  • Report:  #1203675

Complaint Review: KAISER - Nationwide

Reported By:
Clamity Jane - Newark, California,

Nationwide, USA
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Report Attachments

Attached to this post are several documents from Kaiser. Please look at the documents & see just how "F*up" this is & this is "WRITING"!


This all started in Janaury 2012 when I went to register for a doctors appointment. I had argued with the receptionist about my co-pay only being $40.00 she kept insisting that it was $45.00 I ended up paying $45.00.


I called membership service was told that it would be 30 days. My appointment was at 2:14 pm when I looked up at the clock that was on the wall it was 2:55 pm.  Somehow the clock that I looked at while waiting to see the doctor had "Magically Disappeared" & was not there when I came in for another doctors appointment because I didn't get to see the doctor in Janaury 2012. When I went in February 2012 the clock on the wall was gone!


When I looked down at my "Receipt" I noticed a different doctor was on my "Receipt" which was a "Reprint Receipt" when I looked at the "Receipt" I also noted it was a man with his name his doctor his medical information & his co-pay $20.00.


I went to the same "Receptionist" & asked for "My Receipt" she gives me a "Reprint" Kaiser never has been able to give me "My Original Receipt" they have no idea who has it. 


I informed her that I was keeping all the "Receipts" & the reason I told her that was because on the "Receipt" she gave me the white copy is still attached.  This gets taken off by the receptionist when you pay. 


I also told her next time when someone tells you what there co-pay is you might want to listen!


Besides not being able to see a doctor on this day Janaury 2012 the manager tells me I can go see my doctor in Union City where he is now. Apparently he turns into a Pumpkin before 3:00 pm.


What a slap in the face like I have nothing better to do then to go chasing after a doctor in Union City & I live here "WTF"!


I sit there from 2:15 to 2:55 pm the doctor turns into a "Pumpkin" I not only pay my co-pay but I also pay $45.00 for another member & get another members "Receipt" which shows it is a "Reprint" so from my receipt to his receipt there are 35 numbers!

I know exactly what happened.  My name was not called someone else got to see my doctor that is why "Kaiser" can't give me my "Original Receipt"!

I'm not a technical person nor am I a computer person so I have no idea how this happened but in my outbox & inbox on the Kaiser website Janaury through February 2012 have "Vanished" wow!

When I send any kind of email such as this I always make a copy.  On one of the documents posted I filed a complaint about phone calls being made to me with no message & when I called Kaiser told me they never did call. Does this sound like this person has a lot going on up there between there ears? Doesn't to me. These phone calls range from May through July 2014.

This person sent a letter telling me about two phone calls in October of 2014. This is what I'm talking about "Nothing between the ears here" Just lies & lies & more lies not to mention fruad hippa violations & cover ups.

The next document posted is what I received back as an answer when someone called the refill recorder at 4:30 am to get a refill on a prescription that had been given earlier. If my doctors office had not called me I would have never found out about it.


Please read the uploaded document this is what I have been dealing with at Kaiser. I do not know "WTF" the problem is with Kaiser or how long they have been doing this & getting away with it. Soon hopefully the party will end for Kaiser in billions & billions along with employee's going to prison along with the owners.

5 Updates & Rebuttals


#2Author of original report

Sat, August 15, 2015

I posted this same title KAISER HIPPA VIOLATIONS FRAUD LIES & COVER UPS on several sites the one site where it has disappeared is (((REDACTED)))this had five hundred & fifty views (550) views when I looked at it several days ago.

I'm not a computer person or technical person so I really don't know how this happens when something like this is gone especially on a website that does'nt allow posts along with docuemtns removed unless someone requests it. 

The reason it stands out is "The Skinny Ninja swinging a sword with the number 404" shows rather then the post itself.  When I went to look at it again a few days later "The Skinny Ninja swinging a sword with the number "404" was gone along with the posts & documents.

When I posted the latest development about my Kaiser emails pertaining to the several breachs back in 2012 were deleted by either Kaiser or there Good Buddies the OCR HHS DMHC those posts are GONE PHOOF just like that!

These were posted on August 2, 2015 when you hit the link nothing is there I have uploaded documents so that you can see for yourself "FYI".  "The Skinny Ninja swinging a sword with the number "404" shows up one day next time its GONE PHOOF!

Kaiser Ocr Dmhc Hhs - KAISER EVIDENCE SHOWS ...

Aug 2, 2015 (((REDACTED))) ... 1 of 2 Kaiser Ocr Dmhc Hhs Reviews ... Had an experience with Kaiser Ocr Dmhc Hhs? Submit review about this company ...

Kaiser Ocr Dmhc Hhs -(((REDACTED)))

o        Cached

Aug 2, 2015 - Share your customer experience with Kaiser Ocr Dmhc Hhs here and explore consumer reviews of products and services at ((REDACTED)))



Report Attachments


#3Author of original report

Fri, April 17, 2015


   You may want to read the whole Report that I submitted & look at the documents that were uploaded along with the new documents.  It is very apparent by your “Rebuttal” you did not read or pay attention. 


