  • Report:  #859232

Complaint Review: Mariela Sagastume - Denver Colorado

Reported By:
Concern in the Mountains - Aurora, Colorado, United States of America

Mariela Sagastume
3417 West 38th Avenue Denver, 80211 Colorado, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I forgot to mention you may go to regulation counsel in Spanish:

La Officina Regulamentaria de Abogados asistir en proporcionar servicios de traduccin a cualquier persona que tenga queja y no habla ingles. Telephono numbre: (303) 866-6400, or toll free 1-877-888-1370

She may claim backlog. However she may also be slacking off and not doing her work. If she is not doing her job correctly than you may report her. It is clear that she is busy stalking me instead of working on your case.

I would certainly watch out if you think that she heals. She is not a good attorney and her firm is very poor. From what I have heard she offers very poor service and is not very good at keeping up with her firms workload. You may be waiting forever, rather than actually having an attorney work on your case.

Any attorney who defames someone commits a federal offense. Any attorney who slanders someone commits a federal offense. Any attorney who invades anothers privacy commits a federal offense.

This woman is nuts. She is also very desperate, and not very knowledgeable of the law. That is apparent. I would not ever hire her.

She does not even encourage the economy to thrive. She tries to stop paralegals from working and attorneys also. I was told by three attorneys that Mariela was very unprofessional and unfriendly.
She is obscure and out there. Again, I would not hire this attorney ever!

19 Updates & Rebuttals

Why do you

#2Consumer Comment

Wed, May 02, 2012

...continue to talk about yourself in the third person?

Stop talking about yourself in the...

#3REBUTTAL Owner of company

Wed, May 02, 2012

....Third person....seriously.......you make yourself look like a complete FOOL.

B. Garfield


United States of America
HA! John Scanlan! Could Not Fire Jill. She Owns the Company.

#4Consumer Comment

Tue, May 01, 2012

Lol. However, John was asked not to return after many abuses to Jill. He was both mentally and verbally abusive to her for many months, after he partied his nights away on wine, beer and pills. Jill asked him not to return. He was a very sick man and needed help, he was offered rehab, and refused to go, so he was not asked to return... He was not asked to return. Be real. You cannot fire a person whom owns their own company.



#5Consumer Comment

Tue, April 17, 2012

Jill is a nutcase, for sure.  Methinks Jill and Rita-the Wacko-Doctor should move to Phenix City and team up with Chuckles-the-Donkey-boy.  What fun THAT would be !!!

Jill Drevescraft : We fired her..as have many others

#6REBUTTAL Owner of company

Tue, April 17, 2012

Jill......stop writing about yourself in the third person. It adds an additional "weird" factor...to your already UNTREATED mental illness.


J. Scanlon


United States of America

#7Consumer Comment

Sun, April 15, 2012

1. Anyone can go to law school- felony or no felony. Jill does not have a felony on her record. Pull up 2011, and look.  Again, the person writing the notations above might be retarded. It is clear they have not studied.

2. We expelled you from Metro? Who is we? Do you work at Metro and spend you time here attacking Jill?

3. Mentally ill is only deemed by Psychologists and Psychiatrists in the field of Mental Illness. So, again that is defamation, and illegal.

4. Freedom is a right. Anyone can take the BAR Exam. Not only that, Felons and Non-Felons may pass. 

This is a free country. Whoever is saying that is Jill is their slave, and put into the ground because "THEY SAY SO", may again be retarded or very naive or very unsuccessful.

Jill is very successful. Jill is Charming. Jill is good.

Icky weirdo stalker. Go away, and take Mariela with you. 


United States of America
It is illegal to Guise. Do you know C. Hansen?

#8General Comment

Sun, April 15, 2012

I really hope you did not go to law school. I mean this just shows the lack of knowledge at the low level college you attended, if you even attended college. Maybe not even High School. Lol. 

I am so sorry you are so handicapped and such a lower class of person. That must hurt, to be so slow, and maybe a little retarded?

Good luck with all of your smart writing.


United States of America

#9REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sun, April 15, 2012

Jill is not permanently removed from the practice of law. As a matter of fact, she has to pass the BAR and they will expunge the injunction.

Now, Metro had red tape all over an innocent woman. Just because her friend slept with the Chair and then dumped him. Jill got trapped in the aftermath and stricken for her friend slutty behavior.

Lastly, Be real... C. Hansen. That is a millionairre whom she married, and he beat her repeatedly for over a year. Do tell more, since you seem to know her so well. What an impaired person would bring these types of things to the table.

Even judges notice humans finer points. They do not just look the past, they look at the future.

Jill is a phenomenal writer and a phenomenal woman. She was judged by very poor college professors who slept with their students.  

