  • Report:  #1135554

Complaint Review: Kings County Family Court and others - brooklyn New York

Reported By:
gem4867 - reading, Pennsylvania,

Kings County Family Court and others
330 Jay st. brooklyn, 11201 New York, USA
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?


                                    Conspiracy To Deprive Civil Liberties



The Parties names involved in the conspiracy, as well as others are set forth:


Parties being sued











Parties not being sued


Federal bureau of investigations, United States Eastern District court for New York, Hon. Roslynn Mauskopf  in the United States district court , Majistrate Jack Penca Social Security Administration , Hon Kathryn Baur Kings County Family court, and Media ,


My Complaint 1:12-cv-06262 in the United States Eastern District Court filed on

December 20 ,2012 , civil liberties violated in the 1st 4th 5th 7th 8th 9th 14th Amendments to the constitution.


These defendants and unknown others are and have engaged in obstruction of justice and cover-ups of the crimes against the Plaintiff conspiring to violate his rights and subject him to torture and human rights abuses.

These defendants and others, either currently or formerly, have engaged in a systematic, and officially sanctioned campaign of Gang Stalking to intimidate and prevent the named Plaintiff from presenting his claims that arose from the Eastern district of New York and continued into the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania . The type of harassment the defendants used against the Plaintiff is called gang stalking which is a covert government, police or private corporation operation designed to destroy a target such as the Plaintiff. Gang-stalking is a method of harassment by a group of people against an individual in order to harass or demean them on a consistent and perpetual basis over an extended period of time.     

The Crux of this conspiracy which escalated to gang stalking and depriving me of my son, framing me for domestic offenses, is the court corruption as set forth herein.

The Crux of  this conspiracy lays within court corruption stemming out from the Queens County Criminal Court house located in Queens New York. These defendants and others named in the complaint unlawfully conspired and framed myself and three others in a homicide trial. The Queens County prosecutors office and the 114 th  police detectives falsely implicated me and obtained probable cause by coercing arrestees to say they saw me kick or punch the deceased. On or about July 2008 after being out on a high bail I retained an attorney for 5,ooo.oo dollars and testified before the grand jury. The grand Jury dismissed all charges against me. So here's what the prosecutor did, they secretly took my case to another grand jury to get an indictment. How did I know? All of the defendants cases were being presented before the same grand jury, only one other defendant testified at the grand jury, at the end of the grand jury term all of the defendants were indicted except me. It took them two weeks later to indict me.


So here I am with a co-conspirator paid attorney, telling me no they didn’t do that its illegal, they could loose their job and so forth, but refuses to motion the court on the matter, forcing me to do it myself. At the second arraignment here is what the judge does, he asks the prosecutor did you take the defendants case to another grand jury? The prosecutor replies" all of the defendants testified before the same grand jury." Deviating from the question at hand, because the question was did you secretly present the case to another grand jury to get an indictment.


Next, here's what this corrupt judge does, he takes my bond away throws me in jail and raises the bail double the amount to a cash bail and relieves the paid attorney from representing me. So now I'm in jail for 2 and a half months, until finally I get a judge to change the bail from cash to bond, but now the court instructs the bails bondsman not to give back the bond forcing me to have to pay a new premium to another bondsman, White collar Robbery! (Affordable Bail Bonds, Kew Gardens NY)


Back to the dead beat attorney that made two appearances and beat me for five grand. I sued him in small claims court. On the first appearance the judge was appalled by what he had done and lashed out at him, on the second appearance he pulled some strings they switched judges and dismissed the suit against him. The same instance happened with the bail bondsman.


Next, they appoint me a court lawyer,  another co-conspirator attorney which blatantly admits to me that’s what the prosecutor did and would say ," well, what can you do about it , the judge is never going to allow you access to the grand jury records to prove it." (See exhibit O the forged indictment) So now the prosecutor and attorney are trying to get me to be a witness for the state. The prosecutor has my cell phone wire tapped and subjects me to at least three illegal stops and searches hoping to catch me with something to have over me to keep me silent on what they planned to do next. 


At the Proffer hearing, a proffer is where you meet with the district attorney and the supervisor to determine if your testimony is useful to them at trial to make you a witness for the state. So here we are me and my attorney on the way to the meeting, "I ask him do you think their going to make me a witness based off what I heard? He replies "I wouldn’t tell them that because that’s not what they want to hear." At the hearing that’s exactly what I said I could only tell you what I heard because I didn’t see what happen to the decease. As soon as I said that they shut off the recorder. Doomed by their corruption in fear of them framing me I reluctantly entered an agreement to be a witness thinking that my testimony was going to be about what I heard and what was told to me. But come later to find out that kind of testimony isn’t permissible in court because its hearsay.


