  • Report:  #1464499

Complaint Review: Mama's Little Movers - Bentonville Arkansas

Reported By:
Avyi - Centerton, AR, United States

Mama's Little Movers
14648 Bethlehem Road Bentonville, 72736 Arkansas, United States
(479) 715-2185
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

*Use this company at your own risk. This company has a definite hit and miss record. My experience was an enormous miss. I should have listened to my gut as they say, but I did not. If you look you can see where the owners/employees created fake reviews of their own company on various sites.  If you choose to use this company, make sure to insist that John is NOT on the crew, but definitely ask for James and Trey.  They have cost me 3 times what I have paid for their service in what they broke. I have asked for a copy of my signed contract, and the return of my wheel that was taken (one of the objects they broke). They have refused to respond to me since Friday, October 5th.

Saturday, September 29th 2018 9:00am was the scheduled time. They were a half hour late showing up, wouldn’t start working until I signed the contract, and it was several pages long, so I skimmed so they would get started (my bad). Ask to see the contract before scheduling is my suggestion.

They started loading, but seemed to completely ignore any direction I was giving them concerning MY things, especially John, because he was not handling my belongings in a fashion I was comfortable with, it was exceedingly exasperating.  John was going at least 3-4 times slower than James and Trey throughout the load and unload; he did an excessive amount of wandering during the entire process, and at one point during the unload he was on a 5-10 minute phone call while just wandering throughout my home.  John was not very conscious of his actions, nor considerate of my belongings. At one point during loading, John had dumped several of my packaging boxes for shipping on the ground, did not bother to pick them up and then commenced to walk all over them, I finally said: “Those things cost money” his response was akin to that of a teenager with a bit of a sneer, an insincere apology with a sigh and an eye roll as he picked them off the ground. He also dropped the same type of shipping boxes on the ground during unload and again I had to say something, this time he had his back to me as he picked them up so I was unable to really determine his response.

We had two loading locations, and they took over a half hour to meet me at the 2nd one. During the entire process they were very uncommunicative.

Towards the end of the loading process, I was sitting in the garage, and stated THREE different times that “everything on this side except for the top shelf goes” and made a sweeping gesture with my hand toward the shelving area. I watched them prepare to tie in the load in the truck and thought they knew there were a few more things left to load, as John started wandering around eating something out of a bag (chips or something similar).  James asked me if that was all, I said no, and then stated for a fourth time “everything on this side except for the top shelf goes”. John responds with an “oh I thought that meant (tuned him out and interrupted)” and said “everything on this side except for the top shelf goes” where I made a dramatic sweeping gesture with my hand toward the shelving area (Yeah…I got sarcastic at this point I was through with John even at this point).

When it came to my electronics I insisted they were the last thing from the apartment to load and to ride in my back seat with me. I asked them to be wrapped before loading them in there…Trey I know wrapped my TV, and I’m not quite sure who loaded the rest into the backseat but they left my CPU tower completely unprotected and it was precariously placed where it would topple over during transport and possibly smash into my TV in the back seat.  It took me several minutes and great pain to rearrange it so it would not come to harm during the transport (insert the fact that I am physically disabled).

Unloading: Approximately 99% of my boxes/bags/etc. had labels such as kitchen/dresser/desk/living room/bedroom/bathroom/middle room on them. I explained which was “the bedroom” and which was the middle room several times, I also instructed them that if it says “storage” it goes in the middle room. I pretty much stayed in the garage to guide them with those things; because I am disabled and moving stuff is, well, strenuous on me. Needless to say, I found kitchen boxes in the bedroom, bathroom in the living room, etc.  Short version is they didn’t pay attention, and I’m convinced that at least 99% of the misplaced boxes were from John. I watched John just swing a box off the load platform of the truck and commenced to dropping it right in front of me…I froze, I recognized that box to contain 2 of my external hard drives, one of which was simply a hard drive that fit upright into a drive dock. He said “oops” (James and Trey witnessed this as well), I said “oops is right! That’s my hard drives!” I picked it up and showed him what was inside…He asked are they broken, I gave him an “are you stupid look” and said, “I won’t know until I can hook it up”. He kind of shrugged, and asked what to do with the box I told him it went in the living room with my desk (the box was clearly marked with “Electronics Desk – TOP BOX Living Room”).

Meeting Haskell and paying for services: Haskell shows up toward the end of the unload, there are other employees he brings with him and they are all just hanging out inside my garage and garage door. I get the bill for over $600…he tells me he’s doing me a favor and forgoing the cost of the taxes because they had stopped between loading locations to conduct personal purchases at a convenience store. I wanted to talk to him further about John at that time, but with his employees coming in and out I felt uneasy. I made the payment via PayPal, and he was about to leave when I asked him about my broken wheel. He looks at it for a while and determines he can’t fix it himself and he would have his “3rd Party” take care of it on Monday.

