  • Report:  #902572

Complaint Review: Kathleen M. Newman + Associates PA - minneapolis Minnesota

Reported By:
pk - st louis park, Minnesota, United States of America

Kathleen M. Newman + Associates PA
225 s 6th street # 1775 minneapolis, 55402 Minnesota, United States of America
"Kathy Newman" <[email protected]>,
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Kathleen M. Picotte Newman, + Associates, P.A was suggested by the court system to represent the differences between the couple, period. The couple by the way, pays for her poor service, bias, her mistakes, her lack of judgement, her poor reputation and her abusive manipulation of the very system that she works for. Fun! We now have two x wives or two x husbands.

Ms. Newman in her own words, states "My clients need an advocate and that's why they hire me. I'm a good negotiator, but I'm not a pushover and my opposing counsel knows that. I know the system and how it works and I know most of the players. I can tell my clients if what they want is realistic, and if so, how they can go about getting it."

This profound statement could not be more false, un true and inaccurate. Please see the disparity in her words versus actions.

1-She first speaks of her clients, which is the couple, right? Yes, we indeed required and sought an advocate, but in this case we received an unethical professional with a personal vendetta. She not only divided and conquered the couple, but created the conflict and highlighted it to new levels never once being objective, neutral or honest/fair. She treated the couple with a lack of respect, with a lack of compassion showing no empathy. Only maneuvering the system to her means. She argued with both attorneys, went against the children's Psychologist direction and bought, purchased second hand evaluations to make her case. An un- contionable use of power and knowledge of the system. My x wife even commented " why has she taken us and our family down this path, it makes no sense to me."

2-We didn't require negotiations, we required a professional that could see both sides, especially the children's and help the parents through a difficult transitional period. What we didn't need was more negativity, more conflict more difficult times with the kids. We needed impartiality, and got the opposite.

3-There was no opposing counsel, there was just a broken family with children that needed, begged for her help, her wisdom and knowledge. This we did not receive. In fact, she broke the family further apart.

4-Yes, indeed she knows the system and how to work it to her advantage, up charging, unnecessary documents, phone calls and texts, all billed to you, her client. This so called professional knows no ethical boundaries and will pursue andy and every means of making a dollar, at your cost.

5-What we wanted was peace, security and a calm sustainable second life with our children, what we got was a mean, evil, uncooperative woman with a law degree that took advantage of our family, our wealth and our means.

When you experience a PC like Kathleen M. Newman, you can expect to pay a minimum of $5,000 -$7,000 per month until your ban accounts are dry, and then expect a lien or judgement against your property, another gift from Ms Newman. Isn't it unreal when the attorney you hire, can overcharge you monthly and then file a judgement against you and still call herself ethical.

My first hand experience with Ms. Kathleen Newman over the past 24 months has been agonizing, combative, biased, unfair, utterly unreasonable, personally threatening and painful. She lacks business acumen, tact, social skills, over bills, over charges and over communicates thus increasing her monthly fees, which you cannot control. To her, you are an open check book, so be aware if you hire her.

We, the couple are fine, its My children and your children that will suffer because of her incompetencies and judgmental acts of rage. They are the very reason we seek a supposed professional like Ms Kathleen Newman, to help the couple help their children. Instead, Ms. Newman uses her system to punish, to alienate the children from their parents, and their parents rites. The very role that she is hired by us to play, she abuses the system to her benefit, causing strife, creating unnecessary conflicts, stirring the pot continuously. 

What does this say about Ms. Newman?

I believe (IN MY OPINION) she suffers from some type of health and wellness issue (when hiring any PC, check medical leaves or ask within industry), showing continued signs of anger, rage, mis communications, errors, disconnects and outbursts. Her written and verbal communication is poor, with grammatical errors, factual errors and despicable conduct often repeating past issues to populate documents, which she then charges for. Her in person body language is tragic, unkept and socially unacceptable.

Ms Newman follows the money, the dollars and its a user pay system. If you pay regularly for her incompetence, then she will support you over the other. She lacks objectivity, cannot behave with neutrality and cannot represent the couple in any manner. 

To say the least, our experience with Ms Kathleen Newman and Associates was unacceptable, unethical and a terrible life experience for our children. There was not a single action or ruling that she made that was in the best interest of the couple, nor the children. They are in pain as a result of her acts.

I write this overview with absolute truth, no exaggeration, no embellishment and I will gladly respond to any and all questions to help any and every couple clearly understand what you don't get from a PC like KATHLEEN M. NEWMAN + Associates. 

I have filed ethical grievances with the Minnesota State Bar Association, a full summary report to the Law Review Board of Minnesota and to the Parenting Consultant bureau. I will not stop unit best practices are put in place and future parents realize what they are at risk of in using her services.

Your life with your children is critically important to their well being and development, please do not place your values into the hands of a parenting consultant like Ms. Kathleen Newman+Associates that doesn't have the ability to share in your values, your kindness for your children and your need to spend time together, even after divorce.

Thank you.

2 Updates & Rebuttals


st louis park,
United States of America
Never trust someone that uses initials for a first name?

#2Author of original report

Fri, July 20, 2012

To all-
Its always interesting to me to see the lame reports and response that come through on this site. Why is it that people don't use their real names, but hide behind initials, or even worse, anonymous. They take the time to file a report against someone instead of talking directly to that individual. They spend the time to write about the poor service or the fraudulent activity, and then leave the signature blank. The response from Patricia Kriha is obviously one of bias, as she is the supposed beneficiary of Ms. New,and Joe Reid, PhD bias. Ms Kathy Newman from Newman and Associates is the worst place you could ever go to for a parenting consultant.

I recently polled 15 attorneys regarding her service, her professionalism and her reputation in the marketplace. I suggest you do the same before even considering utilizing her. The look on these attorney's faces told me everything I needed to know.

Secondly, be certain that the parenting consultant (Kathy Newman) and child psychologist (Joe Reid, PhD) are not in collaboration, because the bias is then transferred to the person helping the children. In this case, Joe Reid is only interested in helping the parent paying his fees. He is not even considering the couple as a we and is in essence creating a co dependent relationship with Patricia and the children.

I reiterate that Ms. Kathleen Newman and Joe Reid, PhD are the worst, incompetent and unprofessional pair of people that are guiding the well being of my children.



United States of America
False report

#3Consumer Comment

Tue, July 17, 2012

The original author is inaccurate in this report. This report was written by someone else. This entire report is false. The people listed in this report are highly effective in their roles and I would recommend them to anyone looking for resources to help your children heal from the pain of Divorce. 

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