  • Report:  #1213251

Complaint Review: Mohave county CPS / DCS - Kingman Arizona

Reported By:
Jon - Bullhead City, Arizona, USA

Mohave county CPS / DCS
519 E. Beale Street Kingman, 86401 Arizona, USA
(928) 753-5056
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  My son was taken at birth from his mother by mohave county CPS because the mother had a substance abuse problem on 01/15/2014. At that time I was unaware that the child was mine. The mother was told to go to California and take care of her legal issues and then contact cps, but was not informed of her rights and that she could or should stay with her child during her recovery time. She was more than willing and asking for help from CPS. I became aware the child being mine when I received a document in the mail stating there was an order for child support being filed by CPS on me for the child in April of 2014.

I immediately contacted CPS and asked for a DNA paternity test to be done, as I had a vasectomy approximately ten years ago and I did not want to pay support for a child I had not fathered. I spoke with the CPS case worker Alaina Fernandez who told me at that time I was not considered as a possible father, but because I had received the court filing I insisted on being tested to show the court proof I wasn’t the father. I took a DNA test on April 20, 2014 and had to call three times and it took until the last week of May 2014 before I received the unexpected news that I was the father. I immediately asked where I could pick up my son but was told by Ms. Fernandez that I would have to come in and do visitations first.

  When I arrived for the first visitation on June 10, 2014 I asked Ms. Fernandez what I needed to do to be re united with my son and she told me " that will never happen! We are moving for severance and adoption with the child. I obtained an attorney and battled with CPS and the Mohave County court system all the way thru trial on 02/17/2015, where even though I fulfilled all there case plan services and gave proof I could care for my son and loved him dearly, my parental rights were severed and they took my son from me.

  This was just heartbreaking and shocking that here in the United States of America that our government would be party to the breaking up of a family, to the separation of a father and son who love each other. The adoptive parent was at the trial and during one of the breaks boasted of how he plays basketball with the judges of that courthouse. Ms. Fernandez the CPS case worker told lies on numerous occasions while on the stand. I had recordings of her and other CPS personnel and their agents telling lies and making promises of returning my child if I did this or that service, which I always did but was never re united with my son as promised.

 My son was sick the entire time I was allowed to visit him from June 10, 2014 until my last visit on February 19, 2015 and I have video of every time I saw him even when he came to the visit with bruises on his face and because I became concerned and want to know how the bruises happened my visits were cut down from 3 a week to 1 a week. I have video and audio of all of the terrible things that CPS put me thru and will gladly share them with any news media or organization that is willing to help me get my son safe at home with me. I need some help and I am open to any and all suggestion on who to turn to for that help. My finances are running low but I am willing to do whatever it takes to bring my son home. Please help!!


6 Updates & Rebuttals

they still have my son

#2Author of original report

Wed, March 29, 2017

It is 3 years after Mohave County has stolen my so Christian, I have another son who is turning 2 in 2 days with the same womab. We have since split up due to the stress and depression we both have felt from the theft of our son. Her name is Kristi Williams . She had one more child while she was in jail on December 12, 2016. The child was not mine but get this Cps of Orange county allowed me to sign for her and take her home. Cps in Orange county California should be commendedf and MNohave Cps should be imprisoned. If I can pick up a baby that isnt even my child because CPs over here says I am a safe place for that baby to be why can't I have my son? Why can't Christians brother be with his sibling? I can't believe I am still living this hell. I have lost everything, my Girl, My son, my pride my self worth. These corupt Judges and government bodies and law enforcement have destroyed my life and they are destroying many others! Something must be done. This the United States of America, isnt it! We have Rights, don't we! How is it possible for these sick and corupt people to steal our children and get away with it?

I would like to give my email and phone number so that anyone who can help me can contact me and that anyone in a simular situation can contact me and then we can poissibly unit and be a stronger force to stand up to these thieves of our loved ones.  You email me at [email protected] and call me at (714) 471-0820. I need help if you can please let me know.



Jon Desrosiers 

yes I would love to talk with you

#3Author of original report

Mon, March 27, 2017

Please they still have my son and I am desoereate and out of money. I need help in the worst way. It has ruined my relationship and I have the younger brother of the son they have stolen. Here is my email please contact me there and I will give you my phone number,  p[email protected]  Thank you!!



Jon Desrosiers


Contact me

#4Consumer Comment

Sun, March 26, 2017


I am doing research into MC, and would to get in contact with you.



protonmail dot com

Please contact me as soon as possible thank you!

Anyone else with relevent stories on MC please feel free to contact me as well


Find Me

#5Consumer Comment

Sat, April 25, 2015

 Jon Find me..Jeanie on Facebook...I wrote the other report..PLEASE PLEASE...I know what your going threw. I think we Can help Each other. 486/5586

Additional information

#6Author of original report

Fri, March 06, 2015

  I am Jon the person who made this report and I would like to add that it was also the Judge, Judge Richard Weiss, who did the actual severing of my parental rights.  I would like to also tell you that he ignored so many motions and points where CPS had been in the wrong it was as if the only side he would hear was CPS. I am in the process of filing an appeal, but with so much coruption in the legal system here it just seems useless. I am very destraught over this county's above the law legal system. 

  Judge Weiss ignored the motion for a home study and also ignored when CPS made no effort to even respond to the motion. He also ignored my pleas when my son showed up to the visitation with bruises on his face, making no one accountable for an explination as to how he got them. It is against every thing that family law states which is to try and preserve the family unit.

  I too would like to find a way and a form in which the parents of children can unify and let other know what is happening here in this state. It seems like all children are here in this state are a commodity to be taken from parents and sold to adopting people and in the midterm the counties bring in big federal bucks and supply all their friends with jobs. It is tyranny and coruption that is running rampant in mohave county. contact me at (((REDACTED)))


Mohave County Violation Constitutional Rights.

#7General Comment

Thu, March 05, 2015

I am a Mohave County resident. I to have had my parental rights violated. Except by the judge. one of the children had been placed in a Dangerous situation. I have hard core proof of these things. I'm going everything I can to get attention and accountability to this issue. look up federal cases regarding parental rights. Arizona had help that parents have fundamental right to the up bringing of their children. We have a Right to Due Process, Equal Protection, The right to privacy, The right to counsel, The right to have or rights upheld. Look at cases like Stanley v Illinois, Stantosky v. Kramer, Prince v Massachusetts. see if you can file an appeal. Ask for attorney and one for the child to...I wish I knew how all of us could contact each other. Good Luck. Good bless you. My heart hours out to you and your child.


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