  • Report:  #1233155

Complaint Review: kaybrighton studio - Internet

Reported By:
GraphicSugarCo - mobile, Alabama, USA

kaybrighton studio
Internet, USA
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

I dont need to do a whole cyber bashing session to plead my case. I would rather the evidence speak for itself and if people still want to convince themselves that purchasing from this studio is a sound ethical decision; then they can do so knowing that this designer is a fraud and a thief.

It only takes a few minutes of research to learn that this studio should face punitive charges and if anything should be given ZERO business.

Evidently from a past photography studio , she has engaged in the same unethical practices per another ripoff report although I have never witnessed it.

  • First, Restored 316 is a Studio Press recommended 3rd party genesis child theme developer. Having Studio Press recommend you as a Genesis designer is an honor and thus ensures their customers are recieving well coded child themes.
  • Head over to www.restored316designs.com and read the designer's business integrity blog post to be given a picture of kay brighton's rip off  http://restored316designs.com/blog/2015/05/doing-business-with-integrity.
  • Look at Kay Brighton's wordpresstheme she uses for her own site and compare it to Restored 316's theme http://restored316designs.com/product/adorn-theme/.  However, you will notice she no longer sells the wordpress themes that she once boasted were her own ( you will find evidence of this on her facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/KayBrightonStudio )
  • More specifically here are 2 links to specific posts that boasts her new wordrpress themes that she stole from Restored 316's Floursih and Adorn them designs
  • https://www.facebook.com/KayBrightonStudio/photos/a.1425482311035917.1073741827.1425481601035988/1487912074792940/?type=1&theater https://www.facebook.com/KayBrightonStudio/photos/a.1425489081035240.1073741828.1425481601035988/1554228611494619/?type=1&theater
  • After that go to www. AngieMakes.com and peruse her site . Pay close attention to her footer link that uses a "made with ( insert heart icon)" then compare it to Kay Brighton's footer link. Also, look ar Kay Brighton's favicon tht she uses in comparison to Restored 316 designs.
  • I showed specifics from 2 different businesses, however her blogger designs are a combination of designs from etsy designers. Building blogger themes is a very large market and designs are similair due to less customization options. Im not sure of the copyright laws abiding blogger templates.

I gave you some links to follow to show you specific examples stolen wordrpress designs including similiar copyrighting , but for whatever reason ( most likely due to some cease and desist letters via Restored 316 that she references in her blog post but I cant be sure) she doesnt sell wordpress themes anymore. Aside from the documeneted accounts , I will list a couple of other obvious signs that this designer is a fraud.

  • GO to her site and look at her designs and demo content then look at her pricing strategies. She lacks any cohesive pricing strategy . Her blogger designs for no stated reason range start at 34.00, then jump to random numbers like 35.00 , 20.00 40.00 and even one's she claim are custom that are 150.00 and then another custom that is 600.00. This is most likely do to purchase pricing from other designers and she tailors the price according to how much she pays. If you are familiar with blogger templates , they are a bit easier to develop/design ( although thats an opinion via observation). However REAL desigers who code their websites and customize them independently and legally sell their blogger themes for most often 2 prices ; one for premade templates that will be resold and another for a custom one of a kind design.
  • Look through her site demos and read her customization options. She does not have many if ANY as these are calibrated per their web designers and plugins. Look at hr two custom template options that she offers for $150.00 and $$600.00. When purchasing them she has a "shop/place in cart" button but no instructions on customizations. I would be willing to bet if you purchased one of these you would get a template and that is it -if that .
  • Also look at her showcase. Their is absolutely no modified blogger templates only the product demo of her custom theme option . If a designer offers a 600.00 custom blogger theme/template. She is either A. showing the template and selling it as a one of kind or 2. she is going to make you a custom blog design and uses a dummy / or past custom design as her product demo. The showcase has examples of where someone purchased the "CUSTOM " design but it is the same template used in the product demo. WHERE THERE IS PORTFOLIO OF CUSTOM DESIGNS THERE IS MOST LIKELY NO CUSTOM DESIGNS DEVELOPED. Designers are proud to show their custom work . If this is hard to understand please go and see for yourself . This is all very evident on her site.
  • Lastly , check out other design studios ( the reputable ones and look at their legal or FAQ section). Most reputable designers do not copyright their themes ( this is not including the stock photos etc). They count on the integrity of other designers to tweak their designs for client use and purchase seperate single license for each client or if possible buy a developers license ( see example on studio press/organic themes/angie makes/bluchic/Restored 316 just to name a few). Now look at Kay Brighton's copyright statement and although this is not concrete but merely underscores her fraudelent practices and lck o deigner skills.

If you really want to see how Kay Brighton Studio's has built her studio off a cumulation of designs and copyrights stolen from other studios, take a good few minutes to look over the websites/theme developers I have listed and then compare it to hers. This is truly sad and pathetic .

3 Updates & Rebuttals


Lauren gaige..

#2General Comment

Mon, July 13, 2015

Don't you realize that your crazy rants you post when someone reports your illegal, unethical conduct further supports their accusations. Seriously, I am a nurse practioner that specializes in psychology and just happens to dabble in graphic/web design on the side. I just noticed your unethical behavior as I follow Bluchic/Lovely Confetti design.