Next, the prosecutor has me meet with her at their office, to view video of the seen. While viewing the video she explains how she sees the video and who is doing what. So when I say I didn’t see that , she threatens you can be going to trial with them and points out the agreement that I signed which permits them to prosecute me for violating the terms, and continues for the next few meetings drilling me with the way it should be said at the trial.


At the trial three defendants were convicted, 1st person sentenced to 18 yrs , Second to 10 yrs and third person 5 years. My sentencing was a plea for facilitation ,A misdemeanor with 3 yrs probation. Two weeks later the court terminated the probation because the judge was aware I was illegally sentenced and so that I would remain quiet.(See exhibit O) Still the wire tapping never ceased and the gang stalking began right after my sons mother contacted the prosecutor. To gain advantage in custody proceedings she informed the DA I was planning to expose them for what they done.


In case your wondering what became of the defendants, well right before I file my suit I was meeting with the defendants sister to try and expose this to the public. So when they see I'm preparing to give her a sworn affidavit they propose a deal to reduce the defendants sentence to avoid suit, in exchange for that deal she had to wear a wire when meeting me, them hoping that I would be in need of money to proceed in the custody matter, I might ask her for money in exchange of the sworn affidavit , that way they can charge me with some kind of bribery charges or whatever else they could make up.



                                                The Conspiracy in the Family Courts


These defendants in condonation of the United States Eastern district court framed me for domestic offenses which the court lacked jurisdiction and deprived me my son for 16 months thus far, and ran a conspiracy train of gang stalking on me . Who's in on it ? the answer to that is who's not in on it.  judges, lawyers, court employees, you name it. Why you ask? Well first off to jail me , in order to silence me. Secondly, they go after what they think will hurt you most, which is your child. Pay back for opening your mouth. Third reason, an abuse of power, because their the law and they can get away with it..


First point, these defendants and others in conspiracy trialed me in New York for offenses alleged to have occurred in the Common wealth of Pennsylvania. Title iii of the United States Constitution Section 2: in part states,The trial of all crimes, except in cases of impeachment, shall be by jury; and such trial shall be held in the state where the said crimes shall have been committed; New York  Family Court Act  § 154. (c)(1) states, that the family court can issue a order protection so long as: (1)  the  act  or  acts  giving  rise  to  the application  for  issuance  or  enforcement  of  the order of protection occurred within the state.




The crux of the conspiracy:

On Jan 4 2012 the mother after wrongfully removing my son from my care files a petition in New York alleging abandonment another alleging domestic offenses in PA. I filed on the 6th in PA. The court tells me that there is no free legal assistance available in Pa and instructs Mid Penn Legal services to represent her. Two reasons why she didn’t qualify(1) she wasn’t a resident of PA (2) She was gainfully employed by the City of New York making over 30 thousand dollars, well over their eligibility requirement. January 9 2012 the court holds hearing to decide jurisdiction, the mother appears two hours late because Mid Penn Legal services is prepping her testimony before court. At the hearing I request an adjournment to bring witnesses. January 30, 2012 the Kings family court dismisses her petition for custody because it was an interstate matter and the mother filed a petition alleging abandonment.


Her domestic offense petition should have also been dismissed because the court lacked jurisdiction.( See exhibit A.) The lawyer convinces the judge to keep a temporary order of protection going which was unlawful for them to issue in the first place.


Next on the day of the continuing hearing in Berks county court I appear to court with my witnesses and the court refuses to hold the hearing, instead he defers the case to New York and refused  to conclude the hearing.


Next in the kings county Family Court , they assign me a attorney, that refuses to subpoena the mothers phone records, so I wouldn’t be able to prove text messages send by the mother(see exhibit b) Subsequently T-Mobile wire tapping me for the prosecutor refused to hand over her phone records under subpoena and court order. The judge tells me I will sign the order but they probably wont give you the records.


Next, the petitioner testifies on the domestic offense case, fails to allege a family offense in the state of New York, so he stops the trial. (See exhibit C) Next they Pre-organized a plan for the following court date to mistrial the case since the plaintiff failed to allege abuse, my lawyer submits a motion to be relieved as counsel, stating that I was hostile and couldn’t agree with her tactics. She don’t show to court and the court refuses to discuss the reasons on the record. They have an attorney waiting in the hall way to be called in to replace her so they could have an excuse to mistrial. He don’t discuss anything with me and in conspiracy he and the judge mistrial the case.


