  • Report:  #659829

Complaint Review: Marin Valley Mobile Country Club - Novato California

Reported By:
iJoe - Lake Tahoe, California, United States of America

Marin Valley Mobile Country Club
100 Marin Valley Drive Novato, 94949 California, United States of America
(415) 883-5911
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Let's not get all-elitist here. The average American is not that wealthy. Its $6 million. Well after all, a deal is a deal... until a better one comes along.


Question: How is being at Marin Valley Mobile Country Club different from being at the circus?
Answer: At the circus the clowns dont beg for special consideration and whine at you their low-incomeness.

Never allow family to stand in the way of opportunity.

Two Marin Valley Mobile Country Clubbers met on the Marin Valley street. One looked sad and almost on the verge of tears. The other Marin Valley Mobile Country Clubber said, "Hey my friend, how come you look like the whole world has caved in?"


      The sad Marin Valley Mobile Country Clubber fellow said, "Let me tell you. Three weeks ago, an uncle died and left me 150-thousand dollars."


      "That's not bad at all...!"


      "Hold on, I'm just getting started. Two weeks ago, a cousin I never knew kicked-the-bucket and left me 395-thousand, tax-free to boot."


      "Well, that's great! I'd like that."


      "Last week, my grandfather passed away. I inherited almost a million."


      "So why are so glum?"


      "This week - nothing!"


Greed is eternal.


How about that current long-term "low-income" Marin Valley Mobile Country Clubber Jim Olson's multi-millionaire status in his 2007 $6 million defamation dollar lawsuit he filed in Marin. And obtained a $300,000 DEFAULT judgment. In Marin. And immediately files that Marin County, California $300,000 DEFAULT judgment IN Washoe County, Nevada.


She means nothing to me.


Yes, Nevada. Where the same Marin Valley Mobile Country Clubber James K. Olson had OWNED nine houses AND carried Farmers Insurance homeowners and landlords insurance on them through a Carson City, Nevada agent, Teixeira. And $20,000 year after year since 1996, Jim Olson pocketed from the Nevada rental income. After Olson had stripped his Nevada life of everything and moved it to Marin, he was still picking over his murdered Nevada lifes charred bones. Making sure he hadnt miss a single dollar there. No siree. Because the dollar is all.


I'll call you later.


And Jim Olson stripped the equity out of his Nevada houses at the top of the housing market. That means Jim Olson walked WITH $750,000 cash from the Nevada houses equity. And then walked FROM $1.3 million in debt.


A deal is a deal... until a better one comes along.

Jim Olson did all this while living in and continuing to live in a low-income country club. Specifically the Marin Valley Mobile Country Club. Olsons home at the Marin Valley Mobile Country Club is located in what even these Clubbers themselves describe as the wealthiest most beautiful place on our planet.


Never place ETHICS above profit.


Couldnt have done it all without notorious for just creating the documents needed, another Marin shyster, Steven T. Schoonover. Jim Olson KNOWS he is a multimillionaire. At the time of his 2007 Marin court filing, Olson had filed for a whopping total $6 million against just one person. Yes. Olson had the confidence enough to sue and win in a Marin court to prove his claim he is worth millions. Jim Olson was right. He convinced the Marin judge he was worth millions.

Know your enemies, but do business with them always.In 2007, in Marin Court Jim Olson clearly proved he has been for years and is a multi-millionaire. Per the public records in Reno and Marin County, California, check out especially Marin court CV 070655 Jim Olson is NOT low-income. Jim Olson has NEVER been low-income. Jim Olson graduated from the Nose-bleed high-status and VERY EXPENSIVE Clairmont Mens College.



Truth is the biggest liability of all.

   Truth is the biggest asset of all.

Jim Olson has chosen lived all his adult life to live in even MORE affluent further south Sausalito before lying to get into Marin Valley Mobile Country Club. Jim Olson DIDNT think he was low-income when Olson's shyster attorney filed Olsons $6 million dollar defamation lawsuit in Marin in 2007 AND got the $300,000 defamation default in 2008 now did he?


The justification for profit is profit.

