  • Report:  #737203

Complaint Review: MR Computer Services - louisville Kentucky

Reported By:
Richard a farmer - new albany in, Indiana, U.S.A.

MR Computer Services
2420 South 4th, louisville, 40208 Kentucky, United States of America
(502) 807-0587
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
bad business practices
lies cheats and steals from customer and employees
will not be faithful to his contracts

will not be faithful to his contractual obligations,,, Rip-Off Artist.... stills his employees pay. for work that was  compleated in good faith... Told me travel 420 miles for him he will pay me to do 4 out of town jobs in computer repair jobs bryan never payed me for my work i performed in good faith my gass my time and my mile and skill was wasted on a company like MR Computer Services and Virusbusters M R Computer Services. had me do work for them out of town and stiffed me on my pay all the customers parsed my work on paper... this man is a low down dirty and not to be trusted with any computer work or contract ......do not work for him do not have work done by him every thing he upgrades you with is used... out of thrown away computer parts he sells at a new prices .... be warned

7 Updates & Rebuttals

MR Computer Services-OWNER

United States of America
On top of something, but not the world

#2REBUTTAL Owner of company

Mon, March 12, 2012

Richard Anthony Farmer, I sincerely hope the company your working for now doesn't learn of your sorted past, the warrants for your arrest in Bullit county Ky, and Jefferson County Ky. Since your bogus reports, We have done what you tried to stop.We have Grown, Moved to a Central Downtown Business district location. Your lies and Deceipt, and Ex girlfriend, helped shed light on your illicit activities. None of your threats to sue ever came to light, as you had Nothing to base your lies on, your as broke, as your are able to understand right from wrong. We have met several other former employers, including the trucking company in which you were fired from, all share a similar story, You get mad at the rules set forth by the company,Get terminated and threaten to sue...You dont seem to understand all your wrongdoings, follow you in life...And when you go spouting off your misspelled accusations, you leave a trail for law enforcement to follow. It will catch up to you...I surely hope any child you create, has a better provider from its mother, as the father will surely not be there. So in closing, Good luck, You'll need it.

Richard a farmer

new albany in,
oops you just lied. and it in your own weighting

#3Author of original report

Mon, March 12, 2012

Virusbusters MR Computer Services,Virusbusters, MR Computer Services and Virusbusters,bryan scot,computer repair, louisville used computer,laptop repair, provides professional computer repair services services,htt Bad Business Practices, lies cheats Rip-Off Artist, Internet*UPDATE by author: this is how he lies his words not mine Print this ReportEmail this Report

will not be faithful to his contractual obligations,,, Rip-Off Artist.... stills his employees pay. for work that was  compleated in good faith... tell me if i travel 420 miles for him he will pay me to do a computer repair job.bryan never never payed me for my hard work or my gass my time and my mile i was out of pocket and skills was wasted on a company like MR Computer Services and Virusbusters M R Computer Services. will scam you ..i spent over 40 + hrs working for this Rip-Off Artist and he leaves me high and dry with out paying me this man did not just still from me but from my kids and wife the pay that help feed my family and pays the bills my family is at the biggest loss .... that man is wrong. and dishonest he also tried to wipe my email account. by loging in to my email and wiping out doc.s that incriminated him and his company he tried to hack my bank account ... 