   Yes, this was three (3) years & this is a perfect example of how “Pompous” the huge corporations have gotten they do not give a "FK" they are ABOVE THE LAW.


   The latest development now is that Kaiser has me in three (3) different locations on the same day with three different doctors! 


   So according to Kaiser I had an appointment in Hayward California with an Orthopedic Doctor named Dr. Bradford Karetzer, two in Fremont California one with a another doctor in the Critical Care Department named Dr. Kreck & the appointment with Dr. Hinman that was canceled by Kaiser where I paid for my co-pay & someone else’s co-pay & got another members receipt. 


   Sat from 2:10 pm to 2:55 pm for an appointment Kaiser canceled to cover up the Hippa Violations by Kaiser.  Kaiser doesn’t give a FK about anyone or anything they are ABOVE THE LAWS & this shows it 100%. 


   Kaiser didn’t care that I sat for an appointment that was canceled before I got there. These people that do EVIL like this are nothing but REAL PIGS & I hope they drown in there own slop!


   The emails that were sent to the Hippa Violations Department the day the violation occurred along with all the emails sent about the Hippa Violations form January 19, 2012 to February 2012 are gone.  I’m still waiting to see what the answer for this one will be.


   The lies the fraud the cover-ups tampering with evidence destroying evidence doesn’t go away in this case things are still happening to people who’s Civil Rights were “Violated” on that day & are still being “Violated” with the help of the “DMHC” & “The OCR”. 


   I can’t even Phantom as to how many people this has effected I’m pretty sure its in the thousands or hundred thousands maybe more. Remember this happened in 2012 & it is now 2015!


   Who knows where the Hippa Violation started & on what day.  By the actions of Kaiser & the documents I have & have uploaded Kaiser knew well far in advance about that day January 19, 2012 when they canceled my appointment.  It was business as usual they didn’t give a “FK” about me or anyone else.


   As far as the way I spell Hippa the spelling doesn’t have to be correct to get the point across.  Also it makes people pay attention when words are misspelled.  In your case you paid attention the misspelling & not the whole story.


   We have the wonderful “DMHC” which I like to refer to as “Demented Mangling Hell Care” & we have The OCR which I now refer to as “Off Consumers Rights” these two (2) agencies have closed the first complaint & the appeal now want to open them up again! Why? 


   And they want the documents that were sent to them by me?  They can also ask their “Good Buddies at Kaiser”! 

   I told them they could look at the documents posted on sites like Pissed Consumer & Rip-Off Report or any site that handles consumer’s complaints & try to keep up or catch up if they can remember this was three (3) years ago.


   These government agencies make the new movie “Dumb & Dumber” look like Geniuses not to mention Smart! They just slapped Kaiser’s hand & it was back to business as usual for them.


   You would be surprised to find out that “little things” mentioned in any complaint are sometimes the ones that CATCH UM! This clock that was mentioned is one of the “Little Things.”


   Real Justice takes a long time.  Justice doesn’t end over night & its just business as usual this is the real world.  It took me four (4) years to get GE Capital Retail Money Bank, GE Money Bank, GE Capital Money Bank now Synchrony Bank investigated by the United States Postal Inspector thanks to the loyal employee at GE Capital Retail Bank in March of last year 2014.


   When you have been violating laws & continue to violate laws eventually you will be caught & that is what is happening here. And I hope people go to Prison & the Corporations along with them.


I hate “Corruption” there is too much of it in the world today.  I’m an extremely “Tenacious Person” & I will do everything in my power within the law to get it taken care of & the guilty parties pay. 


   The other thing I have they don’t have?  I’m one person & have only myself they on the other hand have other business along with other customers to deal with. 


   Anyway these “Crooks” in “Corporate America” have buddies way up there in the state & federal agencies & can get away with it.


   They have NO FEAR what so ever & that is quite evident here. You see posts like this on the web twenty-four seven. All they care about is that “Mean Green Almighty Dollar”!


   So far if you look at the uploaded documents you will see in the second movie “Dumb & Dumber” these two individual’s are very smart a lot more smarter then these government agencies along with “Corporate America".

   The names of the individuals from Kaiser who wrote the answers to my questions in the emails were not mentioned for several reasons & it is not what you think.



Clamity Jane


#4Author of original report

Tue, March 24, 2015

I do agree with you when it comes to EBAY.  You can go & look at all the "Class Action" lawsuites against EBAY & Pay Pal for holding money for 21 days, they can't do that.

I would suggest that you do what I have done.  Take all your information & post it with the documents to every single state & federal agency. Take those documents & upload & post them on every website that deals with "Slim" like this.  You can also do as I do & take & make a letter copy that letter & paste it to each & every review that has been filed against these "Slimmy" corporations. I manage to get at least 50 or more a week done in my comments. I just read & paste.