Jim Olson's shyster Marin attorney, Stephen T. Schoonover has NEVER thought Jim Olson was low-income. The Marin judge in Jim Olsons obviously hypocritical $6 million lawsuit, DIDNT for a moment think Jim Olson was low-income when he fell for Schoonovers fraudulent sewer service documents and awarded Jim Olson a $300,000 default defamation judgment on Olsons $6 million court case filing. FILING a $6 million dollar DEFAMATION lawsuit means YOU and your attorney think you are a multi-millionaire. GETTING the judge to award you a default $300,000 judgment means you convinced the judge you are also a millionaire. NONE of that is low-income.


Question: How many Marin Valley Mobile Country Clubbers does it take to change a light bulb?
Answer: It takes ten, nine to deny that darkness exists and one to hire a honest low-income person to change it.

Marin Valley Mobile Country Clubber Jim Olson is ONLY low-income at the Marin Valley Mobile Country Club. To everyone else, he is and portrays himself as a multi-millionaire. A Marin judge believed it enough in 2007 to the tune of $300,000. Jim Olson being awarded a $300,000 default DEFAMATION lawsuit means that Marin judge believed Olsons 2007 story to the court Olson is a multi-millionaire of long standing.


Question: What is a Marin Valley Mobile Country Clubbers primary feeling?
Answer: Envy.

Oops, did hypocrite Jim Olson conveniently forget to mention in all this in his very public 2006 jockeying in two states courts to expensively prove, very $$$$$$$$$$$$$$ expensively PROVE, Olsons status in worth $1.5 million dollars AND 3 times that, $4.5 million in PUNISHMENT for a whopping tune of $6 million. I guess Jim Olson just forgot about that little ole low-income clause in the non-profit charter where he fraudulently lives at there at Marin Valley Mobile Country Club.


Of course I love you.


Why is Marin Valley Mobile Country Club allowing this guy to endanger everything theyve worked so hard at? In 2007, IN Reno court AND Marin court, cold, calculating, ruthless, and wealthy Jim Olson clearly stated AND proved he has been for years and is a multi-millionaire and NOT low-income as required to be in order to lawfully and ethically live at Marin Valley Mobile Country Club.


It's not the principle of the thing, it's the money.


Hmmmmm. Tell me how all this is "low-income." Google Map shows Jim Olson has two cars regularly parked at 7 View Ridge Drive there at the Marin Valley Mobile Country Club and gosh one of them is a very nice Corvette. Lot of cash tied up in just those two cars Olson keeps parked in front. Lots. What a bunch of hypocrites these Marin Valley Mobile Country Clubbers are. Wish I could afford TWO cars now, one of them a Corvette. Wish I could afford to own THREE houses now like Olson. Tell me how all this is "low-income." 


Proving why once again why wealth is just far too important to trust it solely to the rich.

6 Updates & Rebuttals


United States of America
Marin Valley Mobile Country Club is Racist & Anti-Semitic

#2Consumer Comment

Fri, September 23, 2011

Marin Valley Mobile Country Club is Racist & Anti-Semitic.  My husband contacted Marin Valley Mobile Country Club.  He communicated via email with various board members.  We were told we were approved.  Then I spoke by telephone with a Marin Valley Mobile Country Club, Jim Olson.  My husband and I then were told the Marin Valley Mobile Country Club Board of Directors had to personally meet us.  I guess my voice sounded balck to this Marin Valley Mobile Country Club Board of Director.  We did meet with the Marin Valley Mobile Country Club Board of Directors.  At that time my husband's and my Jewishness and my mixed race clearly was a problem for Marin Valley Mobile Country Club Board of Directors who now informed us we were NOT approved.  Our money was okay, our credit was okay, but our religion and my mixed race wasn't okay for the Marin Valley Mobile Country Club Board of Directors.  My father is retired United States Air Force who met my mother while she was also in the United States Air Force.  My father is white and my mother is black.  At the end of my mother's tour of duty with the United States Air Force, now converted to the Jewish faith and married to my father, she chose to be a stay-at-home mother raising my sister, brother and I who have all graduated from college.