After I accuse them by motion of the wrong doing they edit the transcripts so the records would reflect that I was instructed by the court to wait out side for the attorney, so it wouldn’t appeared staged.(see exhibit D pg. 15 and see exhibit E) the attorneys response to my complaint which corroborates my story )


The retrial, for offenses they know the court has no jurisdiction. At the retrial the judge forces me to represent myself, coerces the mother on the stand to say she was staying in PA under duress( See. Exhibit H pg. 69) additionally, refuses to allow me to question the mother to prior testimony, specifically where she told the court in PA I was stalking her outside her home on January 4th 2012 the day we left Pa to go to the mothers home in NY where her and her family held him captive.(See exhibit F pg. 35, Exhibit H pg. 75-77  ) When I question her about prior testimony from the trial he says no not allowed because that’s what a mistrial means prior testimony goes away. (Exhibit I pg.39, 40) The end result is he finds me guilty of Menacing in the second degree.120.14 of the penal code, when the mother never alleged me using a fire arm to threaten her. New York Penal code § 120.14 Menacing in the second degree. A person is guilty of menacing in the second degree when 1. He or she intentionally places or attempts to place another person in reasonable fear of physical injury, serious physical injury or  death by  displaying a deadly weapon, dangerous instrument or what appears to be a pistol.


So he orders, an order of protection for 6 months, and her attorney is instructing the mother file a false police report so they could jail me. During those six months she sends people around my home to get my plate no. I had to constantly remove the plate from my car.


Prior thereto I filed a motion to dismiss for lack of jurisdiction and the attorney and judge in conspiracy made up a case in the matter of Richardson v. Richardson (2010) stating that the supreme court held that the family court had jurisdiction over family offense cases in any state, country and even the island of Anguillia. The attorney wrote this under the penalties of perjury. (See Exhibit J)I guess its legal these day for lawyers to perjure themselves, well as long its done with the approval of the United states district court and the FBI wiretapping my internet service, which as I was searching for the case on the courts website by the fourth search they added a made up case to the courts archive, but blocked me from printing it , so I had to copy and paste.(See exhibit k)


On my next court date for jurisdiction I appeared  with my witnesses, the judge provokes me into an argument him by telling the plaintiff on cross not to answer my questions, without even the attorney objecting, this way he could hold me in contempt of court. The plan here was to keep my witnesses from testifying and retrieve the documents the attorney committed fraud and perjury. Since I knew they were going to pull some crap like that I left the documents home. So since they couldn’t get those documents they stole the mothers letters to me giving over my son.(See exhibit L)I kept copies just in case.


Also (see Exhibit M) T-mobile says they don’t own the phone number, but sprint says it belongs to T-Mobile. Until today they still refuse to hand over the phone records.


Also see Exhibit N 10/19/2012 pg. 43-49 the judge and the mothers attorney conspiring together to declare emergency jurisdiction to deprive me my son and See Exhibit N 12/20/2012 pg.23 Exhibit H pg. 84,85 the judge strong arming me into giving the court jurisdiction over the custody matter. After almost a whole year passes by he tells the mother to bring my son to court where I get to spend a whole twenty minutes with him. When I ask for an order to spend time he says" The only reason I let you see your son today is to not be Barbaric and deprive you for a whole year"


Lastly , the District court dismisses all the defendants, according to her its ok to deprive a father to their child, frame me for domestic abuse, wiretap me , Gps my car, deprive me of hospital care and medications gang stalk me and so forth. She states in her judgment none of these defendants are amenable to suit, and have immunity.(see exhibit P) my claims are frivolous. Also See photos of the Gps.



