  • Report:  #735575

Complaint Review: Monica Kamphuis - Torrance California

Reported By:
TLMTLM - Redondo Beach, California, United States of America

Monica Kamphuis
5932 Century Blvd Torrance, 90045 California, United States of America
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Report Attachments
She stole my husband and his heart from me and my family.  I know my husband had to be a willing participant and I do blame him as well, but this tramp will NOT leave him alone.  They see each other every work day and she has even moved into our neighborhood. 

4 Updates & Rebuttals


United States of America
Tracy leigh conner merrin

#2General Comment

Sun, November 11, 2012

Let me tell you a little something about the woman whose husband has been stolen. In 1993 Tracy Conner left her then 6 year old son Benjamin in Houston TX she moved over 1000 miles away to Greensboro NC for the sole purpose to have a relationship with my husband Pete Merrin. What kind of person leaves their child for the sole purpose of conducting an affair? Tracy had a secure job in Houston that was not the issue. Well unbeknownst to me at the time this affair caused quite a stir with in the company we all three worked for and Pete was run out on a rail. I had not idea the affair was going on. So we had to move. We went to Minneapolis. The reason we chose this city was because I had worked there before and knew the place. We were given the option of going to Denver and I would have had I known about the affair. Denver is my home town.  Important fact I was pregnant. When we move to MN I started putting the pieces together and discovered the affair. Of course I was devastated and my main concern was for my unborn child. This all took place at Christmas of '93. In May of '94 in my 7 month of pregnancy my husband Pete abandoned me leaving me homeless. Yes homeless since I had no way of paying the rent on just my salary. Thank the Lord a friend took me into his home and stood by my bedside when I delivered my beautiful son.  No his father was not there he was busy with his new girl friend Tracy Conner. I will never forget the horrible things Tracy said to me. In fact I still have them on a cassette tape from the answering machine. I will never forget if I live to be 100 years old when Tracy said to me "Don't you think I can't give him more children". No Tracy got exactly what she had coming to her. BTW Tracy Monica wasn't the only one during your 16year marriage. I knew about Monica in the spring of 2011 through contacts I have in LAX. I thank the lord every day Tracy and Pete had no influence on my sons life. My son has a caring heart and is growing into a strong responsible man. Yes I have told my son the truth. He knows his biological father abandon  him. He knows about Tracy abandoning her son to be with his bio father. I have waited patiently for over 18 years for this day to come. I truly believe in Karma what goes around comes around and Tracy got exactly what she deserved. As for Pete the Lord will deal with him in the end. as for Monica don't think Pete wont turn on you some day. A leopard can not change his spots. Be careful Monica be very very careful. 

Internet mistress snags married men

OMG Author keep posting

#3REBUTTAL Owner of company

Mon, July 04, 2011

To the author of this report.  Do not be intimidated about threats of legal action.  There is not a dam thing they can do.  It is time these homewreckers are exposed for what they are.  There is no case against you.  The idiot who threatened you with legal action is stupid.  This is a forum for you to write what you have experience and the only one with a case for emotional tort damages is you.  Did you know you can sue this homewrecker for interfering in your marital contract?  You can also sue your husband for violation of your marital contract and emotional distress.  Don't let any idiot threaten you.  There is not a dam thing they can do.  She's a homewrecker.  Any woman who sleeps with a married man should be burned at the state.  Your husband is your problem to deal with as you see fit.  But, these sluts are getting off like they didn't do anything wrong.  Expose them all ladies and maybe they'll think twice about jumping into bed with a married man.


United States of America
Completely false!

#4Consumer Comment

Mon, June 06, 2011

I have known Monica for 37 years and I know that she has neither done this nor would ever entertain the thought.  She is sweet and kind and has never hurt anyone. I am sorry for your problems but there is no reason to lash out at an innocent person.  Please stop this harassment or we will obtain legal council to not only stop you but also hold you personally responsible for damages. 

mr rik

Learn to

#5Consumer Comment

Wed, June 01, 2011

take care of things at home, maybe you won't have these problems.

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