  • Report:  #286119

Complaint Review: Kasamba - New York Nationwide

Reported By:
- Brisbane, Other,

kasamba.com New York, Nationwide, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
In response to the 5 star Rating I will report the ones that told me however Avilon did not offer that at all. It was a free email question not a reading in exchange for 5 stars. (sorry) We go to these people seeking answers and pray they are ethical. Turns out they completely tell you fantasies and spin you tales. Its terribly disappointing and horrifying that they do this.

I thought I was a case until I saw in the ratings some that go back several times a day for days!!!! I joined psychic addicts because I was shocked at the money I was spending and how it was effecting my life. NO MORE !!!! I could not be bothered even going back to tell them NOTHING happened.

I should have see ripp off reports before I became obsessed with this service. I am sure there are possibly some honest readers but spending $$$$$ to find them is not getting me anywhere. I will tell the world if even one of the readers predictions come true.Its the big question 'Will they come back?" I fear they wont and just move on as heartbreaking as it is.




17 Updates & Rebuttals


The point stinks

#2Consumer Comment

Fri, December 14, 2007

The point is a coverup for the absolute fraudulent advertising and bios on Kas that takes money from clients and then blocks them. Business is going down, and I would ask that clients who feel that "readers" have misrepresented themselves and have not delivered the service that they state they will in their bio to write directly to the CEO of LivePerson with a copy to the Better Business Bureau. Also look up some of the Fortune 500 companies that hire LivePerson and perhaps copy the CEO's of a few of those companies also. Enough people do this and these well known corporations may put some heat on LivePerson so as not to be entangled with a company who allows a shell game to be played on consumers. Lots of letters will make a difference.


North Carolina,
Come On

#3Consumer Suggestion

Wed, December 05, 2007

I am quite sure EVERYONE understands the point Jane is trying to make but JUST DONT WANT TO. Why take it and turn it into something else. You people really need to STOP! You get the point LOUD and CLEAR you just choose to block your ears with your fingers.


Comparing steak to a spiritual reading.

#4Consumer Comment

Mon, December 03, 2007

Actually no business can falsely advertise - a restaurant can't claim they have the best steak in the world, they have to modify it with "our clients say we..." or we use the top grade of meat...etc. Because they can in fact be held liable. And a good restaurant will comp you for a bad meal. Pretty sad that you will say consumers should not expect to get what they pay for based on advertising..... We have business laws in the US - and we certainly can go the route of suing when something is falsely advertised. Or a class action suit. I do agree with Lucy that comparing a not so great steak to a false and misleading reading dealing with people's emotions and beliefs is not a competent comparison.


Jane, you are wrong

#5Consumer Comment

Mon, December 03, 2007

If the steak is bad, you would know at the first bite and can chose whether to pay for the meal or not. Clients wont know if they received a dud reading until long after they have paid for it. A bad steak won't break your heart, but lies and false hopes most certainly do.


You've got it wrong, Augusta

#6UPDATE Employee

Sat, December 01, 2007

If a restaurant claims to have the best steak in the world and you try it and you've had better...that's not being ripped off. That's you falling for advertising. You received what you paid for, a steak. The quality/greatness of it depends purely on the person eating it, it is completely subjective. If it wasn't the greatest, you talk with your wallet. Don't go back. Same goes for psychics. They can say what they want in the ad. If you get your reading for the price they advertised, then you received what you paid for. Caveat emptor.


