  • Report:  #1157407

Complaint Review: Maverick Transportation LLC. - N Little Rock Arkansas

Reported By:
Texas Legend - El Paso, Arkansas,

Maverick Transportation LLC.
13301 Valentine Rd N Little Rock, 72117 Arkansas, USA
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

Well, I guess this all started at my old job. I was a Government contractor and our contract was getting cut due to the sequester. Since I didn't want to be unemployed, I started seeking a new job early. I found a job at Maverick here in NLR as a tech and decided to apply. When the abosoulte nicest HR lady I have ever met in my life contacted me (FYI there is no sarcasm there, she was great), she told me that instead of a tech job, Maverick was interested in me for a Maintenance Coordinator Job. Since, I had done similar work in the Army and the pay was more than the tech position, I said yes. So two interviews later, I have a new job. So I move my family from Texas to Arkansas to start this job. Regarless that I was an office employee, I had to sit in on the driver portion of orientation. Which was fine, I'm always up to learning new stuff. Three days later and I get my own cube space, now I start learning the "Maverick Way" of how to do this job. Well, not much different from the Army Way, except now I have to deal with more drivers, cops, DOT, ETC. So I catch on pretty quickly and I'm issued three fleet managers (fleet managers from here out will be FMs) and about 115 units (trucks and trailers), time to get to work. So I go through my truck and I see alot of missed services and upcoming "DUE" services and I start coordinating with the FMs. So about a month goes by and my supervisor says, "NAME, you really caught on quickly and your numbers look great, I'm going to issue you two more FM's and that means more units. Are you up for that?" To which I responded," Yes sir, the more work the better." So a couple of days later and I have five FM's and 226 units (truck and trailers). WOW! Now my numbers look like sh*t. OK, time to hit it hard. So out of the six of us, I have the second MOST units and the worst numbers. Hmmm, don't add up huh? Well I was given FM's and units from the other five coordinators that had let them (the units) get so far past due, if I didn't act quick, it was going to hurt the drivers (BC Maverick has a points system on the drivers). So I start getting at the FM's hard about services and finally getting some where. Now right at 2.5 months there, I have 226 units and my numbers are the best, still have the second most units. Now I'm upcoming three months and my supervisor sends me an email that requires an "acceptance" for a three month employment review. (He sat behind me BTY) so I accept. Well the next week it was canceled and pushed out for closer to my three month mark (trying to get it right on the money) Then it's canceled and pushed out past my three month mark un till October. So again, I accept. Well at three months and two day into employment, I get called up to the HR office. There I find the main HR lady and my supervisor. Confused I walk in and they proceed to tell me that today is the end of my three month mark and it was also my last day as a Maverick employee. Super confused now, I ask, "Did I do something wrong?" To which she responded, "We feel, you're just not a good fit for Maverick." I said, "Okay?" turned my badge in and went home trying to figure out WTF just happened. So off to the unemployment office I go to get the ball rolling, long story short with that. Instead of Arkansas paying me UI, I had to file in Texas. Now, not ONE time by anyone was I told anything negitive about my job performance, every thing I was ever told was positive. Fast forward to the present: At the middle of last month (May 14) I emailed, that same HR lady, my former supervisor, the head of maintenance and the head of maintenance supervisor. Since I'm elligble for a "review" for re-hire, I asked if I could speak with them in regards to trying to schedule something to try and get that rolling. Here we are almost in July and I've yet to get any kind of response. I've called, no answer, I leave a message. no call back. But what I did realize while working there, Maverick loves the a*s kissers and seem to hold on to the people that just do the bare minimum. I still don't know why I was let go. But was given another look at it. This lady I met told me, after I told her this story said, "Maybe the thing you did wrong was making your co-workers look bad." I said, "What do you mean?", Her response, "If you say that you caught on quick and you had the best numbers, maybe that made the ones that had been there longer than you look bad. And no one wants to look bad." Maybe she was right, but all I know is that for some strange reason I lost my job.  

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