  • Report:  #222742

Complaint Review: Karen Van Beyer - New Orleans Louisiana

Reported By:
- Terrytown, Louisiana,

Karen Van Beyer
Tulane University New Orleans, Louisiana, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
This so-called LCSW "custody evaluator" took my children from me, and gave them to my ex, with "supervision only" for me! Custody Evaluation is a very narrow field. Almost any social worker can call themselves an "expert".

She's a well known "mommy hater". A simple google search on her will dredge up all the proof you need! (Oh, I have my proof, already), mainly an evaluation report that was twisted, and full of inconsistencies. You can actually see the inconsistencies SHE WROTE if you could read it!

Judge Patrick McCabe (Louisiana, Div. F, Jefferson Parish) did not read this report. He only read the last page.. "recommendation".

I had shown MS. Van Beyer proof of child abuse by my ex... two reports from Child Services that said I had a loving, and fit home for my children, plus requests by BOTH of my children that they live with me! McCabe assigned us to this peice of work! I wonder if these two have something going on the side?

MS. Van Beyer prefers to be called "doctor". I'm still laughing about that one! Yet, as a final spit in her face, I will list this under "doctors". Hopefully, someone will see it before they actually agree to her "evaluation", and the fact that she is NOT a doctor! She's a social worker!

My son told her that he did not want to live with his father, because he was in fear of his life!

Her response was "he seems too timid and shy"!!

The *&*& ignored *everything* my kids said, and, because she worked on 'sliding scale fees', went with my ex, who paid more $$$ to her, AND also, too late, I found out she was active in "Louisiana Dads" which basically would give custody to a friggin criminal, if he wanted it.

Her main bag is being an advocate for Latinos. Gee, I suppose if I was a latino, I would have had a better chance with her?

She's a racist, sexist pig!

Karen Van Beyer.. it's too late for you and me to dance, but you will burn in hell. I've posted this info to every blog I can find, and, not so amazingly, found MORE of your victims! It seems you get around!

Google her if you don't believe me... You'll find positive things of course, but if you dig a bit deeper....

Why is it that PROFESSIONALS will put their need of money above people's lives? Has "business as usual" really become this cold?

"just let me get through this, so I can get my money, and make my car payment". OMG!!!!!

If this makes no sense to you, I am extremely emotional. I hope she dies a slow, painful death!

I will answer any questions that may help you understand. But, If you find the proper links on Google, you'll know!

Can I post links here? If so, I will, and save interested parties the trouble of Googling. The most effective way of finding out the truth is through "cached" links, since most of the forums have been revamped. Oh yes, they contain IP numbers. They are most definitely written by different people.


Terrytown, Louisiana

11 Updates & Rebuttals

Mrs. McDonald

Baton Rouge,
Helping others years later

#2REBUTTAL Owner of company

Wed, June 11, 2014

I am glad I ran into this post. Posting about things that happened, years earlier can help others. This is the whole point, screaming do-gooders saying, "I'm here for the families or children!" Hogwash, you are protesting way too much.

Mrs. McDonald

Baton Rouge,
Dr. Norris

#3General Comment

Wed, June 11, 2014

I have a doctorate degree. Although, I suppose that entitles may name to be prefaced with that title, I am not an a*****e, and so do not insist on being called Doctor.  Neither where I work nor my educational level makes me credible. I am who I am, my heart and honesty make me credible. I do not need to put people in their place because I am comfortable in the place I am in. Using power and control to lord over other people's lives is not a credible thing to do.

Colleen Cheramie

New Orleans,
United States of America
I Agree

#4Consumer Comment

Tue, June 07, 2011

I feel your pain.  I had the same thing happen to me.  This woman was completely aware that my ex- husband's fiance beat my son in the face and that my daughter was almost killed in a motor scooter accident.  She excused all of this and said that I was mentally ill because of a conspiracy in New Orleans and needed psychiatric treatment for it.  The woman is nuts.  If in fact, there was a conspiracy, pills was not going to fix the problem.  Moving was going to fix the problem.  Therefore, that should have been her recommendation.   She handed custody over to my ex- husband, knowing this and did not recommend a move.  She knew that my attorney, Robert C. Lowe, ignored everything that was going on that my ex- husband was doing that he was not supposed to be doing with my children.  She excused his do-nothing behavior because she's a jerk.  She also said that my ex- husband was successful in his career endeavor but made it sound like I never accomplished anything.   I resigned from gainful employment, and had been home raising the children for 8 years, and this woman allowed my ex- husband to piss on me.  She also stated in her report, or indicated in her report, that I married my ex- husband because my parents didn't believe in a college education, but his family did.  What a lie.  She was going to give my ex-husband whatever he wanted, and on a silver platter, and she did.  Also, I didn't want her.  Judge Conn Regan threatened to throw me in jail if I didn't complete the custody evaluation with this con artist, knowing what the outcome would be.  I honestly think that the judges are behind this, Gina.  I'm so sorry and I feel your anger and the injustice that you've been through.  I've since moved to another state and have left this awful situation. 
Colleen C C