Response to Anon

#7Consumer Comment

Thu, November 29, 2007

Dear Anon - I understand your point that readings are intangible and not every reader can be right in reading - in fact that is more the case on Kas than not. Which makes the ethics of charging for readings and giving information somewhat up for debate. I am not "fixated" in my views, I do not blame psychics for the situations I am getting reads on - that is absurd. I truly do not feel most clients do either. They are "blaming" readers for inaccurate reads of almost 100%....not a little off, not 50% off - but totally off. Total fluff that they paid for. And yes there is the possiblity of the two readers I can vouch have been more right than off, may get it wrong for another client..... And I never ever said a psychic would get it right all the time for everyone - I understand the intangible aspects of readings - which is why it should be CLEARLY stated and readers should NOT definitively give "concrete" answers that lead clients on for months, taking their money each month and leading them on for their five stars. My view is that a large portion of readers on Kas are not truly clairvoyant - most are passive clairvoyants where impressions come and go and are not always interpreted correctly - hence the problem. And yes I get your point that a reader who was right for one client, and wrong for another may get "bashed" on her. But as spiritual channels and lightworks (as they refer to themselves) - why should they care? I appreciate your explanation that psychics cannot solve problems (I have never asked any to - just to read on situations in various areas of life) The two I can say got good information were more right than wrong.... I use readers to get a feel of the energy of a situation at the present moment and near term. Helps me to steer and prepare. If the readers are there to provide "emotional comfort" then that should be clearly stated in their bios and service offerings........then maybe there would be no rip off reports. Anon, I DO get your point - I understand what you saying - but really, the bios should be cleaned up on Kas - it would eliminate a lot of misunderstanding. I truly can feel the hurt of the clients who have posted reports on here. Thanks for your input - hopefully other clients will not go back till they find someone that can give them "hidden" information that they see manifest in time in their lives. Thank you.


That's true Anonymous

#8Consumer Comment

Thu, November 29, 2007

Not all readers, even the highly gifted, will get everything right all the time. I think the issue is more that there are a lot of readers on Kasamba who NEVER get ANYTHING right. And it's not necessarily bashing psychics, it's saying that the readers promote themselves as being able to answer all your questions accurately and give you the right advice, so clients enter a reading believing this to be the service they will receive, yet at the end of the day, it doesn't solve their problem and often makes their situation worse. If the readers didn't promote themselves as accurate, the client's expectations would not be so great. Are the readers ever going to say "I can tell you what I think, but I may not be right"? Not likely, but if they did, it would solve the problem of psychic addiction in a minute.


That's true Anonymous

#9Consumer Comment

Thu, November 29, 2007

Not all readers, even the highly gifted, will get everything right all the time. I think the issue is more that there are a lot of readers on Kasamba who NEVER get ANYTHING right. And it's not necessarily bashing psychics, it's saying that the readers promote themselves as being able to answer all your questions accurately and give you the right advice, so clients enter a reading believing this to be the service they will receive, yet at the end of the day, it doesn't solve their problem and often makes their situation worse. If the readers didn't promote themselves as accurate, the client's expectations would not be so great. Are the readers ever going to say "I can tell you what I think, but I may not be right"? Not likely, but if they did, it would solve the problem of psychic addiction in a minute.


New York,
New York,
The two psychics you claim are so great may get it quite wrong with someone else.

#10Consumer Comment

Thu, November 29, 2007

Exactly - some of the things right NOT ALL never will happen. You don't acknowledge the point of my post which I will repeat once again for those who just seem to not get it! You will never find one psychic that is right about everything so for example if so and so is tearing down a psychic here, that psychic may very well have connected extremely well with another person, which doesn't make them an incompetent reader. Because the nature of readings is so on a personalized experience, you cannot find one psychic that is accurate about everything at all times. Even the two psychics you claim to trust and say are so great may get it quite wrong with someone else, so once again, my point is that it is useless to point fingers due to the intangible aspects of psychic readings. Back to what I was saying before, get to the ROOT of the problem in your life, versus going the next step of playing the blame game on other people. People have a tendency to blame others or things because their life is out of order. Some blame it on their upbringing, lack of money, you name it, there is always something to blame someone or something else for what is going wrong in your life. However, your expectations of psychics are unrealistic. Now think about the work place. I suppose you work somewhere and it cannot be expected that you and other employees always perform your tasks 100% correctly all the time...why ? Because that is part of what being human is, and a psychic reader is not an elevated soul who gets time frames right all the time. Augusta, I don't expect you to agree with me as you may have your own fixated view on things, but I know that others reading this know that what I said in earlier posts are true, and deep down they know before they even call upon a psychic, what issues there are and are just hoping things can be different. Find out the reason why you go to a psychic in the first place. Have a realistic view that psychics cannot solve your problems. If you choose to speak to a psychic for emotional comfort and some accuracies with time frames, then remember that is all it is.



