  • Report:  #321382

Complaint Review: Meditub - Lawrence New York

Reported By:
- Myrtle Creek, Oregon,

11 Wedgewood Lane Lawrence, 11559 New York, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
My wife has arthritis in her back and legs, besides having a recent knee replacement, with the other knee to be replaced soon. We received a prescription from her orthopedic surgeon to use hydrotherapy as part of her physical therapy regiment for her healing of the knee replacement and arthritis. Our decision to replace our bathtub with a whirlpool bath began a year long nightmare with a company named Spa World, sellers of Meditub.

Because of my wife's inability to get into a normal bathtub or whirlpool, we opted for a walk-in, sit down tub to replace our regular tub in our bathroom. After researching walk-in tubs online, we found Meditub's web site as one of our possible choices. We decided upon Meditub after talking with their online salespeople, receiving their brochure and also because of the design, price, and warranty on their product.

The nightmare began after my check I sent them for over $4000 was cashed. Fast forward to the problem. Upon hiring a licensed plumber to remove my old tub and install the new walk-in model, he immediately ran into a problem of non standard plumbing fixtures. Three of the four water valves leaked and could not be repaired with normal plumbing procedures.

Upon contacting Meditub by email, I was told to "fix the problem and they would cover the expense". A normal fix was not possible due to non standard fixtures, so I returned Meditub's plumbing fixtures [with their permission] and purchased some standard tub and shower fixtures. At this point, after 3 months into this project, Meditub ceased all correspondence with me, would not return any of my phone calls, faxes, and even a certified letter to their main office.

Now, March 2008, is ONE YEAR after my purchase of their faulty product and Meditub has not honored their published online warranty nor returned ANY of my attempts to contact them. Neither have they repaid any of my out of pocket expenses to cover installation or replacement fixtures per their email response or in accordance with the published "warranty."

I have filed complaints with the Better Business Bureau of New York and the Federal Trade Commission. Meditub failed to respond to the BBB appeal for arbitration. I also discovered through my complaint with the BBB, that Meditub had in the past used their logo illegaly [pretending to be a BBB member] and were told by the Bureau to stop using it in their advertising.

In conclusion, I would warn anyone who considers doing any business with Meditub [Spa World Inc] to avoid this decision. I have to date used every means possible to get someone from this company to talk with me and resolve this issue and I have been ignored for ONE YEAR.

Steamed Steve in Oregon

Myrtle Creek, Oregon


14 Updates & Rebuttals

ed jr

United States of America
Dont stop trying please...

#2Consumer Comment

Sun, April 03, 2011

Oregon, Sal, and all others:

Not sure why Rip Off Report will not release my contact info to you, even with with my permission.

Google the following and email or call the numbers there and ask for me:

National Capital Corporation, Scottsdale

Savoy Plaza Resort Apartments

Please contact me ASAP

Sal, you too.

Ed Jr. In Scottsdale

Steamed in Oregon

Myrtle Creek,
2nd try

#3Author of original report

Sun, February 06, 2011

The Better Business Bureau of New York just notified my that their second attempt to get a response from Joe Schwartz of Spa World / Meditub / and all his other AKA's has failed. 

It's disgusting to think that people can continue to do business and deal fraudulently with their customers while they hide behind these scam online business fronts. 

If anyone knows of how we can connect, share information or file suit against this company, please try and connect with me or others on this site. 

I have asked the webmaster of The Rip Off Report to release my contact information to any others on this posting that asks.  Thanks to Paul R. of New York for the info he shared, revealing the names of the many scam fronts of this operation and Sal, an ex-employee who blew the whistle of the companies labor practices and ethics. 

I plan to see these guys run out of business.

Steamed in Oregon

Myrtle Creek,
Hello Ed Jr in Scottsdale

#4Author of original report

Sun, January 09, 2011

I have sent a request to the webmaster of The Ripoff Report and asked them to release my contact information to you. I don't know if they will, but I would be willing to talk with you by email or phone and share what information I have that might help in your situation.

And to Sal, the ex-employee . . . . thank you Brother for being courageous and blowing the whistle on these creeps. God does forgive us when we do what is right and I pray that you will find peace of mind also when you understand that.

A Pastor in Oregon [who was scammed by Meditub]

ed jr

United States of America
Need to hear from all that have been hurt

#5General Comment

Fri, October 15, 2010

I need to immediately hear from any of the above parties. A family member was seriously injured in one of their tubs. Need any/all research or information you may have found on their companies, owners, etc.  Serious matter...please contact me immediately at (((Redacted))) or by cell: (((Redacted)))

Please, this is a serious matter and I need all the help my family can get.


CLICK here to see why Rip-off Report, as a matter of policy, deleted either a phone number, link or e-mail address from this Report.


steamed in oregon-us too

#6Consumer Suggestion

Wed, November 19, 2008

We have been hurt and lied to by that meditub or walkintubdepot.com company. Would like to follow up with you. How can we reach each other? thank you-


steamed in oregon-us too

#7Consumer Suggestion

Wed, November 19, 2008

We have been hurt and lied to by that meditub or walkintubdepot.com company. Would like to follow up with you. How can we reach each other? thank you-


steamed in oregon-us too

#8Consumer Suggestion

Wed, November 19, 2008

We have been hurt and lied to by that meditub or walkintubdepot.com company. Would like to follow up with you. How can we reach each other? thank you-


steamed in oregon-us too

#9Consumer Suggestion

Wed, November 19, 2008

We have been hurt and lied to by that meditub or walkintubdepot.com company. Would like to follow up with you. How can we reach each other? thank you-

