  • Report:  #31467

Complaint Review: Mesa P.D./City Manager's Office/local power structure - Mesa Arizona

Reported By:
- Mesa, AZ,

Mesa P.D./City Manager's Office/local power structure
130 N. Robson Mesa, 85201 Arizona, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
This letter was sent to both area newspapers following

one of the scams of the 1998 period, in which Mesa

was the main player. It did not run, of course.

But it explains a great deal about the slimy nature

of what passes for "law enforcement" in this community.

12 November, 1998

To the Editors:

Mesa P.D. has finally fired one officer in an incident of perjury--not one, mind you, which evolved in the courtroom or in a police report designed to convict or trouble or even kill an innocent citizen, but an episode which basically involves violations of "club" rules, namely police internal policies. There's a lot more lying and perjury in Maricopa County Courts which conforms to policy than that which does not, and it goes on every day, in vast numbers.

Unfortunately, in Mesa, and in much of the rest of Maricopa County, perjury, unlawful suppression of evidence, without the authority of the courts, and out of sight of the defendants, who are usually locked up to allow these fabrications, false probable cause, the knowing use of perjured testimony by police and prosecutors in order to make cases dominate proceedings. This seems to be particularly so in marginal or false D.U.I. cases and in matters which involve conflicts between citizens. In the latter, the department seems only to consider the incomes of those involved, and to take the maximum perjured or exaggerated testimony as the basis for charges.

I know. I went all the way to trial based on false evidence a five-year-old could've seen through, under circumstances any civilized venue would've found shameful. And though a jury of my peers quickly saw through the bogus evidence and fabricated circumstances, including a bogus "map" concocted for the express purpose of exaggerating everything in the perjuring prosecutor's favor, the whole process is still a mortifying and expensive experience. Two further false charges, based upon false evidence and false probable cause, were dismissed. But this goes on all the time, and if anyone tells you corrupt quotas and promotions and internal "perks" are not at the root of this evil, then they're part of this horrible problem. Friends and associates of mine have gone through similar experiences. I've seen about thirty Mesa P.D. police reports, and every one contained "facts" which simply could not possibly be true.

The real tragedy of this is manifold. Taxpayers spit up enormous amounts of money to house people incarcerated for what amounts to junk, and the jails are kept in the insane condition they are to promote fast and easy plea bargains. People lose jobs over nothing. Those who refer to jail inmates as "criminals" fail to realize: (a. most of them are merely suspects, from both literal and Constitutional points of view; (b. many of the people who arrested them belong in hard incarceration.

To avoid a serious schism in this community, and throughout this county, it's high time to put some of the more serious criminals in this jurisdiction in prison, in the general population, and for their actual crimes, not for violating the rules of what has become a closed club of dangerous fanatics. And a great many of them wear blue uniforms, and others are city and county prosecutors.

The alternative is what we now have: a law enforcement/judicial system which operates on the wholesale level to generate numbers, and whose truth content is minimal.

Addendum/2002--It would be a ludicrous miscarriage of justice if because of the events of September 11, 2001, the particular collection of religious lunatic fringe scum who comprise our local leadership were given yet more excesses of power, to use in their corrupt spider's web of intrigue and lies. That episode was spawned in the minds of just such criminal fanatics. The Mesa "leadership" effectively comprises fourth and fifth rate fantatics, who have made this place into a concentration camp, filled with crime, in which MOST arrests are bogus. Giving these jerks any kind of power, especially any more than the excess they already have, is not just an error, it is suicide.

The Hammer

Mesa, Arizona

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24 Updates & Rebuttals

The hammer

Repairing Damage and Avoiding Unnecessary Crises

#2Consumer Comment

Thu, February 09, 2017

In spite of the ugly disasters that have befallen the East Valley since Arpaio's election in '92, assuming office in '93,  there is at once hope and terrifying fear.

The unholy and illegal alliance between that mincing, corrupt, incompetent coward and Maricopa Attorney and scam artist, Andrew Thomas,  was revealed and action taken, and now Arpaio has been voted out.  Much too late,  after thousands of lawsuits against the tyrannical coward, but now,  approaching 85 years of age, the senile old fascist  is no longer involved with what passed for "law enforcement" in Maricopa County.

The real invulnerability of  deranged  despots comes from low voter turnout and the rubber stamp effect of corrupt   monsters like Arpaio,   and this can be changed.

I left Arizona rather than deal with folks like Arpaio,  Lines,  Harris,   Cantrell, Withrow, Donna,  and other dishonest,  rotten "public servants"  while  the areas  where I was compelled to live became, literally, overrun with genuine crime about which these hopeless simpletons showed no concern whatsoever.

That was 2003.  I should've departed 15 years earlier.

If anything is to change, the people who are abused, insulted, and robbed by such dishonest monsters need to VOTE,  in great numbers.