New Orleans,
United States of America
Hasn't changed

#5Consumer Comment

Thu, January 06, 2011

Apparently this woman hasn't changed and how she manages to keep her license is beyond me. I am also a victim of her incomplete, error filled, and man biased reports.

Do not let her fool you in the interview process. I thought she had "changed" as she made several derogatory comments about my husband to me and our child being in a dysfunctional and immoral environment while with him and she brought up several of his character flaws. She also stated this to the other parties she interviewed for my case.She stated to me and the other parties that she did not feel our child should be with him and we should be able to live a life "free of him for our safety".

Guess what? none of it made it into her report. What DID make it into her report was how great my husband is and how much our child loves him and she also said that our child (who is under 5 years old) is daddy's son. She spent an hour with our child so how could she possibly have determined this in an hour with a child whose speech and communications aren't even fully developed. She recommended and obscene amount of visitation for a child this age, to the point that there would be no way I could keep my current job because all I would be doing was facilitating visitations.

For the sake of your children DO NOT use this persons services. She does child custody work and practices in a very unprofessional fashion. She is inattentive does not fully follow the American Psychological Association guidelines for child custody examinations. She submitted a report to the court with multiple mispelled words, incorrect dates, and gramatical errors. She did not complete her interviews with all parties before making her initial determination, the report she submitted for use in court contained extremely inaccurate information and dates.

Bottom line is this woman hasn't changed. If you agree to her do everything in your power as a mother to get another evaluator assigned. It will cost you, but your children's futures cannot be trusted at the hands of this woman. She will show total disregard to your rights as a woman and a mother to your children. Also, if you get her and this happens to you

So if you are a mom, reading this you may ask "what do I do?" This is mysuggestionof some ways that may help to "fix" this before it's done

Before you could request another evaluator (for cost reasons) through Family Services. Her fees apparently used to be extremely high even though she is still not cheap $1,600. In the past you could pray to the courts that you couldn't afford her high fees and apparently she wised up because she lost a lot of evals on this. She is now about the same if not less than Family Services. If you find an evaluator that is less expensive, you can still go this route.

I was fortunate to find a loophole on her, but only after giving her my money, to get another evaluator and had to pay twice but to be honest, it is your child's future and there is no price you can put on this in my opinion. Beg borrow and steal if you have to, to afford another evaluation with someone other than her.

While writing on here and the other sites helps other moms, the people who have been effected by her malpractice needs to take swift and firm action, otherwise she will continue to harm innocent children.

File a complaint with the Louisiana Board of Social Examiners!!!


You heard me right, she's a SOCIAL WORKER! Her PhD is in Social Work, NOT PSYCHOLOGY and not CHILD PSYCHOLOGY!! She does asked to be called "doctor" and no offense but it doesn't take much to get an LSCW or a PhD in sociology. Some judges think she's a nut but some judges regards her. Talk to your attorney but your attorney has already done you an injustice if they suggest you agree to this woman and you are a woman. Every woman's organization in the city will tell you freely she's the worst of the worst!



New Orleans,
Custody Evaluations in NOLA Mommy haters

#6Consumer Comment

Tue, April 07, 2009

Gina, I hope you see this. you are not alone Beverly Howze is another "mommy hater" If you see this please email [email protected] You are not alone!!!


South Carolina,
Her degree Entitles Her To Be called Doctor

#7Consumer Suggestion

Sun, December 17, 2006

A Professorship, or PHD, entitles Ms Van Beyer to have Doctor before her name, as in a Doctorate in Social Work Services. That she is tenured at Tulane says even more about her credentials, and with that I'll desist from attempting to get a objective, unemotional story from you.


oy vey!