Pastor Matt

Whoremongers and Adulterers God Will Judge

#3Consumer Comment

Thu, September 22, 2011

Marriage is honourable in all, and the bed undefiled: but (thieves, racists, sexists, liars,) whoremongers and adulterers God will judge. Hebrews 13:4. Hypocrites and sinners Marin Valley Mobile Country Club, its Treasurer James K. Olson, and City of Novato, Ca Council-members Madeline Kellner, Denise Athas, Carole Dillon-Knutson, Pat Eklund, and Jeanne MacLeamy, Novato City Clerk Sheri Hartz, Novato City Manager Michael S. Frank, Novato City Attorney Jeffrey A. Walter, David Wallace City of Novato Community Development Director, and Pam Shinault, Director of City of Novato Parks, Recreation and Community Services, and Novato Financing Authority Board of Directors wears their religion, Christianity, on their political sleeve.

It is obvious that sinning is the part part of redemption for Christian dissimulators and offenders hypocrites and sinners Marin Valley Mobile Country Club, its Treasurer James K. Olson, and City of Novato, Ca Council-members Madeline Kellner, Denise Athas, Carole Dillon-Knutson, Pat Eklund, and Jeanne MacLeamy, Novato City Clerk Sheri Hartz, Novato City Manager Michael S. Frank, Novato City Attorney Jeffrey A. Walter, David Wallace City of Novato Community Development Director, and Pam Shinault.

Because bigamy is lust for one other than one's spouse which is the sin of whoremongering and adultery in the eyes of our Lord.

Because excess, betrayal, trickery, manipulation, and the desire to acquire or possess more than one needs is stealing it is the sins of gluttony and greed in the eyes of our Lord.

Because those who resent that another person has something they perceive themselves as lacking, and wish the other person to be deprived of it is the sin of envy in the eyes of our Lord.

Because a desire to be more important or attractive than others, failing to acknowledge the good work of others, and excessive love of self is the sin of pride in the eyes of our Lord.

Because unjustified boasting is the sin of vainglory in the eyes of our Lord.

Mortal sin removes the presence of Christ in the sinners soul. It not only hurts the sinner, but also hurts those affected by the sinners desecration. Christians are required to judge one another (1 Corinthians 5:12-13; John 7:24). In these several past years bad economy, the Marin Valley Mobile Country Club residents and the City of Novato's elected officials and appointed public employees behaviors are sins.

Sin is a master to whom one becomes enslaved (John 8:34). Only the truth will set one free (John 8:32). Sin is blinding (John 9:39-41). The consciences reprimands are harder to hear the more one sins (cf. Hebrews 3:12-13). Positive influences and opportunities are removed when one disregards the longsuffering and goodness of God (cf. Luke 8:12; Romans 1:20,21,24,26,28; 2:4-5). Only humble submission and sincere and total obedience to Jesus Christ will remedy ones sins. And thats ;) no urban legend.

Sin is the breaking of Gods law. When you sin, you offend God because it is His law that you have broken. Gods laws reflect the moral purity of His nature. Therefore, Gods Law is a reflection of the character of God. Gods law is not arbitrary a it is based on Gods holiness.

When someone chooses mortal sin, they freely choose to forfeit heaven and choose hell. And thats ;) no urban legend.

The sins of Sodom and Gomorrah were rape, inhospitably, hatred of strangers and making slaves of guests. Christ said, Wisdom 19:13, the sin of Sodom was a bitter hatred of strangers and making slaves of guests who were benefactors. The making slaves of guests who were benefactors is exactly what these blasphemous Marin Valley Mobile Country Club residents are and they made the Marin Valley Mobile Country Club a Sodom and Gomorrah.

Proverbs 28:7 declares, He who keeps the law is a discerning son, but a companion of gluttons disgraces his faith. Proverbs 23:2 proclaims, Put a knife to your throat if you are given to gluttony.

Appetites are an analogy of ones ability to control oneself. If one is unable to control their appetites, they are unable to control behaviors such as lust, covetousness, anger, cheating. See Deuteronomy 21:20, Proverbs 23:2, 2 Peter 1:5-7, 2 Timothy 3:1-9, and 2 Corinthians 10:5.) The ability to say no to anything in excess, which these Marin Valley Mobile Country Club residents clearly have no self-control. And thats ;) no urban legend.

These are several reasons why lust, greed and gluttony, envy, vainglory, pride are deadly sins.

Lust, greed and gluttony, envy, vainglory, pride signs of mistrust of God. They are expressions of doubt that God will provide all that you need. You are disbelieving Jesus when He promises that God will provide everything you need (Luke 12:22-31).

