  • Report:  #201732

Complaint Review: Kasamba Inc. - Bradenton Florida

Reported By:
- San Diego, California,

Kasamba Inc.
1901 60th Place, Suite L7111 Bradenton, 34203 Florida, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Well there's been quite a lot written about Kasamba Inc. on this website and so I guess I'll put in my two cents so that if anyone who actually GETS real readings on Kasamba would like to hear what I have to say, they can read it.

I consider myself a typical, average, middle-class person like many of Kasamba's customers I assume. I went onto Kasamba because it had the cheapest rates for an online "psychic reading" of any website out there. The saying, "You get what you pay for" never entered into my mind. I proceeded to go online obsessively (psychic readings can become an addiction) for months being told various things by different "experts" some told me what I wanted to hear and some told me the "truth" as I believe it to have been.

Now, it is perfectly possible that these people talked amongst themselves and shared information. It is perfectly possible that some of these people were drug addicted crackheads with dillusions of psychic ability sitting at home in crappy apartments with a dial-up connection telling me lies. It is perfectly possible that Kasamba is making a KILLING off of what they charge "experts" to use their service to get clients AND what they charge clients to contact these "experts".

Keeping all of this in mind, I went through MANY psychics during my 9 month personal odyssey of discovery with a specific issue which I will not go into. I would say 95% of the over 50 people I spoke to foresaw a specific outcome. The other 5% had the balls to tell me what I didn't want to hear but what actually ended up happening down the line.

I look back on that experience and I am STILL a Kasamba client. Every now and then, I give money to someone who may or may not be an "expert" and they tell me various things and I take it in and go on with my life. Now, for those who complain about the prices, please remember that YOU PRESSED HIRE...Kasmaba doesn't force your finger...you chose to pay what you did. Another thing to know for those of you who are or might be clients is that Kasmaba takes A LOT OF MONEY from the "experts" they hire. So, if you hire someone for .40/min, they are making maybe .10/min...keep that in mind...what am I trying to say? Think about it. Please. You get what you pay for. Sometimes there are honorable people who want to read for free but why do it through Kasmaba then? Why not just help people on a street corner or some other FREE chat room?

NOW...having said all THAT...I will reveal yet another twist...during all this time of getting readings on Kasmaba, I decided that ANYONE can tell someone BS, so I wanted to see if I had any real psychic ability. It runs in my family for several generations and I had never SERIOUSLY given it a thought, but I do believe that ANYONE can tap into their own ESP. The "experts" on Kasmaba are not GOD. Soooo...I studied up, practiced on people and began to do readings on Kasamba myself. THERE IS NO SCREENING PROCESS...ANYONE can be an "expert" on Kasmaba. I do not necessarily say this is a bad thing because I'm sure Kasmaba appreciates all the money they get from every d**k and jane claiming to be an expert in their field and drawing in money for them. However, it was extremely easy for me to sign up and start bringing in cash. My first month I made over $800 cold hard cash.

I do NOT consider myself a scam artist, I give free readings all the time. I offer a free connection before hire so nobody hires me without agreeing that they can benefit from the information I recieve. I consider myself an ethical person, especially since I was robbed of HUNDREDS of dollars through my own free will by talking with one specific reader on Kasmaba who is a COMPLETE BS artist. I know how it feels to have your money stolen. I also feel I have seen both sides of this coin. If you are a prospective customer of Kasamba worried that you might get scammed, YOU PROBABLY WILL...there are far too many fakes in comparison to the real ones out there and the only way to know is through trial and error. The ratings system is BS...it's sad but it's a fact. People unfortunately know how to tamper with it too easily and it's like a virus, as soon as Kasmaba finds out how to stop them from tampering with it, a person finds a new way.

I would offer the following advice to CLIENTS:

Don't offer ANY information other than a general question, names and dates. Do not let them ask you much at all.

Do some homework on what is reasonable for a psychic reading. $20/min IS NOT in case you can't tell.

Check their volume...if they have over 1,000 ratings and they are still in the 5 star range you are probably safe. If they have 20 ratings and they only have 3 stars, you are probably not. If they have 200 ratings and only 3 stars, you are probably not safe.

Accept the possibility that at some point you will get cheated out of some money. Until there is a foolproof way of testing psychic ability and Kasamba implements it and screens people RIGOROUSLY, there is simply not a 100% certain way to know who has ability and who doesn't and of those that have ability, some are more trained than others which will affect their accuracy.

I would offer the following advice to EXPERTS:

Please stop bashing eachother, it's a job, shouldn't be anyone's whole life. Yes, we deal with people's personal lives and so should be very careful in what we say or the advice we dish out. Doctors, Nurses, Teachers, Social-Workers and many others deal in the business of affecting people's personal lives and the goal is to be somewhat removed from it so we are not lowered to the point of bashing other people's characters in an effort to save the job. That's just base and mean.