6 Updates & Rebuttals



#2General Comment

Sat, July 12, 2014

 Sorry Im NOT seeing it. As a conspiracy means that each and every person in the conspiracy MUST keep what they are doing to themselves, one would think that a PI grilling the family members of the people YOU have accused of this conspiracy would prove if there was one. All I see is someone who lost their court cases and NOW states a conspiracy. Heres a tip for you, it MAY help you reign in that imagination a bit. With each person,group, legal entity involved in a conspiracy the level of SECURITY drops. Think about how many people they would interact with in a standard business day. At SOME POINT one of those people WOULD spill their guts and tell SOMEONE about what is going on. Its the nature of the human being. We CANT keep secrets. We give away tells that let people KNOW we are being dishonest when we speak to them. That being said, simple interviewing would produce results. SOMEONE told someone else. Problem is that what YOU are describing would take FAR more people then what YOU have named. Just because someone is a Judge doesn't mean that a county court clerk is going to doctor legal documents for them. Oh sure there may be a few who MIGHT, but by and large there are too many hands involved and too many checks and balances that would give away any wrongdoing. So your claim of them "doctoring" kinda makes me want to laugh. There are too many people that work in any courthouse that would LOVE to take someone as big as a judge down. There are ethics guidelines that MUST be followed or the people that enforce the law would be the ones having the law enforced on them. While Im sure it makes you feel better to THINK that there is some form of massive conspiracy against YOU, the reality is more then likely FAR DIFFERENT!! Did you EVER think that they might believe YOU killed the person?? That YOU were lying for some other reason or another. Then the "stalking" that you claim would make sense. They would be trying to put a MURDERER away and get them off the streets. Im betting your family court issues also stem from the FACT that YOU were a suspect in their investigation. If that is indeed the issue then sorry but boohoo, youre a murder suspect. One of the worst crimes you can commit is to steal someones life. I don't believe that you were a victim of "Gang Stalking" I DO however firmly believe that they considered YOU a murder suspect and your fabrication of a conspiracy is all designed to throw everyone else under the bus while protecting yourself. Sorry but it sounds like YOU have a SERIOUS EGO ISSUE!! A bit too self important even for someone from New York. Odds are that you ARE guilty of SOMETHING and their job is to arrest and prosecute those people who break the law. Every criminal will tell you how innocent they REALLY are.........


Appellate court Judges, conspire with my opressor :Read The Fraudulent ORDER

#3Author of original report

Thu, July 03, 2014

 The Newyork State second Department acting in conspiracy with Judge Anthony Cannataro, just modified an order which expired by its term and ordered it to be a five year restraining order. The order says they found on the record aggravating circumstances I used a firearm to threaten the petitioner. Read the transcripts, the mother never alleges the use of a firearm. Moreover, the court says although most of the offense were alleged in Pennsylvania, the court has jurisdiction. Nonsense, the mother never alleged an offense in the state of NewYork. Apparently this court dont know the courts jurisdiction. The deceit and games these judges play is beyond reason.

Furthermore, this court on appeal does not address none of the issues I presented. First issue they deviate from is how the court denied me counsel. Secondly, they mention nothing about the mistrial which was staged. Third they dont bother to mention any thing about the coercing the judge did as I pointed out to them in the transcripts. Another Fraudulent order by the state court in Tyranny sanctioned by the federal court. If you are reading this please read all the transcripts and view the order, suposedly the publisised this order like its legal. Why dont they just remove  Title iii of the United States Constitution Section 2:which states,The trial of all crimes, except in cases of impeachment, shall be by jury; and such trial shall be held in the state where the said crimes shall have been committed. For some reason these judges dont give a hoot about what the Constitution states. Obviously if a court can sanction the prosecutor forging an indictment, and illegally sentencing me, whats another illegal conviction to them. Framing seems to be a common practice, read the order and transcripts. https://www.dropbox.com/sh/jz7jmuma0x1vbki/IfZrCrG2bN/Uploads



The Tyranny in the United States Courts

#4Author of original report

Fri, June 27, 2014

 On 7/2/ 2014 I am sheduled again to appear in the Kings Family court for a violation of protection which alleges that I followed the mother into a police precint and told her have a nice vacay and that I called her a cop a caller, Its not even a crime enumerated in the Family court act even if it were true. The real senario is the courts purposely had me picking up my son at a pecint near her before they bagan depriving me my child so that she could accuse me of something. On several pick ups she would call me on my cell phone and tell me to come out side the precint to accuse me of doing something to her. More over, the family court never even had jurisdiction to issue the order in the first instance. So now im appearing before this next judge that again violated my Due process rights by issuing another temporary order of protection on the same case which the first order of protection expired back in November 2013, where the first judge Anthony Cannataro and the attorneys framed me. Again running me down to NY for more proceedings where they lack jurisdiction. At the same time the judge that framed me still hasnt send the decision deciding the jurisdiction, so they could keep depriving me of my child.