That evening I unpacked my Laptop from its bag, set it up and immediately noticed something was amiss. It took me several tries to get the power supply cord to fit properly into the charging port and had to tediously adjust it before it would indicate it was connected and it was “loose”. I turned on my laptop and started to use it like normal, loaded my browser and my pointer started jumping all over the screen (insert raised eyebrow here)…I waited for it to calm down and tried the mouse touchpad again, same result…I figured out how to eventually get it to go where I wanted and tried my best to run some diagnostics. It frustrated me so much that I just closed it and went to sleep. 

Sunday, September 30th 2018: I attempted to use my laptop again (hoping by magic that it was working fine and that was a bad dream ; Anyone who knows me well knows I take meticulous care of my electronics).  I tried to figure out if this was a hardware or software issue, and with the issues with the mouse was only able to get to the device manager to uninstall/reinstall the driver for the touchpad mouse. I did do a bit of listening if there were any loose parts inside the laptop, and heard some little “tings”.  At this point I figured I should let Haskell know my findings (still hadn’t hooked up my PC yet to figure out if my hard drives were working or not). I sent him a message explaining at 3:17pm.  Haskell responded he would “talk to the guys and give me a call”…which he never did.

Monday October 1st 2018: I was told by Haskell on Saturday previous, in person that his “repair guy” would be there to fix my wheel on my cart on Monday, so I stayed home all day…I finally texted Haskell at 7:22 that evening telling him his guy didn’t show up. He responds with he tried to call…which was untrue, I had no missed calls from him, but I had a couple of which I answered with no indication from him that his “3rd party” wasn’t going to show.  He tells me that his “3rd party should of came out there and he will contact them”.

Tuesday, October 2nd 2018: I contacted Haskell at 7:30am telling him I need a specific time frame of when the repair guy will be showing, he responds it will be around 5:30-6. I respond at 5:52pm telling him he hasn’t shown. He responds with a message I’m interpreting to be he is on the phone with them, and then follows up that his 3rd party couldn’t make it today and he will be there to fix it tomorrow asking what time is best, I tell him late afternoon.

Wednesday, October 3rd 2018: I text and tell him at 12:01pm that I am home now and will need to be leaving again in the evening. He responds that he is on a job and won’t be able to get to me until the evening. I ask what time, he responds with anytime after 5:30 and that he will need to get the material to fix the wheel (insert raised eyebrow here).  I asked him what materials he needs and how he is intending to fix the wheel (it needed replaced, there was no “fixing” it). I followed up stating that I rescheduled my evening and looking forward to completion.  5:50pm: I texted asking if he was on his way, he replied that he was. He and Sonia (wife/partner?) showed up a bit later. Haskell fiddled and fiddled and fiddled with whatever “materials” he brought and the wheel. I would guess they were there for at least a half an hour possibly more. During their time there I verbally went over the issues with my laptop and informed them in detail what I encountered with, and that I had uninstalled/reinstalled the touchpad driver. I witnessed a look and a smirk between the two of them at this point which made my stomach lurch and immediately thought “oh d**n, they are going to do their best to screw me out of having this fixed”. Sonia walked over to Haskell and they had a whispered conversation, then Haskell announced that he would have to replace instead of fixing the wheel (insert thinking “well dur!” here), and he would be back the next day with it and talk to his insurance about my laptop (insert pleasant surprise here). He and Sonia and my wheel left.

Thursday, October 4th 2018: I finished setting up my CPU and TV in the living room, and tested my two hard drives, the one that lived in the docking bay only clicked, and did not register on my computer (*Sigh!*).  My heart sank, and my stomach lurched thinking of that smirk they shared, and maybe they will not honor their side of the transaction, but after a while I got a smidgen of hope back I contacted him at 2:55pm asking him if he had an ETA of when he will be coming, he responds with he’s still working and I also informed him of the hard drive that is toast. No response from him. I started feeling queasy and was having another bad pain day so I contacted him again at 6:31pm to tell him I needed to reschedule for the next day and he replied that he was working still and that worked for him.

Friday, October 5th 2018 at 4:41pm:  Told him I hadn’t heard from him that day and if he was intending on finishing that evening.  I sent a question mark at 6:53pm. I fumed for a bit I felt at this point I’m “getting the message loud and clear”: they got my money, they are done. At this point I was done playing the game of tiptoeing in hopes they would do the right thing on their own if I don’t upset them, and sent them what I had really wanted to all along: aka I called him on his BS. Word for word texts betweens us directly following the question mark at 6:53pm are below:



Tomorrow will be a week since I have paid for your incomplete service. You have been quite Unresponsive/Communicative regarding completion of our transaction. I have paid already and am demanding as a paying/paid Customer that you honor your commitment to me regarding fixing my cart, laptop, and replacing my hard drive.

