  • Report:  #65809

Complaint Review: Mike Walker Aka VDO Specialties LLC - Chippewa Falls Internet

Reported By:
- Tallahassee, Florida,

Mike Walker Aka VDO Specialties LLC
13098 42nd Avenue Chippewa Falls, 54729 Internet, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I'm glad I found this site when I did. I was looking for a place on the Internet where I can send my PS2 unit in for repair. A google search lead me to this VDO site but when I found out they don't accept credit cards, I tried a search on the BBB and sure enough - complaint city!

This is what I don't understand. The VDO FAQ states the following:

"However if we cannot fix it, we do not charge you either like Sony."

and yet a few sentences down it states the following:

What happens if you can't fix it?

"We only charge a $35 bench Fee, and you pay the $20 shipping fee to ship it back to you."

This sort of business tactic is horrible. How can he say he won't charge you yet he WILL charge you? What is a bench fee and how will I know he did a proper inspection? Would I get a printout of what went wrong? He can easily say the unit is not repairable when it probably is and not want to waste time and just collect on bench fees.

What got me angry enough to write this report was the following statement:

"If we receive any harassment about the time it takes, we reserve the right to cancel your order and charge you the 25% cancellation fee."

Mr. Walker, all I can say is it's amazing you're still in business. I would not waste a dime of my hard earned money to hire you to do a job, and then quit over a simple inquiry you would define as harassment. Looking at all these other reports justifies my suspicion of you and your company. Treat your customers with the same respect you feel you deserve!

If you look at his shipping clause, it states the following:

"You then choose the method of shipment and delivery time needed for your items!"

How do we choose the method if your ONLY method is priority mail? Based on another report on this site, you don't even offer insurance and then pass on the responsibility of loss to your customer! Priority mail is the cheapest piece of garbage the USPS offers! How about letting people make a choice and pay for it?

You also do modding! That alone is enough not to trust you with a repair. If I were you Mr. Walker, I'd read up on the Digital Millenium Copyright Act. Since you are a law student/lawyer, you will see what you're doing is wrong! If you have any doubt about what can happen, read up here:


Obviously, you deal with younger people and scare them with all your FAQ nonsense. Your site is a snare for unsuspecting customers that must be shut down!



4 Updates & Rebuttals

Michael B

Lake Station,
More on Michael Walker...

#2Consumer Comment

Thu, August 28, 2003

It is important to me to remain anonymous. I was recently contacted by Mike Walker, and I have some serious matters to report to someone somewhere- just as soon as I figure out how to go about doing it. I can't say publicly here, but you can email me at [email protected] and I will provide full detials of what has happened. In fear of retribution on me by Michael, I can't offer any details as this incident is fresh in his mind (even if I provide an alias he will still know exactly who I am) All I can say now is "alleged illegal activies". I have proof of a wrong doing and I need some fellow rip'd off customers to look it over and offer advice. All coorispondance via email will be checked, via an IP trace route- so Michael need not write in pretending to be someone else.