In my time in the Valley of the Sun, I worked as a poll worker at four elections,  in other positions a couple more.   Turnout in most precincts  was under 30% even in Presidential years.


That is a guaranteed formula for winding up with corrupt,  dishonest, wretched criminal types like those who dominated  Mesa P.D. and the singularly corrupt, rotten County Attorney's Office.

Mesa has in the last 18th months or so murdered a gentleman in pest control at his hotel,   abused and blown to smithereens suspects who weren't innocent but whose "crimes" amount to trivia,  beaten  people senseless just to establish dominance,  
  and just generally demonstrated their massive incompetence, cowardice, paranoia, and bloodthirty, trigger-happy rot.

They're cowards and some of them are sick,  twisted,  narcissistic murderers without portfolio, which is why the same names keep showing up at this bloody episodes.

With the proper people in responsible posts,   the investigations, prosecutions, and yes,  prison terms and executions and decertifications necessary  can and will happen.

Some of these attorneys--Harris is an excellent example of a perjury-suborning, pompous liar, one of many--must be disbarred and  prosecuted.

But the citizens MUST vote and MUST expose these worms.


Lines has been promoted

#3Author of original report

Thu, February 01, 2007

Officer Charles T. Lines is now at least a Sergeant, and has been for some time. He was on the ethnic/religious/ethical "fast track" for promotion in the dark inner sanctums of Mesa P.D. Other unscrupulous officers mentioned in these reports--ALL OF THEM, IN FACT--have been promoted, mostly multiple times. That includes Officers Cantrell and Gaffney, whose real careers (along with our esteemed good LDS friend Officer, now SERGEANT, Lines) should probably have been in the realm of fantasy writing. Notice how carefully the venerable city fathers in Mesa avoid words like "truth" and "reform"...and maybe what they should be talking about is "purges" of this pack of criminals. This Department is NOT ignoring perjury; it LIVES on it!


Lines has been promoted

#4Author of original report

Thu, February 01, 2007

Officer Charles T. Lines is now at least a Sergeant, and has been for some time. He was on the ethnic/religious/ethical "fast track" for promotion in the dark inner sanctums of Mesa P.D. Other unscrupulous officers mentioned in these reports--ALL OF THEM, IN FACT--have been promoted, mostly multiple times. That includes Officers Cantrell and Gaffney, whose real careers (along with our esteemed good LDS friend Officer, now SERGEANT, Lines) should probably have been in the realm of fantasy writing. Notice how carefully the venerable city fathers in Mesa avoid words like "truth" and "reform"...and maybe what they should be talking about is "purges" of this pack of criminals. This Department is NOT ignoring perjury; it LIVES on it!


Lines has been promoted

#5Author of original report

Thu, February 01, 2007

Officer Charles T. Lines is now at least a Sergeant, and has been for some time. He was on the ethnic/religious/ethical "fast track" for promotion in the dark inner sanctums of Mesa P.D. Other unscrupulous officers mentioned in these reports--ALL OF THEM, IN FACT--have been promoted, mostly multiple times. That includes Officers Cantrell and Gaffney, whose real careers (along with our esteemed good LDS friend Officer, now SERGEANT, Lines) should probably have been in the realm of fantasy writing. Notice how carefully the venerable city fathers in Mesa avoid words like "truth" and "reform"...and maybe what they should be talking about is "purges" of this pack of criminals. This Department is NOT ignoring perjury; it LIVES on it!


South Dakota,
Just a comment...

#6Consumer Comment

Thu, December 14, 2006

With all the "terrorism dollars" going to police depts. nowadays, I would think you should take some/all hard evidence to your state's atty. general. Send copies, if you send the real thing, they tend to get "lost in the mail, etc..." If they aren't willing to listen, head up the "money" chain. Those dollars aren't supposed to go toward HELPING terrorism. The way this town/county sounds it's FULL of terror. Now, I would think your state represenative would want to keep those almighty $$'s funneling in, plus bad press for him is never a good thing. I am guessing they are going to be reelected eventually. If nothing else you have a couple of years to build up the BAD press. Obviously you have a lot of readers on here, so no one can guess how many are from AZ, or are even voters? Not a professional, just an "average joe", but I understand a little about how "money talks".


Formerly Mesa,
I suggest: a sewer is always a sewer, though the source of the excrement may change from time to time...

