  • Report:  #1296126

Complaint Review: Micro Center Madison Heights MI - Nationwide

Reported By:
Nian Smith - Troy, Michigan, USA

Micro Center Madison Heights MI
Nationwide, USA
(248) 291-8400
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

I went to Micro Center in Madison Heights Michigan to exchange my micro USB cable, when I walked up to the customer service exchange and return line I dealt with Nichole E. Nichole instructed me to go get another charger from the Shelf. So I attempted to locate it by myself, I walked around the store trying to locate the USB cable for a good 20 minutes before an associate walked up to assist me, Sterling C was very helpful and located my cable almost immediately, when I took the new cable back up to customer service there was no one there to assist me, when Nicole came back she assisted another customer before me knowing I was in a hurry to get back to my elderly grandmother who, was waiting in the handicap parking space in their parking lot. The employees began to move even slower, all the while there are employees just standing around talking, and not only by the customer service area. As I was walking through the store there was another group of four or five employees that were just standing there having a personal conversation. So, I politely stepped up next to the woman who was being helped and asked Nichole if I was okay to go, Since she already had my original receipt AND the defective charger I didn't see a problem, but just as I was walking out of the store I was stopped by an extremely rude woman who claimed to be a supervisor. Her name was Reem Hattar. She yelled at me to "STOP!" as if I were a criminal who had just killed someone. When I told her the cashier said I was okay to go she argued and said; "No, I need to scan it!" when I explained that I was in a rush to get back to my 80 year old grandmother who was waiting in the car without a jacket she became agitated and starting yelling through the store to the other employees "Call 911 Now! I'm calling the police!", During this time there were about 60 customers or more who all just stood looking shocked and confused. I was even confused and somewhat shocked also because the cashier told me I was all set and that I could go, then Reem Hattar ran up screaming at me! Having extreme anxiety and panic disorder problems, I did my best to keep calm, but even as I am attempting to type this right now, I am still shaking from the anxiety attack I had in the car leaving the Micro Center parking lot.

I am extremely embarrassed of this incident and will most likely never return to Micro Center again, which is disappointing because I buy everything I need from Micro Center, I go to that store all the time and have been going there for years! My family gets all of their computer and security equipment from Micro Center, but everyone agrees that we will be shopping on Amazon.com from now on.

6 Updates & Rebuttals


You need to be careful

#2Consumer Comment

Thu, March 31, 2016

There are one of two things going on here.  Either for some odd reason trying to "save face" to anonymous people on some public web site where no one knows(or really cares) who you are.  Or you are truly trying to intimidate.

While I have a feeling it is the former, if by chance it is the later.  Just realize that comments like this could be forwarded to either that store or local law enforcement as it could be seen as a threat.  It doesn't matter if you say YOU won't do anything, you have freely admited that it is YOUR plan.

Oh and if you figure you will never get caught.  Again realize that even though this site is anonymous, you have identified yourself enough in this post that it would be pretty simple for the store to track this back to you and eventually what ever friends or family were also involved.


#3Author of original report

Wed, March 30, 2016

 Update: I spoke with the general manager and she welcomed me back to the store anytime. She also apologised for Reem Hattar's actions. Also, in responce to your statement that it's a private business & they can refuse to do business with me; that would be the day! I would like to see them try that one. And I wasn't talking about my family/friends shopping for me, Ill leave that up to your imagination. I don't want to tell the whole world my plan. It might not be today or tomorrow.. It could be 3 years from now.. just sit back and watch... It's gonna be great ;)

Report Attachments


Those in Glass Houses

#4Consumer Comment

Wed, March 30, 2016

If you are going to use grammatical issues that are not up to your standards in attempting to discredit what someone has to say, perhaps you should actually review your posts.  Because you weren't exactly perfect.

