  • Report:  #1128537

Complaint Review: Li Kuifa - Select State/Province

Reported By:
Emily - Staten Island, New York,

Li Kuifa
Select State/Province, USA
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

 I purchased "3mm Buckyballs Neocube Magnet Toy 216pc Set" for my daughter and they never came... It has been several weeks since we purchased the "Buckyballs", while at the time of purchase we were told that it takes 2 - 3 business days only. My daughter is asking every day, it is very sad and frustrating. We paid with the credit card, and yet it is hard to tell what is the cuntact info of "Li Kuifa" [email protected]. When I went on the site, it does not even remotely show that it sells bucky balls. I wish I wrote down the site. Sounds like a scam. Copying my whole email here - that is the only info I got from the site after I made a purchase. I can not even figure out whom to contact - no contact info anywhere. I feel sad for my daughter, who is asking about her order every day. Help!


Merchant   information:

  Li Kuifa

  [email protected]



Instructions to merchant:

  None provided




Shipping   information

  Emilya M


Shipping   method

  Not specified



Unit   price



3mm Buckyballs   Neocube Magnet Toy 216pc Set

  Item #: 1101944

$8.87   USD


$8.87   USD












$8.87 USD



Receipt No: 3971-9210-7466-5403

Please keep this receipt number for future reference. You'll need it if you contact customer service at Li Kuifa or PayPal.


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