Lust, greed and gluttony, envy, vainglory, pride promotes crime. More crimes have been committed due to lust, greed and gluttony, envy, vainglory, pride. Lust, greed and gluttony, envy, vainglory, pride drives people to exploit, steal, lie and kill in order to acquire more.

Lust, greed and gluttony, envy, vainglory, pride are the pinnacles of selfishness. Lust, greed and gluttony, envy, vainglory, pride ruin marriages, destroy friendships, divide families, gives a community a bad reputation all in the selfish pursuit of gratifying ones self. Lust, greed and gluttony, envy, vainglory, pride are the opposite of charity, generosity and love any Christian virtue. Ones lust, greed and gluttony, envy, vainglory, pride disregard all other people and animals and puts falsely high importance on the self: they are forms forms of self-worship.

One that sins lives to please self rather than God.

I am going to do things my way and thats it - period. This is the sin to control situations in order to have ones way to live or do as they please rather than as God pleases.

Rebellion is going off the set standard and disrupting the harmony between God and man. It is going against the normal use of things that God has given to man.

A refusal to submit to God and His word concerning excess, such as dont be filled with wine and food or pay raises, or using public resources during an election, but be filled with the Spirit.

When these is excess to one or more, there is waste of Gods Law. And thats ;) no urban legend.

Madeline Kellner @ [email protected]

Denise Athas @ [email protected]

Carole Dillon-Knutson @ [email protected]

Pat Eklund @ [email protected]

Jeanne MacLeamy @ [email protected]

Sheri Hartz @ [email protected]

Michael S. Frank @ [email protected]

Pam Shinault @ [email protected]

David Wallace @ [email protected]

El G

United States of America
In greed we trust - I am scared to know what wrong is

#4Consumer Comment

Wed, July 06, 2011

In greed we trust.  I am scared to know what wrong is.




The Marin Valley Mobile Country Club is NOT a self sustaining community as it falsely claims.  What?  They think its history just vaporizes away?  Marin Valley Mobile Country Club proudly and publically operates
with lots of financial support from several government entities.  Local, county, state, or federal funds.  Marin Valley Mobile Country Club takes it it all!!  Hypocrites.  The Marin Valley Mobile Country Club
is first in line when it comes to asking to get out of paying for whatever they can get away with - including but not limited to property taxes and licenses.

http://www.mvmcc.com/pac.htm But of course this Jim Olson is the Marin Valley Mobile Country Club Park Acquisition Corporation Treasurer.  How convenient.

It is one of the worst effects of prosperity to make a man a vortex instead of a fountain. In April 2002, the same Mr. & Mrs. James K. Olson obtained landlords insurance from the same Teixera Farmers Insurance when Jim and Morgan Olson bought 5242 Echo Ave., Reno, NV 89506. Today, according to the Washoe County, Nevada public records, James K. and Morgan Olson still jointly own that Reno property through their Nevada Living Trust.
The darkest day in a man's career isthat wherein he fancies there is some easier way of getting a dollar
than by squarely earning it. Like here. Nevada real properties that California's Marin Valley Mobile Country Club low-income resident James K. Olson owns or has owned according to the Washoe County, Nevada Recorder's Office.
1.             13870 Mt. Babcock, Reno, NV 89506
2.             10035 Humite, Reno, NV 89506
3.             5254 Echo Avenue, Reno, NV 89506
4.             5242 Echo Avenue, Reno, NV 89506
5.             14101 Stead Blvd., Reno, NV 89506
6.             9515 Autumn Leaf Way, Reno, NV 89506
7.             9450 Autumn Leaf Way, Reno, NV 89506
8.             12260 Camel Rock Dr, Reno, NV 89506
9.             3281 Platte River Court, Reno, NV 89503
Olson has owned nine Nevada houses

and even today, STILL owns two of them?  Perhaps James K. and Lucy Olson's Definition of Low Income Differs from The Rest Of Us?  Seems adding hypocrisy to injustice to me though. It may be remarked for the comfort of you in honest poverty that avarice reigns most in those who have but few good qualities to recommend them. Nevada properties that California's Marin Valley Mobile Country Club low-income resident James K. Olson has had homeowners and/or landlord's insurance on according to Farmers Insurance documents and Annette G. Teixeira agent, 775-884-1021. Insurance policies that Marin Valley Mobile Country Club low-income resident James K. Olson obtained as the primary insured AND certified that The Reno Mrs. Olson, Morgan, was James K. Olson's wife.