In looking over your original post I am wondering if you have something against periods?  But then even in the update post you had issues.  Let me give you a couple of hints.  When someone SAYS that you are "never aloud back", you can't use any excuse to incorrectly write allowed as aloud.  Then in what universe is "allowed" spelled with one L? (oh and yes I did use a capital L so it wouldn't be confused with any other letters).  But unlike you who has no leg to stand on I don't think that is a big issue.  It is interesting how you didn't even attempt to deny anything from my "personal opinion".  One can only figure that since your best "rebuttal" was to go after what you feel are grammatical issues, that I hit the nail on the head and you really don't have a leg to stand on.

However, you do have a few other bigger issues.  First of why would you spend 3/4 of your report writing about everything that happened up until the interaction with the person who confronted you?  But then leave out something as critical as them telling you that you were banned from the store.  Perhaps because there is a lot more to this, and if you truly did post everything that happened you would have to post things that don't make you look so good.

As for being banned, you are incorrect and probably not telling the entire truth about that either.  You see they are a private business and if they want you banned from their property they have that right.  So for you to try and tell us that the cops agree with you is false.  If they wrote you a trespass warning, the cop was wrong(or the cop didn't say that and you are just trying to convince everyone of that).  Because that says if you are on their property, you can be arrested.  Now, if they didn't actually issue you a trespass warning the cops can't do anything((other than requesting you leave).  However, they can still refuse to do business with you.

As for your friends and family, they didn't ban them so why in the world would the stop them?  Their issue is with YOU and YOU alone.  So yes, if you want your friends and family to shop on your behalf there is nothing stopping you. But then one must ask if this store really got you this upset to where you posted you will do your shopping on another site.  Why would all of this even matter?  Or was that just another "smoke screen"?

By the way contrary to what you may think, I do not now or have I ever worked for this store or company.  I will also give you some more advice.  If you are going to post on a PUBLIC web site that everyone, including employees of this store, can see.  You probably should rethink posting things such as you are just beginning to play your game.




You also have many grammatical errors in your rebuttal, which just further proves your ignorance

#5Author of original report

Mon, March 28, 2016

You need to check your facts. Also, try to come up with something that IS NOT a personal opinion. 

Nice try.

#6Author of original report

Mon, March 28, 2016

 Your rebuttal is entirely made up of personal opinion and not facts. Also, the woman who said I was "never aloud back" is incorrect, and my police department agrees. P.s. I was shopping in your store today actualy.. and no one said anything.. Even if I am "ban" from your store.. How will you ever ban my whole family AND all of my friends? Good luck, my games are only just begining.


You should be ashamed of yourself...

#7Consumer Comment

Sun, March 27, 2016

You should be ashamed of yourself for trying to play the "sympathy card", and unfortunatly that blows what little credibility you had.  Because according to your post, you have your Elderly 80 year old grandmother freezing in a car without a jacket, as well as being parked in a Handicapped space.  But you had no issues at all walking around the store for 20 minutes to try and find this cable. 

Now, the first issue is that according to you, you shop at this store often and have been for years.  One can also figure that since you are exchanging a cable you must have bought one recently.   So why would it take you 20 minutes of walking around the store to try and find one?  One would figure that you would have a very good if not percise idea of where they are.  The answer to this...either you are not as good of a customer as you stated, or you really didn't spend 20 minutes walking around.

But a bigger issue is your Grandmother.  First of all the Handicapped Plate is most likely your Grandmothers(since you had no issues walking around the store for 20 minutes).  If that is the case and since she did not need the closer spot(because she didn't get out), you in fact should have parked in a REGULAR space opening up the handicapped space for someone who truly needs it.  In fact in many jurisdictions this would actually be a mis-use of the permit and end you up with a very heafty fine.  But that not withstanding you still according to you had left your grandmother out there at least 20 minutes..freezing. 

So sorry, even if we take what you stated about the final interactions as 100% fact at best it comes down to a case of bad customer service, but that is not a RipOff.  But if it was bad customer service, it was to a customer who was probably being a "self-entitled" PITA customer who thinks they are special and don't need to follow the rules.


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