We're Not Going to Take It Anymore

#3Consumer Comment

Mon, August 25, 2003

Michael, Michael, Michael; what are you getting yourself into. Never play the game of whits and intellect with people when your loaded with no ammunition. The only thing you could have loaded is your drinking problem or your .22 cal. Pen gun, because you shot blanks in everything else. Michael, Captain, Richard, flashoser, vdospec, pss2maniac, Brian, Sherry, flypaulK, pilotxam, SCUBA, stormZ, Dr., Lawyer, Phd, god, you have so many fraudulent titles they must be hard to keep track of, your day is coming. We know that Richard is you because according to IRS records you have no employees which you pay federal or state tax on. Its good to know people with good database access and hacker skills. PS: Be very weary of your provider they were the easiest to break yet. I love your e-mail. Soon everyone in your pitiful life will be gone. There will be no more business, yours sons, wife, dog, and fish who all hate you will be gone, and you will grow old with no one around to control. You have NO friends, and no one in a legitimate business associates with you. You can, fly solo was the term you used. The reason you did not use UPS is because you didnt pay your bill. Dont give us this elaborate PlayStaion theft ring crap. You dont take credit cards anymore because of fraud? I Laugha in Youra Facea, Ha Ha. You have to own credit cards to do this service. Remember you lost most of them in your latest bankruptcy, but we see you still have a few. You have screwed with We the People of These Untied States for the last time. Operation Walker Storm is underway. From consumers in New York to California, from Texas to Wisconsin whos with me? We could use conventional tactics, but its no fun. This is E-War, and we make the rules. Here is a start, http://www.geocities.com/michaelwalker_sucks/who.htm), a great site. I wanted to call Michael (cell phone # 612-605-5283) to launch the first offensive, but its against E-War policy. These conventional battles will be fought in the legal system. Yes Michael, the Feds as well as your local DA are on to you. To help you out here are a couple of references for you to use in your pursuit of that paralegal certificate, I would study this very hard you will need it so very soon. Here are 2 of 6 Statues which you should become very familiar with in the next year or so: WI State Statutes, I dont know if you will go through these in your Iowa school. 943.205 Theft of trade secrets. 943.205(1) (1) Whoever with intent to deprive or withhold from the owner thereof the control of a trade secret, or with intent to appropriate a trade secret to his or her own use or the use of another not the owner, and without authority of the owner, does any of the following may be penalized as provided in sub. (3): 943.205(1)(a) (a) Takes, uses, transfers, conceals, exhibits or retains possession of property of the owner representing a trade secret. 943.205(1)(b) (b) Makes or causes to be made a copy of property of the owner representing a trade secret. 943.205(1)(c) (c) Obtains title to property representing a trade secret or a copy of such property by intentionally deceiving the owner with a false representation which is known to be false, made with intent to defraud, and which does defraud the person to whom it is made. "False representation" includes a promise made with intent not to perform if it is a part of a false and fraudulent scheme. 943.205(2)(a) (a) "Copy" means any facsimile, replica, photograph or other reproduction of any property and any notation, drawing or sketch made of or from any property. 943.205(2)(b) (b) "Owner" includes a co-owner of the person charged and a partnership of which the person charged is a member, unless the person charged and the victim are husband and wife. 943.205(2)(c) (c) "Property" includes without limitation because of enumeration any object, material, device, substance, writing, record, recording, drawing, sample, specimen, prototype, model, photograph, micro-organism, blueprint or map, or any copy thereof. 943.205(2)(d) (d) "Representing" means disclosing, embodying, describing, depicting, containing, constituting, reflecting or recording. 943.205(2)(e) (e) "Trade secret" has the meaning specified in s. 134.90 (1) (c). 943.205(3) (3) Anyone who violates this section is guilty of a Class I felony. 943.208 Recording performance without consent of performance owner. 943.208(1) (1) Whoever does any of the following for commercial advantage or private financial gain may be penalized as provided in sub. (2): 943.208(1)(a) (a) Creates a recording of a performance without consent of the performance owner and with intent to sell or rent the recording. 943.208(1)(b) (b) Advertises, offers for sale or rent, sells, rents or transports a recording of a performance with knowledge that the sounds, images or both from the performance embodied in the recording were recorded without the consent of the performance owner. 943.208(1)(c) (c) Possesses with intent to advertise, offer for sale or rent, sell, rent or transport a recording of a performance with knowledge that the sounds, images or both from the performance embodied in the recording were recorded without the consent of the performance owner. 943.208(2)(a) (a) Whoever violates sub. (1) is guilty of a Class A misdemeanor if the person creates, advertises, offers for sale or rent, sells, rents, transports or possesses fewer than 1,000 recordings embodying sound or fewer than 100 audiovisual recordings in violation of sub. (1) during a 180-day period, and the value of the recordings does not exceed $2,500. 943.208(2)(b) (b) Whoever violates sub. (1) is guilty of a Class I felony if the person creates, advertises, offers for sale or rent, sells, rents, transports or possesses fewer than 1,000 recordings embodying sound or fewer than 100 audiovisual recordings in violation of sub. (1) during a 180-day period, and the value of the recordings exceeds $2,500. 943.208(2)(c) (c) Whoever violates sub. (1) is guilty of a Class H felony if the person creates, advertises, offers for sale or rent, sells, rents, transports or possesses at least 1,000 recordings embodying sound or at least 100 audiovisual recordings in violation of sub. (1) during a 180-day period or if the violation occurs after the person has been convicted under this section. This will be enough for now. More will be forthcoming everyone. Keep up the good work. The County Circuit and Federal court is getting ready. In case you forgot Michael the Federal Court house is the one you filed VDO-Specialties for bankruptcy at awhile back. The County Circuit court house is were you and your wife will be on 8th Room 200 just in case you forgot. You are such a fraud.