#7Consumer Suggestion

Tue, June 27, 2006

Newest update on the bogus happenings in America's most corrupt cesspool, this time from another of the censored "newspapers" in the area, the one slightly less friendly to the lunatic fringe, inbred criminals who run Mesa: LA lawman named new Mesa police chief Jim Walsh The Arizona Republic Jun. 26, 2006 12:15 PM Los Angeles assistant police chief George Gascon will become Mesa's next police chief, as anticipated for weeks, pending council approval. Mesa City Manager Chris Brady announced the selection of Gascon, 52, in a press release Monday morning. The Mesa City Council is expected to appoint Gascon on July 12, with his first day in Mesa on Aug. 7. "I'm honored to be selected as the City of Mesa's new police chief and looking forward to the opportunity to work and live in Mesa," Gascon said in a prepared statement. In explaining his recommendation of Gascon, Brady cited Gascon's 27 years of experience with the Los Angeles Police Department. He said Gascon is credited with reducing crime in Los Angeles and improving efficiency. Gascon steadily worked his way up through the ranks in Los Angeles. He has served as assistant police chief since 2003. Interim Mesa Police Chief G.T. Fowler, one of five finalists for the post, will return to his previous position as assistant police chief. Assistant Phoenix Police Chief John Buchanan was among among the top two finalists. Gascon, who is fluent in Spanish, won broad support from the two unions that represent Mesa police officers during visits to the city, where he met with the rank and file. The chief's position has been open since Jan. 1, when former Chief Dennis Donna retired. ---------------- Think anything will change for the better? My experience suggests nothing amongst these sleazebags ever gets better, unless one of them croaks. But the names have changed. My bet: This clown was one of Daryl Gates' many flunkies and buttkissers, in the other most corrupt police department in the U.S.


Mesa needs a lot of work... dissolve the city entirely

#8Consumer Suggestion

Fri, March 17, 2006

The ultimate solution to the Mesa problem is to dissolve the city entirely, the acquisitive monstrosity of evil which attempts, by raw power, to gobble up and/or corrupt everything it touches. Sell of pieces of the bankrupt community to Scottsdale, Gilbert, Chandler, Tempe, Apache Junction, or for all most of the victims of this cesspool care, to the devil himself. Other helpful moves: (1. re-do the city charter in a fashion to strip the various unelected criminals of ALL their power; (2. abolish in its entirety the redundant office of "City Manager" and put special ferocity and sharp teeth behind an effort to investigate the various crimes and excesses of the last two, especially, if only to expose them for what they are; (3. purge the police force from one end to the other, with special emphasis on crimes like murder, perjury, and false imprisonment, as well as falsifying police reports, and prosecuting any on which statutes of limitations have not expired to THE FULL EXTENT OF THE LAW. About 35-60% of the police department would thus be removed from the public payroll, and about half those imprisoned, hopefully, forever. Several would have to be executed. (4. Audit in detail every single city "civil servant", with an eye toward expunging, without benefits but not without prosecution for fraud, any and all criminals currently employed in the city who hold positions for no reason other than their connection with a certain religious "good old boy network" or debts owed them by other criminal types of the chronic and malignant sort. This would have to be downright vicious and aggressive in regard to city prosecutors and the police department; (5. Enact a strong and strict ethics code, with severance of all benefits of all kinds as a bare minimum starting penalty for its violation, to especially include any kind of lying for a living or other similarly demented fraud. Mesa will never do this, of course, as long as only 25% of qualified residents vote. And another 30-40% of its residents cannot vote, because they are in the country illegally. But heads need to roll, and big time. This kind of chronic corruption cannot be solved with a bandaid.


Mesa needs a lot of work... dissolve the city entirely

#9Consumer Suggestion

Fri, March 17, 2006

The ultimate solution to the Mesa problem is to dissolve the city entirely, the acquisitive monstrosity of evil which attempts, by raw power, to gobble up and/or corrupt everything it touches. Sell of pieces of the bankrupt community to Scottsdale, Gilbert, Chandler, Tempe, Apache Junction, or for all most of the victims of this cesspool care, to the devil himself. Other helpful moves: (1. re-do the city charter in a fashion to strip the various unelected criminals of ALL their power; (2. abolish in its entirety the redundant office of "City Manager" and put special ferocity and sharp teeth behind an effort to investigate the various crimes and excesses of the last two, especially, if only to expose them for what they are; (3. purge the police force from one end to the other, with special emphasis on crimes like murder, perjury, and false imprisonment, as well as falsifying police reports, and prosecuting any on which statutes of limitations have not expired to THE FULL EXTENT OF THE LAW. About 35-60% of the police department would thus be removed from the public payroll, and about half those imprisoned, hopefully, forever. Several would have to be executed. (4. Audit in detail every single city "civil servant", with an eye toward expunging, without benefits but not without prosecution for fraud, any and all criminals currently employed in the city who hold positions for no reason other than their connection with a certain religious "good old boy network" or debts owed them by other criminal types of the chronic and malignant sort. This would have to be downright vicious and aggressive in regard to city prosecutors and the police department; (5. Enact a strong and strict ethics code, with severance of all benefits of all kinds as a bare minimum starting penalty for its violation, to especially include any kind of lying for a living or other similarly demented fraud. Mesa will never do this, of course, as long as only 25% of qualified residents vote. And another 30-40% of its residents cannot vote, because they are in the country illegally. But heads need to roll, and big time. This kind of chronic corruption cannot be solved with a bandaid.