#11Consumer Comment

Wed, November 28, 2007

To Anonymous - I do not feel I missed the point. Feeling the need to express that the services received by many "readers" were false and alerting other consumers to that fact is not bashing. It is a critique and a warning that the skill level of clairvoyance is sorely lacking. As for your comment "you said it yourself" ------ what I said was that I found a total of TWO readers on KAS who had the ability to read clairvoyantly and get some of it VERY right. We have not evolved to Gods yet, so these two readers most certainly got as much as humanely possible as opposed to the other readers on KAS who were absolutely WRONG repeatedly. That is not bashing, that is an assessment. To Jane - I do not agree that if a client received a reading, they received what they paid for - you could type mumbo jumbo and call it a reading - that is not what is advertised. I know KAS and the readers HIDE behind that - but what the client is paying for is what the reader says in their own bio what they can deliver...which I can tell you - you are right - it is meaningless ads and fluff. Perhaps there should be a disclaimer at the top of every read before the client hits hire that says "My bio is fluff and ads...this is just for fun...if you are willing to pay, please click now".......IF THE READERS were willing to do that - then I would say the client got what they paid for. To Patrick - you are right - Kas is full of hot air and boasts, but sadly they hurt a lot of people emotionally but I am very sure that karma will kick those readers where it is appropriate.


Pawleys Island,
South Carolina,
Be Real

#12Consumer Comment

Tue, November 27, 2007

Are you people for real? There are more "Ripoff Reports" about this 'Kasamba' bs that it is just amazing how many stupid people believe the "Readings" are real and send money to these scammers. You want a 'READING'? Try reading the bible!



#13UPDATE Employee

Tue, November 27, 2007

If a client receives a reading, they've received what they've paid for. Everything else is advertising, puffing. Every business does it.


New York,
New York,
You missed the point

#14Consumer Comment

Mon, November 26, 2007

You said it yourself They are not always right but they definitely get some of it very right - and when things seem delayed or off - they readily explain why and the feelings are very sincere and light - The point of my post was that its pointless to make lists of psychics and point fingers at them. Not everyone will always be right about everyone. You will never find one psychic that is right about everything


If you are sick and tired - dont read them

#15Consumer Comment

Mon, November 26, 2007

To Anonymous - if you are sick and tired of reading reports that you view as bashing psychics - it is best that you do not read them. That could be an addiction of yours. Perhaps you should realize your addiction and seek help. On another note - filing a report that services as advertised were not what was received is not bashing. Also your assumption that clients are all desperate to have these psychics availabe to "dump on" 24/7. That is pretty funny actually. If that is all they wanted then a confession or counseling type internet site would actually be better and cheaper and actually provide the service as advertised vs what is advertised on Kasamba. And yes, a reader should be held liable if wrong - if they gave definitive "predictions" that then played upon choices of the client. Not all clients are as you define. Some believe the ads and think these readers are spiritually gifted and highly accurate. That is until the lies (not being wrong - they are lies) come to surface as the person heals. And many clients go for family issues and job issues, so take a chill pill - it is not always ALL about an ex. And if these readers were honest - and then ex was not coming back - why are they not saying that in their readings - all the readers? Kind of funny that the majority of readers will give them these great readings/hope then block them when it doesnt come true, and whine about the client. Sounds like a good shell game to me, or three card monte. Anyway - the bottom line for clients is - dont be hard on yourself for falling for these scams. There are truly talented trained and skilled clairvoyants who can indded help you and be honest - the problem is they are buried beneath the dross on Kas - and if they are ever wrong or way out in timing - guess what? They admit it, and reread and explain on whatever is potentially there now and near term. They do not blame the universe, karma, divine timing, free will, or anything else. They admit it they were off and they re-read and things move forward. Spiritual readers do not rationalize, do not make it their sole source of income thereby putting pressure on themselves, do not blame clients, do not seek ratings gratifications - you will sense it when you find one. I have found two on Kasamba and one on the internet. They are truly blessings. They are not always right but they definitely get some of it very right - and when things seem delayed or off - they readily explain why and the feelings are very sincere and light - no blocking, no blaming.