#8Author of original report

Sat, December 16, 2006

The car payment comment was hypothetical, as in.. MISS Van Beyer thinking it. NOT ME. My car was totalled the day after hurricane Rita. I *never* said I didn't pay rent. EVER. I do pay to live here. I use their electricity! I use their phone line! Although I use a calling card, and don't run up their phone bill, they are kind enough to let me use it after hours, for my $9.95 internet that you seem obsessed with. CapOne had to have frozen the account. It's the only CC I had. Van Beyer is NOT a doctor! She's a social worker! There is a HUGE difference, Norris. I'm sure you're not that ignorant. My ex and I were given a list of six evaluators, and we could not agree on one. Judge McCabe then assigned us to Van Beyer, who wasn't even on the original list! She worked on a sliding scale, and had an associate perform the evaluation. Three weeks later, I called the associate to find out what happened to the evaluation. My kids were sweating bullets. So was I!!! The associate said "Van Beyer is reworking it". Reworking? What the heck does that mean? She spoke to us on the first visit, and that was it! She's a fraud, plain and simple. Norris, please go away. If your only goal in life is to make me angry, it's got to stop. Write to Van Beyer! You want both sides of the story? Do that, and stop following me around.


South Carolina,
Both Sides Of a Story

#9Consumer Suggestion

Sat, December 16, 2006

Having a background in investigations I tend to want to find the factual portions of a story. When I do a search on Louisanna reports I find your reports, and guess what? You have three interrelated reports, plus I read you change facts to suit either the report in question, or to respond to a question, see I am a Katrina Victim and Capitol One rip off. When I read a change in the story from one response to the next I tend to discard the information as being less than truthful, much less factual. If you write rip off reports, at least be factual, present them objectively, and don't cloak it in I need sympathy. By doing this you won't have to respond to errors in your report,i.e., you don't actually know who froze your checking account, you aren't, then you are, paying rent on a parking space,and last but not least, in this posting you give the strong impression Doctor Van Beyer has recently submitted paperwork unfavorable to you, see "OMG let me get thru this, so I can get my money and make a car payment". Now you say your beef with her was years ago,and the list of inconsistencies goes on.


Just because

#10Author of original report

Fri, December 15, 2006

The problems with the lawyer were *this* year. The complaints are still pending with her. I posted about Van Beyer because I will never forgive her for the emotional trauma she caused me and my children. Yes, her academic peers think highly of her, however, you probably did not go to page two or three of that Google search, to see what's been posted on other sites. It also took me this long because I didn't know about this website! Lots of families are dysfunctional, in a way. Ask anyone about *any* family member, and they will come up with a story. We can't all live in "Father Knows Best" land. We all have a skeleton or two in our closet. Certainly you might. Especially the way you're following me around this site. Norris, please go pick on someone else. I don't want to discuss my family life with you. And I'm not really complaining "years later". I have complained to the director of her department at Tulane, to no avail. And lest you think this woman, who *calls* herself an expert is automatically above all fault, I worked with a woman through Louisiana Spirit with the exact same credentials, who helped me after the hurricane. I showed her all my paperwork on this woman, and she said "You know, we're not ALL bad". And this woman was a Godsend to me. I won't complain about her. Her name is Kye Jackson, (and you can google her, too). She's an angel, and certainly no ripoff. I believe she works for the D.A. now, While Van Beyer is still taking kids away from their mothers.


South Carolina,
Why Post a Complaint Years later

#11Consumer Suggestion

Fri, December 15, 2006

All of your complaints are posted around 11/28/2006. Why, if the problems with the lawyer and Social Services happened years ago, are you now deciding to post a report on them? I did Google The doctor, and find that she is well respected in her field, has written some thought provoking papers on early child hood devlopment, and seems to be an authority on social issues of children from disfynctional families.


You don't want to go there.

#12Author of original report

Fri, December 15, 2006

Norris, This thing with Van Beyer and my former attorney happened YEARS before Katrina. You, and others may have a problem with my posts regarding CapOne, but there is no doubt about my issues with this social worker, or my attorney. I do pay rent where I live. Oh yes, I do! Nobody gets a free ride, myself included. Everything that happened with this woman is a matter of public record. She's a psycho! She was a member of Louisiana Dads for G-d's sake! Did you google her, as I suggested? OMG! You may have tried to rip my CapOne situation apart, but I joined this site just to post about VAN BEYER and my former attorney! You won't be able to rip me apart for these! This *&*& *&*& me over, big time. And having an attorney with no backbone, sealed my fate, and the fate of my son. (My daughter was upset for awhile, and I'm expecting her visit this weekend). Yes, they relocated. BOTH of them. *&* are you on about now? CapOne is one thing, but don't even try to take me to task on my kids!

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