Mesa needs a lot of work... dissolve the city entirely

#10Consumer Suggestion

Fri, March 17, 2006

The ultimate solution to the Mesa problem is to dissolve the city entirely, the acquisitive monstrosity of evil which attempts, by raw power, to gobble up and/or corrupt everything it touches. Sell of pieces of the bankrupt community to Scottsdale, Gilbert, Chandler, Tempe, Apache Junction, or for all most of the victims of this cesspool care, to the devil himself. Other helpful moves: (1. re-do the city charter in a fashion to strip the various unelected criminals of ALL their power; (2. abolish in its entirety the redundant office of "City Manager" and put special ferocity and sharp teeth behind an effort to investigate the various crimes and excesses of the last two, especially, if only to expose them for what they are; (3. purge the police force from one end to the other, with special emphasis on crimes like murder, perjury, and false imprisonment, as well as falsifying police reports, and prosecuting any on which statutes of limitations have not expired to THE FULL EXTENT OF THE LAW. About 35-60% of the police department would thus be removed from the public payroll, and about half those imprisoned, hopefully, forever. Several would have to be executed. (4. Audit in detail every single city "civil servant", with an eye toward expunging, without benefits but not without prosecution for fraud, any and all criminals currently employed in the city who hold positions for no reason other than their connection with a certain religious "good old boy network" or debts owed them by other criminal types of the chronic and malignant sort. This would have to be downright vicious and aggressive in regard to city prosecutors and the police department; (5. Enact a strong and strict ethics code, with severance of all benefits of all kinds as a bare minimum starting penalty for its violation, to especially include any kind of lying for a living or other similarly demented fraud. Mesa will never do this, of course, as long as only 25% of qualified residents vote. And another 30-40% of its residents cannot vote, because they are in the country illegally. But heads need to roll, and big time. This kind of chronic corruption cannot be solved with a bandaid.


Mesa needs a lot of work... dissolve the city entirely

#11Consumer Suggestion

Fri, March 17, 2006

The ultimate solution to the Mesa problem is to dissolve the city entirely, the acquisitive monstrosity of evil which attempts, by raw power, to gobble up and/or corrupt everything it touches. Sell of pieces of the bankrupt community to Scottsdale, Gilbert, Chandler, Tempe, Apache Junction, or for all most of the victims of this cesspool care, to the devil himself. Other helpful moves: (1. re-do the city charter in a fashion to strip the various unelected criminals of ALL their power; (2. abolish in its entirety the redundant office of "City Manager" and put special ferocity and sharp teeth behind an effort to investigate the various crimes and excesses of the last two, especially, if only to expose them for what they are; (3. purge the police force from one end to the other, with special emphasis on crimes like murder, perjury, and false imprisonment, as well as falsifying police reports, and prosecuting any on which statutes of limitations have not expired to THE FULL EXTENT OF THE LAW. About 35-60% of the police department would thus be removed from the public payroll, and about half those imprisoned, hopefully, forever. Several would have to be executed. (4. Audit in detail every single city "civil servant", with an eye toward expunging, without benefits but not without prosecution for fraud, any and all criminals currently employed in the city who hold positions for no reason other than their connection with a certain religious "good old boy network" or debts owed them by other criminal types of the chronic and malignant sort. This would have to be downright vicious and aggressive in regard to city prosecutors and the police department; (5. Enact a strong and strict ethics code, with severance of all benefits of all kinds as a bare minimum starting penalty for its violation, to especially include any kind of lying for a living or other similarly demented fraud. Mesa will never do this, of course, as long as only 25% of qualified residents vote. And another 30-40% of its residents cannot vote, because they are in the country illegally. But heads need to roll, and big time. This kind of chronic corruption cannot be solved with a bandaid.


Here is Mesa, in a nutshell, from a report unlikely to be found in the MESA TRIBUNE or the ARIZONA REPUBLIC....