Please be reasonable in your pricing...it ruins the business for everyone when experts are charging astronomical prices because they supposedly have access to some special talent or 99% accuracy. Anyone who knows anything about psychic ability knows we all have access to the same information and charging someone above and beyond their means to find out information that supposedly "only you" have access to is just wrong. Yes, some may be better at accessing that information than others and some may have more accuracy than others but really...$20/min to tell someone the love of thier life is coming back? That's just WRONG.

Please don't tamper with the ratings system, it's already screwed up enough, and telling all your clients you'll give them a free 3 sentence answer to their question if they leave you 5 stars is a MESSED up way of WORKING the system. NOT RIGHT.

Kasmaba is partially shady in and of itself, the way it gets customers, the way it gets experts and the way it makes money but hopefully, we can all work together to make it a little less shady.

Oh but I forgot...this is the real world...so I guess the best I can say is GOOD LUCK...and for those of you who are scammers, Karma is a B*TCH!!!


San Diego, California

8 Updates & Rebuttals



#2UPDATE Employee

Wed, August 08, 2007

It's nice to see a practical and thoughtful report about Kasamba. I'm an expert and have been for over a year. I think .99 per minute is plenty. What does it cost me to read for others, other than time and energy? Even I'm not worth $20/minute, no matter what my mom tells me :p



#3UPDATE Employee

Wed, August 08, 2007

It's nice to see a practical and thoughtful report about Kasamba. I'm an expert and have been for over a year. I think .99 per minute is plenty. What does it cost me to read for others, other than time and energy? Even I'm not worth $20/minute, no matter what my mom tells me :p



#4UPDATE Employee

Wed, August 08, 2007

It's nice to see a practical and thoughtful report about Kasamba. I'm an expert and have been for over a year. I think .99 per minute is plenty. What does it cost me to read for others, other than time and energy? Even I'm not worth $20/minute, no matter what my mom tells me :p



#5UPDATE Employee

Wed, August 08, 2007

It's nice to see a practical and thoughtful report about Kasamba. I'm an expert and have been for over a year. I think .99 per minute is plenty. What does it cost me to read for others, other than time and energy? Even I'm not worth $20/minute, no matter what my mom tells me :p


High Point,
North Carolina,

#6UPDATE Employee

Thu, July 05, 2007

I have been an advisor since 2002-3 to present.I've always chatted for free,but I don't waste my time in there long. Always kept reasonable rates. Never sugar coated anything for clients told them the truth good,bad or whatever was necessary.Yet I know the site has gone thru some clients who have tried to scam us,create havoc.Especially not pay for sessions when they don't hear what they want to hear. But I know it's my job to be kind, courteous and professional and that's all I have to stand on.The lack of professionalism and bickering gives such a bad impression on those of us who have nothing to do with it. Those of us who choose to do right by others know it's not worth our time to charge over the top rates and make everything pleasant in the reading it's just not reality.But it can make things so much harder to prove to the client we are trying to be earnest.


Santa Rosa,
Kasamba Inc

#7UPDATE Employee

Sun, June 24, 2007

Hi, I agree with you and your theory of kasamba. I found the site. As being a client that got scammed over 500.00 and a lot of heartache. I found out that it didn't take a lot to become a psychic. So I couldn't beat them so I joined them. Except I don't harm or mislead anyone the way I was mislead. I try to offer honest accurate readings and help when I can. I stay away from spells and such. It has taught me a lot and made me realize how much people depend on our credibility as a psychic. I offer and say it in my profile that I consider myself more of an advisor than a psychic. and some take offense and say they are only looking for clairvoyance. I have been hurt, robbed, and mislead by many psychics as a client and learned from that. I offer my clients an honesty reading. I hope no one ever suffers the heartache and pain that I went thru on kasamba as a client!


Haltom City,
Thank you Kitty

#8UPDATE Employee

Sat, June 16, 2007

Amazing, that's all I can say. FINALLY someone who's talking about the site with integrity and truth. I'm also a reader and I've been sitting here for about 3 hours reading through these postings and shaking my head. Thank you for posting. It's appreciated and I'm sure you earn your money well. I do read for free all the time on a favorite chat site. I also love doing that when I'm trying a new tool, but I have to eat too, so I do what I love for a living too. I was pretty well taken aback by the lack of any professional experience to work at the site but then again I know people born gifted may just be starting out doing it for a living and can't do it face to face in their area so they have to start somewhere.

Geniune And Experienced

Plant Earth,
Thanx Kitty

#9UPDATE Employee

Fri, January 12, 2007

It was great to see your comments after having read thru so many 'truly horrible' things some kasamba experts have written about each other. I have worked at kasamba for many years now. i hate the place - and only put up with it in times of extreme personal poverty. If it were subject to industrial laws i feel it would be an illegal environment. They've never done anything proactive to help me. I have years of experience in the psychic field, and I dearly wish there was a 'good' place on the internet. If anyone out there with impeccable ethics, a desire to provide a truly positive and supportive internet presence for both psychics and their clients and financial backing and know-how to set up such a place PLEASE CONTACT ME. My tru identity is supressed in fear of adverse fallouts. Thanks :-)

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