Steamed in Oregon

Myrtle Creek,

#10Author of original report

Mon, November 17, 2008

This update is mainly a heartfelt "THANK YOU" to the ex MediTub employees from New York, who posted a follow up to the claim from MediTub that my report was all lies. God Bless YOU, my friend for your integrity and courage! I can take consolation in the fact that rip off creeps like this EVENTUALLY get their day in a hot tub of their own making! I have still, to this date [October 28, 2008], heard NOTHING from MediTub or SpaWorld or whatever other alias you operate under, [except for the bogus report they filed on this site]. I faxed Meditub a copy of this rip-off report that I filed, and it must have irritated someone, for them to post the bogus counter report. What's the matter cretans . . . does the truth hurt? Meditub or SpaWorld have NEVER replied in any form to me, with an offer of replacement fixtures, or offering to honor their original agreement to cover cost of my doing the replacement. All of my requests were made while my tub was still under their warranty . . . . HA, worthless document. If owner, Joe Schwartz, his "mythical secretary" Linda, Director of Sales Nataly Maimon who originally took my order for the tub or any representative of MediTub would like to contest my story . . . . . please try. I have sales receipts for my out of pocket costs, copies of all my correspondence with the company, emails from your company to me promising assistance, receipts from the US Post Office of certified letters sent from me to Meditub, plus copies of my reports filed with the Better Business Bureau and the Federal Trade Commission and Better Business Bureau's letter of complaint sent to Meditub to arbitrate the matter . . . . . but MediTub declined all contacts. This company/s is obviously using the internet as a storefront to entice it's customers to purchase their products, yet hiding behind the facade of being an honest business that honors their product claims and warranty. Beware of doing business with MediTub or Spaworld! Joe Schwartz . . . . . you can still do what's right and make good on your claims to me and the others you have obviously given a bath. If not, well then I look forward to the day when I will no longer be able to find you web site on the net and your scam business is not more. Justice . . . . it's a good thing! If anyone is interested in speaking further with me, please post to this site and I will get back to you. Ciao Still steamed in Oregon Myrtle Creek, Oregon


New York,
They are just liars

#11UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sat, November 15, 2008

Dont believe a single word they are scammers and liars... Meditub and walkin tub depot are the same company as is spa world.....Better off buying from another company... Than Meditub...


New York,
Lies Of Scamming Deceitful Ex Employees

#12UPDATE Employee

Tue, November 11, 2008

How ironic! These are the viscious reports of Ex Employees of a successful established Company. These Ex Employees were terminated because all they did was falsify sales, steal leads ,embezzle, waste Company time and money, use Company property for personal use and were unproductive failures at their jobs. The Company has taken legal action as a result of the fraudulent actions performed by the Ex Employee. They are claiming not to have received pay for hours not worked. Frankly they were overpaid and overstayed and were a bad reflection on this wonderful productive work environment. The blatant and obvious truth is the fact that they took advantage of the generosity and kindness of their employers and exploited their generosity to the fullest extent possible before termination. Of course they are ex employees, that blew a great opportunity by conniving and abusing a great opportunity. I am sure they must be sitting home unemployed with lots of extra time on their hands to write these false allegations because nobody will give them a chance as they have had in this wonderful Company. Any employee working for Spa World can vouch for the generosity, respect and consideration that is extended to employees. Good Luck, Hopefully You'll have Better Success in Your Future Endeavors! William


New York,
All other Ex-Employee Said Is 100% True....

#13UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, October 31, 2008

To make matters worse Joe Schwartz owner of MediTub and Walk in Tub Depot 11 wedgwood lane lawrence, ny 11559... Still owes me salary and will not pay me.... Dirty Dirty... Filing a claim with the NYS Labor Department ..... For non payment of Wages

Walk In Tub Honest Expert

New York,

#14UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sun, October 26, 2008

The response by Linda the "employee" is false. There is no Linda at SPA WORLD-MEDITUB.COM or WALKINTUNDEPOT.COM . The original complaint by the consumer has merit and deserves to be resolved (a long time ago) but JOE SCHWARTZ the owner of these three companies does not care about the service of the company or the satisfaction of the purchaser. He does not have any respect for the BBB. Please look up their response to his companies. IT IS EXTREMELY NEGATIVE! There are so many complaints that his merchant accounts shut him down-and hold large sums of money because of all the cancellations due to their terrible service and better yet BLATANT PROMISES that develop into LIES. It is a real shame he hurts such a large amount of elderly people trusting him and his companies. But he thinks his money/wealth can get him out of any and all problems.... He tries to keep it a secret to the world that he does not own the companies and they do not work together. It just so happens that MEDITUB.COM and WALKINTUBDEPOT.COM are in the same building and share the same bathrooms. MEDITUB.COM sells to dealers and WALKINTUBDEPOT.COM sells to the public for thousands more. But when you ask them if they are together they say no. This is a blatant lie to the public and to their dealers. The shell of their TUBS are made in CHINA not USA made like they claim. STAY AWAY FROM THEM UNLESS YOU LIKE LIES and FALSE PROMISES.


New York,
I am an employee of the Company

#15UPDATE Employee

Mon, August 25, 2008

This customer ordered a Walk in Tub and upon installation, they claimed the faucets were leaking. We offered to send them a new faucet set, but they did not want to wait, so they bought their own faucet set from a local supply store. They then sent the Company a bill for $737.76 . That must of been for the most expensive set of faucets sold!! To date our offer of sending a replacement set of faucets still holds. .

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