lucky for me and my family the bank notified me  and Google email support help restore the docs and emails in witch he deleted.as well with my account question and phone number verification. in witch he changed,  after several atimpts to hack me. he has failed. i was alerted. by my bank and my credit card company about the failed attempts on my account after passwords and card had to be stopped and reported stolen .. this man is vary dangerous ... he is not to be trusted with your computer  data or credit cards.... he a good repair man but he will abuse your information left on your computer. be vary carfull when doing any business with this man. if you have ever been to his company with your computer . change your passwords now and alert your bank. to watch for rogue charges... and above all watch your credit card  statements This report was posted on Ripoff Report on 6/5/2011 10:50:04 PM and is a permanent record located here: http://www.ripoffreport.com/computer-fraud/virusbusters/virusbusters-mr-computer-servi-d869e.htm.Ripoff Report has an exclusive license to this report. It may not be copied without the written permission of Ripoff Report.Click Here to read other Ripoff Reports on VirusbustersSearch for additional reportsIf you would like to see more Rip-off Reports on this company/individual, search here:Search TipsReport & RebuttalRespond to this report! What's this?Also a victim? What's this?Repair Your Reputation! What's this?ArbitrateRemove Reports?
No! Better yet! Arbitrate to set the record straight!REBUTTALS & REPLIES:4Author0Consumer1Employee/OwnerUpdates & Rebuttals#1 Owner of CompanyDisgruntled Ex-Employee Seeking revengeAUTHOR: MR Computer Services-OWNER - Louisville (United States of America)SUBMITTED: Tuesday, June 07, 2011I am the owner of MR Computer Services LLC. 11 years in Business, A+ Rating with BBB. Have full ledgers of all the "stolen" pay that this former employee, including proof of all his direct deposits to his financial institution.

Tech was fronted an amount he asked for for a trip fee, 100$ in cash, on top of his Normal pay, We offered this to ake sure he didnt have to use his wages to cover his gas, Only the right thing to do. So unsure what he was out of Pocket for.

Paydays are every Friday, This disgruntled Ex employee knows this, And, He didn't even ask me, or my PR Manager about his pay, we find out by seeing a post here on Rip Off Report.com.

He Has no Wife, He has a Live in girlfriend, and Her child.

We do not have access to his Email, Or Bank account, Other than to send emails, and make his Payroll deposits.

We have Never had any issue with Banks, Or customer Credit cards. We do not keep any info on file, Other than the customers signed reciept. This is done by law, because of PCI Compliance. The only info we retain on customers is Name,Address,Phone, Email, and work performed. All of this is 100% Verifiable.

In short, This person did not make it 2 months into his Probation period, HE Quit working for us, after going on a rampage. He has, in his possession, over 250$ worth of Company tools, And paperwork that must be submitted to the company he did work for. Payroll is on Friday, as usual, but if the items are not returned by Thursday, His 120$ pay will be held. Its a shame, a person can Slander his ExEmployee publicly, and be 150% UnTrue in his accusations.

If you have any questions, Please Call, or stop in. I can give you any information you want, Including this employee's info, in the event he comes asking you for work. Lord knows i dont wish this vicious attack on any other unsuspecting employer.
Respond to this report! What's this?#2 Update By Authornice tactics did you learn that from your business coach ? PR repair, thats so funny strait out of a text book! as if the people buy it omg ! People are not that dumb BryanAUTHOR: Richard a farmer - new albany in (U.S.A.)SUBMITTED: Tuesday, June 07, 2011wow your really good at this lying thing . did you practice.? Im not backing down SR. until you pay me every thing you owe me! not just a few computers you are agreeing to pay me. this is unacceptably. thats just crazy. you can afford a attorney you say and threaten me with hem or her, but you cant afford to pay me. hummmm thats funny. i also love the details you implemented  in your concern for my well being. that was a good tactic. it let readers think you where truly concerned. you figure, that will help place them on your side. people are not that dumb. they see right throw your dog and pony shoe..
also you failed to tell the people that i tried to return your stuff to you that Monday morning with a police officer  by my side but you locked the door and pretended   like you was not there during bussnes hrs.  you also tried to file charges-for theft on me today . but the prosecution saw right throw your lies and called me. and told me she was not going to take the case and asked me to make one more attempt
she  told you to meet me at the police house in my area. not making me go out of my way again for your games. this is all funny to me because. i know if you give a person enough rope thy hang them self. your doing this because your scared of what my sign on the back of my window will do. i am not afraid of you or you legal tactics of bulling. i have nothing to fear. slander as you say is telling a lie about a company, i am not telling a lie. so the sign on my window stays an-till you do the right thing.  you can bully me all you want. i will not back down Sr and the truth will prevail. im sorry to say  that i will not stop nor will my window sighn go down anless you pay me for all my work you scammed me on good day! let justice prevail!!!!! go rip off !!! . com 
Report ImagesRespond to this report! What's this?#3 Owner of CompanyDisgruntled Employee's resultAUTHOR: MR Computer Services-OWNER - Louisville (United States of America)SUBMITTED: Wednesday, June 08, 2011Mr Farmer, Rip off report.com is not a place for you to trash or communicate directly with an employer, its for Consumers, By consumers. Spell check works, you should try it.