#12Consumer Suggestion

Wed, March 08, 2006

Welcome to Mesa. Here's a newspaper report from outside that area: Deputy Fire Chief Faces Indecency Charge Trouble Viewing? notes:Welcome to Mesa--Leroy Donald Johnson is accused of abusing a sheep. Mesa, AZ -- Leroy Donald Johnson was caught this weekend in a barn with his pants down, literally, according to a sheriff's office report. "You caught me ... I tried to (expletive) your sheep," Johnson told his neighbor, according to the report. But the Mesa Fire Department deputy fire chief changed his story when a sheriff's deputy arrived on his doorstep minutes later, denying anything happened. Johnson, 52, was jailed on suspicion of disorderly conduct and criminal trespassing after the neighbor told investigators he found Johnson, unzipped and holding a sheep down on its side. That's the sanitized version. The Maricopa County Sheriff's Office report released Monday night is a little more graphic. Johnson's neighbor told sheriff's deputies he was called home Saturday afternoon when his 13-year-old daughter saw Johnson drag one of their sheep into a barn. The teenager said Johnson had first knocked on the front and back door of the home in the 1200 block of East Catclaw Street, in a county island in Gilbert, before grabbing the small gray lamb, records showed. One of the deputies noted that Johnson had bloodshot eyes and smelled of alcohol, and neighbors who confronted him said he admitted everything. According to the deputy's report, "(The owner) took me into the back yard and showed me where he and (neighbor) pulled up. He took me through the corral gate and I saw the victim for the first time. She was a small gray lamb about three feet tall and four feet long." The men then told the deputy they walked over to the small barn, opened the door and "saw Leroy holding the lamb down on its side in the hay with his pants down trying to have sex with it. That's when he made the statement about (expletive) the lamb." The men said Johnson stood up and zipped up his pants. "The sheep ran out of the barn at that point," the report says. Johnson apologized, according to the report, and said he'd had "too much to drink." The Mesa Fire Department placed Johnson, on paid leave Monday pending an internal investigation. Johnson, deputy chief of technical services, has been with the Mesa Fire Department for nearly 26 years. Assistant Fire Chief Mary Cameli said Johnson has been an "exemplary" employee with a spotless personnel record. "We were all very surprised by this," Cameli added. Johnson did not return a call for comment Monday. When confronted by a deputy at his home, Johnson initially denied the incident, saying he had been at his neighbor's house to talk about annexation. Johnson said he went into the deputy said to him, "I believe something more than that happened," and offered help. Johnson responded, "I probably do need some help, but I don't know if this is the time or place for it," according to the report. When asked how the animal got into the barn, Johnson said, "I'm not going there," then asked if he was going to be arrested and demanded to know his legal options. He continued to deny that anything happened in the barn and was arrested. "I think it's disgusting," Sheriff Joe Arpaio said. "I think of Ghandi who said you judge the morality of a country by the way they treat their animals. . . . I do look at (bestiality) as some type of animal cruelty." KPNX created: 3/7/2006 4:58:49 PM Special Note: Joe Arpaio is an abuser. He knows about abuse. In fact, it's about ALL he actually does know, save how to garner fake publicity for being a jerk.


Seems as if the chicken (s---ts) are leaving the henhouse... nitwit Mayor, Keno Hawker and demented police chief, Dennis Donna, and Luster's spineless lap puppet, Hutchinson leaving ..look for the next generation of chickenshits & malfeasant feebs

#13Consumer Suggestion

Wed, February 15, 2006

My, my. Seems as if Henderson, our esteemed nitwit Mayor, Keno Hawker (for whom I was once stupid enough to vote, a mistake I hope I will never again get the chance to make), our venerable and demented police chief, Dennis Donna, and Luster's spineless lap puppet, Hutchinson, have decided to leave the warm, cozy bosom of fascist government in the eastern confines of Maricopa County. In any fair venue, they'd be ardently pursued by prosecutors and federal investigators. This is NOT such a place. Due to citizen lack of interest, an incredible depth of corruption, vast coverups all over the state, look for the next generation of chickenshits and malfeasant feebs to be at least as rotten as the last. Even Rick Romley has moved on. With the East Valley tradition, all this means is your f*****g will come from a slightly different source. The names and even the religion may change, but the process goes on and on. Looks as if the rats who caused the huge budget deficits, massive fraud, obstruction of justice, damage suits, and just generally demented and insane government are moving on to bigger and, probably, more serene and better thievery. And now they can blame the higher taxes and increases in crime they caused on the next generation of lice. Welcome to Mesa! While you're here, keep an attorney on retainer, wear a bulletproof vest, and get ready to be royally SCREWED.


Mesa is toilet paper, and that is the GOOD part...

#14Consumer Suggestion

Fri, October 17, 2003

Mesa is a crooked sewer. I leave next week. Only illegal aliens, mormons, and idiots inhabit this dump. Ugly and forbidding, it is indeed the "city of wide streets and narrow minds"... The bluehairs who protect scum like Luster and Hutchinson and Lines and Cantrell belong incarcerated with the filth they have adopted. This is a rathole. And THAT is an understatement. For the "Mormon thing"...this is about criminals. And criminals run Mesa. Execute them!!!!!!!!!


America needs a more meaningful, productive war on Terrorism. It should start in Mesa, at the City Offices.

#15Consumer Suggestion

Thu, September 11, 2003

This is a city held in the evil clutches of a terrorist cadre, more so than either Afghanistan or Iraq ever was. Nobody elected Hutchinson or Donna, or any of the filth who serve with them. And Keno Hawker was on the ballot merely because he didn't offend much of the old guard. How can you people stand living with lowlife scum like these in office? There ought to be a WAR ON TERRORISM in the desert all right. And it should begin in Mesa, at the city manager's office and police department, where murderers and thieves and liars both abound and run everything. And no, I have never been arrested, but I have seen these CRIMINALS work, and friends of mine have been seriously damaged and harassed by their GOBN policies and practices. This is a proper sewer, full of turds... No Ayatollah would countenance this sort of corruption. The city of Mesa needs to be broken up and most of its key administrators imprisoned, including the former city manager.