Heres what there doing, coinciding the case with the lawsuit, to get these defendants out the suit. Running me to NY some more to keep me spending money so I will have to give up the suit or settle to their terms. At the same timeThey denied me Social Security benefits, and again on appeal,  the federal judge presiding over the civil suit refused to sign an order to show cause for the benefits and the appeal hearing judge in the federal court denied it stating that my blood work was nothing more than ic codes for the hospital to get paid. In the meanwhile my blood work indicates a 721 High Rheumatoid Factor, there were exrays and MRi  submitted showing bone norrowing and svere arthritus. During the hearing he said I would get a chance to question their doctor at the end of the hearing and when the time came He said oh were out of time!


I will be updating this conspiracy report periodically and will be adding the evidence in my dropbox to be viewed. Here is my  link. https://www.dropbox.com/sh/jz7jmuma0x1vbki/IfZrCrG2bN/Uploads


Conspiracy Update

#5Author of original report

Fri, June 13, 2014

 I just recieved an order From the NewYork State Appellate Court 2nd department denying me Leave to appeal from an order of protection issued from a Family court judge wich lacks subject matter jurisdiction. Rather than answer to it heres what they wrote,  "ORDERED that this motion is otherwise denied as academic" What in the world does that mean? What it means is were going to deny you due process until you either abandon your Federal suit against our buddies or we can justify putting you away.


Where is the Supreme court stand on this, do they know whats going on? Of course they do , no conspiracy goes on without all the courts knowing abouit it. In fact when this state judge first began depriving me of my child i filed motions to the supreme court to restrain him. Two motions and both denied without legal reason, no explanation, just denied. On about three or four different occasions they would reject it or act as if it got lost. I even had to drive all the way to DC to the court house just so they would file it. When I got there the clerk wouldnt take the papers from me. After he reviewed the papers he made go outside to a security booth to leave the papers , he explained they had to be examined for anthrax. A whole bunch of Beuacracy.


Wake up America! The justice system is destroying the country, Get involved, write to Congress to take action against corrupt officials. These parties have deprived me of my child going on two years, while they go home to their children every night, If that werent enough they conspire to deprive me of redress for the crimes against me, with unlawful orders of protection, threats of violence and intimidation with jail for exercising my Civil Rights. Read my appeal brief its been there since the 5th and the court is procrastinating with filing it.  heres the link to my Dropbox.

. https://www.dropbox.com/sh/jz7jmuma0x1vbki/IfZrCrG2bN/Uploads



Methods the government use to Defeat Federal suits

#6Author of original report

Sun, June 01, 2014


 Under Color of law - means federal and state conspire together  ?

New York State Courts & Judges How To Defeat a Federal lawsuit against a judge brooklyn New York


 An update to My lawsuit filed December 20 2014 in the Eastern District Court (12-cv-6262). As I explained earlier about this conspiracy where these courts engaged in a systymatic campaign of gangstalking and depriving me my child. Since then I made a last appearance before the judge that framed me for Domestic abuse along with the two attorneys. At the last and final hearing to decide jurisdiction after running me from PA to New York for 29 months to forcibly take Jurisdiction. The  judge refused to take in any evidence from me that was relevant to the jurisdiction matter.

 At the end of the hearing he states to me  Even if I decide jurisdiction is in Pennsylvania I want you to know" This is by far not over" what did he mean by that ? Well from my point of view as far as I can see he meant that their conspiracy is in no way over by any means! Realistically thats exactly what he meant, these judges are not going to stop because theres no-one to stop them. I filed an order to show cause in the New York State Appellate court against the Family Court issuing a restraining order on the family offense case which terminated Nov.31 2013 with the final order for which they framed me without having subject matter jurisdiction. I filed on the 6th and the court still has not issued the order to vacate when the mothers attorney failed to respond. On , that same note, the New York State Appellate court has not decided the Appeal for the unlawful conviction to keep their conspircy ongoing. The United States Eastern district Court facilitating these unconstitutional acts dismissed two writs of habeas corpus which I filed aginst the judge for depriving me my child and the unlawful conviction. The message is I either give in to their corruption or they simply will keep it going until they find reason to justify taking jurisdiction. In that matter thats why they keep putting it off until the mother is able to actually succeed in filing a false police report. Under information and belief and according to the threats she makes, she has already filed one or two police reports using plate numbers that I surrendered before her making the report, and I suspect their covering  up the reports. Im almost sure of it because they covered up a day care fraud that she was involved in.