In factoring up your pay for this Friday, Over the 4 jobs you are waiting for, the total due is a whopping 57.33. That is 15% if the total MR Computer Services LLC will be paid once the paperwork you possess is returned to the rightful owner. Bookkeeping has 100% transactions, and everything is well documented, Even the video that does not show you, Nor any Law enforcement officer at our door. 

Your pay will direct deposit to your Financial institution Friday morning, as always.

There is no compamy who can guarantee you what type of work will come in. You asked for the pay you recieved. Salary + Commission, And every job you did you were paid, With the Exception of the last 4 jobs. 

Please make sure that all the Readers who are giggling at these reports know that as a Personal favor to you, I took a Pay cut across the board to help you over the last two weeks cause of your sob stories. You made more than I, the company owner, 3 times out of the 9 pay weeks. Make sure when you tell the "Truth", its the whole truth.

The Civil courts will decide weather or not what you'r doing is Slander/Defamation, and from what my legal counsil has stated, It's and Open and shut case.

I, and my Bookeeping dept went above and beyond to aid you and your Girlfriend. You went above and beyond to try and destroy my company. Sorry sir, your feeble attemps have failed. 
Respond to this report! What's this?#4 Update By Author2 cars one truck on the roadAUTHOR: Richard a farmer - new albany in (U.S.A.)SUBMITTED: Wednesday, June 08, 2011rip off reports are for company's like mr computer services  who trys to scam a person like me... and others 
you owe me much much more then that ... and my flag is still going down the express way ever day
you owe me for 6 jobs pluss the others you could not pay me for... that you skipped out  on,, try its more more like $400.00 pluss and now im seeking interest at 12% a day   for late fees and more ...i don't need to check my spelling...
what i need is for mr computers to pay whats owed .... i will not stop flying my flag and now my friends are jumping on the band wagon can you sue us all....thy wanted to i cant stop them you will see  .... two car pluss one truck and lots of praise from people on the highway people screaming raising there arms out the window saying give them hell and ... to not back down.... and your pr repair is not helping you... your lies are growing every day and you will see my flag is much much bigger..... justice will prevail....or ill die trying ... you may think your winning with changing paper work and altering jobs pay ... so forth and so on lies about equipment in with i tried to return and you hide in your shop. so you can try and get me for something ... did not work for you did it mr bryen every thing your doing is in the book at rip off reports . com your a business bully  .... a cheat  and a con artist.... you will loos in the long run because im not backing down im only growing bigger .... 

Respond to this report! What's this?#5 Ex-EmployeeFormer Employee of the accused companyAUTHOR: Haseeb Chaudhry - Brooks (United States of America)SUBMITTED: Wednesday, June 08, 2011My name is Haseeb Chaudhry, Resident in Brooks Ky. I don't normally get involved in these things, but i felt it necessary.

I Used to work for MR Computer Services.  Bryan and his wife were always extremely kind, and outgoing.  In the year and a half i worked for them,   I never had any issues.  Pay sometimes was a day or so behind, but always was exactly what i calculated.  They kept immaculate records, and i never had any issue.  Pay records were always available for me to view to check my records upon request.
And as in Any business, Some weeks are slow, others are busy as can be. No one can promise what the workload will be like, Its silly to think they could.  I learned alot from Bryan, and look forward to working with him again.

I don't know the real reason behind the authors initial post,  but as a former employee,  i would say that the representation that is being painted of Bryan is far from truth,  Just from my experience with him after nearly 2 years.  He,  and his wife,  treated me like family.  I would still be with him,  had i not started school full time.  I do plan to return once school is over tho.

So for anyone reading these posts,  For whatever it's worth,   It is my personal opinion,  but the author is not being forthwith in his statements.  I personally think what your doing is Rude, and vindictive,  but hope that the outcome of this situation is peaceful for all parties involved.