This will be the last time I reach out to you before seeking legal assistance, and reporting you to the BBB, the FTC, The Rip Off Report, The Attorney General, Several other reporting sites, as well as finally writing my review on several forums/platforms. An entire week is more than enough time for you to have completed our transaction.


Ma'am we have been busy I'm replacing your wheel and the other iteams out of respect you signed a contract that says we dont cover press wood and partial board we cant fix your lap top sence you been messing around with it

You have been messing with your laptop since the move. We cant fix it if you keep messing around it. We dont have no clue what you have done to it if you would it waited and not mess around with it we could of have it fix. I'm sorry you feel that way but you signed a contract


A) The part on my cart that was broken was not particleboard.

B) I have done freelance repairs on computers for the past 20 years. I take offense to the terminology of "messing around". I had to manipulate the plugin in order to get power to it, and uninstalled and reinstalled the driver to my mousepad, nothing more.

C) My hard drive that John dropped (with witnesses from your team) hasn't been addressed by you. I finally set up my desktop computer, plugged it in, turned it on and it started clicking and would not show up on my list of drives on my computer.

By law, I am entitled to a copy of the contract to which you failed to present.


Ma'am you never asked for a a copy I have 3 guys that will the same thing I was there twice and you didn't ask for a copy.

And I talked to all the guys they said they never seen jhon throw a bag

Ma'am we cant fix it if you are messing around it it dont matter how long you have been doing computers for we have a 3rd party that we do thru


I am requesting a copy of the signed contract.

I did two things with my laptop: plug it in, and uninstalled/reinstalled the driver, this is common practice, as it usually fixes the problem. Who exactly do you use for your computer repairs? You can ask them and I assure you they will tell you this is not "messing around". And I'm quite certain you never talked to your "insurance" about this, as they would not be using that terminology.

As for my hard drive that John dropped in my garage, are you going to address that?

Now, what about my Hard drive, you


It takes all of 3 minutes to uninstall/reinstall drivers on a computer.


After that, I did nothing.


Your computer tech could even verify.



Ma'am our insurance is in the contract we cover 60 cents per pound


When you sign and when do that to the laptop it voids our insurance because we dont not go thru you if you wouldn't have messed around with it we could of took it to our 3rd party



LMAO, how does the customer know there is something wrong if they don't turn the thing on? I have a feeling you have no idea what I did. Take it to your "3rd party" and if they are a real computer tech, they can verify exactly what I have stated.



Ma'am there is nothing we can do. You have messed around with the laptop with out us sending to our computer repair we never told you to turn it on or anything that is your choice



So, you're telling me, I had to tell you my computer was broken before I turned it on?


I didn't know it was broken UNTIL I turned it on.



No ma'am you told us that your trun it on and we understand that but we didn't tell you to download and restart your laptop we dont know that messed it up more up if our 3rd party turned it on and messed it up then we will be responsible



LOL! I didn't download anything

The driver is on the computer

It came with the software FOR the computer.

It was the same exact driver

Uninstall and reinstalled is not a download

Now let's get back to my wheel and my hard drive. (SENT HIM A PICTURE OF THE HARD DRIVE)

This is what John dropped in the garage. (SENT HIM A PICTURE OF THE BOX WITH LABEL ON IT)

Or rather dropped the box it was in...

How and more importantly: When are going to have a completion of our transaction?


Saturday 8:13am


How and more importantly: When are you going to have a completion of our transaction?

(Sent same exact message to FB messenger)


If you do intend on honoring your commitment, please convey as much...if you don't please be adult enough to do the same.


Tuesday 7:23am


Still waiting for a copy of the contract I signed, and the return of my wheel you took.




Thursday, October 11TH 2018  I did a factory reset on my laptop, I was unable to run diagnostics due to the sporadic nature of the mouse…I am now installing all the updates. I forgot to run my Office Time application on my phone, but I was at this for most of the day.

Friday, October 12TH 2018 I will be documenting “live” from here on out. I am continuing to install the updates on my laptop, this time using my app on my phone that I have used over the years when doing my freelance work.  I have run a diagnostic and determined that there is either an issue with my batter or the adapter power supply cable being damaged and have ordered them online.  I grab my electronic repair kit and have taken the bottom off and inspected what was broken, some very small plastic pieces are broken off and loose that I removed from inside the laptop and I’m not sure where they broke off from.  I also snuggled back into place a few loose components.