Remus II

La Crosse,
Mesa, stick it where the sun doesn't shine...

#16Consumer Suggestion

Sun, August 10, 2003

Filed this on the Mesa Corruption site. But it should run in ALL the Arizona papers. What a JOKE this scumbag town is!!! Mesa, Arizona, was an interesting experience. I lived there 1986-2003, 17 years. About 1992, when certain of the "city fathers" set in concrete the policies designed to "frost out" some elements who were gaining power at the expenseof the local GOBN, I saw the city deteriorate, from the citizen's point of view, in just about every possible way. 1998-2003, I worked, among other vocations, as a door-to-door newspaper salesman. Fascinating! What you learn is terrifying. First, there are meth labs and crack houses EVERYWHERE, and the cowards and criminals who call themselves "police" do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING ABOUT IT, and I would further suggest, are in the BUSINESS of protecting these "local businesses", which seem to be the only new ones coming into this corrupt rathole. Second, I learned that you can get arrested in Mesa for things like looking at street signs, knocking on doors (without "no soliciting" signs) in LDS-heavy neighborhoods, and just generally "DWNM" (driving while not Mormon). The kicker to all this was being attacked by three kids, local "wanna-bee" gang bangers, actually, rather badly sliced up, and then hauled off to the slam for 22 days for running them down and identifying them. The "police officer" clown and manifest dirtwad who manufactured this bit of hogwash and fraud is clearly identified on the RIP OFF REPORT, as is the county prosecutor (what a coincidence, these two scumbags are ALSO inbred Mormons, with a long history of provable criminal fraud that none of you hicks will ever check into..!!!) who knowingly used multiple perjurers at the trial, and who likewise tried to convince the jury that I am some kind of wizard who can defy and negate any and all laws of physics at will. Charles T. Lines and Ron Harris are only bit players in this grinding machine of hogwash, but the criminality of this and other episodes is well recorded, well-known, and heartfully denied by the fascist puke who run and administer Mesa. You know, the parasitic pieces of rat vomit who are in the coverup for asswipes department... Yes, Hutchinson and Donna, you gutless bastards, I mean YOU. Breaking this grip and eliminating these crooks will take a masterful and persistent effort, and I can't do it by myself. At least I showed more guts that the sniveling little weak piss ants who comprise the Mesa Police Department. What a joke! Law enforcement, my a*s! They are the agents of the local criminal apparatus, plain and simple. But I cannot fight forever, no matter how right I am or how wrong they are. Most of Mesa's upper level administrators and a very high proportion of the so-called police department and city and county prosecutors ought to be and could be, given a reasonably honest investigation, incarcerated forever, for blatant perjury, fraud, and malfeasance. But it will never happen in Mesa. Mesa is the city of the Mormon Brick Road, where even non-LDS types can be sucked in to defend the old incestuous establishment, and where cover up is a way of life. When coverups won't work, they just lie or ignore the truth. The Bailey Brake case, the kickbacks and gimmes and perks to Brown and Brown, the Maaco Auto Body seizure, all the weird and crooked twists of the so-called civil service system, the Markley and Brown cases, the Mikelle Biggs coverups, the murder of children downtown, the fraudulent charges quietly brought every day for revenue and P.R. purposes against innocent citizens--ask about these things too pointedly in this Alice-in-Wonderland insane asylum, and you will get run through the wringer YOURSELF. Because of course, the Cheshire Cat and the Mad Hatter are completely in charge... But bottom line: crime here is so rampant, if you know anything about it, it is daily more sickening. And if you report it and try to help, you may become the focus of all sorts of negative vibes from the local scumbag pukes, who want EVERYTHING negative ignored.


Mesa is a sewer. You expected to find roses floating in it???

#17Consumer Suggestion

Fri, July 11, 2003

Mesa is a sewer, and you know what gets flushed down the toilet. I left because of the scummy, revolting local politics, and I was SO glad... Most of these dirtwads need a healthy dose of axe handle, but the scum are protected. Not forever, though. Not forever. Flush them.


Formerly Mesa,
All of Maricopa County, especially Mesa, is FANTASYLAND...lies furnished by your city and county government....