Respond to this report! What's this?#6 Update By Author
this is how Mr computer Services lies cheats and steals.
 his words not mine   AUTHOR: Richard a farmer - new albany in (U.S.A.)SUBMITTED: Thursday, June 09, 2011n his 2nd statement he claimed to owe me $120 witch was still a far cry from the truth... this is all funny since on the last comment from bryan  he now states a whopping 57.33. That owed to me lets ask the real questions!!! if you where not lying why the diffident numbers can you  not keep up with your own lies just asking....????? see when you start to  lie. you cant keep up with it it gets bigger and biger. then you as a company  start loosing track of your lies and you have to make new ones... to cover those och!!!! no one trust a lire Mr computer services!!!! :)

Richard a farmer

new albany in,
On top of the world!!!

#4Author of original report

Mon, March 12, 2012

I can except that from you. Thank you! after weighting this report, i am happy to say i have been employed by grate company.who took note and contacted me . who has to date payed me quite well.... I am making a grate salary... and have moved out of state . i am happly married and expecting a child.     i have excepted the loss in witch Mr computer services took from me, and moved on ... My family is doing lovely . and my new job, house and truck are a blessing to us.... we can learn a lot from The people in are past ...i am now under a 3 year contract with a predominant company, and sec in charge head IT. i love my job and my coworkers they are a grate team... good luck too every one. and keep fighting you mite loos the battle with the company but karma always blesses you..and in the end you will always win.... keep up the fight ..


United States of America
"Open Doors"

#5Consumer Comment

Thu, June 09, 2011

After reading this notes from Mr. Richard Anthony, we felt good by knowing that He was not hired by us, we are CompuTech Services from Clarksville, IN...

About a year or more ago, Mr. Richard Anthony from New Albany, IN, happens to show up in our Business asking for a position in our Co., said that His wife just left Him and that He just lost his job, and house and that he had no money and no were to go, said that he was willing to do anything for a minimal pay, we helped by giving him a couple of jobs to do and paid Him cash out of our pockets, later, sent Him to do a Job for one of my Customers, paid Him in advance, two days later, our customer called looking for Mr. Richard, I asked what was needed, thinking that the job was completed, said that Mr. Richard offered to Him to do jobs for them cheaper, bypassing our Company, we not only lost the client, but never heard again from Mr. Richard, He disappeared w/o any notice and w/o even reported what was done or not done!, I Know MR Computers Services b/c for the past 5 years they had been working on different jobs for us as a 3rd. party, never to have any complaints about their jobs nor the parts that they supplay us with.

We have no relation with MR Computers, other than Business related.

Mr. Richard, we will recommend you to be the Professional Tech./person that you always told us that you're, all this is taking you no-were, we will still be in business while you're probably, still complaining about life... all it takes, for any body with a problem, is talk !!!, MR Computers and any other Business, had to comply with certain Rules and Regulations in order to stay in business!!... that's were maybe, you got lost, no body wants to make your life miserable!, we all have our own problems to solve, so, we felt that, since we did not have a good experience with your services and yes!, Good, so far, with MRComputers, we should tell "The World", as you called, about you too, b/c we're not happy with the way that you're presenting your self with different business Owners, to make us belive in your stories, and get $$$,  God knows if your stories are real !! ... you should always leave the "doors open", just in case that you need to come back!!... here, you are banned !!!.  Good Luck.

P.S.: Excuse my French Accent !!!   : )

Richard a farmer

new albany in,
your a crook bryan scot at mr computer services

#6Author of original report

Wed, June 08, 2011

rip off reports are for company's like mr computer services  who trys to scam a person like me... and others 
you owe me much much more then that ... and my flag is still going down the express way ever day
you owe me for 6 jobs pluss the others you could not pay me for... that you skipped out  on,, try its more more like $400.00 pluss and now im seeking interest at 12% a day   for late fees and more ...i don't need to check my spelling...
what i need is for mr computers to pay whats owed .... i will not stop flying my flag and now my friends are jumping on the band wagon can you sue us all....thy wanted to i cant stop them you will see  .... two car pluss one truck and lots of praise from people on the highway people screaming raising there arms out the window saying give them hell and ... to not back down.... and your pr repair is not helping you... your lies are growing every day and you will see my flag is much much bigger..... justice will prevail....or ill die trying ... you may think your winning with changing paper work and altering jobs pay ... so forth and so on lies about equipment in with i tried to return and you hide in your shop. so you can try and get me for something ... did not work for you did it mr bryen every thing your doing is in the book at rip off reports . com your a business bully  .... a cheat  and a con artist.... you will loos in the long run because im not backing down im only growing bigger ....