Saturday, October 13TH 2018 At this point I’m waiting for the parts I ordered, but still am having some issues with the mouse touchpad, albeit not as drastic as before. As for my hard drive that was dropped: it was mostly my movies I had ripped from my DVD’s and it will take approximately  68-72 hours to replace them, with my friends/family rate of $20/hour that comes to $1,440 worth of my time at the 72 hour mark. That will have to wait until I can afford to replace my hard drive.


Sunday, October 14TH 2018 I still have not received any response, or the copy of my signed contract and return of my wheel.  I have finished documenting and now will begin the tedious process of reporting and making claims against Haskell DBA Mama’s Little Movers to the various agencies. This seems like such a waste of my time as well; all they had to do was be honest and honor their side of the transaction.

After I started posting my reviews/reports I received a response on yelp, a missed phone call from Haskell, where he left a voice mail I have recorded, I called back and left a voice mail for him which I have recorded, and he called back to which I interrupted him informing him I am unequivocally stating I do NOT want him to come to my house, and is hereby instructed to mail a copy of the signed contract to me, and keep the wheel, I have already replaced it. 

I posted through Facebook messenger the same thing as well as the following that is copied directly from the conversation:

ME: I am unequivocally stating I do NOT want you to come to my house, you are hereby instructed to mail a copy of the signed contract to me, and keep the wheel, I have already replaced it.

If you are wanting to work out anything I am willing to do so, but ONLY in writing, as I stated on the phone, you are not to call me again.

HASKELL: That's your opinion I tried to call to speak to you thank you

[*insert WTF?! here]

ME: It's not an opinion, it's an unequivocal fact: I do not wish to speak to you, for here on out if you have anything to convey to me concerning completion of our transaction in a positive way, it is to be in writing.

I'm not sure what is wrong with this guy...off to do some more reports.

2 Updates & Rebuttals


United States
I know I'm screwed....

#2Author of original report

Mon, October 15, 2018

I was/am upset about the cost, but I had no other option at the time, and accepted my fate. I certainly wasn't expecting the ridiculously inordinate amount of disorganization and chaos to an absurd level though. At this point I simply want others to know what they are getting into with this company.


Beverly Hills,
United States
You're Out of Luck

#3Consumer Comment

Mon, October 15, 2018

Based on what you wrote, it sounds like you had a local move done which is billed on a per hourly basis.  It doesn't sound like you were particularly upset with how much the move cost you, but what happened during the move.  In a local move, it's hard to be ripped off by a mover.  Even a slow mover doesn't really cost you much in the long run.  Getting the contract isn't going to really help you at this point either - the only thing the contract is going to state at this point is how much they're going to bill you per hour, and the valuation reimbursement at $0.60 per pound.  The rest is all boilerplate to protect the mover.

The other thing it's going to tell you is that anything you packed (or PBO) that gets damaged will generally not be covered as a part of the valuation.  The other thing the guy told you that's correct is at this point, the computer is not going to be covered by the valuation for a whole host of reasons, including the one he provided you.  The other problem is that the mover's 3rd party insurance company is going to tell you there would be no proof you can possibly provide the computer didn't work as a direct result of the move.  The only way you could prove it was as a direct result of the move is if it were smashed.  And yes, they know better than the customer would.  A legit company I know would even tell its customers that if there is anything really valuable in a local move - other than jewelry and money - you should move that yourself (the direct reference the company meant was anything computer related, because if it broke, then it wasn't going to be covered).

I mean if you get the contract copy at this point, I think that's fine.  However, as far as the move is concerned, the contract is complete. You contracted for a move in which you agreed to pay a certainly hourly rate, and they would perform the move. They performed the move. You paid for the move.  Transaction is complete. Don't mistake his desire to want to repair items damaged in the move as his inability to fulfill the contract terms.  Few movers I know send their own personnel out to repair items - they simply tell the customer to complete a claim form. Now, if you have a claim, you would have to file that claim with the 3rd party insurance company, which is not affiliated with the mover. There is also nothing a lawyer is going to do either and the mover knows it.  By law, you are limited to the contract and that contract - as the mover stated - was $0.60 per pound, along with some of the exclusions he mentioned and exclusions of items packed by owner. You cannot sue for any addtional damages outside of the contract. However, don't take my word for it - talk to a lawyer and he'll tell you exactly what I told you. Movers are not like any other industry; they have special protections under the law that prevent customers from collecting more than what their contract says.

At this point, there is no one really in any form of government, and certainly not the BBB that can help you.

This seems like such a waste of my time as well; all they had to do was be honest and honor their side of the transaction. Sounds like they did honor their side of the transaction.  They moved you.  That is all they committed to do for you. The contract doesn't say you will be moved without any damage. The contract doesn't say they have to come out and repair anything. That's between you and the 3rd party insurance company.

Best of luck to you....

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