#18Consumer Suggestion

Tue, June 17, 2003

The Saville case, in which Sheriff Joe Arpaio cheated and entrapped an inmate into launching bogus "bomb" and other "threats" in order to garner publicity benefits for "America's Lyingest Sherrif", has finally ended ONE of Maricopa County's more ludicrous frauds. But it tells you the singularly evil and monstrous nature of the scum who people city and county government, when the perpetrator of this madness--Joe Arpaio--never has to do a day of time or pay back any of the taxpayer's money this and his other silly-assed lies and flakey insanities have bled out of the system over the more than a decade this rat has been in office. How DARE this scum suggest he is "tough on criminals"??? He seems to be the biggest criminal in town, and neither he nor his main flunkie, Henderschott, seem to be involved in any incarceration, WHICH IS WHERE THESE BASTARDS BELONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The flakes, filths, lunatics, and pissbags of corruption who run Mesa are even MORE in fantasy land, and into bleeding their citizens white. This idiot-a*s "Art Center" of theirs is the key Tower of Stupid. $30-140 million in debt, all due to THEIR SUMMARY INCOMPETENCE, GREED, BRIBERY, GLAD HANDING, AND RIPOFFS, and these SCUM want to solve it all by stealing more land and taxing it white. The papers reveal that the East Valley is a hotbed of criminal activity, and yet spends more per capita on "law enforcement" than anywhere in the Nation. Geez, what a surprise!!! Fatbag cops like Lines, Marrical, Withrow, and the lying filth Cantrell start at $40,000, and their key activity is sitting on their fat, corrupting, lying asses, looking for safe and "politically correct" fake busts OF ANY KIND, NO MATTER HOW FAKE, to satisfy scumbag polticians like Luster and Hutchinson. Why, get out and walk and find some REAL crooks? Why, they MIGHT get hurt or have to CHASE somebody. Instead, these fraudulent pukegobs are pursuing money, because what cops are about in this d****e bag town in revenue. Which is why methamphetamine use and manufacture here is more common than legitimate industry. Whatever these rotten scum are paid is WAY TOO MUCH...Des Moines is about the same size, has about half as many cops, much less crime, no full-time helicopters to annoy legitimate citizens, and far less crime. Of course, it also has no Donna, no Hutchinson, no Luster, and no filthy ratholes with no enforced codes full of illegal aliens and drug manufacture and distribution. If Des Moines did, it would clean up such places. In Mesa, this is way too dangerous and unprofitable. Welcome to FantasyLand, more fantatical, phantasmagorical, and ridiculous than Walt Disney or even the Three Stooges could ever have imagined. And especially, way stupider.


Mesa Soon Another Better Place,
Hang the guilty high, let the scumsucking pigs observe their shadows...

#19Consumer Suggestion

Mon, June 16, 2003

Joe Arpaio has been exposed as a fraud. His scam to gain publicity by engaging an inmate to "threaten" him is know. Joe Arpaio is a gob of spit. Or less. And the City of Mesa is less. The Sheriff of Nottingham spoke treason. These filth speak less. Let them hang high, and let their bodies be plucked by ravens. Crime, they name is MARICOPA COUNTY, and they office is the government thereof.

EDitor's Comment ..it was what the city of Mesa did to me in the mid 90's that pushed me over the edge to create Rip-off Report.com


Thu, November 21, 2002

Did you know his predecessor Charles K. Luster still meets with Hutchinson weekly? Making sure all his Good old boys are being taken care of. How do you think Hutchison got to be City Manager?

Read www.MesaAZcorruptionReport.com, everything I said years ago, that would happen, did happen; Hutchinson was going to be City Manager even though they were spending thousands; the City of Mesa in order to make it look good, like they were going to hire some new blood; Hutchinson got in just as I said he would.

Another interesting bit of information; I can honestly say, it was what the city of Mesa did to me in the mid 90's that pushed me over the edge to create Rip-off Report.com / badbusinessbureau.com and a host of other domains, and my new book, soon to be available through Rip-off Revenge ..I even give the City of Mesa credit in my new book for spurring me on.

In 1995, I promised Charlie K. Luster, Councilman Stapley and their other gang of thugs years ago, I would, some day, some how, make it so the world would know about the corruption in the city of Mormon. (This is not in any way a retaliation at the Mormon Church, ..it's just that the Mormons in power, including the Mormon Police in Arizona are often corrupt, and only help their favorite brethren. Yes, they even mistreat their own. Another story, for another day.

ED Magedson
[email protected]

One other thing..
I was also right about the Mormon wall in front of the new City Hall and a lot more that you can read on www.MesaAZcorruptionReport.com

EDitor's Comment ..it was what the city of Mesa did to me in the mid 90's that pushed me over the edge to create Rip-off Report.com


Thu, November 21, 2002

Did you know his predecessor Charles K. Luster still meets with Hutchinson weekly? Making sure all his Good old boys are being taken care of. How do you think Hutchison got to be City Manager?

Read www.MesaAZcorruptionReport.com, everything I said years ago, that would happen, did happen; Hutchinson was going to be City Manager even though they were spending thousands; the City of Mesa in order to make it look good, like they were going to hire some new blood; Hutchinson got in just as I said he would.