Maybe you should look up Jills criminal record. There is not a felony on her record. If you knew how to read a criminal record, you would know that. Calling someone who is not a felon is slander and now defamation of character. Keep it up F.

Keep up your battle with yourself.

Jill Drevescraft is a felon and mentally ill

#10Consumer Comment

Thu, April 12, 2012


YOU wrote this initial report about this women. Now someone does the exact same thing to you and you think it is slander, libel, etc??? If you had been able to obtain an undergraduate degree maybe you wouldn't make yourself look so bad. You claim to have scored, "Top Ten" in the nation on the LSAT's....however it is now 2012 and you have writing this B.S. since 2009....also, you can't goto law school EVER for two reasons: 1) you are a convicted felon (sorry its public record) 2) you haven't obtained an undergraduate degree (and we expelled you from Metro) and 3) you have been placed under a permanent injunction with the State of Colorado.  If you would like to continue writing lies and awful things about people...I will be posting your entire criminal history on this website.

P.S. How could you have scored, "Top Ten" in the nation when the LSAT has a writing component and your writing was so awful at Metro that you were sent to the writing center?


C. Hansen

Concern in the Mountains

United States of America
NOT! Jill Drevescraft Is An Innocent Woman Trying To Get A License To Practice Law!!

#11Author of original report

Tue, April 03, 2012

Lol. Mentally ill. What a laugh. A deadbeat mom. Her child lives with a millionaire on a island. She also got accepted to one of the highest ranking schools in the region. Lol. Man, some people are really just out of their mind. 

Doesn't anyone have anything better to do, then rip off Jill Drevescraft?

Mariela Sagastume sure as heck tried.

You all need to find something better to do with your time, than beat up on an innocent woman, who has made something of herself through all of your batteries. She is a strong woman.

How sad you all look. 

Jill Drevescraft is at it again

#12Consumer Comment

Mon, April 02, 2012

Oh my god this women is so SICK and MENTALLY ILL!!!!!!!  She was expelled from Metro State....Banned from practicing law in Colorado....and is a deadbeat mom.


United States of America
I just looked that woman up... How sad...

#13General Comment

Thu, March 29, 2012

Did Mariela put that post up about that woman Jill or Abigail? That woman is innocent. Who posted that? Who are you?

I think a more valid question would have been - Do you think that is Tortious Interference?

Seems like you have alterior motives. Mariela is not a good person. I would not hire her is all I left to say. She may have helped those people beat that woman.

I am not going to respond anymore. This is just to weird.


Hold on - are you that Jill Drevescraft / Abigail Armstrong chick?

#14Consumer Comment

Wed, March 28, 2012

You used to post here a bit about all this posing as an attorney stuff, didn't you? This all sounds very familiar...

Concern in the Mountains

United States of America
To Commit Defamation. I would have to be lying. I am not lying.

#15Author of original report

Wed, March 28, 2012

How did Mariela Defame and slander me?

1. She said I was portraying myself as an attorney. This is a very false allegation. Not only that, this is creationism. She is trying to create a convict. I am a paralegal- very plain and very simple. As a matter of fact, every human that comes in contact with firms I work with are told this within the first 10 seconds of my answering calls, or sitting down with them. Typically I just keep an attorney in the room. She slandered me flat out. She stated that I hold myself out as an attorney. That is why Mariela is committing a crime. That is slander.

2. She said that I "screwed over several young attorneys". Another slanderous remark. I have made amend to all attorneys I have ever worked with, and still refer clients and have maintained working relations with them all. I get emails and kind remarks all the time from these attorneys.

3. She told me to sleep around on my boyfriend. That was just a sickening idea. That was just poor advice.

4. She has had difficulty answering her phone, and people still call me asking for her. I have to redirect them to her. Again, she is not good with communication, nor has she ever thanked me.

5. I have not ever worked for Mariela. I would not ever work "for" Mariela. She was, at one time, two years ago a colleague. She was a year and half out of law school. She was very new to the law. She was also in the room with me.

6. Mariela has also made remarks regarding my professors in college. Mariela was not there to witness, nor has she ever heard my side of the story, nor has she heard the other sides story. Mariela makes remarks based on some bad press, and hearsay. She does not get her facts straight. No one wanted to see her emails. She sent them anyway and said, "Please do not tell ____." 

7. I am sure there are more things Mariela has said about me. She requested that I not be told that she made this horrible phone call to attorneys whom I colleague with.

8. Mariella was not asked as a referrence. She went out of her way to harm my reputation. Even though I have worked very hard to repair some mistakes I made years ago. Back when I was a wild young buck.