Report Attachments

Craig b.

JKO IRS address in Reno

#5Consumer Comment

Thu, June 09, 2011

JKO IRS address in Reno

Report Attachments

Craig b.

Since When Did $125,000 Cash Become Low Income?

#6Consumer Comment

Wed, June 08, 2011

Since When Did $125,000 Cash Become Low Income?  Marin Valley Mobile Country Club's Treasurer James K. Olson has owed a LOT of rental houses in Reno, Nevada per the Washoe County Recorders Office.  Here's where he sold just one pulling down a cool $125,000 after receiving rental income for several years.  Oops, did Marin Valley Mobile Country Club's Treasurer James K. Olson forget to report ALL that rental income off his many Reno rental propeties?   Since When Did $7,000 a MONTH Cash Rental Income Become Low Income? 

Craig b.

James K. Olson & MVMCC's Moral Hazard

#7Consumer Comment

Wed, June 08, 2011

The profound rich extraordinary tender saga of James K. and Morgan Olson is that is not over even when it seems so. Burning with a quiet intensity, its the story of a guy who lies and becomes more and more invested in the lies and more and more afraid of the lies coming out. I can see where some men would just not want their lies, secrets, bigamy, theft, cross-dressing, perjury and bigamy to get out. Thats what happened with this story. James K. and Morgan Olson are a True Love story with James K. Olsons descent happening right before our eyes. What oh what will Mr. Jim Olson, Marin Valley Mobile Country Club Treasurer do? Giving up as easily and readily as James K. Olson has repeatedly shown he has done with his wife / lover Morgan Olson means that James K. Olson has some big obvious readily pushable buttons. He offers his love to his True Love Morgan than thinks he can just withdraw it. He found each time, how many, eight now, that he can not just withdraw his love from his True Love Morgan Olson. What I wonder, is why in the world would he want to? Youre right, appropriate response lessons are sorely needed here by oops did I forget to mention that $3 million James K. Olson, Marin Valley Mobile Country Club Treasurer.

So tell us, Marin yuppie James K. Olson, Marin Valley Mobile Country Club Treasurer  -- tell us how it feels to have coveted and gotten the Marin County image while along the way losing your honor wife and son when you (again) amazingly betrayed your 19 year, Jims True Love pregnant 4 1/2 months with James K. Olson Jr, Morgan calling for your help from that Reno hospital.
Real friends never take sides. True. So those werent your real friends there James K. Olson, Marin Valley Mobile Country Club Treasurer, now were they?  Real friends never destroy your relationship with your spouse/lover, mother of your son.  The heartless and honorless Pillsbury Dough Boy in disguise serial quitter ballroom dance toller that James K. Olson, Marin Valley Mobile Country Club Treasurer, multi-millionaire is. Real friends never let you destroy your relationship with your spouse/lover mother of your son. Real friends never let you destroy your spouse/lover mother of your son. Never.

Yet, both are exactly what fickle oops did I forget to mention that $3 million James K. Olson, Marin Valley Mobile Country Club Treasurer did with brutal precision to his True Love Morgan after their 19 years together -- an electrifying and poignant love story if I may say so myself.  The amazing thing about Jim and Morgan Olson is not that they break up, but that they ever succeed at all. Jims True Love Morgan I found to be more than a trophy wife. She is strong-willed, complex, humorous, tough, classic, intimating, upfront, swank, honorable, consistent, formidable, compelling, a worthy foe unlike her husband weasel underhanded Jim Olson, Marin Valley Mobile Country Club Treasurer, and making thousands of dollars for them that Redwood High School teacher edgy thorny mercurial Jim Olson was only too happy to spend. 