As, I mentioned earlier in my previous report about the FBI illegally wire tapping, this wiretapping is being done by the government for the Federal courts , heres what they did after I filed my suit, they used the wire tapping to keep informed of who Im calling to keep me from obtaining evidence against the parties in my suit and espscially for the Family court proceedings. So if I called the hospital to get medical records, they would know and instruct them not to hand over the records. They did this throughout the case, on a continuing basis harrassed me over the internet through the company, tampering with my computer and printer so I couldnt respond to the lawyers motions. If you think Im making these things up all I could tell you that this is very real , they have threatened to kill me ,send me threats over the internet and even in person for me filing Federal suit against these judges.They also followed me for about two months. On my last report filed they wrote a rebuttal threat stating they could have a gang member take me out or make it look accidental. If they camt drain you financially to keep you from going forward with the suit they conpire to jail you , and I believe they were dead serious about their death threats.

Lastly, over a month ago shut off my water and  I am being summons into court for the second time for illegal turn-offs.

Im writing this to inform the public officials that are against conspiracies and corruption, that have the power and autority to stop these participating individuals and hold them accountable. If anyone, is going through or gone through the same, please write about it and dont be confined by the fear factor they try subject you to.



conspiracy or not you Decide

#7Author of original report

Thu, April 03, 2014

                                   Conspiracy To Deprive Civil Liberties

 The Parties names involved in the conspiracy, as well as others are set forth:

 Parties being sued










Parties not being sued


Federal bureau of investigations, United States Eastern District court for New York, Hon. Roslynn Mauskopf  in the United States district court , Majistrate Jack Penca Social Security Administration , Hon Kathryn Baur Kings County Family court, and Media ,

 My Complaint 1:12-cv-06262 in the United States Eastern District Court filed on

December 20 ,2012 , civil liberties violated in the 1st 4th 5th 7th 8th 9th 14th Amendments to the constitution.

 These defendants and unknown others are and have engaged in obstruction of justice and cover-ups of the crimes against the Plaintiff conspiring to violate his rights and subject him to torture and human rights abuses.

These defendants and others, either currently or formerly, have engaged in a systematic, and officially sanctioned campaign of Gang Stalking to intimidate and prevent the named Plaintiff from presenting his claims that arose from the Eastern district of New York and continued into the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania . The type of harassment the defendants used against the Plaintiff is called gang stalking which is a covert government, police or private corporation operation designed to destroy a target such as the Plaintiff. Gang-stalking is a method of harassment by a group of people against an individual in order to harass or demean them on a consistent and perpetual basis over an extended period of time.     

The Crux of this conspiracy which escalated to gang stalking and depriving me of my son, framing me for domestic offenses, is the court corruption as set forth herein.

The Crux of  this conspiracy lays within court corruption stemming out from the Queens County Criminal Court house located in Queens New York. These defendants and others named in the complaint unlawfully conspired and framed myself and three others in a homicide trial. The Queens County prosecutors office and the 114 th  police detectives falsely implicated me and obtained probable cause by coercing arrestees to say they saw me kick or punch the deceased. On or about July 2008 after being out on a high bail I retained an attorney for 5,ooo.oo dollars and testified before the grand jury. The grand Jury dismissed all charges against me. So here's what the prosecutor did, they secretly took my case to another grand jury to get an indictment. How did I know? All of the defendants cases were being presented before the same grand jury, only one other defendant testified at the grand jury, at the end of the grand jury term all of the defendants were indicted except me. It took them two weeks later to indict me.

 So here I am with a co-conspirator paid attorney, telling me no they didn’t do that its illegal, they could loose their job and so forth, but refuses to motion the court on the matter, forcing me to do it myself. At the second arraignment here is what the judge does, he asks the prosecutor did you take the defendants case to another grand jury? The prosecutor replies" all of the defendants testified before the same grand jury." Deviating from the question at hand, because the question was did you secretly present the case to another grand jury to get an indictment.

 Next, here's what this corrupt judge does, he takes my bond away throws me in jail and raises the bail double the amount to a cash bail and relieves the paid attorney from representing me. So now I'm in jail for 2 and a half months, until finally I get a judge to change the bail from cash to bond, but now the court instructs the bails bondsman not to give back the bond forcing me to have to pay a new premium to another bondsman, White collar Robbery! (Affordable Bail Bonds, Kew Gardens NY)

 Back to the dead beat attorney that made two appearances and beat me for five grand. I sued him in small claims court. On the first appearance the judge was appalled by what he had done and lashed out at him, on the second appearance he pulled some strings they switched judges and dismissed the suit against him. The same instance happened with the bail bondsman.

