  • Report:  #1322786

Complaint Review: MetLife Insurance - Internet

Reported By:
Raymond Banks - Mineral Wells, Texas, USA

MetLife Insurance
Internet, USA
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A rip-off by MetLife Insurance Company, aka Metropolitan Life insurance Company.

Executive Officers:

Kandarian, Steven A. ~ Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer

Anzaldua, Ricardo A. ~ Executive Vice President & General Counsel

Goulart, Steven J. ~ Executive Vice President and Chief Investment Officer

Hele, John C. R. ~ Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer

Hijkoop, Frans  ~ Executive Vice President and Chief Human Resources Officer

Lee, Esther ~ Executive Vice President, Global Chief Marketing Officer

Lippert, Martin J. ~ Executive Vice President, Global Technology & Operations

Peggy ~ an employee with OPM

Emily, a senior case manager


*The entirety of this article is the sole opinion(s) of the Author, even the parts where it has been verified by attorneys and/or judges (retired),


These members of the BOARD run their company in the following manner.

 Use your own judgement but:






Be very careful if you decide to do business with MetLife, as you might find yourself in my shoes.  You are dependent upon the decisions of MetLife to decide what is legal and what is not according to their PERSONAL thoughts for the day.  Alleged theft of Government monies owed on a life insurance policy of retired government worker.   It is a government program therefore government money.


For years and years my wife and I paid on her life insurance policy.  She recently passed from cancer.  In my opinion, The Office of Personnel Management (OPM), a division of the government for civilian employees that handles the information for these polices (group policies) is also culpable.  In 2005 my wife and I decided to name her grown children as beneficiaries to her policy since I was in Iraq and it was pretty “hot” there.  In 2011, she decided to change the beneficiary on all of her policies from her retirement, savings and life insurance policies to me, her husband.


OPM managed to get all but the life insurance changed. They “lost” this one. Yes I do have the copies of the requests made by my wife in her handwriting.  We thought it had been changed.  Now let me exemplify OPM operational methodology.  They are notorious for losing hundreds of pieces of important paperwork each year and I think each month.  I have proof of many.  I think some employees may do this on purpose, especially when a man is the beneficiary.   Like Peggy, who makes it apparent that she hates men.


Nevertheless, I contacted the children (from a different marriage), who, in their honesty and love for their mother, each signed an affidavit which was notarized assigning the ownership and proceeds to me, as the rightful beneficiary.  I then sent it to MetLife for proof.  Met life is ignoring me; they are also refusing to pay the policy under the law as I understand it and have been told by legal persons.  They do have 60 days under the law to pay out on this policy which is almost up.  They also know that I have not worked in several years as I was the primary care giver for my wife and now I am being evicted because there is no money.  I can’t pay for the funeral for my wife as I promised because MetLife will not honor their part and pay the policy proceeds as law dictates.

To my way of thinking this is theft of private and government money.  I explained in an email to Emily, a senior case manager, and she told me that they do not have to follow the laws of Texas or any other states as they are part of the government.  I don’t think Met Life is part of the government; they are listed as a public company, not a government one. 

OPM is just as culpable as MetLife and MetLife has said verbally that they are sister companies I think was the wording.  They work as one unit concerning the life insurance policies.  There was a lady at OPM that clearly hates men and is carrying out her personal agenda of woman’s lib to put as many obstructions in the way and if there aren’t enough I am pretty sure she makes them up.  I gave them the evidence of their mistake and they ignored it, like it didn’t exist.  There is no one to complain to or lodge a complaint.  Why? This is a government institution and they are above the law. Ask them if you don’t believe me, they told me that and I have it recorded.  Yes they know I was recording and it was ok. 


To my understanding, they are violating many state and federal laws; knowingly misrepresenting the law, employees are practicing law without a license (email), withholding money due and payable, ignoring a valid and legal request for information to the rightful and legal policy owner. 

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