Richard a farmer

new albany in,
please do but make sher you shoe why i called

#7Author of original report

Wed, June 08, 2011

because he was not paying me the right amount then either. always saying every week your pay will get better mr farmer just hang in there i'm out of money i'm broke i'm hanging on to a thread i cant pay you every thing this week. so i told them if thy cant pay me right then i quit .. he then drove to my house and gave my girlfriend soon to be wife  a mesg. saying he has my hundred dollars. all i have to do is come back and work for him again he needs me! well i need my pay not what you feel like giving me every week.. after i work 50+ hrs for you go home after 8:00pm giting to work by 9 and 10 am  .. every one has been in my shoes bryan a company cant pay there employee thy start scimming the check making exsuses its amazing how the ex employee who quit for the 2nd time always get called a .Disgruntled Ex-Employee Seeking revenge.. 
when they try and stand up against the company's for there lies and cheating ways... every one on this sight has heard that comment a 1000 times it that dose not work hear i will stick  to my guns and making you pay up mr Bryan Scot of Louisville at mr computer services ... as if that comment will shut me up.. and make me feel like its not worth fighting for well yes it is i made that money you need to pay me for my time. what is owed to me .and no more blame games and no more bull crap  and no more P.R repair non since you learned from your business coach is going to shut me up from telling the world you did not pay me. and only gave me promises that never came you kept me working on lies you fed me ... for all my hard work i did or from talking about your lies...this will not make me stop telling every one the truth about mr computer services  ...  in Louisville ky and how you they skip out on trying to pay there employees and how you hacked my accounts and tried to delete  evidence witch was incriminating  to  you and change my password to my bank and log on from another computer as if i would not or could not find out this info i will not back down i am  and so would any one-els....i am A Disgruntled Ex-Employee and any one als that has had to deal with the likes of a whit collar crook like your self would see  ...i Am A Disgruntled Ex-Employee because you have not payed me what i worked for.and you ran out of excuses for two mouths and gave me only lies and broken promises in witch to feed my family on ...if you don't want the bad PR don't be a bad company... do the right thing and pay me for my time 

MR Computer Services-OWNER

United States of America
Disgruntled Ex Employee seeking Revenge

#8REBUTTAL Owner of company

Tue, June 07, 2011

This report is full of Vicious lies, and outright allegations. A+ rep with the BBB. The Ex Employee who filed this was paid UpFront for his trip fee, a price he asked for, 100$, Which equals out to more than the 62 cents per mile surcharge on that date. Paydays are not done by the PR dept until Fridays. So I'ts unclear as to why the ex employee would file a complaint about pay a week earlie, The day before he filed, he got 400$ Pay, $100 of it was Fronted income to make sure he did not have to use any of his actual wages for gasoline.

Payday is Still set for Friday for this person, But, If he fails to return the company Tools, And paperwork Signed by the customers, His pay will be held. Tools include: DeWalt 14v Cordless drill w/Battery, B/d Digital Laser Level w/ studfinder, 4 ft Level, Bullet level, 24 ft Glow in the dark fish rod, 2 Concrete Drill bits

When it comes to Parts that are sold, I have Reciepts from both of my whole-sellers on Everything i sell as new. All parts that are new come with full warranty from manufacturer.

To Recap, Anyone with logical thinking will see, that this individual is trying to wrongfully Slander Me, and Both my companies. I went above and beyond to help him, and he did nothing to ask about pay, He assumed. 11 Years in business, No complaints from customers. And i'll add, This individual, On my PayRoll managers 35th BDay, Found it necessary to call her, while having her dinner with family, to viciously  attack her through Voice communications, then in texts. I can show anyone who wants to see the entire mess from this person.

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