New York,
New York,
Why spend money to never find the right one who is always right? Read on.

#16Consumer Comment

Mon, November 26, 2007

I am sick and tired of reading these posts bashing the psychics. You all choose to have a service running 24 hours a day that can bring you a sense of feeling better, someone who gives you their full attention and can actually pick up things about you without even knowing you. How many of you can actually call your friends consistently and dump on them your problems, feelings, etc? You may be able to do it once or a few times , but the reality is that everyone has problems and even secrets that they feel better after disclosing them to the psychics they visit. Psychics are available for you around the clock when others simply are not. Everyone needs to talk and have someone to tell what is going on. Instead of choosing psychics, how about filling your day with other activities? No other human being can give you the answers you already know within. You are already hurt that the person you want is not calling you. You are after the feeling of hope that things may be different, and that is the reason you go to the psychics in the first place. Almost 95% percent of the questions people ask psychics are love related. If someone has gotten out of touch with you, by not calling you nor seeing, you, then this means that person made a choice not to see you anymore. Do not blame a psychic for being wrong, blame yourself for not respecting and loving yourself enough to accept that the person you want may not want you anymore. The reality is hard to accept, but once you do, you will have stopped the victim role of blaming other people. Psychics do not have ultra special powers over time frames and you will never find one psychic who is always right. Making lists of psychics to point fingers at is only a symptom. The root cause is that Y O U don't want to accept that the person you love no longer wants you anymore. Unfortunately as there are people addicted to gambling, there are people addicted to psychic readings. Recognize your addiction and seek help. Stop yourself from getting readings, and be really honest with yourself. If a person cannot respect and love you, then why put yourself in this situation? Eventually at the end you will end up being more hurt then anything else. Only you can decide to put a stop to this. Anyone who plays games with your heart by not seeing you or stringing your heart is not even worth your time. If a person really wants to be with you, they will seek you out. Get to the root cause, and pull yourself out of the cycle of bashing psychics. All it does is cause you anger and pain, so take a new direction and don't look back. If the person you want really loves you, they will come back without you spending any money on psychics. If you choose to speak to a psychic for emotional comfort and some accuracies with time frames, then remember that is all it is. As I repeat, you will never find one psychic that ever exists that is always right for everyone and at any time.


That's the key to the game - spending money to find the right one

#17Consumer Comment

Sat, November 24, 2007

Suzanne, you hit on the key to both Kasamba's and the readers' profits. The fact that you must spend money over and over to sift through and try various readers in order to ascertain a true reading that actually pans out. By then you have fed Kasamba's and various readers' pockets. Some even refer you to other readers keeping you in the loop of paying. You need to rate in 30 days which is ludicrous, if you rate 4 stars, other readers block you. If you don't rate, the reader won't take you back. If a negative comment is left, it is either taken down or other readers google you before a read, and see you left a negative comment for a reader and block you. The list goes on. So the feedback is suspicious, the ratings are worthless, so how does a client find a good reader with actual psychic impressions willing to be honest? You don't until you've spent a lot of money and maybe even not then. Not the way Kasamba is set up, and not the way the "readers" manipulate the ratings, even subtly by blocking clients. Spirituality is very limited on Kasamba - it is a commercial enterprise with little heart and even less expertise in that category. The only way that category would become honest is if an outside panel of non-paying open minded clients were to try the readers before they are hired and amongst them come up with an objective rating which would be posted at the top of each readers bio ...such as Client Panel determines the skill is empathy but no predictions happen....and so forth. It would eliminate a lot of readers off the bat from even working on there. We know any profession cannot police its own - therefore an outside consumer rating would be the best judge BEFORE a paying client lays down their money. If these experts are so sure of their skills then it shouldnt bother them. Kasamba can then still hide behind the fact that they are not liable or can't vouch for their experts - but at least a consumer rating would be posted and clients THEN would have the free will to choose. It would give some integrity to the site.


Good for you Suzanne

#18Consumer Comment

Fri, November 23, 2007

I really feel for you Suzanne. As you have discovered, they only mess your head up. Stay strong and heal yourself from the past. Then you'll be ready for a brighter future.

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