Is it Richard or Michael? Make up your mind!!

#4Author of original report

Mon, August 18, 2003

There is nothing frivolous about my complaint Mr. Walker. However, I will refer to you as Richard now since you obviously dont like Michael. You are not an employee of the company, you are the ONLY employee of your one man LLC joke of an operation. First off, when you post a report, can you please use proper grammar and spelling? Its hard to decipher what you posted and I can barely understand it. Most people have a word processor on their computers. Would you please use yours? Youre a grown man for crying out loud! Please write and act like one! Secondly, your rebuttal is based on assumptions. You assume Ive done business with you and I havent (and rest assured I wont). You assume Im a kid and Im not. You assume modifying PS-2 units are a viewpoint. All I can tell you is visit the link in my original post above. What makes you any different from the man they arrested for selling mod-chips? If you dont mind Richard, Ive taken the liberty to send your post to the cyber crimes division of the Department of Justice. Lets see if they agree with your viewpoint. Also, can please post a link from your FAQ (or anywhere else on your site) where people are given a choice between UPS and USPS? How about the option for someone to purchase insurance so they can be protected from those theft rings you mentioned? I cant find it on your site Richard. Thank you for clarifying the We do not charge you like Sony statement. May I suggest you change it to, We do not charge the entire repair fee like Sony? The way you have it now makes it sound like you say one thing yet do something else. Again, proper grammar and spelling should help stop the flow of inquiries my dear Richard. As for your Chevy analogy, youre right! You can change the engine in it. However, Richard, if you decide to modify the pollution controls on your Chevy or remove them in place of cherry bombs, what would your local law enforcement officer have to say about that? Anyhow, Im not going to debate you further on this since its clear our Department of Justice declares mod-chips illegal. You sell them, youve been provided a link to their site as proof, and yes youve been reported! Do the math! Go ahead and email John Ashcroft and tell him hes wrong! Also, if I want to hide with a fake name, so be it. I have a right to post anonymously and choose to do so. I dont need you spamming me with frivolous legal threats. Our court system has more important things to do than revolve around a criminal trying to sue his victim!


Chippewa Falls,
Frivelous Complaints

#5UPDATE Employee

Sun, August 17, 2003

I work for VDO Specialties and I find it very disturbing that "KIDS" have to stop so low to the level of writing complaints on a company to try and blackmail them or end their business on for their own personal gain. It is obvious from the last so called complaint here, that this individual "READ the policy's after the fact. They get "Mad" when they did not read the rules before they sent something in for repair, or purchased parts. For instance, We do not charge you like Sony" complaint. We do not; Sony charges you for the Whole Repair Fee $100, $110, $120. Not VDO we charge you only $35 if you choose to have it sent back to you, if you buy a new modified version, we BUY your OLD Unit. So POST the facts before you sound off... Matter of fact all TV/VCR/ Entertainment repair shops charge a Diagnosis Fee or Bench Fee their time to look at such items is extensive. VDO is fair and upfront about the reasonable fee. And as far as shipping options, we have USPS, and UPS, so we have no idea what you the complaint is referring to. And you say USPS is garbage, we feel way different as UPS a while back had stolen about 15-20 machines in transit from us about 2 years ago, we later rejoined using UPS and found out indeed their was a theft ring stealing the PS2s, they would acutely have labels in their pockets to immediately slap on the PS2 box and it would reroute the PS2 to their buddys house to be sold. As far as Modifying goes, its a view point; most people would be against your statement. I feel that if we own our PS2 we have the right to do whatever we please with it. If I have a different engine I want to put in my Chevy, I do not think its Chevys right to tell me I cannot put a different engine in my car if I own it. Our Harassment clause is this: We are very busy, and when people order new units and do not read the fine print., we do not tolerate threats and complaint like yours. Simple. And people like you HIDE them selves with Fake Names like Richard for Dover. REALLY... Sounds more like your jealous, hey if they do not want to do business with us, they do not have to. Like you, you just forgot to read the RULES first! But you agreed you did read the rules before you hit the I Agree Button Thats not our fault.

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