Then took their $3 million --And there he ended Morgan Olson and his unborn son -- he (wrongly) thought for the first time. The rest of his despicable behavior he came up with on his own. Or maybe some help from his corrupt equally despicable buddies Steven T. Schoonover, John P. Springgate, Frances Doherty, Bridgett Robb Peck, and Michael B. Samuels. Something about compulsive-obsessive. I make no apologies for Jim Olson, Marin Valley Mobile Country Club Treasurer's insistence here because the remarkable movie Peter and Vandy made that point real well and real clear.

Words fail me in trying to describe how racist not really low income Marin Valley Mobile Country Clubbers warmed the cockles of my heart. Atta boy, James K. Olson, Marin Valley Mobile Country Club Treasurer. You are so consistent and predictable. So Steve Schoonove kept pushing the same buttons each time. Your True Love Morgan woos you back. Steve Schoonover finds another opportunity to push your buttons, and voila, James K. Olson, Marin Valley Mobile Country Club Treasurer, is off and publicly running with the lawyers and courts again about what an obsessive, compulsive, psychotic b***h the woman he loves is -- his True Love Morgan, when all along its Steve Schoonover maneuvering him. You know Jims True Love Morgans suicidal dont you due to your predictable despicable behavior? Dont you?  Steve Schoonover maneuvers you and you push her to suicide. Then who will take care of your young son?  Good guys dont act that way though Mr. Jim Olson, Marin Valley Mobile Country Club Treasurer. You on the other hand, you enjoy sticking it to a woman, making a woman squirm, even degrading women more than a little. There is no escaping James K. Olsons darkness. Jims True Love Morgan is now very lonely and very scared and very hurt thanks to you with a little prodding again from Steve Schoonover to get you started. And James K. Olson, lying Marin Valley Mobile Country Club Treasurer, is so glorious and vibrant in his methodical destruction of his True Love Morgan once Steve Schoonover gets him going. This is so pathetically easy says Steve Schoonover.

Remember when Jims True Love Morgan was recommended and accepted into the doctoral program? Helen got you also to destroy that for your Jims True Love Morgan. James K. Olson is a man that perplexes those that love him, even those that admire him, because he challenges us to look into the abyss of human cruelty. There is the horrifying suggestion that these characters may not be grotesque exceptions, but may in fact be part of the mainstream of humanity. Certainly they are at lying, racist Marin Valley Mobile Country Club. On one hand James K. Olson has incredible success with his True Love Morgan, A Trophy Wife clearly out of his league and one that also made good money. On the other, hes tormented by this pernicious and harrowing demon he created Steve Schoonover.

Hey, how about that false Twin Cities police report James K. Olson filed that his car had been stolen by Morgan?!!  Boy, were the Twin Cities Police unhappy with Jim Olson when they found out Morgan's name was also on that title and Morgan was also Jim Olson's wife. 

In trailer/dancing queen James K. Olsons fibbing hands, passive aggression is a deadly weapon, right there in the arsenal alongside perky suburban Novato California Marin Valley Mobile Country Club trailer decor, perjury, Nevada rental propertys tax evasion, Jim Olson STILL owns TWO Reno rental properties and Novato Recreation Department ballroom dance songs. Yet, image-is-everything Marin County does not interest him as a target for sardonic potshots. Marin County solely interests James K. Olson, Marin Valley Mobile Country Club Treasurer, because hes insecure and its morally lax in his sole pursuit of image. There are people in Marin who are more bothered about their image than a neighbor who pretends to be s a clean-cut public school teacher who is really a deliberate, aggressive serial perjury and abuser of woman. Steve Schoonover is having the last laugh here. No, fetishistic resur-sex-tion James K. Olson is not a monster Ive decided. He does have a monster inside him though. A monster Steve Schoonover knows exactly how to push buttons to release. The best of us have learned to suppress and channel and sublimate baser instincts.

You always have to read between the lines Dancing Queen Mr. Jim Olson, Marin Valley Mobile Country Club Treasurer. Its a very profitable to him skilled negotiation Steve Schoonove's got going here. Dancing Queen, Trailer Queen James K. Olson, Marin Valley Mobile Country Club Treasurer, still persists in flaying his True Love Morgan. Alfred Hitchcock would be proud there Mr. Jim Olson, Marin Valley Mobile Country Club Treasurer.  You need one more punch there Mr. Jim Olson. Kick Morgan again. Destroy the one remaining parent your son has.  Make sure your Jims True Love Morgan stays down. Ten a.m. in court is obscene. Midnight sex is not obscene.  Steve Schoonover lied to you. You made no attempt to make it right. Instead of doing the right thing at any time, you destroyed the mother of your son just to move into Marin Valley Mobile Country Club and be its lying Treasurer. 

