  • Report:  #280106

Complaint Review: Liberty Mutual Auto Insurance - Sacramento/boston Internet

Reported By:
- los angeles, California,

Liberty Mutual Auto Insurance
175 Berkeley Street Boston Ma 02116 Sacramento/boston, Internet, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
My new car was broken into and stripped for parts. Liberty took my car for a month when i got it back late one day it appeared to be fixed. next morning i saw paint splatter. from some other color and my locks wouldnt work. Appraiser was sent to my house a month later after calling. He came to my place with out calling and gave me half the required ammnt to fix prob. the check took 3 weaks. later the other work that was done showed its true craftsmenship as everything the subcontracted co. did in san pedro ca. fell apart or showed careless applications i.e. i dont smoke but my floor had cig butts and trash under the oem replaced mats that aided in the said flooring to buckle.

my refurbed seat broke, my electrical system was not re grounded properly.

many wires of a old replaced harness was left connected to bat. and other end under dash had freyed live wires exposed. lights interior dash has not worked since etc ... and frikin so on. Heres the fun stuff. One day i hit a hole in road that jarred something loose in my dash [i heard it] i probed with my hand after removing fuse box moving toward glove box when i finally sliced my finger on sharp glass that lined the bottom of my glove box.

After a band aid and upon further probing i found about 3 ozes of shattered glass from the make of car that the aforementioned sub contracted specialized in.

i called liberty 12 times and was disconnected or told they would call me. they did not in the mean time someone put huge dent in my door in area where on exact night several cars had this type of huge dent. i called liberty told them what happened, so you know what they did?

They stick investigator on me that upon first conversation is implicating me in a fraud sceme, telling me my mom told her info that i know was never said by my mom cuz i didnt say/do what she said my mom said i did.

I called my mom after the talk where btw they told me wanted me to drive 70 mls away to be interogated in order to submit claim.

I was advised by my mom to cease communication with them as 1, they violated ca law by using deception to interogate on phone. illegaly recorded w/out my consent. thus, only cops are allowed to lie to gain info not ''community college drop outs wanna bee cop ex stripper turned insurance investigator' [due to sudden huge a*s disease w/mustache] because ex customer/in charge of claims div @liberty was a regular in strip club where she dry screwed him for 20 bones a song .

[YES I DID MY HOME WORK YOU FAT a*s] he gave her a job for who knows what in return. So 2 claims i make in 15 years of perfect driving and never a late payment, non claims till those incedents w/ 50 bone deductable w/ comprehensive protection is subject of fraud from sacramento all the way out to ontarioCA. to boston ma. and i havnt touched the tip of ice burgh yet as the drama continued till i couldnt take it any more. They border line harassed me to do exactly what they wanted and that was to go away. 3 ds' is the tactic they implemented the most i.e delay deny defend. i was ripped off hard. insulted, new car destroyed, disrespected, lied to, at one point a secretary from a different office was very much on my side as she had seen it all before. i talked with her on her own time and phone as she could loose her job if they knew. she gave me headquarters in bostons help line and you know what the did? it was the straw that disemboweled the camels a*s.

THE MOST IRRITATING, elitist, spawn of the devil lady in the most nasty of ways said to me with out hearing entire case issues That she'' felt due to my liberty induced frustration and tired depressed state that she needed to get my address in los angeles so she could call the police and have me jailed as i was profiling as a terrorist to her because the depressed state concerned her . she just repeating it over and over ''sir quite frankly im scared of what you may do to us in boston''

OMG as i thought ''im a resigned deputy w/powers as i left my county dept. on good terms, and im body gaurd for high profile client and im a k-9 trainer specialized in sniffer dogs i.e. the dogs that look for the cancer growths, dead, wounded, dope, explosive

catalysts, general tracking, fruits, currency etc... thus im not hurting anyone i was the one that put my life in front of flames, bullets, cars or people to preserve yours. [NOT THEM]

these are the types of people that make civil service oriented careers a waste. why put your life on line to save someone like that. god forbid a nice person trades their life for one of these no soul socially acceptable criminals. I dont want anything but to advise you to choose a better insurance provider.

I know very wealthy people and even more of not wealthy people such as myself and one thing is for certain, once i tell my associates, friends, clients who know my reputation, and then of my experience with these ''con artists'', and if they were with liberty [many were] They later dropped them in support of my denial of claim

as well as the fear of this happening to them.

I then tell them thank you for what ever reason you droped them just drop them.

I feel good about a grass roots passing of the experience which in turn may aid in the loss of biz to liberty in the area of a around 5 to 8 million in the last year. Im lucky that these people ive talked to end up droping home, auto, boats, dept stores, apartment complexes and everything you could imagine the wealthy or not may want to insure.

If a liberty rep came to me to pay me to shut me up id say no way this is way better payback than gaining my losses ive long written off. AND IM NOT THE LONE VICTOM OF THIS. we gave them our money and they profited in the billions in last few years by gambling and sec rule violations that go undetected.

The agents are all banking near the 6 fig mark. id like to think its getting just a bit less profitable due to my one at a time lectures.

i appologize for grasmmar here im tired . but drop em just drop em.-thanks


los angeles, California


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