For those of you who don't know, Lovely Confetti designs are among the select few recommended by studio press and has 3rd party themes sold on their site. Furthermore, they are the creators of the genesis framework that is so popular among web designers today.

Intelligent consumers do their research, just as I have that led me to discover your scamming. Also might I add that it is strange that the above accusation came just a few days after lovely confetti wrote a professional blog outlining how to conduct business with integrity. Now Restored 316 aka Lauren Gaige has been pointed out as the blog featured a picture of her  unethical practices and this scam report is her way of retaliating.

One lesson of advice Lauren Gaige, people respond to proof not hearsay, evidence not accusations and professional not psychotic. It's so sad that, if you are in fact a mother, you would stoop to these extremes as bullying breeds bullying. I hope you will soon choose another path as you are destined to fail on this one.


from an intelligent source

#3General Comment

Mon, July 13, 2015

I am appalled to see this type of behavior when evidence speaks for itself. In the true professional world, no one refutes a claim by name calling and bullying. If I had a slandering accusation I wouldn't even entertain it with retaliation and II would not tolerate "supporters" or "friends" defending me in this manner


The more intelligent, professionals laugh at this nonsense and only use facts to dispute claims. Making fun of someone's education level is trashy and pathetic.


This poor girl, Lauren Gaige, has just had another scam report listed on Rip Off report . Take a look at bluchic, lovely confetti, and other designers on Creative Market and Etsy. Lauren Gaige uses a combination of these designs but has just recently taken down most of what she claims to have been her themes from her old website, my restored life.


Also, whoever is copy and pasting legal claims and making threats of contacting the police, don't bother. There is no law that keeps people from stating their opinion hence the beauty of our constitution. Although I must say the futile attempts to scare people with police threats are quite humorous. So for any other customers who have been scammed by her, please don't let these retaliation claims scare you.


Also if you want to slander my grammar, misspellings, please go right ahead. The more intelligent people realize what you are doing.

What I will suggest you do is start practicing ethically and if you need to consult Lynda.com to learn how to code it's only a small monthly charge in exchange for the reputation you are paving.

If I continue to see you steal other's designs, I will continue to post NOT OPINIONS, but factual links that show proof just as I did on an other website and so will many others.

Lisa Design Co


#4General Comment

Wed, June 17, 2015

I've worked closely with Kay for many years on a variety of projects and I can assure anyone reading this that she is certainly not a thief. Kay is an absolute doll, a wonderful person with a lot of talent and she's been a delight to work with. I can't help but question the author of this post seeing as she lacks a basic grasp of the english language. She's unable to spell even the most basic of words and made several grammatical errors in her post. Probably because she wanted to see how many lies she could spew while angry that she isn't as talented as the individual she is posting about. So let's get to this person and her "proof" now shall we? #1. Claims Kay is a thief because she posted a desktop image of her design to her facebook page with the commentary "new design on the website" Nowhere does she claim to have made this design. She simply wanted her readers to check out her new design. This is something a lot of people do. It doesn't mean they claim to have created the design in question. So this little idiot and her "proof" is totally bogus. #2. Claims Kay is a thief because she uses a heart icon in her footer section like hundreds of other bloggers have in the past. I was unaware that someone could copyright a heart icon? Oh.. What's that? She didn't? Then it's not theft. And once again the uneducated loser who posted this article is an idiot and a liar. I'm going to assume the person who posted this article is miss Lauren (((redacted))). Lauren has a long history of attacking other people who make genesis child themes because she's not very talented and is evidently quite jealous of people with more talent than her. Lauren likes to try and kill off the competition because she's not smart enough to get a real job. Lauren created ALL of her themes by using the genesis theme as a base. What does that mean? That means ALL of Lauren's themes are stolen, a direct rip of the genesis theme so to speak. MANY designers have done this and it's fine because the genesis theme is filed under the GNU - General Public License meaning that anyone can add or remove from the template and resell it as their own. However, Lauren has a habit of copying her designs from other web designers including Lovely Confetti and PSW. Then she tries to turn it around and claim everyone is copying her when her wordpress themes were stolen to begin with. As if we needed any more proof that Lauren is a very sad, bitter and vengeful individual, right? Just google her. You'll find she's done this to many designers in the past. Lauren, you need to get over yourself. You're not a special snowflake. Your designs are not original. You stole your design code from the genesis theme then copied design ideas from actual talented web designers across the web. You've been doing this since 2009 when you deleted "My Restored Life" after being caught reselling stolen wordpress themes. I see you still haven't moved on or changed your ways. Lauren (((redacted))) is not talented. She is not special. She is not a nice person. She's a thief and a bully who simply cannot bring herself to learn how to code and would rather resell someone else's code then attack people who have actual design talent and a college/university degree to back their talent up. In closing, Lauren (((redacted))) is a very pathetic, jealous, bitter, vengeful and little person who steals her wordpress themes and bullies other web designers. Stay as far away from her as possible. Her cheap rip off designs aren't worth $5 let alone the $50 she charges for them. The internet is full of talented web designers who will sell you a beautiful and functional template. Lauren? Not so much. Avoid (((redacted))) and it's childish owner like the plague. You won't regret it!

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