You know Jim Olsons True Love Morgan was repeatedly calling for you then finally screaming for you when she was in the ER. She was very upset. Her biological clock is ticking. Along with her illness, gestational diabetes, she was worried about your child. Yes, stop the presses, Jims True Love Morgan now felt confident enough in Mr. Jim Olson as a husband now to then also be a father to her child. Something she kept saying over and over again she had wanted for a long time with Jim Olson. Mr. Jim Olson not only destroyed his True Love Morgan, but also their child he wanted. Too bad, so sad. Steve Schoonover was pushing all your buttons and you again went exactly where Steve Schoonover wanted you to. Amazing. I dont think Steve Schoonover would have been so successful if your True Love Morgan was not weakened. Im sure if she hadnt been so sick she would have been talking to you herself.  Gestational diabetes is a real sucker punch. 

Lucky for daddy to be James K. Olson then buying into Marin Valley Mobile Country Club to be its Treasurer and his lying sewer service lawyer Steve Schoonover she was too sick for too long and then she went crazy when she realized you had not only left her and your unborn son to hopefully die at the hospital.  Then you also left her all those devastating phone messages and mailed her further devastating notes when she and Ken didnt die. That sure looked like more of she was loving you and you were just f**king her. Not a good scenario for raising a child is it? The final result being is James K. Olson never was at the hospital for her, nor was he ever at their Reno home during his True Love Morgans convalescence and then birth of his son.  No Liar / Thief /Dancing Queen / Trailer Queen James K. Olson, Marin Valley Mobile Country Club Treasurer, had their $3 million safely in his pocket so he just dumped his wife and then unborn son to buy into Marin Valley Mobile Country Club.  OOPS, did you forget to mention that $3 million?  Oops did you foget to mention those eno rental houses you own -- and still own?

After 19 years, with a child finally on the horizon, out of the blue as usual and as usual with no warning and as usual in the most cruel inhumane manner possible, James K. Olson, Marin Valley Mobile Country Club Treasurer, for the incredible eighth time, quite clearly dumped and openly destroyed his True Love Morgan and his unborn son. Mr. Jim Olson, Marin Valley Mobile Country Club Treasurer, just think what it can be like to put that much energy and money and time and emotion into keeping your marriage with your True Love Morgan, and to raising together that child both of you so wanted. But not Mr. Jim Olson, Marin Valley Mobile Country Club Treasurer. No siree. No much for in sickness and health from the flighty Trailer Queen / Dancing Queen Mr. Jim Olson. The same capricious way he treated his fiduciary duties to his son Ken.

Not that Steve Schoonover hadnt been prodding predictable volatile Mr. Jim Olson into Jims True Love Morgan and Ken Destruction Mode during those 19 years. Due to fickle Mr. Jim Olsons oh so predictable behavior, now Jims True Love Morgan has lost her marbles, their child lives in Europe with her relatives, she is suicidal and still has their Christmas Tree up, while waiting for the one and only Mr. Jim Olson, her beloved husband, faithful lover, best friend, father of her child, and 100% trusted partner of 19 years, to come home. Dont ya just love it?  I'm so happy I can't stop crying.

Whatever. If you can't beat 'em or get the hell away from 'em, Tweet 'Em, blog 'em. Too bad so sad about little James K. Olson, Jr don't you think? Morgan Olson did seem quite heart-broken over having to leave him with European relatives. My daughter Molly jr put this together and asked me to add it here.

"You will not like me now, and you will like me a good deal less as we go on." So gifted and mercurial a man is what we have here Ive decided, while such a self-indulgent libertine. In every generation, there comes along a person so scandalous, so rebellious, so willing to break taboos that they topple the world's ideas of what living is. Not here. Having made his bed, he certainly does not hesitate to sleep in it. I have watched my father gamely follow into Olsons wretched excesses. All they had was a dream. All they need is to give each other that chance. Libertines are not built for third acts however. No self-respecting libertine lives that long."

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