 Next, they appoint me a court lawyer,  another co-conspirator attorney which blatantly admits to me that’s what the prosecutor did and would say ," well, what can you do about it , the judge is never going to allow you access to the grand jury records to prove it." (See exhibit O the forged indictment) So now the prosecutor and attorney are trying to get me to be a witness for the state. The prosecutor has my cell phone wire tapped and subjects me to at least three illegal stops and searches hoping to catch me with something to have over me to keep me silent on what they planned to do next. 

 At the Proffer hearing, a proffer is where you meet with the district attorney and the supervisor to determine if your testimony is useful to them at trial to make you a witness for the state. So here we are me and my attorney on the way to the meeting, "I ask him do you think their going to make me a witness based off what I heard? He replies "I wouldn’t tell them that because that’s not what they want to hear." At the hearing that’s exactly what I said I could only tell you what I heard because I didn’t see what happen to the decease. As soon as I said that they shut off the recorder. Doomed by their corruption in fear of them framing me I reluctantly entered an agreement to be a witness thinking that my testimony was going to be about what I heard and what was told to me. But come later to find out that kind of testimony isn’t permissible in court because its hearsay.

 Next, the prosecutor has me meet with her at their office, to view video of the seen. While viewing the video she explains how she sees the video and who is doing what. So when I say I didn’t see that , she threatens you can be going to trial with them and points out the agreement that I signed which permits them to prosecute me for violating the terms, and continues for the next few meetings drilling me with the way it should be said at the trial.

 At the trial three defendants were convicted, 1st person sentenced to 18 yrs , Second to 10 yrs and third person 5 years. My sentencing was a plea for facilitation ,A misdemeanor with 3 yrs probation. Two weeks later the court terminated the probation because the judge was aware I was illegally sentenced and so that I would remain quiet.(See exhibit O) Still the wire tapping never ceased and the gang stalking began right after my sons mother contacted the prosecutor. To gain advantage in custody proceedings she informed the DA I was planning to expose them for what they done.

 In case your wondering what became of the defendants, well right before I file my suit I was meeting with the defendants sister to try and expose this to the public. So when they see I'm preparing to give her a sworn affidavit they propose a deal to reduce the defendants sentence to avoid suit, in exchange for that deal she had to wear a wire when meeting me, them hoping that I would be in need of money to proceed in the custody matter, I might ask her for money in exchange of the sworn affidavit , that way they can charge me with some kind of bribery charges or whatever else they could make up.

                                                 The Conspiracy in the Family Courts

 These defendants in condonation of the United States Eastern district court framed me for domestic offenses which the court lacked jurisdiction and deprived me my son for 16 months thus far, and ran a conspiracy train of gang stalking on me . Who's in on it ? the answer to that is who's not in on it.  judges, lawyers, court employees, you name it. Why you ask? Well first off to jail me , in order to silence me. Secondly, they go after what they think will hurt you most, which is your child. Pay back for opening your mouth. Third reason, an abuse of power, because their the law and they can get away with it..

 First point, these defendants and others in conspiracy trialed me in New York for offenses alleged to have occurred in the Common wealth of Pennsylvania. Title iii of the United States Constitution Section 2: in part states,The trial of all crimes, except in cases of impeachment, shall be by jury; and such trial shall be held in the state where the said crimes shall have been committed; New York  Family Court Act  § 154. (c)(1) states, that the family court can issue a order protection so long as: (1)  the  act  or  acts  giving  rise  to  the application  for  issuance  or  enforcement  of  the order of protection occurred within the state.


 The crux of the conspiracy:

On Jan 4 2012 the mother after wrongfully removing my son from my care files a petition in New York alleging abandonment another alleging domestic offenses in PA. I filed on the 6th in PA. The court tells me that there is no free legal assistance available in Pa and instructs Mid Penn Legal services to represent her. Two reasons why she didn’t qualify(1) she wasn’t a resident of PA (2) She was gainfully employed by the City of New York making over 30 thousand dollars, well over their eligibility requirement. January 9 2012 the court holds hearing to decide jurisdiction, the mother appears two hours late because Mid Penn Legal services is prepping her testimony before court. At the hearing I request an adjournment to bring witnesses. January 30, 2012 the Kings family court dismisses her petition for custody because it was an interstate matter and the mother filed a petition alleging abandonment.

 Her domestic offense petition should have also been dismissed because the court lacked jurisdiction.( See exhibit A.) The lawyer convinces the judge to keep a temporary order of protection going which was unlawful for them to issue in the first place.

 Next on the day of the continuing hearing in Berks county court I appear to court with my witnesses and the court refuses to hold the hearing, instead he defers the case to New York and refused  to conclude the hearing.