I have filed an IC3 on The Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) is a partnership between the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the National White Collar Crime Center (NW3C).  Not only that but I filed an IC3 against EBAY for fruad & supporting scammers.  You can read the documents that have been posted on Rip-Off Report & Pissed Consumer amongst other websites. I do not know how more "Brazen" these "Corrupt, Liers, Fruads, Violations, tampering with evidence, crooks evil corporations will get so far they have been very "Brazen" & in your face.

It will be interesting to see what EBAY tells these state & federal agencies especially the Internet Crime Complaint Center with the FBI. Hard to say anything when the evidence proves beyond a resonable doubt of just how bad they have gotten. It is right there in print! They know about these "Scammers" & there greed for that mean green almighty dollar will do them in hopefully & it will serve them right.

Pay Pal can't hold your money 21 days, that was settled in a "Class Action" lawsuit I believe back in 2010 I think. It would not surprise me if they were doing it again. You can find out for yourself just type in "Class Action Lawsuites" Pay Pal & EBAY you will see several lawsuites that have been setteled & new ones that have been filed. This also appies to EBAY.  It is time for these "Slimmy Corrupt Evil Fruad committing crimes against the consumer Liers to pay the piper it has gotten totally out of hand.

I finally got Pay Pal last year in 2014 in March for what they did in October of 2011 with the now "Synchroney Bank" aka GE Capital Retail Bank, GE Capital Retail Money Bank & GE Money Bank.  They just kept telling lies & more lies until the actual math numbers didn't add up that is how bad it got nothing has changed in two more years they will have nine million (9) suckers to screw.  It took me four (4) years to get this "Slime" & it paid off in March of 2014. The "Iddiioott" that wrote the "Rebuttal" to my post showed exactly what I was talking about.

Now the United States Postal Inspector is involved this happened in 2014 when I was in contact with the United States Post Office in Florida when they were putting accounts overdue before they were due & not picking up mail & using the United States Post Office to defruad the consumer by charging late fees illegally amongst other illegal charges. The comments they put at the end of a post telling that person who wrote the post about what they did & how concerned they are & giving them a reference number to email to. If that is the case then why does it keep happening EBAY Pay Pal?

The fact that EBAY knows about the "Scammers" & have done nothing about it will do them in for they are supporting fruad besides committing it.

If you want to see how bad the math is you can look at actual documents that have been uploaded that show this "Out of this World Math" & just how sneaky they are.

I really do hope something gets done about EBAY conducting Illegal business practices & cheating people out of money. Maybe by me uploading actual documents from the sellers to EBAY & posting the Negative Feedback comments to & about EBAY then the sellers choosing the green circle with a plus sign for positive feedback.  If this isn't fraud then we are really "F*".

Clamity Jane


#5Author of original report

Sat, February 28, 2015

The Office of Civil Rights has allowed Kaiser to get away with what they did to 35 other Kaiser members & myself.

 Turns out that I had two appointments on Janaury 19, 2012 one in Orthopedics the other in the Critical Care Department.  My appointment with my doctor in the Orhopedic Department had been canceled by Kaiser. Kaiser can't tell me what time this appointment in the Critical Care Department was all they know is that both were canceled.  

 The Hippa Violation didn't start in the Orthopedic Department it started in the "Critical Care Department" all in the same building. This explains why I never got to see the doctor that day my appiontment had been canceled by Kaiser gee are they not kind or what to cancel an appointment for me how thoughtful & to not tell me that is even more thoughtful. 

 The other thing that Kaiser has done is somehow my emails from Janaury 19, 2012 & February 2012 are no longer in my inbox. I have never deleted any emails from Kaiser on my sign in page EVER I still have all of them except for those two months.

 I have filed several complaints with Membership Services at Kaiser pertaining to all of this. So far I have not received a reply from Kaiser. These complaints to Membership Services at Kaiser about this were filed this month February 2015.  I think the reason I have heard nothing back from Kaiser Membership services about this is because they don't know what the HHEELL to say.

 By Kaiser doing what they did on that day in Janaury on the 19 of 2012 canceling my appointment & not telling me is absolutly outragious. And the Hippa Violation that Kaiser tried to cover up continued all day on the 19th of Janury 2012.

 These two months of missing emails are pertaining to my Hippa Violation Complaint that was filed on the 19th of January 2012. Talk about being "Brazen" I don't think there is a word that has been created to describe this type of fraud.

 I'm sending in a complaint again to the OCR about this since they stated in writing & emails that Kaiser has done nothing wrong. I will be posting these to on this website Rip-Off Report & will not black out the names on these letters from the OCR.





#6Consumer Comment

Fri, January 23, 2015

This is THREE years ago and be grateful you have Medical Insurance!! If you did not contact your insurance company after your received your EOB then this is your fault.   And it is HIPAA not HIPPA so what is the violation?? The clock on the wall missing?

You have not a clue what HIPAA is - has nothing to do with receipts!! How petty are you.

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