manager closed ALL even the ones up to July 17, 2015 that haven't been answered yet, is this not a "Riot" or what? Kaiser has "Stonewalled" & continue to "Stonewall" by making it difficult to get answers so you have to write the case manager in your Kaiser online account & hope they get it & no matter how many times you call them they never call you back. 

     They also use numbers that are not working numbers to. When you tell them this they don't get rid of that number that doesn't work they just keep it.  

    Even when you tell them to answer it correctly & tell them what site & what review number to look at they don't they just don't care & this shows it.  I will be posting ALL the letters that I have received pertaining to some of the complaints at a later date. 

     These letters will not be altered in anyway it will show you the whole document along with the Kaiser Case Managers who wrote them.

Report Attachments


#12Author of original report

Mon, July 27, 2015

Kaiser has taken "ALL" my complaints since January 19, 2012 up to July 14, 2015 & have given me a "Bundle Package".  They don't how to read or pay attention they play I'm a dumb a**.  They included all the way to July when in my email I stated May 31, 2015. 


I will be attaching several documents with this post.  Kaiser continues to play around & they really don't care you will see this in the documents attached.  These are answers from Case Managers at Kaiser & I can't believe Kaiser would actually send a letter stating they have ALL been answerd.  No they have not.


They still can't tell me why they canceled my appointment on January 19, 2012 & made me sit there.  They still have not answered the questions about the phone calls & the answer they have for the emails is "Comical" really pathectic.

The have no idea where the two emails for the Hippa violations I sent in on January 19, 2012 I got a letter from them in February 2012 answering my complaint where I put in the first sentence "What a couple of Liars" you have. 


They still can't tell me how I had three doctor appointments & the answer the pharmacy manager put nothing wrong with that either Kaiser has the most "Brain Dead Clueless Idiots" I have ever dealt with & Kaiser plays the "Stupid Card" they know exactly what they are doing & I hope they go straight to prison. They lie about calling you phone bills prove this.


Kaiser apparently doesn't have to play by the rules of this Country like other health care does.  They have the I can do anything I want & you can Kiss my A**.  





#13Author of original report

Sun, May 24, 2015

I don't care about the spelling of this word.  I don't care about how many years it has been.


You obviously have not  reviewed ALL the documents pertaining to these posts.  If you had read ALL the documents you would not have asked these questions.


This is an "FYI" people can choose who they believe.  I will not be answering anymore of your "Rebuttles" seems you are stuck on the spelling thing & the years.  I post documents like this to help people make up there minds.


If you sign up for another name with another email account I will not be answering those either.


What the hell??

#14Consumer Comment

Sun, May 24, 2015

Are you talking about??? It is not HIPPA it is HIPAA so I suggest you look up the meaning!! This is 3 YEARS AGO!!!

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