  • Report:  #1360825

Complaint Review: Master Trader Alerts -

Reported By:
- Bolton, Washington, USA

Master Trader Alerts
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

Dear StockTwits users and anyone else willing to listen,

I am sure that many have you seen a so called person who calls himself Master Trader (MT) advertise on ST how him and his subscribers make 2%-4% a day scalping ETFs and stocks. To clarify, here is MT's profile on ST:


Here is the website that MT uses as his platform to get people to sign up for his so called services:



As a former subscriber, I wanted to write this report detailing my experiences trading with the so called Master Trader and describe how his operation works. Before I begin, let me clearly state that MT is deliberately misleading people and that he is no way a 'master' level trader.

 If you value your hard earned money and don't want to lose tens of thousands to even hundreds of thousands of dollars, I strongly recommend that you do not fall for MT's lies and deception. I signed up for the monthly plan for $149 a month, which gives one the right to access MT's chat room and receive timely trading alerts from which subscribers are instructed to place trades. The following describes the hierarchy of the organization and the racket that they are running:


1. In the chat room, MT runs the show and gives out his alerts. The problem with these alerts is that they often go against the primary trend, meaning they drop and tank 'FAST and HARD'. When this happens, and it happens often, MT will send out continuous alerts to 'average down' and to KEEP AVERAGING DOWN, until one's average is hopefully low enough that a profit can be made IF the stock or ETF bounces. Unfortunately, most people don't have the funds or buying power to average down low enough to get out at a profit and essentially become bag holders.

This is one of the reasons why so many subscribers lose money and MT will make such calls 3 or 4 times in row which often leads to blown up accounts. MT will never advertise this fact, so please proceed with caution if you decide to subscribe to him. If you do subscribe to MT, you will also notice that there do seem to be successful traders in the chat room, but you will soon realize that they DO NOT follow MTs trade alerts and do their own thing.


2. MT has a support staff and this group of goons each have specific roles. These roles include performing damage control in the chat room, maintaining order and control, and by spreading misleading posts on ST and coming to MTs defence and praising how great he is - Nothing could be further from the truth. As each Trading Alert that MT gives out drops like a rock, people obviously get frustrated and its LSU Tiger's job to act as the first line of defence to perform damage control by deflecting criticism away from MT by suppressing free speech. Another user in the chat room named Kobesy, her function is to keep people's hopes up by playing charades and proclaiming that everything is A-OK as their accounts get slowly or quickly for that matter drained. The rest of the goons pump up MT by glorifying how great and generous he is and aid in his defence as required. His goons also cruise around Stocktwits to make sure that any negative comment about MT is discredited and to keep the illusion alive that MT and his subscribers are making a killing. Keep in mind Mt and his crew can and do change their chat room ids, so the ones I have identified here can be changed.

In order maintain control in the chat room, MT and his crew will discredit anyone that questions Mt and lie, and suppress free speech. That’s how they retain their power and control.

On a side note:

1) Isn't it weird how for every negative comment on ST about MT that one of his goons will arrive on cue and praise how great MT is and discredit every negative comment? The extent to which his goons defend MT when he is criticized leads me to believe that they are all business partners in on the scam, and or related by blood/through marriage or Best Friends Forever working together to keep the operation going as long as possible.


2) Have you ever wondered why MT will not disclose what his past trades were? If he is so great and if his subscribers are making a killing, why won't MT publish his past trades? And isn't it odd how MT make money on EVERY trade with no losses? That's impossible, every trader loses sometimes.


3) MT's website does not provide any type of physical address or provide any types of names or employees...not even a phone number. Most businesses would publish this information, but i have to wonder what is MT and his crew hiding?


4) I was an English teacher in a previous life and I have extensively analyzed MT's writing style. What makes me suspicious is when I spoke with MT on the phone when setting up my account, I spoke with a guy who  couldn't speak English properly. There is little chance that such a poor speaker of English could write at the level that he does. Was that the real MT I spoke with or a fake? He would only give me his first name as well, but not his last. Why is he hiding?


5) Is this even real? There is no way to verify because, his website provides very little information. No names,  address etc. All we have is his chat room as he and his goons hide behind IDs that cant be linked to real names. For all I know, MT might be a Mexican s****.>


I have observed some shocking things in MT’s chat room:

  1. MT will erase anything in the chat room that makes him look bad or challenges him
  2. MT will intentionally lie by stating that averaging down is not part of his strategy when clearly it is
  3. I have heard heard MT and his crew ridiculing Option Bob and his picks. At least Option Bob has the balls to publish his trades.
  4. I have seen Mt go on Stocktwits and pump his picks that are massively down in the red and admit that he does this to get unsuspecting traders to buy his pumps.


Look everyone, I have nothing to lose by writing this report. I only want people to NOT fall victim. I have seen with my own eyes how these people operate and have talked to subscribers who have lost up to hundreds of thousands of dollars.

If none of what I have written convinces you that MasterTraderAlerts.com is a scam, at the very least:

1)      Ask MT which state he is licensed under and to provide a business registration number

2)      Find out if MT has ever been investigated by the SEC or any other regulatory body

3)      Ask him to publish his trades and his company information

4)      Ask what his real name is?

5)      When MT pumps a pick on ST, ask him at what original price he recommended it at

If you have already fallen victim to this con artist, you can help shut him down. Make a complaint to StockTwits and Paypal and have this guy shut down. At the very least IGNORE the guy. MT retains power by suppressing free speech and discrediting those that speak out against him. SPEAK UP as that is what they fear the most, as it will make them lose control and power. Remember the Boston Tea Party.



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