  • Report:  #471085

Complaint Review: Maaco - Sugarland Texas

Reported By:
- Richmond, Texas,

12050 Highway 6 South Sugarland, 77478 Texas, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Always have had a great experience with Maaco, and so I took my car, an 06 honda civic for body work at this Maaco shop I had noticed near my house. Had never used this particular Maaco shop before. I had hit the bumper on the road curb that earlier that morning hence damaging the bumper. I asked for a quote to fix everything wrong with the bumper, they gave me a quote that I thought was reasonable and I told them to go right ahead and fix the car. When I returned to pick the car, I just went in and paid even before checking the car out! I thought every Maaco store was the same and could always be trusted. Boy, was I wrong!

When I eventually went to pick the car, I noticed that the sides of the allegedly fixed bumper was jotting out! I ran in to tell the guy, a guy by the name of Khalid Rizvi, the alleged store owner. Unfortunately, the store was closing at that time, so he assured me that they'll properly fix it, that I should just bring the car back later in the week. Luckily, I had a friend with me, who had dropped me to pick the car, and who incidentally drives a honda civic as well, who also acknowledged the horrible job done by them. By the timeI drove home, the two sides of the bumper was all jotting out! I took the car back there 2 days later, only to be told by Rizvi that there was a scratch at the bottom of the bumper causing the bumper to jot out from the rest of the car, and that I must have caused it after I left their shop! I was in total shock!

I was obviously enraged and reminded him that I had showed him BEFORE I left the store that bumper was already jotting out and this guy LIES that the initial jotting out was barely visible! I was so glad I had a witness who saw the car before I left his store! My shock was that I could get this kind of treatment at a Maaco store, if it had been any other store, I would have checked the car thoughroughly before payment! He tried to re-fix the car, and bumper still won't stay on, to which I told him that he should take his bumper, give me my refund and let me go somewhere else to fix my car. He refused and called the cops alleging that I was disrupting his business!

Now, I am a physician, so you can only imagine what I could have done that would necessitate this man calling the cops with this horribly malicious allegation! I of course called the headquarter Maaco office the next day, and a gentleman by the name of Bruce Clarke took up the case, contacted Rizvi to find out what happened, he lies to Bruce and says when I brought my car in, I only told them to do minimal work on the car, and that it was my damage to the bumper that is preventing the bumper from now staying on!

Bruce refers me to another Maaco store for independent verfication, and the new guy said the hood had shifted when the car hit the curb, and needed to be re-shifted before the bumper was placed on, and that the bumper will never stay if this is not done, a more sensible explanation! He said the bumper was not damaged as alleged by Rizvi, and that I should have been told about the hood shift on my initial visit, and advised that I take Rizvi to court! What a counsel from a fellow Maaco comrade! For the life of me, I still can't believe that a guy that runs a Maaco store can be this dishonest!

Luckily, the same friend I had with me when I first dropped the car, was with me when I initially picked it up, was with me when I went to try to get Rizvi to refix it, and of course I had to take him with me again when I was going to see the second Maaco guy, and he heard everything that this second guy said. So glad I had a witness! I told him to kindly relay his findings to Bruce, and I am now waiting on Bruce for a fair resolution on the matter. The lesson? All Maaco stores are NOT the same and certainly NOT all are reliable! If you live in the Houston/Sugarland area, and you care for your car and your health, RUN RUN RUN from Maaco on Highway 6 South!!!


Richmond, Texas


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2 Updates & Rebuttals


Sugar Land,

#2General Comment

Thu, September 26, 2013

I can definitely understand your situation and your frustration. It would also make me angry if I wanted my car fixed back to original condition and it wasn't done. Being in the body shop business, I know Maaco does three kinds of work...bad, average, and excellent. It depends on the honesty of the consumer...ie...a person walks in to your MD clinic and tells you they have never had a drink in thier life...but are an alcoholic...and becuase of that, it may be a futile attempt to diagnose something that may be due to another problem. Very common in your pratice. Very common in ours.

There may be someone who comes in and says...I've just been in an accident and I am filing through insurance..but I don't want to pay my deductible. So what happens? We all know that if you are in an auto accident, you hit the lottery right? You have a $1000 dollars in damage and you are going to get $20,000? No...not the case. In fact...I was SO angry at my dentist of 10 years! He had been cleaning my teeth every 6 months for 10 years and charging Aetna $50 per cleaning. I left my job and he wanted to charge me $200 because I didn't have insurance for it!

Seriuosly? Aetna has billions and is charged $50....but I have nothing and am charged $200? You see where this is going. One consumer cant be determined from another consumer. If you deal with 100 people a day...you cant possibly determine whether this is the poerson who wants to get over on the insurance company, or that doesn't care, or that won't pay for thier services. Honesty on what you want to get done. Honesty in your communications with people. Honesty as a way of life will bring everyone much farther. PS...a hood has nothing to do with a bumper. It does not make it jut out on each side.

You needed new left and right mounting brackets for your bumper....they usually weaken in a front end collision. They are plastic...for your car...they cost $13 a piece...you should have agreed to pay the extra $26. But, you weren't up front and honest and got what you paid for. Even doctors don't do surgeries and supply stints, artificial hearts, blood transfusions etc. for free. In fact, the last time I checked...it was $5 for a single cotton ball! Honesty will bring you a long way. Be straight forward about what you want and people will give you a full, complete, and satisfying conclusion


Sugar Land,
Inaccurate and Slanderous Review


Wed, September 09, 2009

This complaint has no merit. To support our contention, we are reproducing our letter dated July 30, 2009 written to BBB of Houston.

It is reiterated that the job was done strictly according to the itemized work order authorized by Mr. Ajim (Repair Order Number 7127). As per the standard industry practice, all work is done as per written itemized work orders. There are no open Repair Orders covering fix my car, as that would mean leaving the price part open too. If Mr. Ajim wants to do additional work on his car, we would be pleased to give him a quote for it. Mr. Ajim was fully aware of the additional damage on his car, as can be seen from the fact that when we recommended to Mr. Ajim to at least have the front grille replaced, as it had broken tabs, he declined. It is correct that nothing has been done on the hood, as hood has never been a part of the written work order, neither has Mr. Ajim paid anything to fix his hood. As to the new bumper being wrecked again, we have pictures available to support our contention. The damage was also shown to Mr. Ajim and to the Cops who had to be called in, as Mr. Ajim was trying to disrupt our business. We are still willing to work with Mr. Ajim, despite his inappropriate choice of words in his current reply. He can still avail himself of our earlier offer."

What Mr. Ajim is asking us to do is to replace a brand new bumper that has been wrecked again, has a tear at the bottom, and has broken tabs on the sides. And he would also like us to fix the additional damage that was never a part of the original contract with him at no extra charge. Netiher of  these is a legitimate demand. We have fairly high customer service ratings, contrary to the slanderous allegations by Mr. Ajim, not only among Houston Area Maacos but all other bodyshops combined. We can provide a copy of the Customer Satisfaction Indexing Report (CSi Complete Survey done at the national level) to any one interested. We are a very busy shop and we cannot afford to engage in an endless war of words with Mr. Ajim. This may be treated as our final answer to his present complaint and any susequent rejoinders. Off course we are considering legal action for these totally baseless and slanderous remarks in this malicious complaint. 


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