  • Report:  #1389340

Complaint Review: Legacy Insurance Services Inc. - Phoenix Arizona

Reported By:
Manders1185 - Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA

Legacy Insurance Services Inc.
10409 S. 50th Place, #100 Phoenix, 85044 Arizona, USA
(480) 413-9173
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Horredous company!!! Accident occurred 6/16/17. My tire was bent, my alignment was messed up, there was some suspension damage, and of course body work that needed to be completed. My vehicle shook violently like it was going to fall apart while I drove it, but I couldn't get a call back from Legacy until the end on June on what I needed to do or what protocol to follow. It was finally on 7/3/17 that I was "approved" to take my "not-drivable" vehicle to the shop. I took it in on 7/5 and not was not completed until 7/26. It sat there for 3 weeks, while I paid for a rental car out of pocket. The body shop said they called Legacy multiple times a day with no response. They called both John and his supervisor Edgar. They just needed a single document one time. Another time, they needed verbal conformation that they could continue repairs. No one from Legacy called back for days on end. My vehicle was estimated to be completed in less than a week, but because of the clear negligence and hostility from the adjuster, it was over 3 weeks - mind you this is 3-4 weeks AFTER the initial incident occurred and I was getting nowhere with John. I chose to go above his head and deal with Edgar, his supervisor. John caught wind of that, and called me immediately to verbally abuse me. We argued, he was so rude, condescending, and blaming me for even calling him for help! He interrupted me, he made me feel stupid, worthless, a complete annoyance and waste of his time. I told him at that time, I refused to speak with him any further and all correspondence regarding my case would be through his supervisor, with my insurance agent, and with the auto body shop. I never wanted to hear his voice again. I was furious. I cannot believe he thought he could get away speaking to me in that manner. And of course, his supervisor did nothing. Edgar didn't apologize on John's behalf or say he would address the issue. It was looked over and avoided, no matter how many times I brought it up in our single conversation. John has Edgar's protection and nothing was done to ensure me that things were dealt with.

I was calling and calling, and not called back to the number I requested a dozen times. When I did get through, I was verbally accosted and verbally abused twice by John Camargo. After filing a report on him and his hostile behavior to his supervisor and his company, he had to gall to leave me a nasty, very condescending voicemail just a few days ago - after this was allegedly all said and done. Trust me, I have kept record of every call, every voicemail, every single detail including the length and time of each call, plus including the information regarding my work number over and over and over again, because I cannot answer my cell at work. Did they EVER bother to call me at work? Not one single time. They deliberately called the cell, knowing I couldn't answer because I was at work. So call the landline I asked you a dozen times to call first! Is is THAT hard??? The only 2 non-aggressive voicemails John left were only 28 seconds long (this is including the time for my voicemail to pick up and for him to leave a 3 sentence message. No answers to questions I asked, no advice, no documents I had requested and still continuing to disregard my request to call me at WORK where I would actually talk to him.

I'm not the only one who is angry here. The poor people at the Abra Body Repair and Glass body shop had some pretty volatile, choice words to use in reference to John, Edgar, and Legacy as a whole. They are so disgusted and were actually getting angry - on my behalf because I didn't deserve this kind of treatment. The auto body shop is so sick of dealing with Legacy, they pray they never have to deal with them again. Legacy finally cut the checks, but shorted the amount that was actually due. The auto body shop was so done dealing with them, they just decided to 'eat' the extra cost just to avoid anymore contact with Legacy. They would rather lose money than make more more call to Legacy. That should say something right there.

John Camargo (ext 2094) and his supervisor Edgar Gullien (ext 2220) need to be written up at minimum, but probably just fired. If they did it to me, they're doing it to others, They need to be held accountable. They are terrible human beings and have no concept of what customer service is. Based on how horribly I was treated, how they disrespected and refused to call the auto body shop back, and then for me to get a retaliatory message from John... are you kidding me? 100% complete lack of customer service. This place is by far the worst of the worst.

Luckily for me, I saved everything. So when I received a letter back from Annette Garcia, QA Claim Analyst Manager, Ext 2626, she took no responsibility, no accountability, and did not even bother to apologize for my mistreatment, how I was put out, how they shorted the auto body shop, and how I got a retaliatory response from John after filing a formal complaint. She blatantly lied to me and the BBB by stating all phone called were returned quickly, and everything was handling in a timely and professional manner. What a joke!!! I have phone records and voicemails so prove otherwise, and I have witness statements from both my GEICO agent and staff at Abra to provide additional evidence. So they can sure try to defend their wretchedness, but it won't get far, They don't deserve a single star, anywhere, ever. This is FAR from over.

P.S. If you're missing a check, it was probably sent to someone else. They have no clue what they're doing. I got someone else's check - which I took a photo of to add to my pile of evidence against Legacy should they be stupid enough to push this issue. But this poor customer wanting on his check likely had to wait an ungodly amount of time to have this check reissued if he dealt with complete idiots like I did. I pity anyone who has to deal with this company. Avoid it at all costs!!!


Stay away from:

Legacy Insurance Services, Inc.

10409 S. 50th Place, #100

Phoenix, AZ 85044

(480) 413-9173

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