 Next in the kings county Family Court , they assign me a attorney, that refuses to subpoena the mothers phone records, so I wouldn’t be able to prove text messages send by the mother(see exhibit b) Subsequently T-Mobile wire tapping me for the prosecutor refused to hand over her phone records under subpoena and court order. The judge tells me I will sign the order but they probably wont give you the records.

 Next, the petitioner testifies on the domestic offense case, fails to allege a family offense in the state of New York, so he stops the trial. (See exhibit C) Next they Pre-organized a plan for the following court date to mistrial the case since the plaintiff failed to allege abuse, my lawyer submits a motion to be relieved as counsel, stating that I was hostile and couldn’t agree with her tactics. She don’t show to court and the court refuses to discuss the reasons on the record. They have an attorney waiting in the hall way to be called in to replace her so they could have an excuse to mistrial. He don’t discuss anything with me and in conspiracy he and the judge mistrial the case.

 After I accuse them by motion of the wrong doing they edit the transcripts so the records would reflect that I was instructed by the court to wait out side for the attorney, so it wouldn’t appeared staged.(see exhibit D pg. 15 and see exhibit E) the attorneys response to my complaint which corroborates my story )

 The retrial, for offenses they know the court has no jurisdiction. At the retrial the judge forces me to represent myself, coerces the mother on the stand to say she was staying in PA under duress( See. Exhibit H pg. 69) additionally, refuses to allow me to question the mother to prior testimony, specifically where she told the court in PA I was stalking her outside her home on January 4th 2012 the day we left Pa to go to the mothers home in NY where her and her family held him captive.(See exhibit F pg. 35, Exhibit H pg. 75-77  ) When I question her about prior testimony from the trial he says no not allowed because that’s what a mistrial means prior testimony goes away. (Exhibit I pg.39, 40) The end result is he finds me guilty of Menacing in the second degree.120.14 of the penal code, when the mother never alleged me using a fire arm to threaten her. New York Penal code § 120.14 Menacing in the second degree. A person is guilty of menacing in the second degree when 1. He or she intentionally places or attempts to place another person in reasonable fear of physical injury, serious physical injury or  death by  displaying a deadly weapon, dangerous instrument or what appears to be a pistol.

 So he orders, an order of protection for 6 months, and her attorney is instructing the mother file a false police report so they could jail me. During those six months she sends people around my home to get my plate no. I had to constantly remove the plate from my car.

 Prior thereto I filed a motion to dismiss for lack of jurisdiction and the attorney and judge in conspiracy made up a case in the matter of Richardson v. Richardson (2010) stating that the supreme court held that the family court had jurisdiction over family offense cases in any state, country and even the island of Anguillia. The attorney wrote this under the penalties of perjury. (See Exhibit J)I guess its legal these day for lawyers to perjure themselves, well as long its done with the approval of the United states district court and the FBI wiretapping my internet service, which as I was searching for the case on the courts website by the fourth search they added a made up case to the courts archive, but blocked me from printing it , so I had to copy and paste.(See exhibit k)

 On my next court date for jurisdiction I appeared  with my witnesses, the judge provokes me into an argument him by telling the plaintiff on cross not to answer my questions, without even the attorney objecting, this way he could hold me in contempt of court. The plan here was to keep my witnesses from testifying and retrieve the documents the attorney committed fraud and perjury. Since I knew they were going to pull some crap like that I left the documents home. So since they couldn’t get those documents they stole the mothers letters to me giving over my son.(See exhibit L)I kept copies just in case.

 Also (see Exhibit M) T-mobile says they don’t own the phone number, but sprint says it belongs to T-Mobile. Until today they still refuse to hand over the phone records.

 Also see Exhibit N 10/19/2012 pg. 43-49 the judge and the mothers attorney conspiring together to declare emergency jurisdiction to deprive me my son and See Exhibit N 12/20/2012 pg.23 Exhibit H pg. 84,85 the judge strong arming me into giving the court jurisdiction over the custody matter. After almost a whole year passes by he tells the mother to bring my son to court where I get to spend a whole twenty minutes with him. When I ask for an order to spend time he says" The only reason I let you see your son today is to not be Barbaric and deprive you for a whole year"

 Lastly , the District court dismisses all the defendants, according to her its ok to deprive a father to their child, frame me for domestic abuse, wiretap me , Gps my car, deprive me of hospital care and medications gang stalk me and so forth. She states in her judgment none of these defendants are amenable to suit, and have immunity.(see exhibit P) my claims are frivolous. Also See photos of the Gps.


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