9. I have gone through three years of recovery from a sickness, and am getting better everyday. Mariela is only trying to make that recovery not possible by slandering me. She is supposed to advocate recovery as an attorney, not bully someone who is recovering. That just makes her unethical and misguided.

10. I am a good person with hopes and dreams. I am very tired of Mariela throwing rocks at my colleagues and I. The better I appear and do, the more ugly she becomes. What a shame.


It is time to come clean..

#16Consumer Comment

Wed, March 28, 2012

You are obviously a previous employee of this woman, and she called a potential employer and accused you of something. But unless you say what she wrongly accused you of, you are defaming her. So what was it?

Also, you must watch your hypocrisy. You say people should "hold everyone in high regard, no matter what their race, color, creed, or education level." Yet just a few sentences before that, you say "She went to a very low level college, and that says a lot about a person. Their level of education and where they attended school"! Do you not see how that makes you look? 

Concern in the Mountains

United States of America
Hopefull this is the last response. Why?

#17Author of original report

Wed, March 28, 2012

Mostly because, in all honestly, any woman who acts dishonest in order to achieve success, is truly only trying to convince herself that she is better. She is certain that she has something to offer that is more. That she is the end all, and if she does not destroy, then everyone is doomed. 

The truth prevails in honest actions, not with backstabbing and deceit. I would rather talk with someone who does not MISLEAD humans. I prefer spending my time talking about, and with, humans who are grateful and fun. Healthy minded folks who see the good in humans who recover from horrible pasts. Humans who have done everything their power to prove that they do not have ill intent anymore. 

I love humans who have seen hell, and are not afraid of GOD anymore. Humans who have experienced the flames, fell down-got back up, then came to impliment GOD as their direction in life. Good Orderly Direction - not their leader, just a direction that helps them be good. These are spiritual humans, and they all have a great beginning. They have faith in themselves and everyone around them. They all deserve a chance and they all have the power to lead. 

Mariela is not this person. Mariela is trying to impliment fear into society, and into my colleagues. She has some paranoid and delusional thinking that makes her obscure the truth. Mariela is not spiritual or painstaking. She is wrong. Mariela is playing GOD. A very evil version. A Rhoda, some might say. She thinks she is all powerful, and has no boundaries, and rules do not apply to her. She is dishonest and so desperate. Anyone who stoops so low as to call a human a slander a person is also breaking law.  Who wants a law breaker and unethical person leading them. No one I know. No liked the Ford Pinto because it blew up, and everyone got stuck with scrap metal. That is what Mariela reminds me of - a cheap manufactured product that destroys the earth. Nice work.  

I also like humans who lead with experience, strength and hope. Not humans like Mariela who mislead with dishonor, disrespect, and falsehood. Mariela is someone I know to do things incorrectly, impurely, and wrongly. I know Mariela from working near her. She was crooked and could not find the rules. She just figured she could get away with anything, she was an attorney. That is wrong thinking.

I had to make her stop attacking an elder attorney for his answers. He is such a dear man. She was at hostile take over, until I introduced her to him. I thought she could have introduced herself if she found herself to be such a courageous warrior. What a chicken and a bully. Walking on elders is not in my opinion, a good attorney or a gifted one. 

Mariela also used to wear really sleazy attire. We all like Erin Brockovich "Erin", however, that story is taken. Nothing unique about Mariela. She has no cooth or self discipline or respect. The only story I heard about her was a sickening one. Nothing like Erin. 

Mariela just has a law license. That does not make her a good person or a good attorney. She went to a very low level college, and that says a lot about a person. Their level of education and where they attended school. She is not a Class "A" attorney. Cooley may have helped her pass the bar. They did not help her personality or adjustment. Her charactoristic traits are to do wrong to others, in order to further herself. Wrongdoers are just a pain to have around, and are probably very rude to their clients and staff. I would not work for Mariela.

Mariela is just an obscure notion of what a real attorney is. I am not an attorney myself. I however know many attorneys who are good,  who have magnum c*m laude, honors, c*m laude, and do a good job, and are great attorneys. They hold everyone in high regard, no matter what their race, color, creed, or education level. They lead with equality and ethics. They drive our nation with skill and phenomenal strength. These men and woman are the types of attorneys I would seek. There are much better attorneys out there. Again, I would not hire her. I feel she would just rip me off, and others near her. Yick.

Mariela is to crooked. She is not honest enough. If someone wishes to shark, then they have to be skilled at it. Not just a backstabbing battery. Takes more knowledge to lead. Mariela, only knows how to rip things to a shred. She does not know how to lure a thing to her. She is dangerous and takes to many chances. If Mariela wanted to be a leader, then she WOULD have known when to be respectful, and to whom. Not to judge humans by their color. That means she could not even judge her own peoples because she could potentially find error in their color. Bullying humans is wrong. 