Another interesting bit of information; I can honestly say, it was what the city of Mesa did to me in the mid 90's that pushed me over the edge to create Rip-off Report.com / badbusinessbureau.com and a host of other domains, and my new book, soon to be available through Rip-off Revenge ..I even give the City of Mesa credit in my new book for spurring me on.

In 1995, I promised Charlie K. Luster, Councilman Stapley and their other gang of thugs years ago, I would, some day, some how, make it so the world would know about the corruption in the city of Mormon. (This is not in any way a retaliation at the Mormon Church, ..it's just that the Mormons in power, including the Mormon Police in Arizona are often corrupt, and only help their favorite brethren. Yes, they even mistreat their own. Another story, for another day.

ED Magedson
[email protected]

One other thing..
I was also right about the Mormon wall in front of the new City Hall and a lot more that you can read on www.MesaAZcorruptionReport.com


Mesa P.D. has guns and defenders. Morals and scruples and guts? Sorry, fresh out!!

#22Consumer Suggestion

Thu, November 21, 2002

This is typical. And it is going to get much worse.

Make no mistake: this is the way the City Manager wants this department to be. His predecessor was equally corrupt and evil.

They don't do anything legitimate, unless it serves their narrow public relations/political purposes.

Swami Joe

Face the facts.

#23Consumer Suggestion

Sat, November 02, 2002

Police not only have the RIGHT to lie, it is their obligation. In Mesa, this is a iron rule.

They also have the right to search anyone, at any time, if not for evidence, then to harass and detain them, and cause trouble and cost money.

"Probable Cause" in these areas amounts to a police officer needing a "bust" at that moment.
If the fraud involved costs an innocent citizen
an infinite amount of money, nobody cares.

The local courts not only accept this, they encourage and reinforce it. Hiding evidence,
destroying and doctoring it, planting it if
necessary, weird interpretations of the facts
in impossible ways, even hiding police officers,
making sure people are locked up for a long time so all these "missions" can be performed, are all part of the way everything works.

But Lord help the cop who has only a vague explanation of a shredded tire or a missing piece of equipment! And a tiny fib or "cover story" in that venue is taken far more seriously than the outright murder of citizens.

Oooooh....LYING TO A SUPERVISOR!!!! Or not lying enough on a report or on the witness stand... For this, they will GET YOU.

I know all about it. Been there, done that.

This is a petty, nasty, vindictive administrative
structure, not interested in justice or even the law. And it was put in place by folks who, in a different venue, would've themselves been hauled off by vigilantes and introduced to the rope, the tree, and the horse.

Only obedience counts, and that especially includes adherence to the hard rules of
public relations, concocted solely to impress
a tiny minority who owns and manipulates

That's why most citizens here fear cops more
than crooks. The "Blue Nazis" are a lot more
dishonest, and are unwilling to back off, no
matter how moronic their "errors" and fabrications, and unlike crooks, they like to
bask in their reputations and profess them
in public, straining only to pat their cowardly backs with their stained hands.


Just wait until you see Mesa's next police chief!

#24Consumer Suggestion

Sat, November 02, 2002

Here it is, November, election Tuesday, and there is NO ONE on the ballot with the slightest intention of reforming this FILTH. It isn't even talked about in the local media as what it is.

And while everyone studious enough to pay a little attention knows this apple is rotten beyond its core, the local caliphas and monkedy-monk-Sultans are about to appoint a new Police Chief. As if it would help!

This City Manager's entire office needs to be GONE, and 40% or so of this Police Department and most of the entrenched city officials need to seek work elsewhere, in some other vocation. They surely have ruined this community.

Crime--real crime, the kind that hurts the citizens--goes totally unattended, while the public relations agenda of the yokel fascists is all that counts.

Gets tired, doesn't it? We already have a head clown, our moron County Sheriff... I suspect what Mesa wants is a rubber stamp with floppy shoes. They pretty much had it with Jan Strauss...

I wouldn't trust these lowlifes to pick up trash in a vacant lot.


Just wait until you see Mesa's next police chief!

#25Consumer Suggestion

Sat, November 02, 2002

Here it is, November, election Tuesday, and there is NO ONE on the ballot with the slightest intention of reforming this FILTH. It isn't even talked about in the local media as what it is.

And while everyone studious enough to pay a little attention knows this apple is rotten beyond its core, the local caliphas and monkedy-monk-Sultans are about to appoint a new Police Chief. As if it would help!

This City Manager's entire office needs to be GONE, and 40% or so of this Police Department and most of the entrenched city officials need to seek work elsewhere, in some other vocation. They surely have ruined this community.

Crime--real crime, the kind that hurts the citizens--goes totally unattended, while the public relations agenda of the yokel fascists is all that counts.

Gets tired, doesn't it? We already have a head clown, our moron County Sheriff... I suspect what Mesa wants is a rubber stamp with floppy shoes. They pretty much had it with Jan Strauss...

I wouldn't trust these lowlifes to pick up trash in a vacant lot.

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