What a shame. However, I do know a vast majority of humans know Mariela was a very sleazy woman in college. She expressed to me that she cheated on her fiance in repetition. This is another very poor quality. She told me that she could never keep just one man. She also expressed that she had slept with a married man, and caught an STD from him. She did not impress me, and is still not. Rather, she is tell falsehoods about me in order to degrate me for what I have not done. I am an everchanging soul with dignity and respect. I also care about my elders and support them until they die. Lol. Why? They are great! Funny too!

Not only that, no one asked her for a recommendation. She called a colleague of mine and embarrassed me, and caused him a great deal of stress. If I had done what she was accusing me of, then she would have had every reason. However, her actions were based on hearsay, and in violation of ethical codes and civil laws. She is not smart enough to know or confirm her allegations prior to actions. She just acts out. I would not hand her a case, she could not even judge me correctly, and that is just plain ol' bad attorneying at its finest and poorest level. She is completely out there. Whew. Lol.  

I have no evidence that there are substance abuse issues. Although I will say that her most current outburst sure seems likes she was out of "control." I would rather not have to watch my back. I know on occassion we have to, but I like when I walk freely, as most humans do. A leader has to demonstrate freewill. Mariela demonstrates forever impending doom with no hope in site. Yikes. Experience, strength and hope- prevails moreso, also hurts less, and helps more. Mariela needs a wake up call, or to learn how to wake up.

Anyhow, now that my writing is back to normal, and I am no longer making a fool of myself. I would like to say, "Thank You", to whom cared enough to ask me what happened. I know you are a good person. Only a little bruise. Defamation and slander and libel are wrong. I hope no else does what Mariela is. Poor experience.



#18Consumer Comment

Mon, March 26, 2012

13-25-125.5 is a Colorado statute, not a federal one. But maybe there are Federal defamation laws.

What really surprises me is like Colorado does indeed have criminal libel laws. Bizarre.

But on to the main point - were you a client of hers or something? What is your profession?

Concern in the Mountains

United States of America

#19Author of original report

Mon, March 26, 2012

Lol. Actually I was advised by an attorney that Slander is a Federal Offense. 13-25-125.5. Libel and slander - self-publication. Would be the civil statute. However, in some cases slander and libel is a criminal offense. A felony actually. In the heat of the moment I posted that as federal offense.

What Mariela has done is this. She allowed someone to tow my car from in front of her home. This was after she opened armed said, "You may leave your car at my place." She failed to watch it carefully, and it was towed. I had to pay all of the fees associated with that tow. Apparently, this is how she "helps".

I also introduced her to one of the men who taught her immigration. She back stabs me for this. Aparently she has lost sight of those who have helped her acheive her goals.

Mariela went to a very low level law school that is not renoun and not a top ranking school. Mariela did not learn ettiquete, grace or tact. I helped train her about her attire.

Mariela had also advised me to sleep around and "shelve" my boyfriend. A man I have been loving and loyal to since the day I met him. Mariela also stated that she cheated on her fiance in college all of the time and this was an acceptable charactoristic. I have always been a faithful woman.

Mariela joins in a heard of humans who hunt other humans. Mariela enjoys stalking me on the internet and through colleagues. Mariela has something wrong with her brain chemistry that makes her believe these types of actions will help her get ahead.

People love hunting innocence for what seems all of their faults and wrongs. These acts have caused me a great deal of stress. It is a shame that Mariela has to stoop so low. I would think she, as an attorney has a moral obligation to mind her own business and to keep her side of the street clean. Her most current behavior only shows her lack of willpower and strength to hold anything confidential or even remotely sacred.

Thank you for your comment above. I needed to be level headed when I write.



#20Consumer Comment

Mon, March 26, 2012

First of all, this seems to be a continuation of some other report I have yet to see. But let's break it down anyway:

"It is clear that she is busy stalking me instead of working on your case."  - What do you mean by "stalking"? Is she representing someone who is taking you to court?

"Any attorney who defames someone commits a federal offense." Incorrect; it is not even a criminal offense at all, federal or not. It is a civil matter. Besides, how do you think she defamed you?

"Any attorney who slanders someone commits a federal offense." See above, as slander is a subset of defamation.

"Any attorney who invades anothers privacy commits a federal offense." - Only if said privacy invasion prompts you to jump off the George Washington bridge.

"This woman is nuts." - Well, one of you is nuts.

"She is also very desperate, and not very knowledgeable of the law."
- lol, you should enlighten her with all of the "federal offenses" you have discovered.

Anyway, what did she do to piss you off?

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